id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt nyp.33433081963013 Wade, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Our little Turkish cousin by Mary Hazelton Wade; illustrated by L. J. Bridgman 1904 .txt text/plain 10817 1214 96 where the lady friends of Osman's mother way to Osman's house on the day named. this great day in Osman's life, it was even Osman's father spent some time in choosing Osman's mother is as fond of sweet things Osman's mother held out her hands, one "Yes, Osman, the city would not seem like The little boy's mother was already dressed "Osman, let's see what that man is showing," cried Selim, after the boys had listened "Very well, little Osman," said the lady Osman's mother, "I have had a most delightful day. "I wish you had been with me this afternoon, Osman," said his father, as his little Osman's father smiled a little and then said, Dear little Osman Our far-away cousin "When I was a little boy," said his father, "I have had such a good time," Osman told "Papa, do you remember when you were a little boy like me, ./cache/nyp.33433081963013.pdf ./txt/nyp.33433081963013.txt