Londons lamentation for her sinnes and complaint to the Lord her God. Out of which may bee pickt a prayer for priuate families, for the time of this fearefull infection. And may serue for a helpe to holinesse and humiliation for such as keepe the fast in priuate: together with a souereigne receipt against the plague. By W.C. pastor at White chappell. Crashaw, William, 1572-1626. 1625 Approx. 75 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 31 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2007-01 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A19581 STC 6017.5 ESTC S118685 99853892 99853892 19291 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . 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Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site . eng Plague -- England -- London -- Early works to 1800. 2006-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2006-03 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2006-04 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread 2006-04 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion LONDONS LAMENTATION for her Sinnes : AND Complaint to the LORD Her GOD. Out of which may bee pickt a Prayer for Priuate Families , for the time of this fearefull INFECTION . And may serue for a Helpe to Holinesse and Humiliation for such as keepe the Fast in Priuate : Together with a Souereigne Receipt against the PLAGVE . By W. C. Pastor at White chappell . IER . 47. 6 , 7. O thou Sword of the Lord , how long will it bee ere thou be quiet ? Put vp thy selfe vnto thy scabberd , rest and be still . How can it be quiet , seeing the Lord hath giuen it a charge ? &c. LONDON , Printed for G. Fayerbeard at the North side of the Royall Exchange . 1625. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE , THE Lord Maior of London , the Right Worshipfull the Sheriffes and Aldermen , and the rest of the Godly Citizens and Offiers , who haue eyther stayed in their Places and Duties during this Visitation : or sent their large and comfortable Beneuolence for the Poore . The Blessings of this and a better Life . RIGHT HONORABLE : IT was the Ordinance and Appointment of GODS owne Wisdome in the Law , that all his Sacrifices and burnt Offrings should be seasoned with Salt , the Fire importing Zeale , by which euery Sacrifice must be offered , and the Salt signifying Discretion with which it must be seasoned : If it wanted eyther of these ; it could not bee accepted . Now , as this literall Fire and Salt belonged to the Iewes , so the Spirituall is both commended and commanded to vs , that liue vnder the sweet yoke of the Gospell euen to the Worlds end : Namely , that all our Sacrifices & Seruice , if we mean to haue them acceptable to God , or auaileable to our selues , must not onely bee offered with the Fire of holy Zeale ; but tempered with holy Wisdome , and seasoned with the Salt of due Discretion ; therefore sayth ▪ Christ euen in his Gospell , Euery one shall bee salted with Fire , and euery Sacrifice shall bee seasoned with Salt : Whereunto Saint Paul alluding exhorts all Christians to see that Their Seruice and Sacrifice , bee not only holy and liuely , but also reasonable . Hence it is Right Honourable , and Worshipfull , that as our gracious King , out of his Humilitie and holy Zeale , commanded publike Fasting & Prayer , for the diuerting of this publike Iudgement : So now , out of holy and deepe discretion hath suspended for a time those publike meetings within the Citie : Out of no dislike of Fasting and Prayer , nor any wearinesse of those holy Exercises , as some Malignant Spirits malitiously traduce Him. But out of conscience to his God & care of his Subiects liues : wisely considering ( & in our knowledge most truely ) that seeing the sick & sore ( do what we Ministers could to the contrary ) mingled themselues confusedly , with the sound ( by which meanes its more then manifest , many thousands haue perished in this Citie and Suburbs . ) It therefore lay vpon him as Supreme Magistrate and Gods Lieutenant to looke to the liues as well as to the Soules of all his people , and to take order , that the Fasts ordained for the bettering of the Soule , should not so be vsed , as to tend to the destruction of the body . Leauing vs therefore in this distressed Citie , the Lords Day or Sunday for our soules , which being of Diuine Institution , can admit no Dispensation by humane power , and still commending and commanding vs that Day to fast & pray in priuate , and all the Kingdome else to doe it in publike for vs : And for the sauing of our liues , and to auoyd the tempting and prouoking of God. Hath wisely forbidden all other publike meetings of dangerous concourse in places Infected , till order can be taken ( which is no easie thing to doe ) to keepe the sound and sicke asunder . Now as all those that be well are notwithstanding to repaire to the Church , to be partakers of the publike Prayers & the holy seruice appointed for that day , so , for a helpe , of Humiliation and holy Deuotion to them that stay at home , whereof also many thousand Families especially in our Suburbs are not able to buy the Booke , I haue therefore beene perswaded to make publike this Meditation , Confession , and Prayer , which in these dayes of publike Calamitie , I walking hourely through the valley of the shadow of Death , ( burying forty , fifty , sometime sixty a day , and in the Totall , more then two thousand alreadie ) I poured out in the presence of my God : First , in priuate for my selfe , afterwards for the vse of those many thousand sicke soules that are or haue beene in my great poore Parish : And lastly , that hereby I might offer some Sacrifice and speciall piece of Seruice in way of holy thankfulnesse to the Lord our God , who hath hitherto pleased to preserue me , and my Brethren the Pastors of this Citie by his owne hand and power , beyond all humane helpe and hope ; walking continually , euen in the midst of the fiery flames alwayes in danger , and neuer in more perill then in the Pulpit : wherein the Lord hath beene so marueilous , & so magnified , his loue and power vpon vs , as if he should now take vs away , yet hath hee so deliuered vs , in discharging our duties , and by his holy Angels kept vs , thus being in our way , till hee hath literally made good that promise in the Psalme , yea , and much more : for alas wee haue not only seene a thousand fall at one side of vs , and ten thousand at another , but ( alas , alas , that our sinnes should so prouoke our God ) euen more then ten thousand on the one , and more then twenty thousand on the other . Which mighty work of God , if wee should sit still and swallow and superficially passe ouer , and not commend it , to our Brethren in the Countrey , whose turnes must follow God knowes how soone , as sure as God hath begunne with vs ; and if we did not preserue the memory of it , and represent it to Posterity , for their instruction , and that the Generations yet vnborne may prayse the Lord ; all holy men would accuse vs , Gods Church would censure vs , our own Consciences would condemne vs , and God himselfe take vengeance of vs , as most vnthankfull Caitiffes , euen Monsters of Mankind , & vnworthy to breath vpon the Earth . Being therefore in some sort touched with the sense of this hand of our God , both of his hand of Iustice and of Mercy , and being euerymoment put in mind of our mortality , eyther by the sound in our eares , or sights in our eyes ; can we but be moued ( vnlesse we were senselesse Stocks & Stoicks ) to take into our serious and continuall Consideration , the now most lamentable Case , of this late so florishing a Citie , and of this whole Kingdome into which this wild-fire of Gods wrath begins so fast to flie , and can wee but lay to heart so great a sorrow ? Or dare wee for our soules but deale truly with our God , in seeking sincerely and carefully searching out the true cause in our selues , in our people , and in the whole Kingdome that should thus prouoke the Lord against vs ? Certainly some heauy judgement must fall vpon vs if we doe not , and will follow them whoeuer they bee that double and dissemble with their God in this case . And if any that be abroad and yet vnvisited , thinke I deale too farre and too freely in this Confession . I aske no more but to forbeare his judgment , til they be vnder the hand of God , as we haue bin now three moneths and more , and then they will iudge I am too short : The while God in mercy pardon that , and wherin I may be thought to go too far , I