id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt A14517 Counseil for Virginia (England and Wales) By His Maiesties Councell for Virginia whereas sundrie the aduenturers to Virginia, in their zeale to that memorable worke, the plantation of that country with an English colony ... haue published a little standing lotterie consisting of but 12 pence for euery lot ... in consideration whereof, we do certifie all men, that we do purpose ... to begin the drawing of this lotterie the 10 day of May next ... 1613 .xml application/xml 1297 175 75 By His Maiesties Councell for Virginia whereas sundrie the aduenturers to Virginia, in their zeale to that memorable worke, the plantation of that country with an English colony ... By His Maiesties Councell for Virginia whereas sundrie the aduenturers to Virginia, in their zeale to that memorable worke, the plantation of that country with an English colony ... haue published a little standing lotterie consisting of but 12 pence for euery lot ... haue published a little standing lotterie consisting of but 12 pence for euery lot ... Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for William Welby, dwelling at the signe of the Swanne in Pauls Churchyard, EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( ./cache/A14517.xml ./txt/A14517.txt