id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.hn5hrz Wade, Mary Hazelton Blanchard Our little Italian cousin by Mary Hazelton Wade; illustrated by L.J. Bridgman 1903 .txt text/plain 19013 1940 95 day long?" said Tessa. "Good Pietro," said his little rider as she "Tessa, look at that stone water-way running through the plain," said Beppo. pass across his father's face, and, like a good this old palace, which Tessa and Beppo entered "My father came with us to the city to-day. was thinking, "How beautiful the little girl "Come, Tessa and Beppo," said Arthur, Mother," said Lucy, one day late in my home on the mountain," Tessa said to "Poor little birds," said Lucy. stayed, for Tessa's father looked quite hurt "We have had a lovely time," said Lucy, in the distance," said the modest little Tessa. "We should like to take your little daughter with us on a journey," said Mr. Gray to Rome, you know," Lucy said to Tessa. THE LITTLE COLONEL GOOD TIMES BOOK This is a charming little story of a child whose father was ./cache/hvd.hn5hrz.pdf ./txt/hvd.hn5hrz.txt