id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt morgan-bringing-2021 morgan-bringing-2021 2021-02-23 13 .pdf application/pdf 5793 739 74 advent of computers, the idea of sharing cataloging data as MARC (machine readable cataloging) the full text of its collections to enhance bibliographic description and resulting public service. ability to save, organize, and retrieve data; on the whole, the library profession does not understand the concept of a "data structure." For example, tab-delimited files, CSV (comma-separated the use of data structures, computers store and retrieve information. Libraries use computers to store, organize, preserve, and disseminate the gray literature of our time, and we call these systems "institutional repositories." In all Using such a process, there are really only four different types of machine learning: classification, clustering, regression, and dimension reduction. Given a set of previously classified menus, one could create a model There are many possible ways to enhance library collections and services through the use of machine learning. of plain text files and an integer, Topic Modeling Tool will create a weighted list of latent themes ./cache/morgan-bringing-2021.pdf ./txt/morgan-bringing-2021.txt