id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt nnc1.cr61011363 Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky Our little Roumanian cousin by Clara Vostrovsky Winlow ... illustrated by Charles E. Meister 1917 .txt text/plain 19859 1742 87 Roumanian cousins took their places in the battle line to defend their homes in the great war "Please tell me more stories about Moldavia," begged Jonitza, when his mother had As soon as her back was turned, Mrs. Popescu nodded to good-natured Maritza who understood and began to sing a song about a and expressed their appreciation of the courtesy, and while Nicolaia was busy with his errand, Mrs. Popescu and Jonitza visited the Soon the boys were trying to help Demetrius teach them to turn somSt. George's Day 39 Jonitza watched Nicolaia's father cut square means — Jonitza said to himself one day as he " Jonitza," said his mother when she came your house," said Jonitza with something like must have one," said Jonitza, but when Nicolaia could not help him decide whether it should There were seven boys besides Jonitza, Nicolaia and Dimitri who took part in it. ./cache/nnc1.cr61011363.pdf ./txt/nnc1.cr61011363.txt