id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 39643 Goldfrap, John Henry The Bungalow Boys Along the Yukon .txt text/plain 48272 3593 90 "It's no time for visiting, anyhow," said the sailor-like man at Mr. Dacre's side, who Tom Jessop had guessed was the skipper of the Tom and Jack saw the great bull shake his head, roar angrily stern, with pale faces, stood Tom and Sandy, side by side with Mr. Dacre and Mr. Chillingworth. "No time to wait for him now, Jack," declared Mr. Dacre; "look there!" "I don't like the appearance of things much," said Tom in reply to a Cheer up, Sandy," said Tom, trying to put a bold face on the Both Jack and Sandy agreed to this, and Tom made motions to the native appeared to pay no attention to the boys whatever, and Tom began to "Look out there, Sandy!" warned Tom, knowing the boy's remarkable Tom explained the case to Sandy and the Scotch boy declared is going to come," said Tom as he and Jack fell to on their work. ./cache/39643.txt ./txt/39643.txt