id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt A29512 Brightman, Thomas, 1562-1607. Apocalypsis Apocalypseos. Brightmans predictions and prophecies vvritten 46 yeares since : concerning the three churches of Germanie, England, and Scotland : fore-telling the miserie of Germanie, the fall of the pride of bishops in England by the assistance of the Scottish Kirk : all which should happen, as he foretold, between the yeares of 36 and 41, &c. 1641.0 .xml application/xml 2935 748 92 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Brightmans predictions and prophecies vvritten 46 yeares since : concerning the three churches of Germanie, England, and Scotland : fore-telling the miserie of Germanie, the fall of the pride of bishops in England by the assistance of the Scottish Kirk : all which should happen, as he foretold, between the yeares of 36 and 41, &c. Brightmans predictions and prophecies vvritten 46 yeares since : concerning the three churches of Germanie, England, and Scotland : fore-telling the miserie of Germanie, the fall of the pride of bishops in England by the assistance of the Scottish Kirk : all which should happen, as he foretold, between the yeares of 36 and 41, &c. Judgement or prophesies, what shall befall Germany, Scotland, Holland, and the churches adhering to them. ./cache/A29512.xml ./txt/A29512.txt