The Protestant's crums of comfort containing I. Prayers and meditations, with ejaculations for every day in the week, and other occasions. II. Thanksgivings for deliverances from Popery, tyranny, and arbitrary power. III. The rebellion in Ireland, and massacre of Paris. IV. The learned Bishop Usher's prophecy, concerning Ireland, and the downfall of Rome. V. Advice to the late besieged in London-Derry, under that reverend divine and valiant commander, Coll. George Walker. Illustrated with pictures suitable to each particular occasion. Walker, George, of Londonderry. 1690 Approx. 138 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 99 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2005-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A66950 Wing W342 ESTC R219333 99830812 99830812 35266 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A66950) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 35266) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1878:20) The Protestant's crums of comfort containing I. Prayers and meditations, with ejaculations for every day in the week, and other occasions. II. Thanksgivings for deliverances from Popery, tyranny, and arbitrary power. III. The rebellion in Ireland, and massacre of Paris. IV. The learned Bishop Usher's prophecy, concerning Ireland, and the downfall of Rome. V. Advice to the late besieged in London-Derry, under that reverend divine and valiant commander, Coll. George Walker. Illustrated with pictures suitable to each particular occasion. Walker, George, of Londonderry. [4], 153, [9] p., [4] leaves of plates : port. printed by W.W. for Nicholas Bodington at the Golden Ball in Duck-lane, London : 1690. With a licence to print on verso of title page dated December 16th. 1689. Dedication signed: G.W.; attributed by Wing to George Walker. Each part of the text headed by a caption title; on p. 1: "The Protestants manual of prayers and meditations"; on p. 61: "Ejaculations upon several occasions out of the Holy Scriptures"; on p. 93: "A short account of the massacre in Ireland & Paris"; on p. 103: "Strange and remarkable predictions of that holy, learned, and excellent bishop, James Usher, late Lord Primate of Ireland"; on p. 121: "Thanksgivings for God's wonderful deliverances"; on p. 131: "Christian courage in affliction". Frontis. = plate; consists of medallion portraits of Queen Elizabeth, King James I, King William III and Queen Mary; the three folded plates include woodcuts of the coronation of William and Mary, the Reverend Bishop Usher, the Irish rebellion, and French massacre, the downfall of Rome, the Spanish invasion, the Gun Powder Plot, and the arrival of the Prince of Orange. Reproduction of the original in the British Library. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO. EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,363 texts created during Phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 January 2015. Anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. Users should be aware of the process of creating the TCP texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). If an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in NCBEL, then their works are eligible for inclusion. Selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines. Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site . eng Walker, George, 1645?-1690 -- Early works to 1800. Ussher, James, 1581-1656 -- Early works to 1800. Prayers -- Early works to 1800. Protestants -- Ireland -- Early works to 1800. Protestants -- France -- Early works to 1800. Prophecies -- Early works to 1800. Londonderry (Northern Ireland) -- History -- Early works to 1800. 2004-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2004-12 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2005-01 Jonathan Blaney Sampled and proofread 2005-01 Jonathan Blaney Text and markup reviewed and edited 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE PROTESTANT's Crums of Comfort : CONTAINING I. Prayers and Meditations , with Ejaculations for every day in the Week , and other occasions . II. Thanksgivings for Deliverances from Popery , Tyranny , and Arbitrary Power . III. The Rebellion in Ireland , and Massacre of Paris . IV. The Learned Bishop Usher's Prophecy , concerning Ireland and the Downfall of Rome . V. Advice to the late Besieged in London-Derry , under that Reverend Divine and valiant Commander Coll. George Walker . Ilustrated with Pictures sutable to each particular Occasion . London ; Printed by W. W. for Nicholas Bodington at the Golden Ball in Duck-lane 1690. Defenders of y e Protestant Religio● Q. Elizabeth . K. William . K. James Q. Mary II. of Sam. XXIII v. 3. He that ruleth ore men must be just ruling in y e fear of God. Licensed , December 16th . 1689. To the Honourable The Lady P. T. Madam , WHere true Piety inhabites , Charity always ●ims a Priviledge in ●owning Religious Actions ▪ ●d , like the good Samaritan , ●ords the Oil of relief to the ●ounds of the distressed . Such tender Compassion al●●ys attends the Great and ●st , of whom , Madam , you ● a perfect Pattern ; your ●…nty has been unlimited to 〈…〉 distressed and afflicted , to 〈…〉 Fatherless and the Widow , ●…t even Commiseration it self has been your daily delight and practice . Divine Souls , like yours can never be free from humbl● Addressers , which creates ● Pr●sumption in me to lay th●… Tract at your La●●ships Door where I humbly conceive yo● will honour it so far , as 〈◊〉 take it into your Closet . That Heaven may prosp●… you with length of days here and reward you with a Cro●… of Glory hereafter , is t●… hearty Prayer of , Madam , Your most obedient Servan● G. W. THE Protestant's Manual , OF PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS ▪ When we first awake . O God , thou art my God , early will I seek thee . I will sing of thy power , ●…d will praise thy Mercy becomes in the Morning ; for ●…ou hast been , and wilt be 〈…〉 defence and refuge in the ●…y of my Trouble . A Prayer for the Morning O Eternal God , whose Providence has protected m● the night past , & brought me t● the beginning of this day ; defend me , O Lord , in the same by thy Almighty power , an● grant that this day I fall into n● Sin , neither run into any kin● of danger , but that all m● doings may be ordered by th● Governance , to do alway● that which is righteous in th● sight , through Jesus Christ. II. I praise thy Name , th●● thou hast still continued to 〈◊〉 the opportunity of servin● thee , and advancing my hop● of a blessed Eternity ; preser●●●● me this day from all violence and snares of my Enemies , visible and invisible ; keep me from all pride , self-love , and vain-glory ; all obstinacy and disobedience ; all fraudulency and dissimulation , and let the graces of thy holy Spirit take an absolute possession of my Soul , and all its faculties , that I may finally tread down Satan under my Feet ; all this I beg for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake , Amen . A Prayer for the Evening . ALmighty God , I praise and magnifie thy holy Name , for thy preservation of me this day , and all the days of my Life ; for unless thy Mercy had withheld me , I had committed ▪ more and more grievous Sins , and had been overwhelmed by thy just wrath , and severest judgments : Pardon , O Lord , I beseech thee , the Sins and Offences of my Youth , and the irregularity of all my Actions , either in thought , word , or deed . II. Let thy Heavenly Grace be present with me , that though my Body sleep , yet let my Soul be vigilant , lest I sleep in Sin , and be forgetfull of my Duty towards thee ; let thy goodness and loving kindness never slip out of my remembrance , but so unite my heart unto thee with fervent Charity , that whatever I do , may redound to thy glory . III. Grant that whether I sleep or wake , live or dye , I may never lose the light of thy Countenance , but evermore live in thy favour ; that escaping from the Darkness of this World , I may at last arrive at the Land of everlasting Peace and happiness , to behold thy power and glory , Amen . Meditations for Sunday Morning . LEt God arise , and let his Enemies be scattered ; let them also that hate him , flee before him . Like as the smoak vanisheth , so shalt thou drive them away ; and like as wax melteth at the Fire , so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God. But let the Righteous be glad and rejoyce before God ; let them also be merry and joyfull . II. O Sing unto God , and sing Praises unto his Name ; magnifie him that rideth upon the Heavens as it were upon an Horse ; praise him in his Name , yea , and rejoyce before him . He is a Father of the Fatherless , and defendeth the Cause of the Widows ; even God in his holy Habitation . He is the God that maketh Men to be of one Mind in an House , and bringeth the Prisoners out of Captivity , but letteth the Runnagates continue in scarceness . III. O God , when thou wentest forth before the People , when thou wentest through the Wilderness : The Earth shook , and the Heavens dropped at the presence of God , even as Sina● also was moved at the presence of God , which is the God of Israel . Thou , O God , sentest a gracious Rain upon thine in heritance , and refreshed'st i● when it was weary . Thy Congregation shall dwell therein ; for thou , O God , hast of thy Goodness prepared for the Poor . IV. The Lord gave the Word : Great was the Company of the Preachers . Kings with their Armies did flee , and were discomfited , and they of the Household divided the spoil . Though ye have li●n among the Pots , yet shall ye be as the Wings of a Dove , that is covered with silver Wings , and her Feathers like Gold. V. When the Almighty scattered Kings for their sake , then were they as white as snow in Salmon . As the Hill of Basan , so is God's Hill ; even an high Hill , as the Hill of Basan . Why hop ye so , ye high Hills ? this is God's Hill , in which it pleaseth him to dwell ; yea , the Lord will abide in it for ever . VI. The Chariots of God are Twenty thousand , even thousands of Angels , and the Lord is among them , as in the holy Place of Sin●i . Thou art gone up on high , ●hou hast led Captivity Captive , and received Gifts for Men ; yea , even for thine Enemies , that the Lord God might dwell among them . VII . Praised be the Lord daily , even the God which helpeth us , and poureth his benefits upon us . He is our God , even the God of whom cometh ●alvation : God is the Lord by whom we escape Death . God shall wound the head of his Enemies , and the hairy Scalp of such a one as goeth on s●ill in his wickedness . VIII . The Lord hath said , I will bring my people again , as I did from Basan : Mine own will I bring again , as I did sometime from the deep of the Sea. That thy foot may be dipped in the bloud of thine Enemies ; and that the Tongue of thy Dogs may be red through the same . IX . It is well seen , O God , how thou goest ; how thou , my God , and my King , goest in the Sanctuary . The Singers go before , the Minstrels follow after ; in the midst are the Damsels playing with the Timbrels . Give Thanks , O Israel , unto God the Lord in the Congregations , from the ground of the Heart . There is little Benjamin their Ruler , and the Princes of Juda● , their Counsel ; the Princes of Zabul●n , and the Princes of Napthali . X. Thy God hath sent forth strength for thee : Stablish the thing , O God , that thou hast wrought in us . For thy Temples sake at Jerusalem ; so shall Kings bring Presents unto thee . When the Company of the Spear-men and multitude of the Mighty are scattered abroad among the Beasts of the People , ( so that they humbly bring pieces of Silver , ) and when he hath scattered the People that delight in War. Then shall the Princes come out of Egypt ; the Morians Land shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. The Prayer . MOst gracious God , who art ● Father of the Fatherless , and pleadest the Cause of the Wido● , have Mercy upon thy holy Catholick Church , and since her Lord is ●scended up on high , even to his heavenly Mansions , leave us not alone comfortless , but send thy holy Spirit into our hearts , that by his assistance we may escape spiritual , and the bitterness of the temporal . II. Send a gracious showre , even the Dew of thy divine Favours , to refresh our weariness in this Calamity ; make thy People as Doves , innocent and chast , and adorn them with the Beauty of inward Sanctity : Let all Kings , Princes , and Rulers of the Earth , confess thy Name , and thy honour ; that thy Gospel extending forth into all Lands , Peace , and all thy Blessings may follow it , and thy praise be encreased from Generation to Generation , through Christ our Lord and Saviour , Amen . Sunday Noons Meditations . SIng unto God , O ye Kingdoms of the Earth : O sing Praises unto the Lord , Who sitteth in the Heavens over all from the beginning : Lo , he doth send forth his Voice , yea , and that a mighty Voice . Ascribe ye the Power to God over Israel ; his Worship and strength is in the Clouds . O God , wonderfull art thou in thy holy Places ! even the God of Israel ; he will give strength unto his People , blessed be God. II. O clap your hands together , all ye People ; O sing unto God with the voice of melody . For the Lord is high , and to be feared ; he is the great King upon all the Earth . He shall subdue the People under us , and the Nations under our Feet . He shall chuse out an Heritage for us ; even the Worship of Jacob whom he loved . III. God is gone up with a merry noise , and the Lord with the sound of the Trump . O sing Praises , sing Praises unto our God : O sing Praises , sing Praises unto our King. For God is the King of all the Earth : Sing ye Praises with understanding . The Prayer . O Lord God , Celestial King , who reign●st Potentate in all the World , thou art exalted above all Creatures , and art to be feared in all the Dominions of the Earth ; let the Seed of thy glorious Gospel be planted in all parts of the habitable World , that thy saving Health may be known unto all Nations . II. Let thy Grace pull down all the strong Holds of Sin and Satan , that any ways oppose thy Holy Name and Word ; subdue all thy People unto thee , and the Nations under thy Feet , so that we that are thy People , and Sheep of thy hands , may become one Sheepfold under one Shepherd , Jesus Christ , our blessed Lord and Saviour . Meditations for Sunday Night . I will magnifie thee , O God , my King ; and I will praise thy Name for ever and ever . Every day will I give thanks unto thee , and praise thy Name for ever and ever . Great is the Lord , and marvellous worthy to be praised ; there is no end of his Greatness . II. One Generation shall praise thy Works unto another , and declare thy power . As for me I will be talking of thy Worship , thy Glory , thy praise , and wondrous Works . So that Men shall speak of the might of thy marvellous Acts ; and I will also tell of thy greatness . The Memorial of thine abundant Kindness shall be shewed , and Men shall sing of thy Righteousness . III. The Lord is gracious and mercifull , long-suffering , and of great Goodness . The Lord is loving unto every one , and his Mercy is over all his Works . All thy Works praise thee , O Lord , and thy Saints give thanks unto thee . They shew the glory of thy Kingdom , and talk of thy power . That thy power , thy glory , and mightiness of thy Kingdom might be known unto Men. Thy Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom ; and thy Dominion endureth throughout all Ages . The Prayer . MOst mighty God , marvellous worthy art thou to be praised , and of thy greatness there is no end ; give us sanctified Hearts , and Lips , that we may express thy Righteousness , and magnifie thy glory , Worship , and wondrous Works . II. All the Earth praises thee , O Lord , and thy Saints give Thanks unto thee : Make us religious and sincere before thee , and to lay aside all Hypocrisie . Protect us , O Lord , by thy hand of Providence , that we fall not , and raise us up when we are down . III. Give us spiritual and temporal Meat in thy o●n due time for our Souls and Bodies ; that we being filled abundantly with thy Mercies here , we may have our hearts desire fulfilled , and satisfied hereafter , among such as fear thee , and praise thy holy Name for evermore . Amen . Monday Mornings Meditations . THE Lord upholdeth all such as fall , and lifteth up all those that be down . For he shall deliver the Poor when he cryeth ; the Needy also , and him that hath no helper . He shall be favourable to the Simple and Needy , and shall preserve the Souls of the Poor . He shall deliver their Souls from wrong , and falshood , and dear shall their bloud be in his sight . II. There shall be a heap of Corn in the Earth , high upon the Hills : His Fruit shall shake like Li●anus , and he shall be green in the City , like Grass upon the Earth . His Name shall endure for ever ; his Name shall remain under the Sun among the Posterities , which shall be blessed through him , and all the Heathen shall praise him . III. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel , who only doth wondrous things . And blessed be the Name of his Majesty for ever , and all the Earth shall be filled with his Majesty , Amen . The Prayer . O Eternal God , thou that defendest the Children and Poor , but pu●ishest the wrong doer , have mercy upon thy People under affliction ; extend thy Mercy and compassion from ●ne Sea to another , even unto the Worlds end . II. Make thy People , who love thy Name , flourish ; and subdue their Enemies under them , that neither ●alshood nor wrong may any ways ●p●ress them . Bless them with Peace ●nd Tranquillity , and satisfie them with thy Righteousness and Salvation , through thy Mercy , O blessed ●esu , Amen . Mōnday Noon's Meditations . NOT unto us , O Lord , not unto us , but unto thy Name give the Praise , for thy loving Mercy , and for thy Truths sake . Wherefore shall the Heathen say , Where is now their God ? As for our God , he is in Heaven ; he hath done whatsoever pleaseth him . II. Their Idols are Silver and Gold , even the Work of Mens hands . They have Mouths and speak not ; eyes have they , and see not . They have Ears and hear not ; Noses have they and smell not . They have hands , and handle not : Feet have they , and walk not ; neither speak they through their Throat . They that make them are like unto them ; and so are all such as put their Trust in them . III. But thou House of Israel , trust thou in the Lord : He is ●●eir succour and defender . Ye House of Aaron , put your Trust in the Lord : He is ●heir helper and defender . The Lord hath been mind●ull of us , and he shall bless ●…s : Even he shall bless the ●ouse of Israel , he shall bless ●●e House of Aaron . He shall bless them that ●…ar the Lord , both small and ●…reat . The Prayer . ALmighty God , whose Dwelling is in the highest Heavens , and ●st whatsoever pleaseth thee both in heaven and on Earth ; give Grace , 〈…〉 beavenly Father , that in all our ●…ubles and calamities , we may put 〈…〉 who le Trust in thee , who art our ●…y succour , defender , and deliver . II. Let us evermore praise thy holy Name , and never ascribe to our selves any Honour , and Glory , or Thank● of any good Action , or prosper o● Success ; but to thee alone who a●● the Author and Giver of all good things . Keep us from Idolatry from worshipping vain Imagination● and any thing which is contrary to t●● Gospel . Bless us in all our way● that when we go from hence , we 〈…〉 inherit thy Kingdom . Amen . Meditations for Monday Night . I Will lift up mine Eyes un● the Hills , from when cometh my Help . My Help cometh even from the Lord , which hath ma● Heaven and Earth . II. He will not suffer thy Fo● to be moved : and he th● keepeth thee will not sleep . Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor ●●eep . III. The Lord himself is thy Keeper : The Lord is thy Defence upon the right hand . So that the Sun shall not ●urn thee by day , nor the Moon by night . IV. The Lord shall preserve thee ●●om Evil : Yea , it is even he ●hat shall keep thy Soul. The Lord shall preserve thy ●oing out , and thy coming in , ●●om this time forth for evermore . The Prayer . O GOD , from whence cometh all our Help and Succour , pre●…ve us by thy Power and Providence , ●…at nothing either by day or night ●…ay molest our Peace , or disturh our ●afety ; suffer not the Vanities of ●…e one to allure us , nor the Terrours 〈…〉 the other to amaze and affright us . II. Let our Feet be immoveable , an● fixed upon the Rock and Foundation Christ Jesus ; and so dispose of o● going out , and coming in , that ● may not swerve from thy Commandments : but walk according to t● Holy Rule in all things , who art o● Lord and Saviour . Meditations for Tuesday Morning . THey that put their Tr●… in the Lord shall be ev●… as the Mount Sion , which m●… not be removed , but stande●… fast for ever . The Hills stand about Jerusalem : even so standeth t●… Lord round about his Peop●… from this time forth for ev●… more . II. For the Rod of the Ungo●… cometh not into the lot of t●… Righteous ; lest the Righteous out their hands unto Wickedness . Do well , O Lord , unto ●hose that be good and true of Heart . As for such as turn back un●o their own wickedness , the ●ord shall lead them forth with the Evil-doers : but ●eace shall be upon Israel . The Prayer . MErciful God , our ▪ only Trust and Confidence , and whosoever ●usteth in thee shall not be removed , ●●t stand fast for ever ; let thy Pow●● and Glory stand round about us , ●nd all thy Holy People , like Hills ●…r our Protection and Safety , that ●…e may be sheltered from our Enemies . II. Permit us not to put our hands to Wickedness , neither let us partake 〈◊〉 the Lot of the Ungodly , whom thou or dainest for Destruction : B●… let us receive that Blessing which o●… Lord and Saviour hath left 〈…〉 Church , even the Peace of God t●… Father , Son , and Holy Ghost : 〈…〉 whom be all Honour and Glory , Wor●… without end . Amen . Meditations for Tuesday Noon . WHen the Lord turned again the Captivity 〈…〉 Sion , then were we like unt●… them that dream . Then was our Mouth fil●…ed with Laughter , and o●… Tongue with Joy. II. Then said they among th● Heathen , the Lord hath do●… great things for them . Yea , the Lord hath do●… great things for us already whereof we rejoyce . III. Turn thou our Captivity , O Lord , as the Rivers in the South . They that sow in Tears shall ●eap in Joy. He that now goeth on his way weeping , and beareth ●orth good Seed , shall doubt●ess come again with Joy , and ●ring his Sheaves with him . The Prayer . GRacious God , who hast promised Life and Salvation to thy cho●en Servants , and hast wrought ●ighty things for them already , ●hereof they rejoyce . Deliver us we ●eseech thee , from the Slavery and ●etters of Sin and Misery ; dissipate ●nd scatter all our Enemies which ●ay close Siege to us , seeking to destroy us . II. Fill our Hearts with Con̄t●ition , ●or having trespassed against thee ; teach us that Divine Art of Self denial , to mo●tifie our Affection 〈◊〉 our Lust , and extinguish a●●●●shly Temptations ; that when th● great Harvest shall come , ●e may 〈◊〉 admitted as Fellow Labourers 〈◊〉 work in thy Spiritual Kingdom through Jesus Christ. Amen . Meditations for Tuesday Night . OUT of the Deep have called unto thee , O Lord Lord hear my Voice . Oh let thine Ears conside● well the Voice of my Complaint . II. If thou , Lord , wilt be extream to mark what is done a● miss , O Lord , who may a● bide it ? For there is Mercy with thee : therefore snalt thou b● feared . I look for the Lord , my Soul doth wait for him ; in his Word is my Trust. III. My Soul flieth unto the Lord before the Morning Watch : I say before the Morning Watch. O Israel trust in the Lord : for with the Lord there is Mercy , and with him is plenteous Redemption . And he shall redeem Israel from all his Sins . The Prayer . O Blessed Lord , who with thy most precious Blood , didst pay ●ur Ransom , to purchase for us Freedom , and Salvation . With thee , ●here is Mercy and plenteous Redemption ; O let the height of that Mercy ●ake us out of the bottomless Pit of ●in and Misery . II. Be not extream , O Lord , in marking out what we have done amiss in our Life time , but rather blot out th● Hand-writing which is against us ▪ And as thy boundless Mercy pardon● what is past , so let the sweetness of i● create thy Fear in our Hearts , that we may never more dare to offend s● gracious and merciful a Saviour a● thou art to us . Grant this , O Lord , I beseech thee , for thy alone sake . Amen . Meditations for Wednesday Morning . DEliver me , O Lord , from the Evil Man , and preserve me from the Wicked Man. Which imagine mischief i● their Hearts , and stir up stris● all the day long . They have sharpened their Tongues like a Serpent : Adders Poyson is under their Lips. II. Keep me , O Lord , from the Hands of the Ungodly , preserve me from the wicked Men , which are purposed to overthrow my going . The Proud have laid a s●are for me , and spread a Net abroad with Cords ; yea , and set Traps in my way . III. I said unto the Lord , thou art my God : hear the Voice of my Prayers , O Lord. O Lord God , thou strength of my Health , thou hast covered my Head in the day of Battle . IV. Let not the Ungodly have his desire , O Lord : let not his mischievous Imagination prosper , lest they be too Proud. Let the mischief of their own Lips fall upon the head of them that compass me about . A man full of Words shall not prosper upon the Earth : Evil shall hunt the wicked Person to overthrow him . The Prayer . O Lord God , the Strength of all those that depend upon thee ; deliver us from evil and wicked Men : that neither their Examples may corrupt us , nor their Counsels misguide us , or their Mischief disturb our Safety . II. But do thou , O Lord , cover our Heads in the day of Battle and Strife against all our Bodily and Ghostly Enemies ; that though they pursue us to overthrow us , yet we may be safe on Earth under thy Favour and Almighty Protection , and at the last being removed from all Fears and Dangers , we may appear in thy sight amongst the Righteous for evermore . Meditations for Wednesday Noon . HEar my Prayer , O Lord , and consider my Desire : Hearken unto me for thy Truth and Righteousness sake . And enter not into Judgment with thy Servant : for in thy sight shall no one living be justified . II. For the Enemy hath persecuted my Soul , he hath smitten my Life down to the ground , he hath laid me in the Darkness , as the men that have been long dead . Therefore is my Spirit vexed within me , and my Heart within me is desolate . III. Yet do I remember the time past , I muse upon all thy works : Yea , I exercise my self in the works of thy Hands . I stretch forth my Hands unto thee : my Soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirsty Land. The Prayer . MOst Righteous Judge and dear Redeemer , hear us for thy Truth and Mercies sake ; free us from the hainous Guilt of all our Sins , and renounce those Punishments due to us for the same . II. Enter not at any time into Judgment with us , for in thy sight no Flesh can be justified by its own worthiness . Fortifie our Souls with the Holiness of a lively Faith , which worketh by Charity , that at last we enter into thy Holy of Holies , even Life Everlasting . Amen . Meditations for Wednesday Night . HEar me , O Lord , and that soon , for my Spirit waxeth faint : Hide not thy Face from me , lest I be like unto them that go down into the Pit. O let me hear thy loving kindness betimes in the Morning , for in thee is my Trust : Shew thou me the way that I should walk in , for I lift up my Soul unto thee . II. Deliver me , O Lord , from mine Enemies : for I flie unto thee to hide me . Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee , for thou art my God : Let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the Land of Righteousness . III. Quicken me , O Lord , for thy Names sake : and for thy Righteousness sake bring my Soul out of trouble . And of thy goodness slay mine Enemies , and destroy all them that vex my Soul ; for I am thy Servant . The Prayer . BOW down thine Ear , O Lord , and hear my Complaint , support my weak Spirit with thy Heavenly Grace , which is sufficient for me . Hide not the light of thy Countenance from me , but replenish me with the Beams of thy Mercy and Goodness . II. Direct me in the way that I should walk in ; instruct me to do whatsoever pleaseth thee , quicken my Soul in thy Paths which lead to Life Eternal ; and so continue the Conduct of thy Blessed Spirit to me , that it may never depart from me , till I am brought out of this temporal World , and am safely arrived at thy Spiritual Kingdom . Amen . Meditations for Thursday Morning . PRaise the Lord , O my Soul ; while I live will I praise the Lord ; yea , as long as I have any Being , will I sing praises unto my God. O put not your trust in Princes , nor in any Child of Man : ●or there is no help in them . For when the Breath of Man goeth out , he shall turn again to his Earth : and then all his Thoughts perish . II. Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help , and whose hope is in the Lord his God. Which made Heaven and Earth , the Sea and all that therein is ; which keepeth his promise for ever . Which helpeth them to right that suffer wrong ; which feedeth the Hungry . III. The Lord looseth Men out of Prison : the Lord giveth Sight to the Blind . The Lord helpeth them that are fallen : the Lord careth for the Righteous . The Lord careth for the Strangers ; he defendeth the Fatherless and Widow : as for the way of the Ungodly , he turneth it upside down . The Lord thy God , O Sion , shall be King for evermore , and throughout all generations . The Prayer . GReat God , who art King for everlasting , world without end , vouchsafe us thy Grace , and assist us with thy ready help , that we may fix all our hopes in thee ; for thou alone art able to grant Deliverance . II. Lord , feed our Souls , and satisfie us with thy Salvation , when we hunger and thirst after thee ; revenge our Cause , when we suffer wrong ; and heal our back-slidings . Enlighten our Darkness , that we walk not in the shadow of Death , and let thy hand of Providence take care of us in all our necessities , that when our life is expired , and we return to that Earth from whence we were taken , we may reign with thee for evermore . Meditations for Thursday Noon . I Cryed unto the Lord with my Voice , yea , even unto the Lord did I make my supplication . I poured out my Complaints before him , and shewed him of my trouble . When my Spirit was in heaviness , thou knewest my path : in the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me . II. I looked also upon my right hand , and saw there was no Man that would know me . I had no place to flie unto : and no man cared for my Soul. I cried unto thee , O Lord , and said , thou art my Hope , and my Portion in the Land of the Living . III. Consider my Complaint : for I am brought very low . O deliver me from my Persecutors , for they are too strong for me . Bring my Soul out of Prison , that I may give thanks unto thy Name ; which thing if thou wilt grant me , then shall the Righteous resort unto my Company . The Prayer . THou art our Place , O Lord to flee unto , and the only Sanctuary wherein is safety : O hide us under the Shadow of thy Wings , keep us from all those Dangers which increase upon us when our Spirits are in heaviness , and our Bodies bowed down with infirmities . II. Stand thou evermore at our right hand , and aid us so with the power of thy Grace , that our Temptations and Enemies may at no time molest and disturb us : Grant that our Souls in thy good time may depart out of the Prison of the Body with joy and not with grief , and enter into thine eternal Joy to reign with thee for evermore , Amen . Meditations for Thursday Night . O Lord , thou hast searched me out , and known me ; thou knowest my down-sitting and mine up-rising ; thou understandest my thoughts long before . Thou art about my Bed , and about my path , and spiest out all my ways . For lo , there is not a Word in my Tongue , but thou , O Lord , knowest it altogether . Thou hast fashioned me behind and before , and laid thine hand upon me . II. Such Knowledge is too wonderfull and excellent for me , I cannot attain unto it . Whither shall I go then from thy Spirit ? or whither shall I go then from thy presence ? If I climb up into Heaven , thou art there : If I go down to Hell , thou art there also . If I take the Wings of the Morning , and remain in the uttermost parts of the Sea. III. Even there also shall thy hand lead me , and thy right hand shall hold me . If I say , peradventure the Darkness shall cover me ; then shall my Night be turned into day . Yea , the darkness is no darkness with thee , but the night is as clear as the day ; the darkness and light to thee are both alike . For my Reins are thine ; thou hast covered me in my Mothers Womb. The Prayer . INfinite art thou , O Lord , in Wisedom , and omnipresent in all places ; thou fillest Heaven and Earth with Majesty , and the effects of thy Glory : Hell feels thy Mighty power , but thou communicatest to us thy poor Creatures thy boundless Mercy . II. And , O Lord , as thou art present with us , so we humbly beseech thee be President amongst us ; teach us thy Holy Laws , and so guide us by thy Golden Rule , and Divine Precepts , that we wander not in the darkness of our own Errors , but in thy Light whom no Clouds can overcast , nor Darkness eclipse : Preserve us , O Lord , from falling into utter darkness , where there is weeping , and wailing and gnashing of Teeth . Meditations for Friday Morning . I Will give thanks unto thee , O Lord , for I am fearfully and wonderfully made ; marvellous are thy Works , and that my Soul knoweth right well . My Bones are not hid from thee , though I am made secretly , and fashioned beneath in the Earth . Thine Eyes did see my substance , yet being unperfect , and in thy Book were all my Members written . Which day by day were fashioned , when as yet there was none of them . II. How dear are thy Counsels unto me , O God! O how great is the Summe of them ! If I tell them , they are more ●n number than the Sand : When I awake up , I am pre●ent with thee . Wilt thou not slay the Wick●d , O God ? Depart from me ●e bloud-thirsty Men. For they speak unrighte●usly against thee , and thine Enemies take thy Name in ●ain . III. Do not I hate them , O Lord that hate thee ? And am not grieved with those that ri●● up against thee ? Yea , I hate them right sor● even as though they we●● mine Enemies . Try me , O God , and se●● the ground of my heart Prove me , and examine m● thoughts . Look well if there be a● way of Wickedness in m● and lead me in the way ev●● lasting . The Prayer . O Lord , thy Works are marvell● for thou hast done great thi● for my Soul ; it is thou that hast 〈◊〉 med me in the Womb , and thy 〈◊〉 der care hath preserved me to 〈◊〉 moment : Teach me to hate and hor all iniquity , und to love Counsells as my dearest Treasure , we may be as fearfull of committing Sins in Secret , with that circumspection , as in the Eye of the World. II. Lead me in thy Truth , and guide me in the Paths of a Holy Life , that I may examine my self strictly of what Sins I stand guilty off , and earnestly repent of those offences : Make me to shun all wicked ways , and conduct me into the way everlasting , through Christ our Lord , Amen . Friday Noon's Meditations . O God , my heart is ready , my heart is ready , I will sing , and give praise with the best Member I have . Awake thou Lute and Harp , I my self will awake right early . I will give thanks unto thee , O Lord , among the People : I will sing praises unto thee among the Nations . II. For thy Mercy is greater than the Heavens , and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds . Set up thy self , O God , above the Heavens ; and thy glory above all the Earth . That thy beloved may be delivered , let thy right hand save them , and hear thou me . III. God hath spoken in his holiness , I will rejoyce therefore and divide Sic●em , and meet out the Valley of Succoth . Gilead is mine , and Mana●se● is mine ; Ephraim also is the strength of mine head . Juda is my Law-giver ; Moab is my Wash-pot ; over Edom will I ●ast out my Shoe ; upon the Philistines will I triumph . III. Who will lead me into the strong City ? and who will bring me into Edom ? Hast not thou forsaken us , O God ? and wilt not thou , O God , go forth with our Hosts ? O help us against the Enemy ; for vain is the help of Man. Through God we shall do great Acts ; and it is he that shall tread down our Enemies . The Prayer . EArly , O my God , to thee will I make my Prayer and Supplication ! for thy Mercy in extent is greater than the Heavens , and thy glory above all the Earth ; for ever be thou exalted in thine own strength , and magnifie thy power , and thy never-failing Mercy in defending us and all thy holy Church against all our Enemies temporal and spiritual . II. Leave us not , nor forsake us , O God , who art our strong Tower and Defence , for in vain is Man's help , unless thou strengthen us ; fortifie us , and go forth with our Hosts to Battel , that we being defended and armed by thee , may perform Acts great and good , fighting thy Battels , and place our Confidence in thy Righteousness only , and thy Salvation , Amen . Meditations for Friday Evening . IN Jury is God known ; his Name is great in Israel ; at Salem is his Tabernacle , and his Dwelling in Sion . There he brake the Arrows of the Bow , the Shield , the Sword , and the Battel . Thou art of more honour and might than the hills of the Robbers . II. The proud are robbed , they have slept their sleep ; and all the Men , whose hands were mighty , have found nothing . At thy rebuke , O God of Jacob , both the Chariot and Horse are fallen . Thou even thou , art to be ●cared , and who may stand ●n thy sight when thou art angry ? Thou didst cause thy Judgments to be heard from Heaven : the Earth trembled and was still . III. When God arose to Judgment , and to help all the meek upon Earth . The fierceness of Man shall turn to thy praise , and the fierceness of them shalt thou refrain . Promise unto the Lord your God , and keep it , all ye that be round about him : bring Presents unto him that ought to be feared . He shall refrain the spirit of Princes ; and is wonderful among the Kings of the Earth . The Prayer . GReat is thy Name , O Lord , and thy dwelling in the highest Heavens ; give a deep impression of a dread and reverence of thee and thy power in our Hearts : Let thy threatnings and judgments which descend from Heaven , and are executed upon stubborn and disobedient People ; make us loath Sin , or the thoughts of it , and shun all the occasions and alluring baits of it . II. O let thy continued mercies , and loving kindnesses be ever in our remembrance ; and make our Hearts still , full of smoothness and tranquillity , that we may not fear the rigour of man , or the cruel wrath of those whose spirits thou canst refrain , lest we be hindred in our duty towards thee ; but let us so fear to offend thee , that we may press forwards from fear to love , from apprehensions of thy wrath , to the sense and comfort of thy mercies . Meditations for Saturday Morning . UNto thee , O God , do we give thanks ; yea , unto thee do we give thanks . Thy Name also is so nigh ; and that do thy wondrous works declare . When I receive the Congregation , I shall judge according unto right . The Earth is weak , and all the Inhabitants thereof : I bear up the Pillars of it . II. I said unto the Fools , Deal not so madly : and to the Ungodly , set not up your Horn. Set not up your Horn on high , and speak not with a stiff Neck . For promotion cometh neither from the East , nor from the West , nor yet from the South . And why ? God is the Judge : he putteth down one , and setteth up another . III. For in the hand of the Lord there is a Cup , and the Wine is red : it is full mixt , and he poureth out of the same . As for the dregs thereof , all the ungodly of the Earth shall drink them , and suck them out . But I will talk of the God of Jacob , and praise him for ever . All the Horns of the ungodly also will I break : and the Horns of the Righteous shall be exalted . The Prayer . GReat Judge of the whole Universe , from whom proceeds all promotion and punishment , extend thy Mercy now upon us , at the hour of Death , and in the day of Judgment , when thou shalt judge all the Society of Men and Angels according to Right . II. O Give us thy powerful Grace , that we may expect thy coming in Humility and perfect Charity , and not be puft up and exalted in our Fancies and Imaginations , but may submit to thy Will with Meekness and Holy Obedience ; that when thou shalt pour forth thy Wrath upon the Ungodly , we may not be numbered amongst them , but partake of those Mercies thou hast provided for those that love and fear thee . Amen . Meditations for Saturday Noon . HAst thee , O God , to deliver me : make hast to help me , O Lord. Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my Soul : Let them be turned back-ward , and put to confusion that wish me Evil. Let them , for their reward , be soon brought to shame that cry over me , There , There . II. But let all those that seek thee , be joyful and glad in thee : and let all such as delight in thy Salvation , say always , The Lord be praised . As for me , I am poor and in misery : Hast thee unto me , O God. Thou art my Helper and my Redeemer : O Lord , make no long tarrying . The Prayer . THou , O God , art our Deliverer , Helper , and Redeemer , have mercy upon us , and all those which serve thee , in Sincerity and Truth ; help us , O God , against those that seek to destroy our Souls : Let our delight be , to wait for thy Salvation , and to trust in thy never-failing Mercies , that our Feet being guided by thy direction , we may remain safe under thy Providence . II. Suffer us not , O thou , who art a God of Power and great Glory , to be a Prey to our Enemies ; but dissipate and scatter them , as offensive Clouds to the light of thy Gospel . Strengthen our Weakness by thy Power , pardon our Sins by thy Mercies , and justifie our Souls by thy free Grace , that we may now , and evermore with the humble Addresses of Devotion , give thee Praise , not only with our Lips , but in our Lives , through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen . Meditations for Saturday Night . GOD be merciful unto us , and bless us , and shew us the light of his Countenance , and be merciful unto us . That thy way may be known upon Earth , thy saving Health among all Nations . Let the People praise thee , O God ; yea , let all the people praise thee . II. O let the Nations rejoyce and be glad ; for thou shalt judge the Folk righteously , and govern the Nations upon Earth . Let the People praise thee , O God ; let all the people praise thee . Then shall the Earth bring forth her Encrease , and God , even our own God , shall give us his Blessing . God shall bless us , and all the ends of the World shall fear him . The Prayer . O God , thou great Governour of all Mankind , and judge of the whole Earth , have mercy upon us , and bless us . Thou makest the resplendent Beams of thy unwearied Sun to shine , and cast his Lustre upon all corners of the habitable World , bestowing his Light both on the Good and Bad. II. Let the blessed Light of thy bright Countenance , spread it self to all Nations , and to all People : Lighten all our Darknesses with the radiant Beams of thy Divine Favour , teach thy ways to all People , and give thy saving Health to all Nations ; that all may joyn with one consent to fear thee , and praise thy Name for evermore . Amen . EJACULATIONS UPON Several Occasions Out of the Holy Scriptures ▪ In the Morning MY Voice shalt thou hear betimes , O Lord : Early in the Morning will I direct my Prayer unto thee , and will look up , Psal. 5. 3. My days are like the days of an Hireling . Untill the day break , and the shadows flie away , Job 7. 1. Cant. 4. 6. At going forth . The Lord preserve my going out , and my coming in : from this time forth , and for evermore , Psal. 121. 8. O hold thou up my goings in thy Paths ; that my Footsteps slip not , Psal. 17. 5. Beginning a good Work. In the volume of the Book it is written of me : I delight to do thy Will , O my God ; yea , thy Law is within my Heart , Psal. 40. 7 , 8. In good Inspirations . The Lord God hath opened my Ear , and I was not rebellious against him , Isa. 50. 5. At Church . O how amiable are thy Tabernacles , O Lord of Hosts , Psal. 84. 1. Before Reading . Speak , Lord , for thy Servant heareth , 1 Sam. 3. 9. Speaking . My Heart is inditing a good Matter ; I speak of the things which I have made touching the King , Psalm . 45. 