id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt nyp.33433081963021 Wade, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Our little Swiss cousin by Mary Hazelton Wade; illustrated by L.J. Bridgman 1917 .txt text/plain 17925 1848 97 good time to-morrow?" said a voice at the "I am to march, father," Carl said. Carl's mother had never rested herself on such a piece of furniture in her life. Franz, may carry the other," said Carl's Carl's father opened the door and looked "Carl," she said to her boy that night, tell Carl how much we thought of his little "Do go at once, my dear boys," said Carl's "It seems a shame to kill the poor creatures," said Carl's father. In the morning Carl's father had said to the boys: "Mother | mother here come the mowers," called Carl, as he came toward the house "Next week we return to our own little village in the valley," said Rudolf, as the family The boy's father was proud of Carl's story," said Carl. so 2° said Carl's mother. "It is like fairy-land," said Carl however, Carl's father said to the boy: ./cache/nyp.33433081963021.pdf ./txt/nyp.33433081963021.txt