shall easily answere it to God or Gods Anointed : & shal sigh & sob in secret to consider the wrath & woes that wait for those wicked ones , who as they deeply haue had their hand in pulling downe this Plague , so carelessely seeke to passe it ouer , and looke not after the God that hath smitten them , and the whole Land for their sakes , and will if they turne not betimes , smite them downe to Hell : What stony hearted Stoicke can he be who sees more then forty thousand Christians , many as good , and some better then Himselfe laid in the dust , in little more then twice forty dayes , and is not humbled vnder the Hand that did it , and sensible of the Sin that did procure it ? Can hee bee a good Seruant of God or Subiect to his Souereigne , that besides ten thousand aged , weake , and poore , shall see an Army of ten thousand more , braue , lustie , and seruiceable young men , and tenne thousand more comely and mariageble young women , and ten thousand more young Infants , whose proofe and hope had beene still before them , already taken out of one Corner of this Kingdome , and sits not downe in dust and ashes mourning to that God that tooke them , for that King that lost them , with that Land that wants them . For that Sinne that pluckt them from vs ? I dare pronounce vpon him from God whoeuer hee bee that can or dare thus sleightly and sliely passe by the workes of God , and laughes in his sleeue at such a judgement as this , is markt vp by God for some greater vengeance as sure as the fourteenth of Ezekiel is Gods true Word . For if hee that mournes for sinne be the man that is Markt by God for blessing and deliuerance , what 's hee that makes a sport of sinne ; and layes from his heart the Iudgements thereby procured , but one that 's sealed vp for confusion and destruction : O therefore that my heart were a Fountaine , and my eyes Riuers of teares , that I might worthily bewaile the sinnes of our Nation together with mine owne , and weepe for the slaine of the Daughter of my people : So cried the holy Prophet of the abundance of his holy Zeale ; and so I am sure in their seuerall measures doe all the Ministers and men of God amongst vs , that haue but tasted of the same spirit , mourning for the desolations of this Citie ; and more for the Contagion that causeth it , and most of all , for the sinnes that procured them both : And who would not care to sacrifice themselues what way the Lord should please , so the wrath of God might bee pacified towardes this Church and Nation , and those plagues remooued which are the cause of this Plague : And till these be remooued , we shall find the Prophets tell vs true , that eyther this Plague shall stil stay & creep like a Canker ouer our whole body , or else only make make way to some more fearefull that shall follow after it . That this may be preuented , he cannot be a Christian that will not both cry to God , and confesse to him the publike , and priuate , and personall sinnes that be the cause thereof . And as all that are enabled and taught by the holy Spirit of God ; to poure out their soules in humble Prayer , and hearty Confession , will in holy obedience to the holy Prophets counsell ; Take vnto themselues words , and returne vnto the Lord : So for those that cannot open their mouthes as they desire , and yet haue hearts that groane after God , and soules that seeke the Lord. For their assistance only haue I beene perswaded to publish this , which now I leaue to them , and them and it together , with our selues to the mercifull acceptation and gracious blessing of our Good God : who grant vs all in these dayes of danger ( when somtimes almost a thousand a day are pickt vp , and pluckt away before our faces ) So to liue and so to dye , as when we dye we may be sure to liue for euer . And so to part with one another here , as we may be sure to meet in Heauen : And here so to confesse our sinnes , as at the last Day Christ may confesse vs to be his owne . And so to pray here as we may prayse God eternally in Heauen . LONDONS LAMENTABLE COMPLAINT to her GOD. Containing , A Prayer for the time of Infection : afore confession of SINNE . A Meditation vpon the causes and remedie of this Plague : A Thankesgiuing for Gods mercie euen in this Crosse . Most high and holy Iehouah thou being of beings , who giues life and being to euery Creature , giue leaue vnto us , the most unworthy oues of all thy Children , to come before thee , and present our petitions at the Throne of Grace ; Wee durst not rush so rudely into thy holy presence , mightie Lord God , nor beg so boldly so great a sauour , were it not that thou hast gratiously vouthsafed , not onely to call and inuite vs , but euen command vs to come vnto thee , and call vpon thee in the day of our affliction , and hast moreouer mercifullypromised , that thou wilt heare vs and deliuer vs , that we may glorifie thy great Name : In this confidence we take comfort , to come to thee O Lord , in this day of our trouble , and common calamitie of our Church and Kingdome . And first we doe all , in the name one of another , and wée for our parts , euery one of vs for himselfe , humbly and freely cousesse , wee haue all had our hands in this blood , and each one borne apart , in pulling down these heauie plagues vpon this City and our Nation : O Lord wée doe none of vs excuse our selues , but wee doe euery one of vs accuse , and arraigue our selues at the barre of thy Iustice , and we doe all pronounce our selues guiltie in thy sight : Nor are we onely tainted with Originall sin in our natures , but Lord our liues are stayned , with all actuall pollutions , in our thoughts , words , and déeds , by sins of Comission and Omission , by sins not onely of Ignorance , but euen of negligence carelesnesse and presumption : Miserable sinners that wée are , wée haue not only committed soule and fearefull things , abhominable to thy pure and holy Maiestie , dishonorable to thy holy Religion , offensiue to thy holy Law , and therefore iust prouocations of thy Wrath : but alas , we haue sometime totally omitted , and at the best alwaies failed in all the good and holy duties required at our hands : Wée haue not béene humbled for thy iudgements , nor thankfull for thy mercies , as wee ought to haue beene , therefore thy mercies being abused , haue heretofore made way for thy Iudgements , but wee wicked wretches haue beene bettred by neither of both . Thou hast written to vs the great things of thy Law , but wée haue not regarded them , Thou hast reuealed to vs thy blessed Gospell , but wée haue not belieued it ; Thou hast honoured vs with thy loue , but wee haue not walked worthie of it : Thou hast afforded vs blessed meanes and many opportunities to doe good , and by well doing to come nearer vnto thee , but we haue , either so neglected them , or abused them , as thereby wee haue done much euill instead of good : Thou hast also giuen vs time to turns & repent , but we haue turned it the wrong way , & mispent it in vanities : Thou hast she wed vs the way , and offered vs the meanes to know and feare thée , but wee haue wilfully wandred in our owne wayes , and haue not cared to come neere thée , and haue put thy feare farre from vs , Such sinfull Caittfs are wee O Lord , as the meanes of thy honour , wee haue turned to thy dishonour , our owne helpes into hinderances , our Comforts into Crosses , and our Crosses into Curses , thy Mercies into Iudgements , and thy Uisitations into vengeance : And the gratious blessings that were giuen vs , as helpes to bring vs neerer thee ; Wée haue peruerted , to drive vs further from thée : Thy heauenly word , and holy Sacraments , which thou hast gratiously giuen vs , ( more then to many other Nations ) to be the meanes of our Conuersion , and Saluation , wee haue prophaned and peruerted , to our hardning in sinne , and agrauating our condemnation . These O Lord are the common and generall sins of our times , of Us , our Citie , and our Nation , which as an vniuersall deluge running ouer our Land , wée also haue béene carried away by the violence of these sinfull streames : besides the personall sins preuailing in this age , as baine swearing , inordinate drinkings , super fluous feastings profusenesse in gaming , vanitie and pride in apparell , oppressions and fraudes in bargaining , prophaning thy Sabbaths , neglect of thy poore members , contempt of thy Word , and holy Ministers , formalitie in Religion , dulnesse in deuotion , coldnesse in charitie ; In all which O Lord and euery one of them , we are not able to excuse , much