1. When you go about worldly Affairs . O let not my heart be inclined to any evil thing : Let me not be occupied in ungodly Works , with the Men that work wickedness , lest I eat of such things as please them . Psalm 141. 4. Deliver me , O Lord , from every evil Work : and establish me in every good word and work . 2. Tim. 4. 18. God shall bring every Work into Judgment , with every secret thing ; whether it be good , or whether it be evil . Before Eating . Thou openest thine hand , and satisfiest the desire of every living thing . Psalm . 145. ●6 . After Eating . The Lord is to be praised , who satisfieth thy Mouth with good things ; making thee young and lusty as an Eagle ▪ Psal. 103. 4. In prosperity . If I do not remember thee let my Tongue cleave to the Roof of my Mouth , if I prefer not thee above my chie● Joy. Psal. 137. 6. Adversity . The Lord killeth and maketh alive , 1. Sam. 2. 6. Shall we receive good at the hand of God ? and shall we no● receive evil ? Job 2. 10. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things , and to enter into his Glory ? Luk● 24. 26. Troubles . Surely Man walketh in ● vain Shew ; surely they are disquieted in vain . Psalm . 39. 6. Calumnies . If I pleased men , I should not be the Servant of Christ , Gal. 1. 10. Praises . Not unto us , O Lord , not unto us , but unto thy Name give Glory , Psal. 115. 1. Against vain Hope . As a Dream when one awaketh ; so , O Lord , when thou awakest , thou shalt de●pise their Image , Psal. 73. ●0 . Pride . Whosoever exalteth himself , shall be abased , Luke 14. 11. Covetousness . It is more blessed to give than to receive , Acts 20. 35. Luxury . Know ye not that your Bodies are the Members of Christ , 1 Cor. 6. 15. Envy . He that loveth not his Brother , abideth in Sin , 1 John ● 14. Gluttony . The Kingdom of God is n● Meat and Drink , Rom. 14. 1● Anger . Learn of me , for I am me● and lowly in Heart , Mat. 1● 29. Sloth . Cursed be he that doth t● work of the Lord negligentl● Jer. 48. 10. Rules of Faith. Remove not the anci● Bounds which thy Fath● have set , Prov. 22. 28. Acts of Faith. Lord , I believe , help th● my Unbelief , Mark 9. 24. I know that my Redeem● liveth , &c. Job 19. 25. Hope . Though I walk through t● valley of the shadow of Death I will fear no Evil ; for thou art with me , Psal. 24. 4. I will be with him in trouble ; I will deliver him , and honour him , Psal. 90. 15. Charity . Whom have I in Heaven but thee ? and there is none upon Earth that I desire in comparison of thee . My Flesh and my Heart faileth ; but God is the Strength of my Heart , and my Portion for ever , Psal. 73. 25 , 26. Against Worshipping of Idols . To whom will you liken God ? or what likeness will ye compare unto him ? Isa. 40. 18. Woe unto him that saith to the Wood , Awake ; to the dumb Stone , Arise , it shall teach ; behold it is laid over with Gold and Silver , and there is no breath at all in the midst of it , Hab. 2. 19. If ye do return unto the Lord with all your Hearts ; then put away the strange Gods , and Ashtaroth from among you , and prepare your Hearts unto the Lord , and serve him only . Then the Children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth , and served the Lord only ▪ 1 Sam. 7. 3 , 4. Against Popish Tradition . For as much as this people draw near me with their Mouth , and with their Lip● do honour me , but have removed their Heart far from me , Isa. 29. 13. In vain they do worship me teaching for Doctrines th● Commandments of Men , Ma● ▪ 7. 7. Take heed and beware o● the Leaven of the Pharisees an● of the Sadduces . Against Praying to Saints . Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord , shall be saved . Rom. 10. 13. When you pray , say , Our Father which art in Heaven , &c. Luke 11. 2. Against Antichrist . Little Children , it is the last time , and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come ; even now are there many Antichrists , whereby we know it is the last time , I John 2. 18. Let no Man deceive you by any means ; for that day shall not come , except there come ● falling away first , and that Man of Sin be revealed , the Son of Perdition : Who opposeth and exal●eth himself above all that is called God , or that is worshipped ; so that he , as God , ●itteth in the Temple of God , ●he wing himself that he is God. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a Lie , that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth , but had pleasure in unrighteousness . 2. Thes. 2 , 3 , 4 , 11 , 12. Divine Breathings of the Soul , towards the Evening . AS the Hart panteth after the VVater-brooks , so longeth my Soul after thee , O God. My Soul is athirst for God , even for the living God ▪ when shall I ▪ come to appear before the presence of God ▪ ●salm . 42. 1. 2. Thy loving kindness is better than life it self ; therefore my Lips shall praise thee . Psal 63. 4. A Prayer for a Family , that may serve for Morning or Evening . O Eternal , Lord God , we thy poor and unworthy Servants , prostrate our selves before thee , in all Humility ; to ask pardon for all our Sins and Offences : Thou art a God of purer Eyes , than to behold Iniquity , yet so infinitely Gracious , that none ever trusted in thee , and was confounded : Thou hadst an Eye upon us , in the Womb , and notwithstanding our unworthiness , thou still relievest us , giving us our daily Food , and hourly Breath . II. What can we render unto thee , O Lord , for all thy Mercies which thou continually bestowest upon us : O let the Ocean of this thy Mercy be a partition betwixt us and our Sins , and betwixt thee and thy Judgments ; Remove from us whatsoever displeaseth thee ; and we beseech thee be not extream in marking our Imperfections ; thou hast gone along with us , and hast kept us and preserved us this Night past , from Fire , Water , Robbery , sudden Death , and Desolation : Day past from wilful Snining , Frights , and Fears , Maiming , Drowning , and Fire , from bad Company , and false Witnesses , which might lay to our Charge , things that we know not , and from all other sad Accidents which might have be●aln us . III. Bless our gracious Deliverers , and Sovereign Lord and Lady , K William and Q. Mary , defend their Persons , uphold their Crown , and maintain their State , give them continual Peace , length of Days , and much happiness : Bless Catherine the Queen Dowager , Her Royal Highness , the Princess Anne of Denmark , and the rest of the Royal Family : Let thy Blessing be upon this Family , guide us in our ways , and lead us in thy Truth : Bless all our Relations and Friends , guide and govern us by thy good Spirit of Grace ; and whatsoever thou knowest to be needful and convenient for us , we beseech thee grant it . IV. Lastly , We come unto thee for a blessing , for all that are distressed either in Body , Mind , or Estate , especially those who suffer Persecution , for enjoying the Light of thy Gospel , and fly into this Land for Succour : Hear us , O Lord , for them , and thy whole Church , and hear Christ for us all , in whose Name , and Word , we further call upon thee , saying , Our Father , &c. A Prayer before the Communion . O Merciful Jesu , who diedst an ignominious Death upon the Cross for my Sins , and didst bequeath in thy last Will and Testament , this holy Sacrament for my Souls Nourishment : My Sins , O Lord , are great , but I lament my Uncleanness , and renounce my Unworthiness . II. I come not to thy Holy Table , because Worthy , but Necessitous ; I come to be made clean and purged from my Dross and Filthiness ; thy Body and Bloud can make me Clean , thy Merits can make me a worthy Receiver ; and here is a Conveyance of thy blessed Body and Bloud in this Holy Sacrament : Give my Sins thy Pardon , my Soul thy Heavenly Grace , and what thou dost convey , seal unto me , for thy alone sake , my only Saviour and Redeemer . Amen . At receiving the Bread. Blessed Jesu , as thou hast given thy Flesh to be the Bread of Life and Salvation ; so vouchsafe to work in me by a lively Faith , that I receiving the same , may evermore continue in thee , and thou in me , Amen . At receiving the Cup. Lord , grant , that as thy Bloud was shed to wash me a poor Sinner ; so grant , that it may through a lively Faith take effect in me , that I may become a fit Member of thee , and live , and die in thee for ever . A Prayer after the Communion . GLory , Honour , and Praise be given unto thee , O Lord , most Holy , for all thy Mercies bestowed upon me : I have now been partaker of Bread and Wine : Lord make me partaker of thy Body and Bloud : The one turns to the Nourishment of my Body ; but the other , with thy Grace , is the Nourishment of my Soul. II. O let not thy precious Bloud be shed in vain for my Sins , but let my hearty Repentance , with thy Grace , fully purge me from all Uncleanness : I have this day been put in mind of the benefit by Christ's Death ; let me every day learn to die unto Sin , and live the Life of the Righteous ; that at last I may become a new Creature : Unto thee , O Father , my Creator and Preserver ; unto thee , O Christ , my Redeemer and Justifier ; unto thee , O Holy Ghost , my Sanctifier and Instructer , be ascribed , all Honour , Power , and Glory , now and for evermore . Amen . For the Church . WE beseech thee , O Lord , graciously to accept the Prayers of thy Church ; that she being delivered from all Adversity and Errour , may serve thee in safety and freedom , through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen . For the King and Queen . O Lord , we beseech thee ▪ Bless our Sovereign Lord and Lady , King William ▪ and Queen Mary , by thy Gracious Appointment our supream Governours ; enrich them with all increase of Vertues , whereby they may be able to eschew Evil , and to follow thee , the Way , the Truth , and the Life , through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen . For the Royal Family . We beseech thee , O Lord , to Bless Catherine the Queen Dowager , Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne of Denmark , and the rest of the Royal Family : Grant that they may walk in the ways of thy Holy Commandments , all the days of their Lives , through Christ our Lord. Amen . For the High Court of Parliament . O Lord , Bless the great Council of the Nation , direct The joyfull Coronation of King William and Queen Mary at Westminster Abby , April the 11th 1689. April ●he 11th . 1689. Their Majesties went from 〈…〉 c-hall to Westminster , 〈…〉 Heralds being ready , 〈…〉 Peers in the Lords House , and the P●eresses in the Painted Chamber , so that 〈…〉 even in the Morning The● Majesties , and the wh●… Proceeding were conducted to Westminster-hall , where a Throne being erected , 〈…〉 Majesties took Their Sea● and after the Ceremon● was ended , the Proceeding began from Westminster-Hall to the Abby , where bein●…d in Order , the Lord ●ishop of London began ●…th the Recognition , which ended with an universal Acclam●tion of Joy ; then the 〈…〉 of St. Asaph and Ban●r sung the L●●t●ny ▪ 〈…〉 ended , the Communion Service began , the Epistle taken out of the 1. Pet. 2. 〈…〉 . 17. read by the Bishop o● Carlisle ; the Gospel , 〈…〉 . 22. 16. 22. read by the Bishop of St. Asaph ; then followed the Sermon by the 〈…〉 of Salisbury , whose Tex● was 2. Sam. 23. 3. 4. 〈…〉 God of Israel said , the Roc● of Israel spake , &c. S●●mon being ended , T●… Majesties took the Oath , a●d were solnmnly anoi●…nd 〈…〉 Crowns placed on their Heads by the Lord Bishop of London , assisted by 〈…〉 Lord Bishop of Rochest● upon which the Dr●…t , the Trumpets sounded , the great Guns were fired , yet were drowned , in a man●…y the loud Shouts and ●…lamations of the Peopl●… Many other Royal Ceremonies ●as used , too tedious to insert in this narrow 〈…〉 About Eight in the Eve●ing Their Majesties r●…d to White-hall . and prosper all their Consultations , grant that what they do , may be to the advancement of thy Glory , the good of thy Church , the safety , honour , and welfare of our Sovereign Lord and Lady , and their Kingdoms ; that all things may be so well ordered , and firmly settled by their good endeavours upon the best and surest Foundations , that Peace and Happiness , Truth and Justice , Religion and Piety may be established among us , for all Generations . These and all other Necessaries for them , for us , and thy whole Church , we humbly beg for thy Son's sake , our Saviour . Amen . For the Clergy . Almighty and everlasting God , who by thy Spirit dost sanctifie and govern the whole Body of thy Church , Graciously hear our Prayers , for all those whom thou hast Ordained , and called to the publick Service of thy Sanctuary ; that by the help of thy Grace , they may faithfully serve thee in their several degrees , through Jesus Christ our Lord. For Friends . I beseech thee , O Lord , for all those to whom I am indebted , for my Birth , Education , Instruction , Promotion ; their Necessities are known unto thee ; thou art rich in all things ; reward them for these Benefits , with Blessings both Temporal and Eternal . For a Family . Almighty and Everlasting God , send down thy Holy Angel from Heaven , to visit , protect , and defend all that dwell in this House , through Christ our Lord. For a Friend . Almighty and Everlasting Lord God , have Mercy upon thy . Servant N. and direct him by thy Goodness into the way of Eternal Salvation ; that through thy Grace , he may desire those things which please thee , and with his whole Endeavour perform the same , through Jesus Christ our Lord. For Peace . O God , from whom all Holy Desires , all good Counsels , and all just works do proceed , give unto us thy Servants that Peace which the World cannot give , that both our Hearts may be set to obey thy Commandments , and also that by thee we being defended from the Fear of our Enemies , may pass our time , in rest and quietness , through the Merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour . In the time of Plague . Let thy Anger cease , O Lord , and be appeased for the inquity of thy People , as thou hast sworn by thy self . O Holy God , Holy and Strong , Holy and Immortal , have Mercy upon us . For a City . Compass this City , O Lord , with thy Protection , and let thy Holy Angels guard the Walls thereof : O Lord , mercifully hear thy People . For Grace . Lord from whom all good things do come , grant unto us thy humble Servants , that by thy Holy Inspiration we may think those things that be good , and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same , through our Lord Jesus Christ. For Enemies . O God the lover and preserver of Peace and Charity , give unto all our Enemies thy true Peace and Love , and Remission of Sins ; and mightily deliver us from their Snares , through Jesus Christ our Lord. For the Afflicted . O Almighty God , the Afflicted Soul , the troubled Spirit crieth unto thee : Hear , O Lord , and have Mercy , for thou art a merciful God. For Travellers . Assist us mercifully , O Lord , in our Supplications and Prayers ; and