id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.hn5i9t Wade, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Our little Japanese cousin by Mary Hazelton Wade; illustrated by L. J. Bridgman 1901 .txt text/plain 9009 792 89 The little Japanese girl's clothes are pretty The little girl's life is like a long playtime. little girl puts on her day-dress after her bath was the way that Lotus Blossom's little Toyo and Lotus Blossom are always happy Toyo loves his little dog more than learn that Lotus Blossom's dear little kitten and Lotus Blossom is to worship their ancestors properly, and believe that the great spirits know by this time that the Japanese like to Lotus Blossom's mamma received from her queer physician two "moxas," Lotus Blossom and Toyo draw near, the man Toyo and Lotus Blossom are delighted, although they have seen things that Japanese children can buy for a pretty picture books made of the lovely Japanese paper! On New Year's morning Lotus Blossom Lotus Blossom has, among other things, a doll Lotus Blossom and Toyo Lotus Blossom and Toyo so lovely a time before, Lotus Blossom and ./cache/hvd.hn5i9t.pdf ./txt/hvd.hn5i9t.txt