lesse exempt our selues , besides also the publicke sinnes of our State , in letting our Lawes bee laid a sleepe against Idolatrie & Superstition , whereby much Popish impietie hath not only beene practised in priuate , but so publickly professed , that euen the Remish Dagon did stand in defiance with thy holy Arke , whereby thy Religion hath béene villified , thy Ordinances despised , thy great Name dishonoured , and thy Sauctuarie troden vnder foot : Nor was this the sinne alone of some set ouer vs , who by their places , ought rather to haue defended thy truth and maintained the Integritie thereof with their liues and blood , & yet either wickedly , or weakly haue giuen way to these enormities , whereby Poperte and Idolatrie , were in a sort inuited and prepared for , before they came ; But in this sinne , like the sinne of Ieroboam , all our Israel hath sinned against the Lord of Hoasts , for alas wee haue all either had our hands , or held our tongues , and not béen zealous in the cause of thée our God And when for this our prophanenesse and presumptions against thée , Thou hast declared thy selfe angry against vs , both at home , and abroad , wée haue béene so far from fearing thée , and séeking thy face , in Prayer , & Fasting , and holy humiliation in true contrition , and hearty repentance : As contrariwise when other Nations were sighing , and sorrowing for our sin and securitie , wée were lul'd asleepe , and cryed peace , peace , when there was none : And when other Churches were fasting and praying , we alas were masking , feasting and playing : And when as thy Gospell had glutted vs , so as holy Lectures , begun to bee now held , like meate out of season , and preaching in some places to bee put downe , pet euen then O Lord , were the Theaters magnified , and enlarged , where Satan is serued and sinne secretly instilled , if not openly professed . Thus hast thou O mightie God béene little better then forgotten among vs these many yeares : And thus hath thy glorious Name béene dishonoured , thy precious Religion billified , thy gratious Ordinances despised , thy fearefull Iudgements neglected , thy bounteous Mercies abused , thy holy Councels contemned , thy fatherly warnings not regarded , and thy sacred Word in thew , and ceremonie aduanced , but indéed and truth troden vnder foot . It is true O Lord , wee thought and spake otherwise of our selues while our plenty pleased vs , our prosperitie bewitcht vs , and worldly carnalities blinded vs : Then wée séemed to our selues to be a glorious Nation , a beautifull Church and outwardly appeared to be a people that did righteousnesse , and forsooke not the Ordinances of their God ; But now that affliction hath made vs wiser , and thy corrections haue opened our eyes , now we see what we are , and are ashamed of our selues : Now we cast the dust of contempt vpon our owne heads , we goe out of our selues , and we cry to thée in the hearing of thy holy Angels , & all thy holy Churches vpon earth , wee are vncleane , we are vncleane ; and like vncleane and loathsome Leapers deserue to bee cut off from the blessed bodie of thy Church , May euen to bée rooted out of the Land of the Liuing , as being the Nation , next vnto the Iewes , who hauing béene honoured , and blessed by thée , aboue all the World , haue most dishonoured thée of all other , playing with thy Mercies , dallying with thy Iudgements , and prophaning all thy holy things , not considering wee are no better then the flye playing with the candle , wée in our sins being flaxe and stubble , and thou our God in thy furie a consuming fire . Therefore it is O Lord , that now thy mercies are gone aside , and giuen place vnto thy Iustice , and thy Iustice prouoked hath kindled thy wrath and the fire of thy wrath being now broke out in the most fearefull Pestilence this Nation euer saw : Now our beautie is turned into Ashes , our Melodie into Mourning , our Songs into howlings , our glorie into confussion of face , our triumphs into teares , aud our flourishing Citie into a Wildernesse , there being now at our doores nothing but death , destruction , and desolation , nothing but miserie and mourning , crying and confusion in our streets ; This is our present estate O Lord , and it is thy doing , and herein only are we happy that wee sée thy hand , and know , and belieue it to bée thy doing : And wée all confesse O Lord , righteous art thou in all thy wayes , and most iust are all thy iudgements : For séeing we all offended thee , therefore now thou makest vs one offend another ; And because we feared not thée , thou hast now iustly made vs afraid one of another . And because wee wickedly and carelesly mispent our time , now thou hast made vs wearie of our time , and brought to passe that which thou didst threaten , that in the morning we wish it were euening , and in the euening that the morning would appeare and as though we were either wearie of our time , or afraid of the ayre , wee breath in we vainly wish , the long desired Sommer , would now flye fast away , and turne vs ouer , to the cold and carefull Winter : And because wee poysoned all things by our sins now thou iustly makest vs feare poyson , in our very meate , drinke , and apparell : Nay but for thy speciall mercy , we are not safe in our Pues , & Pulpits in our Church : And because we delighted not to come to thy house , now thou makest vs glad to flye from our owne houses . And because we cared not to come to thy house for the food of our soules , thou hast iustly brought it to this , that we knowe not whither to goe , nor to what house safely to send for the food of our bodies : & because we haue wickedly set our hearts , vpon the miserable Mammon of this World , thou hast now in Iustice made a great number at their wits and , not knowing what to doe with it , where to hide it , with whom to leaue it , nor whom to trust with it , neither can they carrie it with them , nor dare they tarrie with it themselues , and because they would lend nothing in Charitie , they haue now none left , to lend vnto at all : And now they that loue it best , ( by thy wonderfull Iudgement ) are affraid to touch it , least that which formerly poysoned their soules , should now infect their bodies ; O Lord how wonderfull are thy workes , and how iust are all thy Iudgements . And now , O Lord , that wée sée our case , and are sensible of thy hand that is vpon vs , what shall wée say , what shall wée thinke might bée the cause of this so fearefull a Plague ? and that so mercifull and pitifull a Father , is now become so seuere and angry a Iudge ? Shall we be so Foolish as to thinke it comes because our King is not Crowned , as though former experience hath not proclaimed the contrary ? Or so Prophane as to ascribe it to the Summer , and Season of the yéere , as though thou wert not God as well of the Winter as the Summer ? Or so Proud as to thinke that because we haue hitherto held vp thy Religion , better then some other Nations , and haue in some measure maintayned the Preaching of thy Word , and haue béene a Sanctuary and Refuge , For some distressed Christians of other Countries , wée may therefore with the Hypocritical Iewes trust vnto our externall Prefession , and cry , The Temple of the Lord , The Temple of the Lord , as though thou hadst néed of any Nation to kéep vp the credit of thy cause ? Or so Presumptuous , as to thinke that because thou hast taken vs to be thy Church , and some of thy Children are amongst vs , thou canst not therefore be angry with vs ? Or because we haue done some good , wée may be therefore the bolder in Cuill ? Or because there bee some holy Lots amongst vs , therefore our Sodome cannot be consumed ? O , Lord , all these be the broken staues of Egypt , these cannot comfort vs in this our Calamity . These will not vphold vs in this day of our distresse , and this houre of temptation , that thou hast brought vpon vs : No , Lord , all these and all other like to these , are eyther lyes or vanities : And thy holy Prophet hath told vs , and wée beléeue it , that those who trust to lying vanities forsake their owne mercies . Therefore , O Lord , wee renounce ; for those our Idle and Idoll conceits haue spoken vanitie , our Deuiners haue séene a lye , and haue told false Dreames , O , Lord , they comfort vs in vaine : For contrariwise thy Word hath taught vs , thy Spirit informes vs , and now our owne Consciences tell vs , that our own wayes and doings haue procured this vpon vs , and none but our selues , and nothing but our sins haue pulled down this