id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt uc1.b3332999 Wade, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Our little Irish cousin by Mary Hazelton Wade ; illustrated by L.J. Bridgman 1904 .txt text/plain 15581 1482 94 As for Molly, Norah's little playmate, her sweet, rich milk it gives us !" she said, turning to Molly, who was helping her in her Norah's father hires the land for his little time comes," said the father, as they sat talking the matter over. "You are very kind and generous, Mrs. O'Neil, like the rest of your people. Stop for a minute and think of the thousands of little children who lived almost Poor little children of Ireland! "I will take a sup of tea with you, Mrs. O'Neil," he said to Norah's mother. like to help the people of Ireland. "But, my dear little children, your mother said Norah's mother. great man," said Norah. It was the young Irishman, Daniel O'Connell, who lived the life of a country boy in a Both Norah and Mollie believed in fairies. Molly's father began to tell the story of ./cache/uc1.b3332999.pdf ./txt/uc1.b3332999.txt