id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 30500 Harmon, Kenneth The Passenger .txt text/plain 3808 287 90 She thought to herself, "It's been such a long time since you were home. "And will the young fellow like you?" she asked herself, knowing the "Well," she said aloud, "the five years didn't completely ruin you, Opening the door slowly, she ventured to thrust her head out into the "My dear young lady," said a man's voice within her head, "allow me to You can see me, or so you say, and know what I look like, but I can't sweet nothings across the light-years to your girl friend on Dekker's "I haven't time to read a novel," his thought came, "and drama always your spying little thoughts away. tiny refreshment stand at the foot of the dining room stairs. "I'd like two frosted starlights, please," she said, "on a tray." When she came to the head of the stairs, she realized that she did not Closing her eyes, she said very slowly ./cache/30500.txt ./txt/30500.txt