Plague , and that we haue forsaken thée the Lord our God , who didst lead vs the right way , but with thy people Israel , we haue committed two euils , we haue forsaken thée , the Fountains of Liuing Waters , and haue hewes our selues broken Cisternes that can hold no water . Thus haue wee requited thee the Lord our God , being a foolish people and vnkind , therefore now our owne wickednesse both correct vs , and our back-slidings doe reprooue vs , and haue made vs know , and sée , and féele ; how euill and bitter a thing it is that wée haue forsaken thée the Lord our God , and that thy feare was not in vs. And now , O Lord , that wée sée our case , and sée also the cause of it , now what shall we doe for remedie , where shall we séeke reliefe , whither shall wee goe , to whom shall we flie , but euen from thée vnto thée , euen from thy deserued anger , to thy vndeserued mercy ? For destruction is from our selues , but Saluation is of thée , O Lord , and thou art hee that canst both wound and heale , both kill and make aliue : None but thou couldst haue laid this vpon vs , none but thou canst remooue it from vs : To thée therefore doe wee lift vp our eyes , O thou that dwellest in the Heauens , and do beséech thée helpe vs in this distresse , for vaine is the helpe of Man , and though our sinnes plead against vs , and make thée for a time kéepe backe thy comfort from vs , pet our eyes shall waite vpon the Lord our God vntill hee haue mercie vpon vs : For whateuer wée be , thou art the Lord that changest not , for else thy Children should bee all consumed : We therefore take comfort , and say one to another . Come let vs returne vnto the Lord , for he hath torne vs , he will heale vs : He hath smitten , and hee will bind vs vp , after two dayes he will reuiue vs , in the third day he will ravse vs vp , and we shall liue in his sight . For art not thou he in whom our Fathers trusted and were deliuered ? Art not thou the God that brought thy people through the raging Sea , and through the barren Wildernesse into the Land of Peace and Plentie ? Art not thou he that saued thy Seruants in the fiery Ouen , in the Lions den , & in the Whales belly ? And is there not mercy with thee , else there should not be left a man on the earth to feare thee ? And is not that mercy of thine euerlasting , & endures to al Generations ? And though we be cast into the last ends of the World , and may fears that the Store-house of thy mercies is exhaust and spent , yet hast not thou taught vs twenty times in one Psalme , that thy mercy endures for euer ? And in that mercy , hast thou not made a couenant of Peace , Parson , and Reconciliation with the Sonnes of men ? And hast thou not sealed that Couenant , and made it firme in the bloud of thy blessed Sonne ? And hast thou not proclaymed thy selfe to be the God that kéepes Couenant and Mercy to thousand Generations ? Séeing then thou hast vouchsafed to take vs and make vs thy people , and to receiue vs into thy holy Couenant , and hast pleased to place thy holy Tabernacle among vs , and honoured vs with thy holy Word and Sacraments , and hast among vs hundreds and thousands whom thou hast separated from the sinfull masse of Mankind , and sanctified , and sealed for thy selfe , so as they runne not riot with the wicked World , but waite on thee in the holy wayes of thine Ordinances , Iudgements , and Mercies , and lay to heart thy words and warnings , and mourne in Sion for the affliction of Ioseph , and for their owne , and the sinnes of others , and for the iniquities of the Time : Therefore our Faith bids vs beléeue , and the truth and certainty of thy Couenants causeth vs to hope , that thou wilt chastise vs to our correction , but not plague vs to destruction : And in this confidence wee come vnto thée , thou Father of Mercies , and are bold to beséech thée to call to mind thy Couenant , whereby thou hast bound thy selfe , to be our God , and to take vs to bee thy People , and neuer to forsake vs ( although by our sinnes we haue forsaken thée ) as long as by Faith we cleaue vnto thée , and in Repentance and Humilitie doe seeke thy face : And in the vertue and merit of that blessed bloud of thy holy Sonne , which hee hath shed for vs , and all Beléeuers , we take boldnesse to our selues , to challenge at thy hands the performance of those swéet promises , thou hast made vnto vs , and sealed in his bloud shedding . And first we begge at the hands of thy holy Maiestie ( euen rather then our lines , or beliuerances from this dreadfull Plague ) peace and pardon to our poore Soules , and assurance of thy loue in Christ , for our eternall happinesse : and then wee beséech thée not so much to deliuer our bodies from this Plague , as to saue our soules from sin which is the Plague of all Plagues , and the true cause of this Plague , therefore wee cry and pray with thy holy Prophet , Lord haue mercie vpon vs , and heale our soules , which haue sinned against thee . Then wee beséech thée , thou God of compassions , looke in mercie vpon this Land , make vs not like Sodome , Gomorrha , as wee haue deserued , wee confesse wee are vnder thy Hand , and all the World could not haue laid this on vs , but only thou , O Lord , And it was time for thee O Lord , to lay to thy hand , for wee had almost made void thy Law : Thou hast therefore iustly taken vs vnder thy hand , and because thy gentle warnings were despised , thy holy Counsels contemned , thy Iudgements neglected , and thy Mercies abused , thou hast therefore iustly giuen way to thy wrath , and let loose thy heauy Iudgements vpon our Land : Yet this is our comfort , and Man , nor Deuill can take it from vs , that we are in thy hand , O Lord , and with thée is mercie . And as we blesse thy Name , that thou hast not giuen vs ouer into the cruell hands of mercilesse men , the wicked bloudie Papists , so in this , our soules take comfort , that we are vnder the hand of our heauenly Father , whose mercies are great : And in the multitude of those thy mercies , we looke vp to thée , O Lord , and beséech thée , be mercifull to this Land. Thou art our Father , and we haue fouly offended , therefore thou must needs correct vs , or else thou louedst vs not , & punish vs also , or else thou wert not iust : Correct therefore Lord , and spare not , but yet in thy Iudgement , not in thy furie , lest we be all consumed . And forasmuch , as corrections are to worke our not onely Humiliation , but Reformation also , we begge not the remoouing of thy Iudgement , till it hath wrought thy worke , and not onely brought vs down vnder thy hand , but euen purged our hearts , and renewed the face of our Church & Common-wealth . And séeing till then , O Lord , wee neyther may expect , nor dare desire thou shouldst remooue it , wee beseech thee to prepare vs all to bee both willing and ready to meete thee our God , and now to be content , thou glorifie thy selfe in vs , and vpon vs by Life or Death , so thou saue our Soules : But when it hath done thy worke , and finished that for which thou didst send it vpon vs , then , O Lord , in mercie remooue it from vs : And preuent the other grieuous plagues that must needes follow vpon , and after this . And howsoeuer thy iust and long forborne Decree is now gone out against vs , so as yet our cryes and teares mooue thée not , Nay , the Prayers of our Prophets preuaile not with thee , Insomuch as those Noabs , Daniels and Iobs , that are among vs , are onely able to deliuer themselues ( and scarce that , O Lord , so great is the Contagion of our sinnes ) yet we beséech thée giue vs leaue to take comfort , in beléeuing thine owne Word , and trusting to that which no mortall Creature , no Humane Assurance , but thine owne holy Selfe hast told and taught vs : Euen that in Wrath thou rememberest Mercie , and that thou keepest not anger for euer , but that thy mercies endure for euer . And that thou hast not onely betrothed vs vnto thy selfe in faithfulnesse and truth , but euen married thy selfe to vs , and though we wickedly , in our spirituall Idolatries , and other sinfull courses , cut off our selues from thee , and whorishly giuen our selues to others : yet most mercifully hast thou called vpon vs , to returne againe to thee , and thou wilt receiue vs : But miserable Catiffes that wee are , wee cānot turn to thée , we could of our selues fal away from thée , but of our selues , wee cannot returne home vnto thee : Cause vs therfore to returne , O Lord , and séeing thou so louest vs , as thou wilt not leaue vs , wee beseech thee also loose vs not , nor suffer