id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 191689063 Millar Volume 2, AME-ASS 1817 .txt text/plain 901872 60371 78 great number of iflands, called the Wejl Indies, in contradiftin&ion to the eaftern parts of Afia, which are great cruelty ; at the fame time that they greatly diftreffed thofe on board Lord Dunmore's fleet, by refu2Q9 But their allies the Indians began The Indito defert in great numbers j and at the fame time the ans defert Thefe three bones form an oblong articulating furface, covered by cartilage, by which the hand is connedled with the fore-arm. The communication between this fac and the cavity of the abdomen is ufually foon cut off j but in fome fubjefts it continues open during life ; and when a hernia or defcent of the inteftine takes place in fuch a fubjedt, " He was the firft, (fays the fame writer) who fuperadded mind to matter, opening his work in this pleafing and fublime language : " All things were confufed $ then came mind, and difpofed them in order." ./cache/191689063.txt ./txt/191689063.txt