Nevves from Graues-end sent to nobody. Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632. 1604 Approx. 59 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 24 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2003-05 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A02053 STC 12199 ESTC S105779 99841505 99841505 6091 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A02053) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 6091) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1139:17) Nevves from Graues-end sent to nobody. Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632. [48] p. Printed by T[homas] C[reede] for Thomas Archer, and are to be solde at the long Shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry, London : 1604. By Thomas Dekker. In verse. Printer's name from STC. Signatures: A-F⁴. The first leaf is blank. Running title reads: Newes from Graues-ende. Reproduction of a photostat of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. 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LONDON Printed by T.C. for Thomas Archer , and are to be solde at the long Shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry . 1604 TEE EPISTLE Dedicatory . To Him , that ( in the despite and neuer-dying-dishonour of all empty sisted Mecaen-Asses ) is the Gratious , munificent , and golden . Rewarder of Rimes : singular pay-maister of Songes and Sonnets : Vnsquint-eyde Surueyor of Heroicall Poems : Chiefe Rent-gatherer of Poets and Musitians : And the most valiant Confounder of their desperate debts . And to the comfort of all honest Christians ) The now-onely-onely-Supper-maker to Enghles & Plaiers-Boyes , Syr Nicolas Nemo , alias Nobody . SHall I creepe ( like a drownde Ratte ) into thy warme bosome , ( my Benefique Patron ! ) with a piece of some olde mustie Sentence in my mouth , stolne out of Lycosthenes Apothegmes , and so accost thee ? Out vpon t ! the fashion of such Dedications is more stale than kissing . No , no , suffer me ( good Nobody ) to diue ( like a White-Friars Puncke ) into thy familiar & solid acquaintance at the first dash : And in stead of Worshipfull Syr , come vpon thee with honest Iew , how doest ? Wonder not that out of the whole barrell of pickeld Pat●ons , I haue onely made choice of thee , for I loue none really , but thee and my selfe , for vs two do I only care , and therefore I coniure thee , let the payment of thine affection be reciprocall . They are Rimes that I have boyld in my leaden Inckpot , for thine owne eating : And now ( rarest Nobody ) taste the reason why they are serued vp to thee ( in the taile of the Plague ) like Caveare , or a dish of Anchoues after supper . Know then ( Monnsier verse-gilder ) that I haue failed ( during this storme of the Pestilence ) round about the vast Iland of the whole world , which when I found to be made like a foote-ball , the best thing in it , being but a bladder of mans life , ( lost with a litle pricke ) I tooke vp my foote and spurnd at it , bicause I haue heard that none but fooles make account of the world . But mistake me not , ( thou Spur-royall of the Muses ! ) for it was neither in Sir Francis Drakes nor in Candishes voyage , that I swom through so much salt-water : But onely with two honest Card-makers Peter Plamius and Gerard Mercator ) who in their vniuersall Maps , ( as in a Barbers Looking-glasse , where a nomber of most villanous vngodly faces are seene , in a yeare , and especially now at Christmas ) did ( like Country-fellowes , that is to say very plainly ) and in a shorter time , than a Sculler can rowe from Queene-hyue to Wapping , make a braue discouery vnto me , as well of all the old raine-beaten , as of the spicke and span new-found worlds , with euery particular Kingdome , Dukedome , and Popedome in their liuely cullors , so that I knew Constantinople as perfectly , as Iobbin , the Mault-mans horse of Enfield knowes the way to London : and could haue gone to the great Turkes Serraglio ( where he keepes all his wenches ) as tollerably and farre more welcome , than if I had beene one of his Eunuches . Prester Iohn , and the Sophy , were neuer out of mine eye , ( yet my sight was not a pin the worse ) . The Soldan of Egipt I had with a wet finger : from whence , I trauailed as boldly to the Courts of all the Kings in Christendome , as if I had bin an Embassadour ) his pomp only excepted . ) Strange fashions did I pick ( like wormes ) out of the fingers of euery Nation , a number of phantastick Popin-Iayes and Apes ( with faces like men ) itching till they had got them . And ( besides fashions ) many wonder● wo●●hy to be hung vp ( like Shields with senseles , bald , impraesaes ) in the white paper-gallery of a large Chronicle . But this made me fret out worse than gumd Taffaty , that neither in any one of those Kingdomes , ( no nor yet within the walls and water-works of mine own country ) could I either find or heare , ( for I gaue a Crier a King-Harry-groate to make an oyes ) no nor read of any man , woman or child , left so wel by their friends , or that caryed such an honest mind to the Common-wealth of the Castalians , as to keepe open-house for the seauen poore Liberall Sciences : nor once ( which euen the rich cubs and fox-furd curmudgens do ) make thē good cheere so much as at Christmas , whē euery cobler has licence ( vnder the broad Seale of Hospitality ) to sit cheeke by iowle at the table of a very Aldermans deputy . What woodcocks then are these seauen wise maisters to answere to that