id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 11877 nan Monkey Jack and Other Stories .txt text/plain 3688 299 106 I think the lit-tle girl on her knees is pay-ing for-feits. Tom, Jack, and lit-tle Meg watched it for a long time. Old Win-ter is com-ing; a-lack, a-lack! A fun-ny old fel-low is Win-ter, I trow, Old Win-ter is blow-ing his gusts a-long, She looked back, and there were the laugh-ing fa-ces of Bell and Car-rie. a-bout af-ter the peo-ple like a lit-tle dog. To this farm-house came a boy and girl named Ned and Lau-ra, to spend the dark, and he was go-ing home, skates in hand, when a poor boy a-bout as The boy went glad-ly, and on the way Frank asked him ma-ny ques-tions. bed to sleep in that night, and next morn-ing the two boys went to see said that there was noth-ing like coun-try air to make him well a-gain. Then, com-ing back, he took the bas-ket and all the ap-ples that lay ./cache/11877.txt ./txt/11877.txt