vs good Lord to loose our selues , but renew our hearts towards thée , and cause vs to cry and mourne after thée , and say with Ephraim , turne thou vs and wee shall bee turned , conuert vs , and wee shall bee conuerted , thou art the Lord our God : And bring vs backe againe , O Lord , the right and holy way : First , make our faces ashamed of our back-slidings , and our Soules more grieued for the same , then for the Plague that is vpon vs : Then make vs seeke thee sincerely , and not slauishly , and out of Loue more then Feare , and make vs turne vnfaynedly and with the whole heart : And let vs not come , with sorrow onely in our hearts , but holy words also in our mouthes , and take vnto our selues the words that thou hast taught vs , and say vnto thee , Take away all iniquitie , and receiue vs graciously , so will wee render the calues of our lips . And that our Prapers be not bull , let vs , whet and sharpen them by Fatting ; nor let vs bring thee Bare words , but let our humiliation be accompanied with works of Mercie , Pietie , Pittie , and Compassion : And that the Humiliation of vs bath Prince and People , may bee both more acceptable to them and auaileable to vs , stirre vp the holy heart of our holy Phineas , thy Seruant and our Souereigne , that hee may stand vp in the Zeale of his God , and execute thy iust Iudgement vpon the Zimryes , and Cozbyes , that bee amongst vs , euen the great sinnes , and bold Sinners of this Nation , that then , as thy Word hath told vs , thy Plague may bee stayed . To which end also make our Mosesses , to stand in the Gappe , and our Aarons , with the swéet Incense of their holy Prapers , to stand betwixt the liuing and the dead , and stirre vp our Priests , the Ministers of the Lord , to wéepe for vs before thy Altar , and let them cry and say , Spare thy people , O Lord , and giue not ouer thine Heritage to reproach : Let not the Papists and Schismatickes insult ouer vs ; Let them not say at their Idolatrous Méetings , nor prophane Conuenticles , Where is now their God ? for thou art our God , and thou art in Heauen , and thou doest what thou pleasest , and all thy wayes are right , and the Iust walke in them , but Transgressors shall fall therein : Let them know , O Lord , that thou being our Father , and wee hauing iustly prouoked thee , thou wilt take thy Children in hand , and that they ought not to haue reioyced ouer vs , in the day of our destruction : O suffer them not good Lord , to make thy correction , their aduantage : O let them not lay their hands vpon our substance , in this Day of our Calamitie , suffer them not to stand in the crosse-wayes , to cut off those whom thou shalt spare , and make a prey of those that shall remaine : Wee shall euer acknowledge , how great soeuer this Plague bee , yet thy mercies are greater , in that thou tookest vs into thine owne hand to correct vs , and gaue vs not ouer into the hands , of these men the Iesuited Papists , whose mercies are cruell , and their cruelties insatiable : Therefore good Lord , when thou hast remooued thy hand , let vs not fall into their hand , but saue vs for thy selfe , and let vs liue to call vpon thy Name , and let vs desire rather now to dye vnder the hand of thee our Father , and in thy feare and loue , then to liue to heape sinne vpon sinne , and to be reserued for further vengeance , or to be exposed to the cruel Papists the wicked Enemies of Religion . O looke vpon vs in mercie Lord , who lye downe in the dust of Desolation , and are couered with confusion of our faces , O look downe vpon vs , who looke vp vnto thée , and who desire to rend our harts though not our garments , and to turne to thée the Lord our God , O looke vpon this desolate , and distressed Citie , who now may cry to all her stately Sisters the Cities of Europe , and to all her beautifull Daughters , the Cities of England , and with ashes now vpon her head , instead of her stately & costly Crowne cals vpon them all and sayth , Come and behold the workes of the Lord what desolations hee hath made in the midst of my most wealthy and populous streets , learne by mée , and seeke the Lord while hee may bee found , left he pull downe your Pride : And reioyce not ouer mee , O thou mine Enemie , thou Daughter of Babylon , lest the Lord turne his wrath from mee to thee , and hasten the vengeance , so long agoe deserued by thee , and pronounced vpon thee ; trust thou in thy Horses aud in thy Chariots , thy Idols and thy Idoll Superstitions , We will remember the Lord our God , For thy Name , O Lord , is a strong tower , and the righteous flying vnto it , are alwayes helped : Thou hast spoken it Lord , and wee beléeue it , and in that beliefe are wee bold to presse vnto thee , nay , to presse thee with performance of thy promise . Therefore , O thou that art the helper of the friendlesse , helpe vs in this City , who are forsaken by so many friends , and left destitute by them , that should haue stood to vs in this day of our desolation , but hast not thou told vs , that if our Fathers and Mothers should forsake vs , yet thou Lord wilt take vs vp : Thou therefore who séest our friends faile vs and our acquaintance to stand afarre off , stand thou so much the néerer vs , O Lord our God : And now that humane helpes fall short , Helpe thou vs O God of our Saluation for the glory of thy Name : O thou in whom the Fatherlesse finds mercie , in thée let the comfortlesse findcomfort , In thée let this desolate Citie find consolation . Looke mercifully vpon vs who come vnto thée , with teares in our eyes , sorrow in our soules , Lamentations in our mouthes , heauinesse in our hearts , workes of mercie in our hands , and humilitation of the whole man : And thou that loosest not a teare , forgettest not one desire , but hearest euery greane , and counts the very sighes and sobs of all thy Saints , giue vs comfort , and fill our hearts with hops , that this humiliation of our King and his people shall not be fruitlesse , but after it is not barely performed but accomplished , and perfected , as thou appointest it shall then preuaile with thée our God , not onely to make an end of our miseries , but to remember and renew thy Cauenant with vs , and to bring vs and this Citie , and our whole Land , both Court and Kingdome neerer vnto thée , and hauing in this fire of affliction consumed our corruption , and purged away our drosse both in Church and Common-wealth , wilt make vs come out new creatures , both high and low , both publike and priuate persons , pure as Siluer , and as Gold most precious before thée : And wilst hereby worke out that inward Renouation , and that outward Reformation , in our Church and State , in our Court and Kingdome , and all that see it shall say ; This hath God done , for they shall shall perceiue it is thy worke : Then we that did sowe in teares , shall reape in ioy : Then the long night of our sorrow beeing ended , the long desired morning of our ioyes shall shine forth : The voice of the Turtle shall be heard in our Land , Blessed shall then they all be that come to vs in the Name of the Lord : And beautifull the feete of those , that bring vs the glad tydings of the Gospell , whose faces formerly haue béene contemned , Olde things shall then be done away , and all things shall bee made new . Truth shall flourish , and Heresie finde no footing , Iustice shall reigne , Oppression shall be oppressed : The hand of Briberie shall be broken : The arme of iniustice cut off , and the Mouth of Iniquitie shall be stopped : Then shall our Sons grow as plants , and our Daughters bee like polished precious ftones , Our Garners shall be full , and our Cattle shall increase , we shall feare no breaking of Enemies to inuade vs , nor heare any newes or noyses to affright vs , no cryes , nor clamours , nor complaynings in our stréets ; Our poore shall eat and be satisfied , and our rich shall reioyce in the blessings of their God : Our Priests shall be clothed with Saluation , and Sions Saints shall sing aloud for ioy : Our Princes shall be wiser , and our Iudges better instructed , and insteed of seruing themselues and the time , will then learne to serue the Lord with feare , and reioyce to him with reuerence . Then shall our King and Queene ioy in thy strength , O Lord , and exceedingly reioyce in thy saluation : Then all our friends shall reioyce with vs , and all our enemies be couered with confusion , and the World shall say , Blessed are the people that bee in such a case , yea a thousand times blessed the people , that haue such a Lord for their