dispose the way of thy Servants towards the Attainment of Everlasting Salvation , that among all the Changes and Chances of this mortal Life , they may ever be defended by thy most Gracious and ready Help , through Christ our Lord. For the Fruits of the Earth . O God , in whom we live , move , and have our Being , open thy Treasure , in the due Season , and give a Blessing to the works of thy Hands , through Jesus Christ our Lord. Against Temptation . Almighty God , which doth see that we have no Power of our selves , to help our selves , keep us both outwardly in our Bodies , and inwardly in our Souls , that we may be defended from all Adversities , which may happen to the Body , and from all Evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the Soul , through Jesus Christ. For Misbelievers and Sinners . Almighty and Everlasting God who desirest not the Death of a Sinner , mercifully look upon all that are deceived by the subtilty of Satan , that all evil Prejudice laid aside , they may return to the Unity of thy Truth and Love. For Temporal Necessities . Replenish those , O Lord , we beseech thee with Temporal Nourishment , whom thou hast refreshed with thy Blessed ▪ Sacraments . Against Tempests . Drive spiritual Wickedness from thy House , O Lord , and preserve it from the malignity of tempestuous Weather . For Women in Travel . O Lord , of thy abundant Goodness , and Mercy , help thy Servants who are in great pains and perils of Child-birth ; that being delivered out of their present Danger , they may glorifie thy holy Name , who art blessed for evermore . For the Sick. O God , the only refuge of our infirmities , by thy mighty power relieve thy sick Servants , that they , with thy gracious Assistance , may be able to give Thanks unto thee , in thy Holy Church , through Jesus Christ. For Prisoners . O God , who deliveredst thy Apostle Peter from his Chains , and restoredst him to Liberty , have pity upon thy Servants in Captivity , release their Bonds , and grant them Freedom and Safety : Accept of the hearty Repentance of those that are appointed to dye , and save their Souls for his Merits who liveth and reigneth with thee , and the Holy Ghost , ever one God , VVorld without end . For the Dying . Father of all Flesh , and God of all Spirits , receive the Souls which thou hast redeemed with thy bloud , returning to thee . A Prayer before Study . O unspeakable Creatour , who , out of the Treasure of thy VVisdom , hast ordained Hierarchies of Angels , and hast placed them above the highest Heaven in a wonderfull order , and disposed them sweetly for all parts of the VVorld ; thou , the true Fountain and incomprehensible Principle of Light and VVisdom , vouchsafe to illuminate the Darkness of my Understanding with a Beam of thy Light ; remove the Darkness wherein I was born ▪ , Sin and Ignorance ; thou , who makest the Tongues of Infants Eloquent , loosen my Tongue , and pour forth the Grace of thy Spirit upon my Lips , give me acuteness to apprehend , capacity to retain , subtilty to interpret , aptness to learn , readiness to speak ; direct my beginning , farther my progression , and perfect my conclusion . When the Bell tolls for a Dying Person . O gracious God , be with this Person in the holy operations of thy Grace , and in the yearnings of thy tenderest Mercies ; in the dreadfull Moment when the Soul shall depart from the Body , and conduct this thy dying Creature through the Valley of the Shadow of Death unto the Land of everlasting Life , through Jesus Christ our Lord , Amen . A concluding Prayer . Almighty God , who hast promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Son's Name ; we beseech thee mercifully to incline thine Ears to us , who have now made our Supplications and Prayers unto thee ; and grant that those things which we have faithfully asked according to thy VVill , may be effectually obtained to the relief of our Necessities , and to the setting forth of thy glory , through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Peace of God which passeth all understanding , keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God , and of his Son Jesus Christ , our Lord ; and the Blessing of God Almighty , the Father , Son , and Holy Ghost , be with us now , at the hour of Death , and at the Day of Judgment . King Edward the Sixth's Prayer against Popery . LOrd God , deliver me out of this miserable and wretched Life , and take me among thy chosen : Howbeit not my Will , but thy Will be done : Lord I commit my Spirit to thee : O Lord , thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with thee ; yet for thy chosen's sake ; send me Life and Health , that I may truly serve thee . II. O my Lord God , Bless thy People , and save thine inheritance : O Lord God , Save thy chosen People of England : O my Lord God defend this Realm from Papistry ; and maintain thy True Religion , that I and my People may praise thy Holy Name , Amen . For God's Mercies upon Their Majesties Forces , under the Command and Conduct of his Grace the Duke of Schomberg . O Most powerfull and great God , mighty in Battel , fearfull in praises , doing wonders ; thou hast done mighty things already for us , whereof we rejoice : O be pleased still to continue thy undeserved Mercies towards us , and accomplish what thou hast already begun for us : Go forth we humbly beseech thee , with our Armies against those who would make a Prey of thy People . II. Protect and guide our great Governour and Commander , whose Commission is to fight thy Battel ; Guide him , and Counsel him in all his Undertakings , and cover his head in the day of Battel ; cause those that hate thy Name and People , to flee before him , and scatter them as the dust before the Wind ; Crown him with Victory and great Success , that at the last he may return home in Peace and Safety , to thy Glory , their Majesties Comfort , his own Satisfaction , and all the Nation 's happiness ; this we beg for the Merits of Jesus Christ , Amen . For Mercy to the whole Nation . O Lord God , who art full of Mercy and Compassion to all thy people , bless us , we beseech thee , from all domestick and foreign Enemies , that would endeavour to ruine our Souls , and betray our Lives : Let thy goodness and loving kindness evermore watch over us to defend , protect , and keep us from all assaults and temptations of the Enemy , and grant that we may live sober , godly , quiet Lives , to the glory of thy Holy Name , Amen . A Short Account OF THE MASSACRE IN Ireland & Paris . THE Popish Party in Ireland pretending the English unjustly detained their Lands from 'em , which were justly forfeited to the Laws , by their continual Rebellions and Treasons ; they did at last resolve to stir up all the cursed Romish Faction , to shew their utmost Zeal , for the Protestant's Destruction . When their business was well laid , in their publick Prayers , they recommended the good Success of a great Design , to advance their Catholick Cause ; and to stir up the People to act this Villany , with the greater Cruelty , they publickly discoursed , that the English Protestants were Hereticks , and not to be suffered to live any longer amongst them ; that it was no more Sin to kill one of them , than to kill a Dog : and a mortal Sin to protect , or relieve any one of them . When their Plot was ripe for Execution , they proceeded against the English in divers methods ; some of the Papists only stripping the Protestants , and turn'd them out of doors naked ; others murdering Men , Women , and Children , without Mercy ; they all agreed ●o root out all the Protestants The most Reverend Bishop Usher . The Irish Rebellion , and French Massacre . The Downfall of Rome . The Massacre in Ireland happened in the year 1641 , which by the learned Bishop Usher was predicted in 1601. at which time the Irish and English Papists , by all manner of cursed Cruelties , murdered near Three hundred thousand innocent English Protestants , without the least cause or provocation given them ▪ whose bloud yet cries for Vengeance from Heaven against them , and which we doubt not but the God of Vengeance will judge in his due time . The Massacre of Paris was in the time of bloudy King Charles the Ninth , the Papists used divers means to draw the Chief of the Protestants to Paris , under pretence of a Marriage between the king of Navarre , a Protestant , and the Lady Margaret , Sister to the French King. Admral Coligni , a Protestant Gentleman , 〈◊〉 invited to the Wedding , and in the Evening the Duke of Guise sent for the Captain of the Switzers , and shewed him the King's Commission , for murdering the Admiral , and at midnight the Provosts , Sheriffs , and Captains of every Ward had the same Commission shewed them ; the Watch-word for the general Massacre was , The tolling of the Bel in the King's Pallace a break of day , and that the Executioners should be known by white Handkerchiefs tied on their Arms , and a white Cross in their Hats ; no s●oner was the Watch Wo●●● given , but they felt to their Barbarity , and murdered the Admiral , and in two days there was slain in Paris above Ten thousand men , women , and children . Popery , Slavery , and Arbitrary Power being vanquished , Rome's Idolatry must expect its downfall ; the Multitude being got together begun to root out their damnable Religion here in England , by falling down , burning , and demolishing most of Their Chappels and Houses ; but the utter ruine of Rome will be when she thinks her self most secure , as the learned Bishop Usher mentions in his Prophesie . in that Kingdom ; and so great was their violence , that they would not permit the English Language to be spoke , but punished all that used it ; they likewise changed the Names of all English Places , killing , or maiming all sorts of Cattle , which belonged to the English Protestants . The Popish Priests gave their Sacrament to several Irish , on condition they should spare none of the Protestants , but wash their hands in their bloud . They also Excommunicated those that afforded any Relief , so that many were ●●●●ved and perished ; their Friars and Monks exhorted them with Tears not to spare any of the English , and boasted when they had destroyed them 〈◊〉 Ireland , they would go into England , & do the like ; for they ●●ld it as lawsull to kill an English Man , as to kill a Sheep or a Dog ; and that it was no more Conscience to deprive them of their Lives and ●s●ates , than to take a bone from ● Dog 's Mouth . The day before this bloudy Massacre ; the Priests gave them admission after Mass , telling them , they had now fre● Liberty to go and take possession of their Lands , and 〈◊〉 strip , rob , and despoil all the English , of whatever they had that killing them was a mentorious Act , and would preserve them from the pains 〈…〉 Purgatory ; which cause some of these murtherous V●…lains , after they had ●lain multitude of the English , pu●… lickly to boast , That if the should die immediately , th●● were sure of Heaven , and escape Purgatory . They then proceeded commit all manner of Cru●…ties and Villanies imaginabl● stripping naked Man , Woman , and Child , driving Eight hundred and odd into a River , where they were drowned , and put one Hundred and Fifty into a Castle , and burned them altogether . An Abstract of their Popish Tortures , and Cruelties against the Protestants in Ireland and Paris . A Protestant Woman being delivered in the Fields , they gave the new born Infant to the Dogs to be devoured . The Irish Women followed the Camp , and stirred up the Men to Cruelty , crying , Kill them all ; spare neither Man , Woman , or Child ; yea , such was their detestable Malice , that they taught their Children to kill English Children . An Irish Woman was very angry with a Soldier , that he did not bring the Grease of a ●at English Gentlewoman , who was murdered , to make Candles with ; which they barbarously did in many places . By all manner of cursed Cruelties , the Irish and English Papists , in a short time , murdered near three hundred thousand Protestants , without the least cause or provocation , whose bloud yet crys loud for Vengeance from Heaven against them , and doubt not but God will avenge it in his due time . Children have been cast to Dogs and Swine to be devoured by them . Women great with Child have been hanged up , and their Bellies ripped open , that the Infant has dropped out , and been thrown into a Ditch . Youths have had their brains dashedout against Trees , and some have been trampled to death . Some Infants have been found sucking the Breasts of their dead Mother . A great Commander took delight to ●lea off the skins of Men , and to Head his Drums with them . Some have been driven to a River where the Bridge has been broken down , and there drowned ; if any of them could swim , they either shot at them with Musquets , or knocked them on the head , as they came near the Land. Some were put into Dungeons full of mire and dirt , and having Bolts put on their Legs there perish'd with hunger . Some had their eyes plucked out , and their hands cut off , and so let go , to pine away in Misery . Many have been stoned to death , and some have been stripped stark naked , and driven into the Woods and Mountains in the extremity of Frost and Snow , and there starved . Some have been compelled to carry their own Parents to Execution , others to give fire to the Wood that burnt them . Mothers have been forced to throw their own Children into the Water ; Wives to hang their own Husbands ; Children to hang up their own Parents ; and when they have done all this , in hope , and upon promise of Life , they themselves were barbarously Murthered . Some have been boiled alive in Cauldrons ; some have been put into a hole in the ground , all but the head , and there forc'd to continue till they died . Some have been driven through the streets naked ; and if , through weakness , they kept not their pace , they were pricked forward with Spears and Swords . Some have been so rack'd and tormented , that Worms have bred in their putrified Sores ; Infants have been closed again in their Mothers Bellies , which the Villains had ript up , and there strangled , some have been wounded deadly , and then hung upon Tenter-hooks , and others have been hung by the Arms , that the Souldiers might try their valour , and the strength of their Swords upon them . Some have been ript up , and their Guts let out to trail about their heels , others have been dragged with Wythes and Ropes about their Necks , through the VVaters , Bogs , Woods , and Streets , to force them to confess their Treasure , which when they had gotten , they were basely murdered . One hundred and four sheltred themselves in Caves , and by smoak , made with wet straw , at the mouth thereof , have been smothered . The same Cruelties we must have expected again to have ●aln upon all Protestants , if God in his great Mercy had not prevented them . Strange and remarkable PREDICTIONS OF THAT Holy , Learned , and excellent Bishop , James Usher , LATE Lord Primate of Ireland . THE Author of the Life of this worthy Archbishop relates , That amongst other extraordinary Gifts and Graces , the Almighty had bestowed upon him , he was wonderfully endued with a Prophetick Spirit , whereby he predicted several things sometime long before they came to pass , whereof some we have seen fulfilled , and others remain yet to be accomplished : and though he was one that abhorr'd Enthusiastick Noti●●s , being too Learned , Rational , and Knowing , to admit such idle Freaks and Whimsies : Yet he profest , That several times in his Life he had many things imprest upon his Mind , concerning future Events , with so much warmness and importunity , that he was not able to keep them secret , but lay under an un●voidable necessity to make them known . From which Spirit he foretold the Irish Rebellion Forty years before it came , with the time when it should break forth , in a Sermon at Dublin , in 1601 ; where from Ezek. 4. 