Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world and how it is tendered. Blackborow, Sarah. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A28286 of text R36530 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B3063). Textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. The text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with MorphAdorner. The annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). Textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. This text has not been fully proofread Approx. 16 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. EarlyPrint Project Evanston,IL, Notre Dame, IN, St. Louis, MO 2017 A28286 Wing B3063 ESTC R36530 15719563 ocm 15719563 104508 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A28286) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 104508) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1178:2) Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world and how it is tendered. Blackborow, Sarah. 8 p. Printed for Thomas Simmons ..., London : 1659. Caption title. Signed: Sarah Blackborow. Imprint from colophon. Reproduction of original in the Huntington Library. eng Society of Friends -- Pastoral letters and charges. God -- Love. A28286 R36530 (Wing B3063). civilwar no Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the vvorld, and how it is tendered. Blackborow, Sarah 1659 3250 15 0 0 0 0 0 46 D The rate of 46 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. 2004-06 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2004-06 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2004-07 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread 2004-07 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited 2004-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion Herein is held forth the GIFT AND Good-will of God TO THE VVORLD , And how it is tendered . MAny are the redeemed of the living God , unto whom Songs of Deliverance and of everlasting Peace are come , who once witnessed the acceptable ●tar of the Lord , and the Day of Vengeance of our God . ●●erefore now all you who are found in that which the wrath 〈◊〉 God is to , are under Death's dominion , over whom death ●●●gns , and must ( from Adam until Moses ) be witnessed . The ●●ing Spirit of Life is uttering forth its voice ; therefore e●●ry one now hearken and hear , that the everlasting Word 〈◊〉 Gospel of Jesus Christ ) you may all hear , and be made ●●ssessors of , every one in your own Vessels , that the Bread ●●ich comes down from heaven you may all know , and feed ●●on , and the Water of Life to drink of , and every one to ●●ssess the opening of the pure tender bowels of Eternal ●ove , which opens forth and pours down continually the ●ood will of the powerful God of Life to lost man . The good ●ill of God precious it is ; therefore now that every one may 〈◊〉 brought to know the tendering of it , I am moved in the same bowels which opens it self in the dearness and tenderness , which is beyond tongue to utter , or pen to express the infiniteness of the love which springs forth from everlasting bowels of Divine Love , which onely is known in the pure nature and life of Christ : Oh what may I do for you who are found in the Adultery and Transgression of that life and love ! Even the Lord God Almighty bring you to his fear , faithful and obedient to his Witness , that his voice you may hear in you , which calls to you daily to return , that to his help you may all come , even you who from it are departed , his help you know not , who are running further and further from his Witness , into the many pathes , imbracing the many things , and offending in all ; and so the one thing is lost which is onely needful , in which you might be made to wear the garment which is unchangeable , and to walk in the path which is pure and equal , and know the eye to be opened again , which the god of this World hath blinded ; which eye as it is opened , sees Jacob which inherits the blessing , and brings savoury meat , such as the Father loves , even while Esau's Garment he did wear , yet Jacob's voice was known . So now the voice hearken diligently to hear , which calls out of the earthly , out of the changeable , out of the mortal , that to the Immortal Word all may come , where the immortal birth is known , and the Babe of glory seen and enjoyed , and man by him , and in him , come to possess the power of God , by which power the power of death comes to be destroyed , and all which hath subjected man under it , and man by it brought to be free again , in the pure life which is endless ; And truly sadness often possesses my heart when I behold the World in the alienation , out from the power and pure life , driven from the presence of the living God , into the earthly nature and carnal mind , there labouring and seeking , professing , getting into Church-fellowships , and all acting in that which adulterates from God , both Priest and people . Oh deaf people ! For the Seed's sake , which is Christ , are many made to cry aloud , and not to spare , but give up their bodies , and suffer cruel whippings , stockings , all manner of scoffings , scornings , and despiteful usuage , imprisonments in stinking holes until death , and for no other cause but because that love which we our selves have been beloved of , hath laid a necessity upon , and constrains many to hold forth the good will of God to mankind , and to declare the everlasting Gospel ( the Word of God ) hid in the heart , and that ( in every conscience ) may be manifested , that all men may know again the kingdom of God in them , and that near them , and not a far off from them , but hid in them , which leads into the kingdom of God ; and truly this