God , who hath purged them , from their old pollution , and purified them for himselfe , that now he may dwell among them for euermore . Heare vs G God of Mercie for thy Name sake , But Lord wée beséech thée begin with the better part first , euen the spirituall sores of our Soules and of our Land , remoue those Plagues first which hath pulled downe this Plague , therefore begin wée beséech thée at the right end , and make vs not healthfull and found in body , and leaue vs sicke in soule , and miserable in our spirituall state ; Turue vs therefore O God of our saluation cause thy louing countenance to shine vpon vs , and wée shall bée safe : Bring vs againe into thy Temples with ioy , and into thy Courts with praifs , satisfie vs early with thy Mercies , and comfort vs according to the dayes wherein thou hast afflicted vs : Now let thy worke appeare vnto thy Seruants , and thy gloeie vnto their Children : Then we will gee into thy house with true Burnt offrings , and with théerefulnesse of heart wil pay thee our vowes , which our lips haue vttered , and our mouthes haue spoken in the dayes of our affliction . And wée that bée thy People and shéepe of thy Pasture will giue thée thankes for euer , and shews forth thy Prayses vnto the Generations that shall follow after vs , vnto the Worlds end . And this our poore Prayer which here wée haue presented , and this ▪ our weake thanks-giuing which wée haue here rendred to thy holy Maiestie , we humbly beg may bée accepted , not for our selues alone , but for thy whole Church , euen the blessed body of thy deare Sonne . Nor for our friends alone , but euen our enemies , for whom we implore rather thy Mercie to couuert them , then thy Iustice to corfound them , yet if they will not be reclaymed , restraine their rage , good Lord , and frustrate all their furie , make the malice of Man turne to thy praise , and if our Prayers can doe them no good , at least , let their causelesse Curses and cursed Plots doe vs no hurt : Stand by all the Armies and Forces of thy Church both by Sea and Land , and by all them that stand vp for thy holy Cause , especially that chiefe Champion of thy Church , thy deuoted Seruant our Souereigne Lord , rouse vp his Royal heart , inflame him more and more with zeale and loue to thée , that thy Church may finde him and thy foes may féele him to be the Great Defender of thy Christian Faith , and the Man of Men whom thou hast marked for thy selfe , euen a second Cyrus raised vp anoynted and sanctified by thy selfe to performe all thy pleasure , and to execute thy great and glorious Designes , not only for the building vp of our Ierusalem , in the Reformation and Restoration of our Church , but to subdue the Nations before thee , and to weaken and loose the Loynes of such Kings as will not open their hearts to thée . The promise thou didst please to make to Cyrus , who knew thée not , make good wée beséech thée much more to Him who knowes thée , and feares thée , and submits his soule vnto thée , and casts his Crowne downe at thy féete : That is , Make him thy great Shepheard , hold vp his Right hand , subdue thine enemies before him , open to him all dores of difficulties breake in pieces the gates of Brasse , and cut in sunder the barres of Iron , and goe before him when hée goes to make the crooked places of the World streight . To which end giue him good Lord beside all thy other blessings , the Treasures of darknesse , and hidden riches of secret places , that euen therby also he may know that thou the Lord who hast called him and set him on work , art able to payhis Armies , & prouide for him ; do this O Lord for Iacob thy Seruants sake and Israel thine Elect. Blesse the Quéene . Thou that hast made her His , make her also Thine , that so she may be a helpe to him , a blessing to vs a cōfort to the distressed Churches of France and a Ioy to the Christian World : Blesse therefore good Lord , and make powerfull all meanes of her Conuersion publike and priuate , and for the settling of her soule in thy holy Truth , and in the waies of righteousnesse : And besides the Prayers of vs , and thy whole Church ouer the World , daily made for Her , wee beséech thée gratiously to regard the serious supplications which wée are sure his Maiestie daily powres out before thee , for her happie and spéedie Connersion ▪ that so shée may bée a Pursing Mother as he is a nursing Father to thy Church Shine from Heauen with the beames of Loue and Mercy vpon those glorious Seruants of thine , the King and Queene of Bohemia , and their Royall Branches , and as thou haft honoured them not only to beléeue in thée , but to suffer for thée , so giue them in thy good time ; a blessed Issue of all their vniust sufferings , and in the meane time arme them with Faith and Patience to waite on thée . Looke downe in Mercie , and blesse with thy speciall blessing the High Court of Parliament , be with them at their Méetings , Consultations and Conclusions , set thy fear before their eyes , and let thy glorie bee their greatest Ayme , knit the hearts of Prince and People one to onother , and all to thée ; Confound all priuate Plots any way tending to the hinderance of the comfortable continuance of that blessed Méeting , till they haue first discouered , and then found meanes to cure the Corruptions , Plagues , and great diseases of this Church and State. Blesse this whole Land , make his Maiesties Councell faithfull to thée , least otherwise they proue false to him , Purge the Tribe of Leui , that their lips may preserue pure knowledge , and their liues may expresse the Life of true Religion . Refine our Nobilitie , from the fil thie dregs of Poperie , and all ignoble bafenesse , Cleanse the hearts and hands of our Iudges and Magistrates , and purifie our People in this furnace of Affliction , and humble vs all from the King vnto the Captiue , that so we may bée a People prepared for the Lord. And looke downe in Mercy as thou art a God of Mercy vpon those many hundreds , nay yet , alas , alas , thousands of our deare brethren in this Land , and especially in this Citie , who still lye groaning vnder the burthen of thy Wrath , & the Sword of thy destroying Angell : Alas O Lord these Sheepe , what haue they done ? Or are wee better then our Brethren ? Or are these thousands that fall before our faces any greater sinners then the rest ? Or rather haue not wee sinned more then they , and yet they are smitten , rather then wée ? O how wonderfull are thy workes , how vnsearchable are thy Iudgements , and thy wayes past finding out . Againe , how infinite and vnmeasurable are thy Mercies to all them that feare thée , and seeke thy Face ? Therefore we beséech thée let the sorrowfull sighing of these thy Prysoners come before thee , and according to the greatnesse of thy power , preserue thou those that are appointed to dye . At least , wée beséech thée as thou emptiest the Earth , fill the Heauens , and whom thou takest from vs , Lord take vnto thy selfe and fill thy heauenly Mansions with their Soules , whose bodies haue left so many houses desolate in our streetes . And for so many of vs whom thou pleasest to preserue , Lord , Let vs not liue , but to honour thee ; therefore mark vs with thy holy stampe , and seale vs for thy selfe ; that when the Angell of Iustice sees vs sorrowing for our sinnes , and for the iniquitie of the time , and mourning for the Miseries and sighing for the sufferings of thy Saints , and laying to our hearts the affliction of Ioseph , he may then not only passe by vs , but euen in the midst of this common calamitie leaue vs some badge of thy blessing , & some better Testimonie of thy Loue , in the holy vse of this thy Iudgement , then the more secure times of our liues past haue formerly afforded vs. Thus Lord , haue wee powred out our soules into the bosome of thy Mercie : Thou art hee that heares the Prayer , vnto thee shall all flesh come , and if all flesh may come shall not then thy Children be bold to presse vnto thee ? And seeing we haue poured out our hearts to thee , O poure not out the Uialls of thy Wrath vpon vs , but poure down vpon vs the new of thy fauour , the showres of sweet Compassion . Heare vs thou blessed Father , plead for vs thou blessed Sonne , helpe our infirmities thou blessed Spirit of Grace , and make thou Intercession for vs , with those holy groanes that cannot by vs bee expressed : Heare vs and answere vs thou glorious Trinitie in holy Unitie , not for any Merits of ours , for wee lay our hands vpon our mouthes , nay , wee abhorre our selues in dust and