6. discoursing concerning the Prophets bearing the iniquity of Judah forty days , the Lord therein appointed a day for a year : He made this direct Application in relation to the connivance of Popery at that time . From this year , says he , will I ●eckon the Sin of Ireland , that those whom you now embrace , shall be your ruine , and you shall bear this Iniquity . Which Prediction proved exactly true ; for from that time 1601 , to the year 1641 , was Forty years , in which it is notoriously known , that the Rebellion and Destruction of Ireland happened , which was acted by those Popish Emissaries , which were then connived at . And of this Sermon the Bishop reserved the Notes , and made a Remark of it in the Margent of his Bible ; and for 20 years before , he lived in the expectation of the fulfilling of it , and the nearer the time was , the more he was confident it was near accomplishment ; though as yet , there was no visible appearance . The year before the Rebellion brokeforth , ( says Dr. Bernard ) The Bishop taking his leave of me , being going from Ireland to England , he advised me to a serious Preparation ; for I should see heavy Sorrows and Miseries before I saw him again ; which he delivered with as great Confidence , as if he had seen it ▪ which seems to verifie that of the Prophet , Amos 3. 7. Surely the Lord will do nothing , but he will reveal it to his Servants , the Prophets . From this prophetick Spirit he foresaw the Changes and Miseries of England in Church and State ; for having in one of his Books , ( De Prim. Eccl. Brit. ) given a large Account of the Destruction of the Britains , by the Saxons , about 550 years after Christ , he gives this among other Reasons , why he insisted so largely upon it ; That he foresaw that a like Judgment was yet behind , if timely Repentance and Reformation did not prevent it ; and he would often mourn upon the foresight of this , long before it came . From this Spirit he gave mournfull intimations of the Death of King Charles the I ▪ of whom he would be often speaking with fear and trembling , even when the King had the greatest Success ; and would therefore constantly pray , and gave all Advice possible , to prevent any such thing . From this Spirit he foresaw his own Poverty in Worldly things ; and this he would often speak of , with admiration to the Hearers , when he was in his greatest Prosperity , which the event did most certainly verifie . From this Spirit he predicted the Divisions and Confusions in England , about Religion , and the sad Consequences of it ; some of which we have seen fulfilled , and I pray God the rest , which he feared , may not also be accomplished . Lastly , from this Spirit he foretold , That the greatest stroke upon the Reformed Churches was yet to come ; and the time of the utter ruine of Rome should be when she thought her self most secure ; and to this last , I shall add a brief Account from the Person 's own hand who was concern'd . The year before the Primate's Death , I went to him , and earnestly desired him to grant me in Writing his Apprehensions of Justification , and Sanctification by Christ , because I had formerly heard him Preach upon those Points , wherein he seemed to make those great Mysteries more intelligible to my mean Capacity , than any Discourse I had heard from others ; but by reason I had an imperfect Memory of the particulars , I took the boldness to importune him , That he would please to give me a brief Account of them in writing , whereby I might the better imprint them in my memory ; o● which he would willingly have excused himself , by declaring , his Intentions of not writing any more ; adding , That if he did write any thing , it should not exceed a sheet or two : but upon my continued importunity , I at last obtained his promise . He coming to Town some time after , was pleased to give me a Visit ; where I failed not to challenge the benefit of his promise made to me ; to which he replyed , That he had not writ , and yet could not charge himself with any breach of promise ; for ( said he ) I did begin to write , but when I came to write of Sanctification , that is , of the new Creature , which God formeth by his Spirit in every Soul , which he doth truly regenerate , I found so little of it wrought in my self , that I could speak of it only as Parrots by rote , and without the knowledge and understanding of what I might have exprest ; and therefore I durst not presume to proceed any farther upon it . When I seemed to stand amaz'd to hear such an humble Confession , from so great and experienced a Christian. He added : I must tell you , we do not well understand what Sanctification , and the New Creature are ; it is no less , than for a Man to be brought to an entire resignation of his Will to the Will of God , and to live in the offering up of his Soul , continually in the flames of love , as a whole Burnt-offering to Christ , and how little ( says he ) are many of those who profess Christianity experimentally acquainted with this Work on their Souls . By this Discourse , I conceived he had very excellently and clearly discovered to me that part of Sanctification , which he was unwilling to write . I then presumed to enquire of him , what his present apprehensions were , concerning a great Persecution which should fall upon the Church of God in these Nations of England , Scotland , and Ireland , of which this reverend Primate had spoken many years before , when we were in Peace and Settlement . I ask'd him whether he did believe those sad times were past , or to come , he told me , They were to come , and that he did as fully expect it , as ever he had done : adding , That this sad Persecution would fall upon all the Protestant Churches in Europe . I replyed , I hoped it might be past , as to these Nations of ours , since I thought , that though we have been punished much less than our Sins have deserved , and that our late Wars have made far less devastations , than War commonly brings where it pleaseth God in Judgment to suffer it ; yet we must needs acknowledge , that many great Houses have been burnt , ruined , and left without Inhabitants ; many great Families impoverithed and undone , and many thousand lives also had been lost in that bloudy War , and that Ireland , and Scotland , as well as England , had drunk very deep of the Cup of God's Anger , even to the overthrow of the Government , and the utter Desolation almost of a very great part of those Countries . But this holy Man turning to me , and fixing his eyes upon me with that serious and irefull look which he usually had , when he spoke God's Word , and not his own ; and when the Power of God seemed to be upon him , and to constrain him to speak , which I could easily discern much to differ from the Countenance wherewith he usually spake to me . He said thus : Fool not your self with such hopes ; for I tell you , all you have yet seen , hath been but the beginning of Sorrows , to what is yet to come upon the Protestant Churches of Christ , who will e'er long fall under a sharper Persecution than ever yet has upon them ; and therefore ( said he to me ) look you be not found in the outward Court , but a worshipper in the Temple before the Altar , for Christ will measure all those that profess his Name , and call themselves his People ; and the outward Worshippers he will leave out , to be trodden down by the Gentiles . The outward Court ( says he ) is the formal Christian , whose Religion lies in performing the out-side Duties of Christianity , without having an inward life and power of Faith , and Love , uniting them to Christ , and these God will leave to be trodden down and swept away by the Gentiles ; but the Worshippers within the Temple , and before the Altar , are those who do indeed Worship God in Spirit and in Truth , whose Souls are made his Temples , and he is honoured and adored in the most inward Thoughts of their Hearts , and they sacrifice their Lusts and vile Affections , yea , and their own Wills to him ; and these God will hide in the hollow of his hand , and under the shadow of his Wings . And this shall be one great difference between this last , and all the other preceeding Persecutions ; for in the former , the most eminent and spiritual Ministers , and Christians did generally suffer most , and were most violently fallen upon ; but in this last Persecution , these shall be preserved by God , as ● Seed to partake of that Glory , which shall immediately follow , and come upon the Church , as soon as ever this Storm shall be over ; for as it shall be the sharpest , so it shall be the shortest Persecution of them all , and shall only take away the gross Hypocrites , and formal Professors , but the true spiritual Believers shall be preserved till the Calamity be over-past . I then asked him by what means or instruments this great Tryal should be brough● on . He answered , By th● Papists . I replyed , Th●● it seemed to me very improbable they should be able t● do it , since they were no●● little countenanced , and b●● few in these Nations , and that ●he Hearts of the People were ●ore set against them , than e●er since the Reformation . He answered again , That it would be , by the hands of Papists , and in the way of a sudden Massacre ; and that the then Pope should be the chief Instrument of it . All this he spake with so great assurance , and with the same serious and concerned Countenance , which I have before observed him to have , when I have heard him foretel some things which in all humane appearance were very unlikely to come to pass , which yet I my self have lived to see happen according to his Prediction : and this made me give the more earnest attention to what he then uttered . He then added , That the Papists were in his opinion the Gentiles spoken of in the Eleventh of the Revelations ; to whom the outward Court should be left , that they might tread it under foot ; they having received the Gentiles Worship , in their adoring Images , and Saints departed , and in taking to themselves many Mediators : and this ( said he ) the Papists are now designing among themselves , and therefore be sure you be ready . This was the substance , and I think ( for the greatest part ) the very same words which this holy Man spake to me , not long before his death , and which I writ down , that so great and notable a Prediction might not be lost by my self or others . This gracious Man repeated the same things in substance to his only Daughter the Lady Tyrrel , and that with many Tears , and much about the same time that he had exprest the aforesaid to me , and which ●…e Lady Tyrrel assured me of ●…ith her own mouth to this ●…rpose : That opening the door of ●…s Chamber , she found him ●…ith his eyes lift up to Heaven , ●…d the Tears running apace ●…own his Cheeks , and that ●…e seemed to be in an Ecstasie , ●…herein he continued for a●…out half an hour , not taking ●…e least notice of her , though ●…e came into the Room ; but 〈…〉 last turning to her , he told ●…er , That his thoughts had ●…en taken up about the Mi●…ries and Persecutions that ●…ere coming upon the Chur●…es of Christ , which would ●…e so sharp and bitter , that ●…e contemplation of them ●…d fetched those Tears from ●…s Eyes , and that he hoped ●…e should not live to see it , ●…ut possibly she might , for it ●…as even at the door ; Therefore take heed ( says he ) that y●… be not found sleeping . The same things he also r●…peated to the Lady Bysse 〈…〉 Wife to the Lord Chief . B●…ron of Ireland ; but addin●… this Circumstance , That 〈…〉 they brought back the King , 〈…〉 might be delayed a little longer , but ( said he ) it will s●r●… come ; therefore be sure to look th●… you be not found unprepared for it . To conclude in the Wor●… of Dr. Bernard , speaking 〈…〉 this excellent Person : No●… howsoever I am far fro●… heeding of Prophecies , ye●… with me it is not improbabl●… that so great a Prophet , s●… sanctified from his Youth 〈…〉 so knowing , and emine●… throughout the univers●… Church , might have , at som●… special times , more than o●…dinary Motions and Impu●…ses in doing the Watch-man 〈…〉 part , of giving warning o●… Judgments approaching . The Spanish Inv●ion , 1558. Gun powder Treason , Nov 5. 1605. The Arrival of the Prince of Orange Nov. 5. 1688. The Thanksgiving for the Deliverance from the Spanish Ar●ada , was August 7. 1558. their Fleet was 150 Ships , and 65 Galleons , which were to join the Duke of Parma , who had 32 Ships of War , 70 Flat-bottoms , and 2●0 Boats which lay in Newport Haven , with 2000 empty Cas●s to cho●k Havens , and make Bridges : To this Design the Pope contribute● a Million of Gold. November the 5 1605. was our great Deliverance from the Hellish Powder-Plot , and ●e miraculous finding of it out , was by a Letter sent to the Lord Mounteagle , to advise him to take care of himself , for the Parliame●● should receive such a Blow , and not see who hurt them : The Con●ir●●ors were Everard Digby Knight , Robert Catesby Esq Ambrose Rockwood Esq Francis Tresham Esq Robert VVinter Esq Tho. Piercy Gent. Tho. VVinter Gent. John VVright Gent. Christ. Wright Gent. John Grant Gent. Robert Keys Gent. G●y Fa●x , and Bates , Catesby's Man : Provisions for this horrid Design was 36 Barrels of Powder , 500 Faggots , and 1900 Billets . November the 5. 