I know to b● the breathings of Eternal Love in man , which checks and reproves him in secret , even for things which no eye sees , nor no ear hears , nor no tongue reproves ( which are visible ; ) but there is no sin so secret , but that spirit ( which searcheth the heart , and tryeth the reins ) findeth it out , and will pursue by checking and reproving all things that is done or acted in that nature where the transgressor lives : And this is the free gift of the pure God to man , that thereby man may come to know his call by his reprovings , his pure gift ; and though it be the first and least manifestation of Divine Love in the creature , yet is it distinct from the creature , not of him , though in him , pure as God is pure , who is the giver of it , and as unchangeable as he is . Therefore you who have been long wording of it , Oh that there were an heart in you to answer to the Lords love , in returning to his Witness ! the long-suffering of God , the slaying of the holy and just One , the piercing and wounding , oppressing as a Cart with sheaves , the pure life & love ( which is God ) you are not come to know , who live in the pride , in the vanity , in the pleasures , who answers not to the Witness , and you that are not come hither , knows nothing , nor answers the Call of the Lord , though you may profess it in words . Now honestly consider , What testimony bear you to Christs death ? Are you dead with him ? What , and your iniquity alive ? And you who are ministring forth to others , what testimony bear you to these things before mentioned ? Hitherto when you have been tryed by any of the Lords people , either you run away , or cause the people shamefully to hale away them that come in Christs Spirit to demand a reason of the hope that is in you , which shews you are ashamed of your testimony , and afraid to be tryed . But many there be ( sons and daughters ) who witness his death and resurrection , who hold forth a true testimony of Jesus to the World , whose Ministry stands in Christ ( the Power of God ) and is come to try you ; your Testimony , and Ministry . Now be patient , and flie not , and do no more as you have done , to betray the holy Seed Christ , and lose that which should be able to make you stand in the day of trial ; truly my heart is grieved for you , to see how you involve your selves and others into that which leads you , and layes you under eternal Woes , and yet you are pleasing your selves with a false hope , which clothes you with vails of darkness , and a faith vvhich makes not perfect , and purifies none , but hath its ground in that vvhich is exalted above purity , and oppresseth him vvho is the pure unspotted life , the Rock of Ages , vvhich the true Faith vvhich makes perfect , is grounded in ; and this the just lives by ; and all they vvho vvitness this , are not afraid to be tried , nor are ashamed of their Testimonie , neither do they manifest such an impatient spirit to turn their back , or run away , or be impatient or wrathful , but can willinglie ( in the true fear of God , vvith meekness and love ) be readie to give an answer to every one that asketh , and in the same spirit ( and mind which was in Jesus ) calls to all you who are bringing forth your ovvn begettings , and that vvhich the comprehender hath formed in your ovvn minds , every one bringing forth that conception vvhich the povvers of darkness forms ; but they that lives in Gods pure light , sees all this and you in the pit , carrying your graves about with you , and your clothing is death ; and sees all that vvhich led you thither , and sees vvhat is doing in all Kingdoms . He that can receive it , let him . Now Christ Jesus the light of the World , is vvitnessed to be the Word of God , in vvhom is life , and his life is the light of men : Therefore now all you vvho are busying your minds , and carnallie reasoning what it should be , some calling it a natural light , others saying that it 's not sufficient to shew every sin ; I say , Cease your quarrelling against that which should lead you to the help of the Lord , John 14. John knevv vvhat it vvas he did bear a true Testimonie , he said he vvas not that light , but came to bear vvitness of that light , and h●s Testimonie is true . Many are now Witnesses of it with him , ( praised by the Lord ) and he said , That the life of Christ was the light of men ; [ mark ] It is the life of Christ is the light of men , and this is it that lighteth every man that comes into the World , ( according to the measure of life received ) and I bring in my Testimonie ▪ ( though one of the least who witness life ) according to the measure of life received , That it is light , and doth enlighten , and gave light to me , in which I saw all things that acted in me contrary to the life of Christ ; and being believed in , and obeyed , it hath led me out of the Devils Kingdom , into Christ , and so to God the Father of Spirits , and truly people , there is no other way to Christ , but by owning that vvhich checks and reproves you in secret ; therefore I beseech you return to the light every one who are quarrelling against it , living in the careless mind so long until you say you know no such thing in you ; that is a dreadful state , near the Reprobate who knows not Christ in thee ; for they that knows not that which reproves or shews sin , knows nothing of Gods gift , nor of his good will to man , and so are walking in the beastly state , without bit or bridle ; the love of God cries Wo , Wrath , and Vengeance to such a one , and that man hath shut himself out from the salvation of God , and hath no way to come near it again , but by waiting to feel God's reproof by his Witness ; for man being given over to the power of