ashes , but only for the precious bloud-shedding , and all sufffcient Satisfaction of Iesus Christ , the Suretie and Sauiour of our Soules , the Mediatour of our Peace , and the Eternall High Priest of the New Testament . In whose blessed Name and holy words , wee shut vp this our weake Prayer , offer this our poore Sacrifice , and tender this pitifull complaint of our poore soules vnto the hands of thy heauenly Maiestie , as hee hath taught vs , and left vs in his holy Gospel the Charter of our Peace : Our Father , &c. A SOVEREIGNE MEDICINE FOR and against the Plague : Being an ancient and approoued Antidote , and the sure and infallible way how to escape the Plague , or at least the Plague of the Plague . TAke thy Heart ( for there beginnes the Plague ) and euery morning , wash it , in the teares of true repentance and heartie sorrow for thy sinnes : But that it may bee throughly washt , see first thou stretch it vpon the tenters , or rather set it vpon the racke , of a strict Examination , that so it may poure it selfe out , and make a free and full Confession : Then mollifie it in the precious Oyle , and bathe it in the bloud of Iesus Christ the true Balme of Gilead , by a true and liuely Faith. Being thus clensed , then strengthen it by cordiall comforts confected of nothing else , but the pure and sweet promises of the Gospell : And this Confection is only to be made ; by the skilfull hand of the holy Physician and Spirituall Apothecarie , the Minister of God , whom thou shalt alwayes find at the signe of the Bible , or the Holy Lambe , and there thou art sure of true and wholesome Simples ; But take heed of them at the Crosse-keyes , or the Signe of Agnus Dei , for though the Shops be gorgeous , and all things gloriously painted , thou art sure to be coozened with counterfeit Drugs , and with the corrupt Balsome of Aegypt , in stead of the true Balme of Gilead . Thy Heart thus rectified , let it then command thy tongue and lippes , to acknowledge that thou for thy part by thy sinnes of Commission and Omission hast had thy hand , and borne thy part in pulling downe , this Pestilence and all other plagues of God : Let it then command it selfe to promise and vow , that if thou for thy part , may by the power and mercie of God bee preserued , thou wilt performe some speciall seruice to him , his Church or Children , more then before : And let it command the said tongue and lips to vtter and publish the same promise , the better to bind it selfe to obedience . Let it then command the eyes , to turne away from beholding , and the eares from hearkening after vanitie , and yeeld themselues , the instruments of holy Obseruation , to marke and consider the works of the Lord ; It must then command the hands , to keepe themselues free from corruption , and that they bee painfully , and faithfully imployed in the honest labour of thy lawfull Calling , and thy feet to walke in those wayes , and tread onely in those steps , which God hath appointed thee . This done , then take for thy Breakfast , in the Name of the Lord , a Chapter of the blessed Bible , and so set thy selfe vnto thy worke , and faithfull labour of thy lawfull Calling . Then after thy dayes labour done , bodily refection , take for thy Spirituall Dinner and Supper thy heartfull of holy Obseruations of those mightie Workes of God , both of his Iustice and Mercie towards thy selfe and others : which all that day long , eyther thine eyes haue seene , or thine eares haue heard of . Then the day beeing done , see that thou and thine for your Banquet , or reare Supper , doe close vp your stomackes , with those true Sweet-meates , certaine selected Chapters of the blessed Bible : Then after a holy Commemoration , of what euery one hath heard or seene , or obserued that day touching the wondrous Workes of God , and application of the same one to another : and each one to himselfe , Let then the Heart command the Tongue with comfort and boldnesse , to recommend the soules and bodies of Thee and Thine into the blessed tuition , powerfull protection and safe keeping of the Keeper of Israel . But forget not noe thing as thou wouldest haue all this profitable , and to doe thee any good , namely , to learne ( which thou maist doe , of that excellent Apothecary Saint Paul ) what it is to liue the life of faith , when naturall reason and humane helpes not only faile thee , but haply are all against thee : This Faith I tel thee afore-hand is not easily found , but I deale truly with thee who had it , and can teach thee how to get it , for though himselfe cannot giue it thee , yet hee will both direct and lead thee , and bring thee acquainted with that holy Spirit , who gaue it him , and will not denie it thee if thy Tongue doe begge it , and thy Soule seeke it : Neuer so little of this Faith is precious , therefore so thou get it and haue it right , care not for the quantity ; for it is a holy Elixir , a true Quintessence which will presently and perpetually multiply , beyond ordinary beliefe , to the infinite inriching of the Soule that enioyes it . But this Faith hath one strange propertie , that although it will bee content to bee gathered vp by graines of young and weake Christians , and treasured vp by drammes and ounces of such as be rich and strong men in Christ , yet can it not abide to be measured or mixt with Scruples : For these Scruples are of a contrary nature to true Faith : but otherwise , be it more , be it lesse , so it be true , its perfect , and thou shalt find thy selfe happy if thou haue it : for the least quantitie of this Faith will affoord thee euery Morning and Euening a proportion of that true Treacle , or Methrydate , which yet was neuer made at Venice ( except closely in some corners ) by reason of that great Iugler the Pope , who conueyes in corrupt Drugs and false Ingredients : This Methrydate is made of more strange Simples , then bee the bloud of Scorpions , or the flesh of Vipers : For it is and must bee confected of the flesh and body , and bloud of a Man , but such a Man as the World neuer had a Second , for he must be the child of Adam , and yet the Sonne of no Man , and a true Man , and yet no Man to be his Father : Now his bloud taken from him while he is aliue , and yet so taken from him as he must needs dye , is of that Souereigne excellency , and that infinite vertue and Merit , as the Quintessence that may be extracted out of it , ( which only this fore-named Faith can doe , ) Is that Superexcellent , nay , Supercelestiall Methry date of that high infallible , and inualuable vertue , as the Soule that out tastes of it Morning and Euening , did neuer perish , nor shall to the Worlds end . Therefore , I say againe , as thou wouldst haue this Medicine worke , and become powerfull for thy preseruation , forget not to take a taste of this continually , the first thing in the Morning , and the last at Night . Then lye thee downe in Peace , and securely take thy rest , for thou art free from the feare of all that are able to hurt thee . But bee sure , for a signe whereby to know this Physicke workes well , that instantly when thou wakest thy heart , doe forth-with fixe it selfe on God , and vpon him bestow thy first thoughts : And so when thy body hath receiued so much sleepe and rest as may make it seruiceable for the Soule , then vp with it in the Name of the Lord , that so both Body and Soule may set themselues to serue their God : Then taking this Medicine , and following all the former directions , thou mayst safely enter vpon thy businesse , and aduenture vpon the dangers of that day both thou & thine . Prouided first , that you alwayes intermixe ( as occasion is ) together with the duties of your Calling , such workes of Piety towards God , Iustice and Equity towards Man , Mercy and Charity towards the Poore , as the Diuine Prouidence shall lay before thee , or cast in thy way : For take it for a Rule , that these foure must alwayes goe together , and God himselfe hath so ioyned them all together , as cursed bee the Man that puts them asunder , for hee carries such a heart about him , as this Physicke can neuer doe him good : But where these foure are conscionably conioyned , this Physicke neuer fayled to worke his worke : but where any of the foure is wanting , and totally neglected , there the other three will doe no good , but contrariwise , if they cannot get the company of their companion , they mourne and pine away , and in a short time will bee gone , and stay no longer there , where they cannot be compleate . Prouided also that Man , nor God