1688 , was our happy Deliverance from Popery , Slavery , and Arbitrary Power , by the Arrival of the Prince of Orange , who landed with a considerable Army at Brixam Key in Devonshire , where the whole Country congratulated him , and brought Plenty of Provisions and Necessaries for the S●diers . Thanksgivings for God's wonderful Deliverances . From the Spanish Invasion . WE laud and magnifie thy holy Name for this wonderfull Deliverance wrought for our Ancestors , which were surrounded with fear of Roman Slavery , and Popish Usurpation , which would have destroyed both Queen and Kingdom , when their Gallies and Ships came to assault us , with murthering Pieces , and Instruments of Cruelty , which none but Satan and themselves could invent ; as Whips to scourge us , Seals to mark us , and Fetters to manacle us . II. They were full of Pride calling themselves Invincible and had hemm'd us in on every side , trusting in their own Arm of Flesh , and pursuing our ruine and destruction ; then , O Lord , thou didst awake as one out of sleep , and , as a Giant , refreshed with Wine , and smotest our Enemies in the hinder parts , putting them all to confusion : Blessed be thy Name for this , and all other Mercies bestowed upon us , and grant that we may never want thankfull ▪ Hearts to praise thee . From the Gun-Powder Treason , November 5th . 1605. Blessed Lord , whose Eye of Providence watched over us , and didst discover to us those hellish Contrivances which were laid in the dark , but not hid from thine All-seeing eye ; Rome's Factors were then busie in contriving to blow up the Bodies of our King and Nobles with a most barbarous and unnatural invention . II. What had they done to them to be adjudged to so strange a Death ? and what had they done for thee , to be so graciously preserved ? as we consider their inhumanity in laying their cruel project , so we must acknowledge thy Goodness in revealing the same , to whom be glory , now , and for ever , Amen . For our Deliverance from Popery , Tyranny , and Arbitrary Power . O Eternal God , who hast wrought so great a Deliverance to all thy People , by raising up happy Instruments for thy Glory , and our Peace and Safety , even thy Servants , our dear and dread Soveraign Lord and Lady K. William and Q. Mary , who , like Moses , stood in the Gap , between us and Pharaoh's Cruelties . II. Thou hast delivered us , O Lord , thou God of Mercy , when we were even ready for destruction , Tyranny , and what else their Roman Malice could invent , or slavish yoke have imposed upon us ; but blessed be thy holy Name , that thou hast snatched us as a Brand out of the Burning , and hast restored those good Laws and Liberties , which our Forefathers l●ave enjoyed ; teach us to prize & value this great Mercy , that all Nations may say , happy are the people , that are in such a Case , yea happy is the People whose God is their Lord. For the Relief of London-Derry . in Ireland . O Lord of Heaven and Earth , who didst in thy great Mercy remember thy poor Servants when they were in trouble , and besieged round about , being in great necessity s ●race the Duke of Sc●●mberg . The Valiant Governour Walker . The Siege of London-derry , 1688. The Irish and French Forces being leaded by the late King James , laid close Siege to London-derry , at which time Collonel Lundy , and others , 〈◊〉 driven away by fear , they were destitute of a Governour , the Town then consisting of about Nine thousand Fighting men , they 〈◊〉 chose Col. VValker their Governour , and preserved the Place couragiously , enduring great extremity ; but at last they were supplie● with Provisions by way of the River , and the Besiegers , after great loss sustained , drew off and left them , August the 13th . His Grace 〈◊〉 Duke of Schombergh l●nded his Forces in Ireland , near Carrickfergus , and reduced divers Places to obedience , causing the French and Irish Army to retrea● . Not long after , Governour Walker safely arrived in England , and waited upon their Majesties at Hampton-Court , with an humble Address from the Governours , Officers , Clergy , and Gentlemen in the City and Garison of London-Derry , at which time His Majesty was pleased , as a Mark of his Royal ●ounty , to order him Five thousand Pounds , with this Assurance , That it should not at all lessen his Kindness to him and his Family . for want of Food , and other Necessaries , thou didst in thy due time send them Relief and Succour , else they had perished in their Affliction . II. And what can we render , O Lord , sufficient for these things ; our best thanks we can pay , O God , are less than the least of all thy Mercies ; yet in the mean time we desire to acknowledge thine abundant Goodness , and loving Kindness to us , and to praise thy Name for evermore . For the Gifts of God. I yield thee all humble and hearty Thanks , O mercifull God , that by the Death of thine only Son hast redeemed us from death to life , and hast continually a care of us , preserving us as the Apple of thine Eye from the dangerous Assaults of Satan , and providest for us all things necessary , that more Thanks and Praise is due unto thee , than the Tongue of Men or Angels can declare . II. Accept these my Praises and Thanksgivings , O Lord , Ibeseech thee , and encrease in me a daily desire to praise thy Goodness , acknowledging every good and perfect Gift to come from thee ; to whom with the Son and the Holy Ghost , be all honour and glory , now and for evermore , Amen . To God for all his Benefits . Most merciful God , we yield thee humble thanks for thy continual favour and kindness towards us thy poor and unworthy Creatures , for whose Salvation , when we were lost , thou wert pleased , even of thy mere Love , to send thine only beloved Son , Christ Jesus , into the World , taking humane Nature upon him , and suffering most bitter pangs of Death upon the Cross , to redeem us again to thy favour . II. Such , O Lord , was thine unspeakable Love , for which we are never able to pay the least recompence ; but give us , O Lord , thankfull and obedient hearts , that we may yield thee praises not only with our Lips , but in our lives ; not only in giving thy Son for us , but in leaving unto us a continual remembrance of the same thine unspeakable Love , thy Holy Gospel , wherein consists the rule whereby we are directed ; and though Heaven and Earth pass away , yet not one tittle of that shall decay or diminish ; for without which we should have been in our accustomed Ignorance : accept us , we beseech thee , in thy Son , our blessed Lord and Saviour . Amen . Christian Courage IN AFFLICTION . A Prayer before the following Advice to the besieged Souldiers in London-Derry , under the Command of that worthy Divine and most Loyal and Valiant Commander Col. Walker . O Most Eternal Lord God , whose Providence never fails those who trust in thy Name and Word , mercifully we beseech thee to cast down thy Eyes of Pity and Compassion upon us miserable Sinners which are here met together ; we do in all humility prostrate our selves before thy Divine Majesty , beseeching thee to pardon all our Sins , and help our Infirmities ; O Lord , we are not able of our selves to do any thing , but offend thee , committing daily and hourly Sins without number : but , O Lord , hear thy Son Christ Jesus for us , and nail them to his Cross , that they may never rise up in Judgment against us , either to shame us in this World , or condemn us in the World to come ; bury them in the bottomless Sea of thy Mercy and Forgetfulness , that they may never appear before thee , to hinder thy Favours unto us ; seal the remission of them to our Souls and Consciences , that they may not disturb or distract us in our Devotions and Duty ; pour thy Grace and holy Spirit into us , that may enable us to walk before thee in Holiness , Righteousness , and in Sobriety , all the days of our lives . Bless we beseech thee , our dear and dread Soveraign Lord and Lady , King William and Queen Mary , Katherine the Queen Dowager , the Princess Anne of Denmark , and the rest of the Royal Family : Bless the Archbishops , and Bishops , with the rest of the Dispencers of thy holy Sacraments , and grant that the light of thy Gospel may never depart from us . And Lastly , we come unto thee for a Blessing upon our Governours , Commanders , and fellow Souldiers ; guide and conduct them in this Calamity , fortifie them with Courage and Strength against our Romish Adversaries , that thy Name may be glorified , our Lives preserved , and our Souls Eternally saved , in the great day of the Lord Jesus , when all flesh shall appear . Grant that our Meeting at this time may be for the better , and not for the worse ; to praise and glorifie thy holy Name , in whose holy Name and Word we put up these our imperfect Prayers , in that most absolute and perfect form of Prayer which Christ himself bath taught us . Our Father , &c. Christian Courage IN AFFLICTION . A Discourse by way of Advice to the besieged in London-Derry . 2 Chron. 20. Chap. Verse 9. latter part of it . Be not afraid nor dismay'd by ▪ reason of this great multitude ; for the Battel is not yours , but God's . THE Context runs thus , And he said , Hearken ye , all Judah , and ye Inhabitants of Jerusalem , and thou King Jehoshaphat : Thus saith the Lord unto you , Be not afraid , nor dismaied by reason of this great multitude ; for the Battel is not yours , but God's . These are the words of God , which he commanded Jahaziel the Prophet to deliver to Jehoshaphat King of Judah . When the Moabites and Ammonites came to make War against him , to dispossess him of his Kingdom , verse the 8th of this Chapter , and may be a seasonable Text for this Auditory . Our Sins indeed are many , which have justly provoked God's heavy Wrath against us : and our Enemies are very numerous which surround us , therefore now let us cry mightily unto God , earnestly beseeching him , that he would pardon all our Sins , blot out all our Iniquities , and receive us graciously ; let us sincerely repent and be heartily sorry for our manifold Transgressions committed against him , so shall we by his Divine Assistance be in a readiness to encounter with Roman Malice , these Moabites and Ammonites , who are Enemies to our Lives , Religion , Laws , and Liberties ; and be animated with Courage to go out cheerfully against Rome's Force and Cruelties , fighting manfully the Lord's Battel , every one of us , laying his hand upon his Heart , with this comfortable Expression in our Mouths , Be not afraid , nor dismaied by reason of this great multitude , for the Battel is not ours , but God's . Servile Fear is the harbinger of the Guilty , and a slavish timorousness belongs not to the Strong and Couragious , but a God like Fear attends upon the Vertuous , and produces Success in their Undertakings . Holy Job that great Proficient in God's School , and great Example of Christian Patience tells you , Job 28. 28. The fear of the Lord , that is Wisdom ; and to depart from Evil is Understanding . This is the only supream Good and Fear , which secures us from committing , shameful Acts , and creates a circumspection in our Lives ; for as the shadow of the Body is followed by the Sun , so doth Glory attend Vertue in our progress to Christ. Let us then put our whole trust in God , in this time of danger , and take the Royal Prophets resolution , Psal. 118. 6. Not to fear what man can do unto us ; but rather fear the Lord , who pitieth those that fear him , Psal. 103. 13. It is the Duty of every one of us to be circumspect in our Lives , but more especially at this season and time of Affliction , when the hand of God is stretched out against us ; when the Enemy waits even at our doors ready to devour us , when they stand gaping ready to swallow us up quick , and none of us can prognosticate how soon his Life may be lost , or be in danger ; therefore it behoves us to lay hold on that Advice which St. Paul gave the Ephesians , Ephes. 6. 10 , 11. Be ye strong in the Lord , and in the Power of his Might . Put on the whole Armour of God , that ye may be able to stand . So shall we be fortified with that Courage which is mentioned here in my Text , of being not afraid , or dismaied by reason of this great multitude , for the Battel is not ours , but God's . Be not afraid , or dismaied by reason of this great multitude , is the Command of God , and therefore in obedience to his Command let us humbly obey his Divine Order , and valiantly fight under his Protection . A multitude there is , and very great ; what then , the Battel is God's , and David tells us , 1 Chron. 16. 5. Great is the Lord , and greatly to be praised ; he is also to be feared above all Gods. The multitude here in my Text were Moabites , and Ammonites ; but the multitude which layeth close Siege to us , are Jesuits and bloudy Papists , whose damnable Principles , and hellish Doctrines are to quench the light of the Gospel , to root and destroy all Christianity , who blasphemously think to gain Heaven by Massacring God ' People , and triumph in the effussion of shedding innocent Bloud : it is their Glory to lay Kingdoms wast , and Countries desolate , reduce Cities to Ashes , and ruine Families those which will not fall down to worship their Idols , false Gods of Wood and Stone , are fit objects of their Fury ; their Cruelty is beyond what Malice can invent , or Hell imagine , and Solomon gives a true Character of them , Prov. 27. 4. Wrath is cruel , and Anger is outragious ; but who is able to stand before Envy ? But God will pour out his Wrath upon them , and shoot at them with his Arrows , that they shall be wounded , his Vengeance will speedily overtake , and drown them , like harden'd Pharaob in the red Sea of Perdition ; let him who hath provoked God to Anger , lay his hand on his Heart , and now say with Nehemiah , Shall such an one as I flie ? Shall I whom God hath honoured so much , dishonour him by Oaths so greatly ? who am placed in an higher Sphere than others , be either a dim or a wandering Star ? Shall I who am most obliged to God by the Bonds of Wealth and Power , exceed the bounds of Truth and Justice ? whom he hath made a Ruler of the People , not rule my self and my own Kingdoms according to his Golden Rule ? God forbid . God will not permit their Romish policy to overthrow our Christian Piety , he will not suffer them to break the bruised Reed of the Distressed , nor quench the smoaking Flax of their Necessities , he will be a Lamp unto our Feet , and a Light unto our Path in this Extremity ; therefore be not afraid , or dismaied by reason of this great multitude , &c. We must every one of us look upon this great Affliction as sent from God , for he knows what is better for us , than we do for our selves ; and that which seems most evil at present , may turn at last to our greatest benefit . None of us ought to despair of God's Mercy , for when our weak Apprehensions of God are such as drive us from him , we overthrow the main end of Religion , which is to bring God , and our selves nearer together . None ought to exclude themselves from God's Mercy , whom he excludes not from it ; and God excludes none , whom he invites to repent , with a promise of forgiveness , if they do it : and the goodness and long suffering , and forbearance of us Sinners , is on purpose design'd to lead us to Repentance ; so that after all this , to despair , and fail in our Courage , is only to reject the Mercy which God offers , but to question his truth and sincerity , to slight his Patience , to disparage his Goodness , and to look upon him as a most revengeful and implacable Being , is to admit and entertain most dishonourable and unworthy Thoughts of the Best , the Wisest , the most merciful and compassionate Being in the World , who hath proclaim'd himself , Exod. 34. 