id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt A83756 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. An order from the House of Commons unto the sheriffes of each county respectively, for their true collection of the foure subsidies, and the other two subsidies to be payd accordingly. Die Veneris 25. Martij. 1642. 1642.0 .xml application/xml 692 132 82 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. An order from the House of Commons unto the sheriffes of each county respectively, for their true collection of the foure subsidies, and the other two subsidies to be payd accordingly. An order from the House of Commons unto the sheriffes of each county respectively, for their true collection of the foure subsidies, and the other two subsidies to be payd accordingly. Order 25 March: that the Knights and Burgesses write to their sheriffs to warn all collectors of the four subsidies to perfect their accounts by the beginning of the next term. civilwar no An order from the House of Commons unto the sheriffes of each county respectively, for their true collection of the foure subsidies, and the England and Wales. ./cache/A83756.xml ./txt/A83756.txt