doe euer find thee out of thy way , but alwayes eyther walking faithfully in thy lawfull calling , or else doing some good in the performance of some of the foresaid duties of Piety , Iustice , or Mercie : For these bee the wayes of a Christian , and hee that is found out of all these is vtterly out of his way , and consequently out of that protection which God hath granted to them that wayte on him , which runnes in these words , That Hee hath giuen his Angels charge ouer them , to keepe them in all their wayes , &c. And the power of this Protection no Creature can infringe . So as by vertue thereof , the Seruants of God haue walked in safetie in the midst of such dangers as hath beene an amazement to the World , and a wonder to themselues : And for the want of this , many thousands haue miscarried , not only of Gods Enemies , who walke in wrong and wicked wayes , but euen such of his friends and followers , who being misled by the World or their owne Presumptions , tooke to themselues the boldnesse to step aside , out of their owne wayes , and so haue shifted themselues out of that shelter or safetie , which otherwise they might haue challenged as their owne . And lastly , Prouided that in all times of danger thou take heed of tempting God , for otherwise thou mayst iustly prouoke him to deny his blessing to this Medicine , without which , as Souereigne and powerfull as it is , it can do no good . Now if thou wilt auoid this feareful and dangerous Sinne of tempting GOD , thou must take heed : First , of putting thy selfe into any needlesse danger : And it is then needlesse , when without necessary cause or lawfull calling , eyther for gaine or pleasure , or any priuate respect thou puts thy selfe into places , or among persons infected . Secondly , thou must also at thy vtmost perill , carefully vse all good helpes of Nature and Art , which Gods good Prouidence affoords thee , whether they bee commended vnto thee by the Learned Physician , or approued by true and reall experience , and whether they be meanes Preseruatiue , Curatiue , or Restoratiue . Thirdly , thou must bee wary of all wilfull distemper , and bee diligent in keeping a carefull and orderly dyet , not only for moderation and sobriety , in respect of the quantity both of meate , and drinke especially , but also for Wisdome in the choice of the quality and condition of that little thou feedst vpon . And lastly , abhorre more then Poyson or the Plague it selfe these wicked Opinions , and all that hold them . First , that the Pestilence is not infectious in it selfe , and of it owne nature , but so immediately , and only the hand of God , as none become infected , but only by his stroke . Secondly , that euery mans dayes are so numbred , as doe or not doe what hee will , he cannot liue longer , nor die sooner then his day and houre appointed . Thirdly , that therefore all carefull auoyding of persons or places infected , and diligent vsing of meanes appointed for prescruation are needlesse and to no purpose . The foulenesse and falsenesse of all these three appeares : First , in that the Leaper must bee shut vp , and all men auoyd him , yea , though he were a King , which being nothing so deadly as is the Pestilence , ( seeing some liued with it many yeeres ) It is manifest it was so commanded , only in respect of the Contagion . Secondly , that Iobs Friends being louing , wise , and Religious , and comming to comfort him , hauing the Pestilence , Leprosie , or some such contagious sicknesse , stood afarre off , and refused to come neere him . Thirdly , Hezekiah hauing ( that which neuer man had else ) a Lease of his life for fifteene yeeres , from him that was able to make it good , yet vsed all ordinary meanes and humane helpes , for preseruing his health , and prolonging his life . Fourthly , Saint Paul hauing an expresse grant from God , of the liues of euery one in the Ship with him : yet the next day , when the Mariners , who are the means vnder God to command and rule , and saue a Ship , would haue craftily conuayed themselues out , to haue saued their owne liues , leauing Paul and the rest to be saued by that promise and power of God : Saint Paul plainly told the Captaine , If these men goe out of the Ship we cannot bee saued . For howsoeuer that condition of vsing meanes was not expressed , yet he knew it to be implyed , which was all one . Lastly , our Lord Iesus himselfe , whose Deitie could deliuer him from all danger , yet to teach vs to be carefull in vse of all good meanes , and to let vs see how made these men be , when such as had Plagues pressed too neere vpon him , called for a little Ship to wayte vpon him , because ( sayth the Text ) of the multitude , lest they should throng him . Yet hee that refused the throng , refused not his dutie , hee that fled from the danger , fledde not from his calling , but preacht Gods Word vnto them , himselfe in the Ship , and the people on the shore . The last wicked opinion to bee auoyded , is , that none who loue , feare and serue God , and beleeue in him can dye of the Plague , and all that doe , doe want Faith : The wickednesse of which Doctrine appeares in this , that diuers of the dearest of Gods Saints haue tasted , nay drunke as deeply the Cup of all externall Crosses , and bodily afflictions whatsoeuer , as any Vnbeleeuers or Enemies of God haue done . Againe , in that many of Gods Children , who in common Calamities turne to the Lord in Faith and true Repentance , howsoeuer thereby they saued their Soules , yet for their bodily liues were swept away with the rest , by the generall Iudgement : As a great number of them that perished in the Floud , and diuers of those that dye by the hand of Iustice , and all Histories and Ages affoord frequent examples . And lastly , if thou wouldest take heed of tempting God , stand in thy station , make Conscience to doe thy duty , Flie not with Ionah from the presence of the Lord , for hee can follow thee , and find thee where euer thou art , and reach thee afarre off as well as at home , and make Ionah feele him ( being fled from his duty ) euen when hee thought himselfe most safe , and slept securely : Thou therefore that mayst boldly begge Gods blessing in thy place and duty , how darest thou tempt and try the power of God , by flying from it . Vse this Medicine and obserue these Rules , and as sure as God is true and just , thou mayst boldly beleeue the Plague shall either not touch thee , or not hurt thee ; but in stead of a Plague shall bee a Blessing to thee : And whereas many of GODS good Children haue taken and died of this Infection , as it is manifest on the one side they wanted not Grace , nor Faith for Saluation , so it is as cleere on the other ; that thev some way failed in the vse of this Medicine either , in not belceuing what in this case ought to be belieued , or in not doing something to bee done for their deliuerance in this danger : In all which Cases , the Rule of Christ is certaine : according to thy faith , and consequently thy obedience , which alwayes waits on true Faith , So be it vnto thee . This Medicine is so ancient and so approued , that since the World began it was neuer found to faile in one particular , sauing only such as either seeme to vse it but did not , or vsing it in part ; yet failed in some particulars which in the vse of Medicines may not bee allowed . And by the vertue of this Medicine alone , many about this Citie haue beene preserued to this day , whose Callings and Duties ineuitably bound them within the reach of such dangers , from which all the humane helpes in the World could not haue deliuered them : And still if they faile not in Faith , nor discharge of their Duties : God who is the Authour of this Medicine will not faile in performance of his promise . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A19581-e140 Mark. 9. 49 Rom. 12. 2. Hos . 14. 2. Notes for div A19581-e540 Matth. 11. Psal . 50. Hos . 8. 12. 1. Kings 14. 16. Es●y . Iob. Le● Heb. Psal . 119. Deu. 18. 67. 1. Ki. 20. 18 Ier. Ionas 2. Psal . 123. 2. Mal. 3. 6. Hos . 6. 1 , 2. Psal . 22. 4. Psal . 130. 4 Psal . 100. 4 Psal . 136. Ezek. 14. Hab. 3. 2. Hose 2. 19. ●● . Hos . 14. 2. ● Psal . 46. Esay . Prou. Psal . Psal . Psal . Psal . Psal . Esay . Psal . 2. Psal . 21. Psal . 144 Esay : 44. ● Esay . 45. 1 ▪ 2 , 3 , 4. Esay , 2. Sam. 24. Lu. 13. 1. 2. Rom. 9. Psa . 79. 11. Ezek. 9. Rom. 8. Iob 42. 6 ▪ Notes for div A19581-e1440 Heb. 11. 38. Psal . 91. 11. Leuit. 13. &c. ● . Kings . 15. Iob 2. Esay 38. 5 ▪ Acts 27. Verse 31. Mar. 39. 10 & 4. 1 , 2. Ionah . 1.