id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt chapter-15 chapter-15 .txt text/plain 6128 228 75 their horses, when lady Feng, through her solicitude on Pao-yü's that Pao-yü must be in the same carriage with that lady, he too turned Feng, Pao-yü, and Ch'in Chung, they were inclined to suspect that Lady Feng entered a thatched house, and, in the first place, asked servant, whom lady Feng had sent, come and call them both in. along with Pao-yü and Ch'in Chung, came to the Water Moon Convent. lady Feng and Pao-yü, to the Water Moon Convent, where Ch'ing Hsü But leaving aside the old nun, who kept lady Feng company, we will now "Why notice a creature like her?" remarked Ch'in Chung; to which Pao-yü after time, romped and laughed with Pao-yü and Ch'in Chung. Lady Feng too stayed for a few moments, and then returned, with the old Soon it was time to ease their clothes, and go to bed; and lady Feng entreat lady Feng to remain another day. ./cache/chapter-15.txt ./txt/chapter-15.txt