id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 23523 Hall, Edith King Adventures in Toyland; What the Marionette Told Molly .txt text/plain 23303 2419 93 "I wish you would tell me all about it," said the little girl, becoming "I am very glad that the Sailor-Boy was happy at last," said the little "It certainly looked like it at one time," answered the little One day a little boy came into the shop and asked to look at some "Yes," she said as the little Marionette remained silent. "He is angry," she said to her friend the Little China Doll next to her, "Come, this won't do," said the little Marionette. "I should like to hear about her," said the little girl. "Which do you like best?" said the little girl. "If you will," said the little Marionette. "I think I must go now," said the little girl. "Then we can be very great friends indeed," said the little girl with "That's a good idea," said the little girl, and ran away in content. ./cache/23523.txt ./txt/23523.txt