the Devil , and his Vessel being filled with his spirit , can easily sin against Gods Witness , and with his will and great delight , easily join himself to the Transgressor , against the light , the life of Christ , and willingly lye down in Transgression , and in this state the God whom he serves ( which is the Prince of the Air ) will furnish him with a hope which must perish , and give him a faith which may exercise his tongue to talk of , but will never make him perfect as pertaining to the conscience . And here lies all the World , ( who are found in the wickedness ) out of Gods Wisdom , out of his Fear , and found in the iniquity , in the alienation from God , denying the light , and transgressing the life , out from the help of the Lord , not answering his call , but giving up themselves to the Devil , and answering to him and offering up all that they have , and are , to him , both in their Worship , and in their daily practise ; and now being run far from God , that call cannot be heard , nor that voice which calls to him to return ; yet something there is which lets men in this state know , and convinces them that they are sinners , and lets them see that they are weak , and have no power to do well , ( though they know not what it is ) because the beastly nature hath covered them with gross darkness . And though God hath made his dwelling-place in darkness , that so he might come near to manifest his love to man ; yet man being shut up in unbelief , cannot believe that he is so near him , or that this is he who visits him every day , and afflicts him every moment ; and this is Gods visitation in man , which pursues man with reproofs , Gods good will to the creature . Now all who slights this , hardens their hearts against the reproof of the Lord , and are found despisers of his counsel , and will none of his reproof ; therefore he that made them , will not save them ; he that formed them , will shew them no favour ; when ye call , he will not answer ; and when ye cry , he will not hear nor help ; and so all your crying in that spirit , doth but tempt the Lord to pour down vengeance and wrath upon you : Yet doth the good will of God to man follow him with reproofs again , and herein he manifests his long suffering and forbearance , though he be pressed as a Cart with sheaves , yet still his good will ceaseth not , and his mercy and love waiteth to be gracious ; and all this he doth that man might return , or be left without excuse ; for a sufficiency there is in Gods gift to let man see what is good , and what is evil ; therefore fear and tremble you wanton ones , who are walking at ease in iniquity , dreadful will your sentence be , when he shall swear in his Wrath you shall not enter into his rest ; and that be pronounced , My spirit shall no longer strive with man . Therefore now consider while you have time , and know that that spirit shall strive for its time , and bear its testimony in you against all the powers of darkness ; for though the Devil be strongly seated in mans heart , yet the weakness of God is stronger then that ; for though that that checks is the least manifestation of God in the creature , and the lowest and weakest that can be in appearance , yet is it so strong that all the powers of sin and the Devil cannot hinder it from bearing it's testimony , until it hath left the creature without excuse ; and you who are not found faithful to improve the one Talent , are not found worthy to receive any more . And so let the Lord be clear of the blood of all men , and whether you receive this , or no , yet a generation hath he begotten to himself , who will bear witness to his gift , and sing Halelujah for evermore . A word unto you Rulers , Justices of Peace , Constables , and other Officers . IN the fear of the Lord you are warned by one who stands a true Witness to the Lord amongst the generation which the living God hath raised up in his power to bear witness to his perfect Gift which is now to be held forth to Kindreds , Tongues , and Nations , by a despised people to be lifted up , that so he might draw man unto him ; even this is he who amongst the generation of them that are saved , is become Lord over all ; even he who is the light of the World , who must be lifted up among the Nations , that so healing every one may witness who comes to him , looks upon him , believes in him , power they may receive to become the sons of God ; therefore be ye warned ( who are before-mentioned ) how you seek by your Power or Authority to hinder the Testimony by suppressing the Meetings of the Lords People , his Sons and Daughters , who are made in Christs spirit to declare to all people how they come to witness Christ Jesus the Saviour , ( as near to deliver , as the Devil is to tempt and destroy ) glad tydings to the thirsty , weary soul , and a possibility to all men ; The blood of souls shall cry vengeance upon that in all men which seeketh to suppress this our Testimony And you Priests who preath for money , and prepare war if you have it not , the blood of the innocent ones who have dyed in stinking holes and dungeons , ( thrown in there by you because they could not deny Gods Witness in them , to pay you your money ) that blood cryeth loud , Vengeance , Vengeance : And also that blood which hath been shed by cruel whippings for no other thing but declaring Christ the light in all men , with the blood of souls which cryes loud in the ears of the Lord , who will render vengeance in the day when he makes inquisition for blood upon you who are found in such practises . From a lover of the Seed of God in all , Sarah Blackborow . THE END . LONDON , Printed for Thomas Simmons , at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate , 1639.