id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 6856 Headley, Joel Tyler The Great Riots of New York, 1712 to 1873 .txt text/plain 81542 3872 71 Spring Street.--Arrival of the Military.--Barricades carried.--Mr. Ludlow's House entered.--Mob at Five Points.--Destruction of Spring Street.--Arrival of the Military.--Barricades carried.--Mr. Ludlow's House entered.--Mob at Five Points.--Destruction of Houses.--The City Military called out.--Mob overawed, and Peace Houses.--The City Military called out.--Mob overawed, and Peace Street between the police and mob, in which both had some of their men Generals Brown and Wool.--Head-quarters.--Police Commissioners' Office Generals Brown and Wool.--Head-quarters.--Police Commissioners' Office Appearance of the City.--Assembling of the Mob.--Fight between Rioters Appearance of the City.--Assembling of the Mob.--Fight between Rioters of the City.--Colonel Nugent's House sacked.--Fight with the Mob in of the City.--Colonel Nugent's House sacked.--Fight with the Mob in Street and Seventh Avenue.--Colonel Gardin's Fight with the Mob.--Is Street and Seventh Avenue.--Colonel Gardin's Fight with the Mob.--Is At the same time a mob was pulling down the negro houses in York Street, be at police head-quarters in this city) at any time during the day. ./cache/6856.txt ./txt/6856.txt