6 , 7. To be a God merciful and gracious , long-suffering , and abundant in Goodness and Truth , keeping Mercy for thousands , for giving Iniquity , Transgresson , and Sin ; that is , to all that truly repent : So that when we consider , we have no reason to despair of his Mercy to us , but readily and willingly to obey his Command , and not shrink from those principles which prompt us to his Honour and Glory , in whose Service is perfect freedom ; but to rouse up our selves like Men , stand upon our Guard , fortifie our selves and be vigilant , not being afraid , or dismaied by reason of this great multitude ; for it is God's cause which we fight for , and our Lives cannot be better imployed than in his Service , from whom we received all we have , or can pretend to ; therefore let us press forwards in obedience to his Command , for the Battel is not yours , but God's . When the Lord's Battel is to be fought , we must endeavour to follow his holy Order and Discipline , and not our own sinfull Lusts and Appetires , like brute Beasts , which have no understanding : Let us seriously consider , I beseech you , what it is we fight for ? it is to defend our Religion , and oppose Idolatry ? to maintain Truth , and beat down Falshood ? to exalt Glory , and decry Shame ? and to enjoy our Freedom , and not espouse Slavery ? Let happy England now be our pattern for Loyalty Magnanimity & Courage ; then shall we arrive at that serene State , which holy David expresses , Psal. 85. 10. where Mercy and Truth are met together , Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other ; if on the contrary we revolt , nothing can be expected but Parisian Slavery to ●●thrall us , and Romish Idolatry to attend us : Have we not felt the smarting Rod of Popery for many years ? yea , within a few years , when Legality was changed into Arbitrary Government ; Orthodox Religion grosly invaded and innovated ; Popish Doctrines publickly preached ; Crucifixes erected ; Adoration to Saints and Altars practised , and Ten Ave Maria's said for one Pater Nesler ? The same may be said of Ireland , as once a Reverend Divine wittily said of England : Though it was but a little Place , yet there was a great deal of ROME in it . And shall not I visit for these things ? saith the Lord , shall not my Soul be a●enged on such a Nation as this ? Jer. 5. 9. yes surely , God will avenge himself , and defeat all their Policies ; he will laugh a● their Galamity , and meek when the ●●●● cometh , when their fear come as desolation , and destruction as Whirlwind . Prov. 1. 25 , 26 , 27. he is able , and will deliver us , if we trust in him ; he has promised us , who will not break his Word : Psal. 50. 15. Call upon me in the time of trouble : I will deliver thee , and thou shalt glorifie me . Therefore let us be all of one mind , and not halt between Two Opinions , but stand fast , Fear not , nor be dismayed , for the Battel is not ours , but God's . Is it God's Battel we are to fight ? let not sloth then seize upon us , or a supine Carelessness take hold of us ; but let us quit our selves like Men , and fight , 1 Sam. 4. 9. securing to our selves that Religion , the Light of that glorious Gospel God hath given us , not forgetting to take the Prophet Jeremiah's Counsel , in the 6. w●ap . of his Prophecy , ver . 16. pe●nd ye in the way , and see and ask 〈◊〉 the good old paths , where is the good way , and walk therein , and you shall find rest unto your Souls . The well compacted Hedge of our Laws was trodden down : let us therefore be diligent , and repair those breaches our Sins have made , by our earnest Supplications to the Throne of Grace ; so true is that Maxime , Inter Arma , silent Leges , The Voice of Law cannot be heard for the noise of Drums , and the threatning Cannon . O let Policy now amongst us ever give place to Piety ; and now let me exhort the chiefest amongst us , beseeching you to let your private Affections be swallowed up in the common Cause , as small Rivers lose their Name in the Ocean . That practice of Pompey deserveth well your observation and imitation , who when his Soldiers would needs leave the Camp , threw himself down at the narrow Passage , and bid them goe , but they should tread first upon their General . So let your pious Resolutions , and valiant Examples stir up the Courage of our weak Brethren ; expose your selves to the worst of dangers , and endure the bru●●t , that they may not desert you ; may it be your Glory in after Ages , to be loudly proclaimed , that you were the Champions of the Lord to fight his Battel ; that you stood in defence of your Religion against gross Idolatry ; that you promoted Peace against bloudy Persecution ; and rather choose to endure Affliction with the People of God , than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Season . In our Duty in Matters of Religion , we are no farther to walk after Ruler's Commands , than they walk after God's ; Fatherly power is the rise of all Authority ; and yet our Saviour tells us , He that loves Father or Mother more than him , is not worthy of him , Mat. 10. 37. Parents must be honoured , but God preferred ; it is as true in regard of Regal as Paternal Authority ; the Instances of the Hebrew Midwives , Exod. 1. 17. the three Worthies , and Daniel , are obvious to all , Dan. 3. 18. 6. 10. That Epithete that was given to B●c●n of Doctor Resolutus , in this Case well becomes every Christian. It was a just Resolve of Luther in divine Matters , Cedo nulli ; and a remarkable Speech of the Apostles . Acts 4. 19. 5. 29. That we ought to obey God rather than Men ; it is true , when the supream Authority enjoins what God inhibits , we must patiently undergo the punishment inflicted , but not willingly walk after the Commandment prescribed . It was a pious Speech of King Henry the Eighth to Sir Thomas More , when he made him Chancellour , Look first at God , then at me . St. Augustine's Rule is excellent , The Supream Power hath a Superiour in Heaven ; for fear of one , we must contemn the other ; the one may threaten the Prison , but the other has ordained Hell. In a word , neither must Princes leave the People to their own Will , nor the People conform themselves to the Prince's Will , but both to God's Will in Matters of Religion , lest otherways both Prince and People be consumed . But , O Lord , we have sinned against thee , and as the Prophet David says Psal. 76. 7. Who can stand in thy sight , when thou art angry ? no Bounds could keep us from Sinning , and therefore God's Wrath knows no Bounds in punishin●… our Transgression was above Measure , so God's Judgment is without Measure . It is St. Chrysostom's Note , concerning that fiery shower which God rained upon Sodom , That as the Sodomites inverted the course of Nature , to seek Woman in Man ; so God changed the Order , by showring down Fire instead of Water . Thus doth the Almighty's Justice ever proportion the Smart to the Fault ; so that here we may at once behold the greatness of our Sin in the punishment , and the fitness of the punishment to the Sin ; Invasion , and being Besieged by Romish Adversaries , for our neglecting God's Commands , which ought to be our Rule , and despising of his Goodness , which should lead us Sinners to Repentance . But as the Water that is poured on the Earth , can never be gathered up again ; so let us pour out all our Sins , and God will not pour out all his Wrath : let us speedily cast away the filth of our Transgressions , and he will soon stop the current of his Indignation ; let us cheerfully reform , and he will willingly assist us , let us repent of our provocations , and he will bring us out of this Calamity ; may this our great work , be wisely and speedily accomplished , and by the Divine Assistance , and our weak endeavours faithfully performed , that the power of Religion may be advanced , the Name of God honoured , the fury of our Enemies suppressed , the Hearts of Gospel-Friends comforted , and which is above all , and beyond all , Christ over Antichrist , in the purity of his Gospel among us and our Posterity for ever . Which God of his infinite Mercy grant us , to whom be ascribed , as most due , all Honour , Power , and Glory , Adoration and Subjection , now , and for evermore . The Prayer afterwards . BLessed , Lord , who a●t our Strength , Hope , and Fortress , our Castle , and Deliverer , our Defender in whom we trust ; how the Heavens , O Lord , come down and save us , send down thine Hand from above , deliver us , and take us from the great Waters , from those Miseries and Afflictions which come upon us , by reason of our Sins , and from the Condition of Mortality , and from the hand of strange Children , whose right hand is a right hand of Wickedness . Give us , O Lord , Victory and Peace , and all the Blessings belonging to it , with which thou usest to adorn and bea●tifie the Dwellings of the Righteous , that we may be happy in the continual descent of thy Favours ; but above all , that our happiness may consist in being thy People , and thou being our God , that we may be blessed for ever in so happy a Union , through Jesus Christ our Lord , and Saviour . Amen . A Prayer for the preservation of our most gracious Soveraign Lord King William , in his Royal Undertaking to Subdue Ireland , and for his safe Return to England , O Most mighty God , the great Creatour of the World , and the Preserver of all Mankind ; preserve , we beseech thee , our most gracious Soveraign Lord , King William , whom thou hast made the happy Instrument of our mighty Deliverance : Let thy Blessing accompany him in his Journey , and Voyage ; protect him from all Dangers ; visit him as thou didst Moses in the Bush , Joshua in the Battel , Gid●on in the Field , and Samuel in the Temple : Let the Dew of thy never failing Mercies fall upon his Head , and give him the blessing of David and Solomon . II. Be unto him an Helmet of Salvation , and cover him with thy Grace , as with a Buckler against the Face of his Enemies ; dissipate , and scatter all those which shall oppose him , as the Dust before the Wind , and as the Clay in the Streets , direct him in all his Counsels , to the end , that being blessed with Success in this great Design , he may employ all that great Power which thy Omnipotence shall ●ntrust him with , to the Honour of thy Holy Name , the establishment and Advancement of the True Religion , and to the Peace , and Happiness of thine , and his People , and the perfect Deliverance of our poor Distressed Brethren in Ireland , that they may rejoice together with us , and triumph in thy Praise . III. Grant him in this Enterprize a good Event , that he may Return home with Joy and Victory : Let his Reign be prosperous , and his days many ; let Peace , and Love , and Holiness , let Justice , and Truth , and all Christian Vertues , flourish in his Time : Let his People serve him with Honour and Obedience ; and let him so duly serve thee here on Earth , that he may hereafter everlastingly Reign with thee in Heaven , through Jesus Christ , our Lord , Amen . THE CONTENTS . WHen we first awake Pag. 1. A Prayer for the Morning , 2. A Prayer for the Evening 3 Sunday Mornings Meditations 5 The Prayer 10 Sunday Noons Meditations 12 The Prayer 13 Sunday Nights Meditations 14 The Prayer 16 Monday Mornings Meditations 17 The Prayer 19 Monday Noons Meditations ibid. The Prayer 21 Monday Nights Meditations 22 The Prayer 23 Tuesday Mornings Meditations 24 The Prayer 25 Tuesday Noons Meditations 26 The Prayer 27 Tuesday Nights Meditations 28 The Prayer 29 Wednesday Mornings Meditations 30 The Prayer . 32 Wednesday Noons Meditations 33 The Prayer 34 Wednesday Nights Meditations 35 The Prayer 36 Thursday Mornings Meditations 37 The Prayer 38 Thursday Noons Meditations 39 The Prayer 41 Thursday Nights Meditations 42 The Prayer 43 Friday Mornings Meditations 44 The Prayer 46 Friday Noons Meditations 47 The Prayer 49 Friday Nights Meditations 50 The Prayer 52 Saturday Mornings Meditations 53 The Prayer 55 Saturday Noons Meditations 56 The Prayer . 57 Saturday Nights Meditations 58 The Prayer 59 Ejaculations upon several Occasions out of the Holy Scriptures ▪ IN the Morning 61 At going forth 62 Beginning a good Work ibid. In good Inspirations ibid. At Church ibid. Before Reading ibid. Speaking 63 When you go about worldly Affairs ibid. Before Eating ibid. After Eating 64 In Prosperity ibid. Adversity ibid. Troubles ibid. Galumnies 65 Praises ibid. Against vain hope ibid. Pride ibid. Covetousness ibid. Luxury ibid. Envy 66 Gluttony ibid. Anger ibid. Sloth ibid. Rules of Faith ibid. Acts of Faith ibid. Hope ibid. Charity 67 Against Worshipping of Idols ibid. Popish Tradition 68 Praying to Saints 69 Antichrist ibid. Divine Breathings of the Soul towards the Evening . 70 A Prayer for a Family , that may serve for Morning or Evening 71 A Prayer before the Communion 74 At Receiving the Bread 75 At Receiving the Cup ibid. A Prayer after the Communion 76 for the Church 77 for the King and Queen 78 for the Royal Family ibid. for the High Court of Parliament ibid. for the Clergy 79 for Friends 80 for a Family ibid. for a Friend 81 for Peace ibid. in time of the Plague 82 for a City ibid. for Grace ibid. for Enemies ibid. for the Afflicted 8● for Travellers ibid. for the Fruits of the Earth ibid. A Prayer against Temptations 84 For Misbelievers and Sinners ibid. For Temporal Necessities ibid. Against Tempests 85 For Women in Travel ibid. For the Sick ibid. For Prisoners 86 For the Dying ibid. A Prayer before Study ibid. When the Bell Tolls for a dying Person 87 A concluding Prayer . 88 King Edward the Sixth's Prayer against Popery . 89 A Prayer for God's Mercies upon their Majesties Forces under the Command and Conduct of his Grace the Duke of Schomberg 90 A Prayer for Mercy to the whole Nation 92 A short account of the Massacre in Ireland 93 An abstract of their Popish Tortures and Cruelties 97 Bishop Usher's Prophecy concerning Rome's Downfal 103 Thanksgivings for God's wonderful Deliverances . A Thanksgiving for our Deliverances from the Spanish Invasion 121 From the Powder Treason ▪ November the 5th 1605. 122 For our Deliverance from Popery , Slavery , and Arbitrary Power 123 For the relief of London-Derry in Ireland 124 For the Gifts of God 125 To God for all his Benefits 126 A Prayer before the following Discourse . 128 Christian Courage in Affliction , a Discourse by way of Advice to the Besieged in London-Derry , under the Command of that worthy Divine , and valiant Commander , Col. Walker 131 The Prayer afterwards 150 A Prayer for the preservation of our most gracious Saveraign Lord King William , in his Royal Vndertaking to Subdue Ireland , and for his safe Return to England . 151 FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A66950-e6570 In the Morning . In the Evening .