worme-eaten name of Liberall , seeing it has vndone them ? It 's a name of the old fashion : It came vp with the old Religion , and went down with the new . Liberality has bin a Gentleman of a good house , and an ancient house , but now that old house ( like the Players old Hall at Dowgate ) is falne to decay , and to repaire it , requires too much cost . My seauen lattin-sellers , haue bin liberall so long to others , that now they haue not a rag ( or almost nothing but rags ) left for themselues : Yea and into such pitifull predicaments are they fallen , that most of our Gentry ( besides the Punyes of Innes of Court and Chancery ) takes them for the Seauen Deadly Sinnes , and hate him worse than they hate whores . How much happier had it bin for them , to haue changed their copies , & trō Sciences bin bound to good Occupations , cōsidering that one London-occupier ( dealing vprightly with all men ) puts vp more in a weeke , than seuen Bachilers of Art ( that euery day goe barely a wooing to them ) do in a yeare . Hath not the Plague ( incomparable Nobody : and therefore incomparable , bicause with an Aeneas-like glory , thou hast redeemed the golden-tree of Poesie , euen out of the hellish scorne , that this worlde ( out of her Luciferan pride ) hopes to dam it with ) hath it not I say done all men knights seruice in working the downfal of our greatest & greediest beggers ? Dieite Io Paean , You yong Sophisticall Fry of the Vniuersities ! breake Priscians pate ( if hee crosse you ) for ioy : for had not the Plague stuck to you in this case , fixe of your seuen Academicall sweet-hearts ( if I saide all seuen I should not lye vpon them ) had long ere this ( but that some Doctors withstood it ) bene begd , ( not for Wards , yet some of them haue lodged I can tell you in the knights Warde ) but for meere Stones , and Chesters , Fooles , Fooles , and Iesters , because whereas some of their Chymicall & Alchymicall raw disciples haue learnt ( at their hands ) to distill gold and siluer out of very Tauerne-bushes , old greazy knaues of Diamonds , the dust of bowling Allyes , yea & like Aesops Gallus Gallinaceus , to scrape precious stones euen out of dung-hils , yet they themselues ( poore harletries ) had neuer the grace , nor the face , to cary one peny in their own purses . But to speak truth ( my noble curer of the poeticall madnesse for nothing ) where should they haue it ? Let them be sent into the courts of Princes , there they are so lordly , that ( vnles they were bigger & taller of their hands , than so many of the Guard ) euery one lookes ouer thē , of it they giue him any thing , it 's nothing but good lookes . As for the Citie , that 's so full of Crafts-men , there is no dealing with their misteries : the nine Muses stand in a brown study , whē they come within their liberties , like so many mad wenches takē in a watch & broght before a bench of Brown bils . O Ciues , Ciues ! quaerenda pecunia primum ! Virtus post Nummos : First open your purses , and then be vertuous , part not with a peny : the rich mizers holde their owne by this Canon lawe . And for those ( whom in English we call poore snakes ) Alas ! they are barde ( by the Statute against Beggers ) from giuing a dandiprat or a Bawbee . In the Campe there is nothing to be had but blowes and Prouant : for souldiers had neuer worse doings : My sweet Captain , bestowes his pipe of rich Trynidado ( taking the Muses for Irish Chimny-sweepers ) and that 's his Talent . Being in this melancholy contemplation , and hauing wept a whole ynck-horne full of Verses in bewailing the miseries of the time , on the suddaine I started vp : with my teeth bit my writings , because I would eate my words : condemnd my pen-knife to the cutting of powder-beefe and brewes : my paper to the drying and inflaming of Tobacco : and my Retirements to a more Gentleman-like recreation , viz. Duke Humphres walke in Powles : swearing fiue or sixe poeticall furious oathes , that the Goose-quill should neuer more gull me , to make me shoote paper-bullets into any Stationers shop , or to serue vnder the weather-beaten colours of Apollo , seeing his pay was no better . Yet remembring what a notable good fellow thou wert : the onely Atlas that supports the Olympian honour of learning : and ( out of thy horne of Abundance ) a continuall Benefactor to all Schollers ( Thou matchlesse Nobody ! ) I set vp my rest , and vowde to consecrate all my blotting-papers onely to thee : And not content to dignifie thee with that loue and honor of my selfe : I sommond all the Rymesters , Play-patchers , Iig-makers , Ballad-mongers , & Pamphlet-stitchers ( being the yeomanry of the Company ) together with all those whom Theocrytus calls the Muses Byrds ( being the Maisters and head-Wardens ) and before them all made an ●ncomiasticall Oration in praise of Nobody , ( scilicet your proper selfe ) pronouncing them Asses , and threatning to haue them prest to serue at sea in the ship of Fooles , if euer hereafter , they taught their lynes ( like water-Spaniels ) to fetch any thing that were throwne out for thē , or to diue into the vnworthy commendations of Lucius Apuleius , or any Golden-Asle of them all , being for their paines clapt only on the shoulder , and sent away dropping , when as thy leatherne bagges stand more open than Seacoale sackes more bounteously to reward them . I had no sooner cut out thy vertues in these large cantles , but all the Synagogue of Scribes gaue a Pla●dite , crying out Viua voce , with one loud throat , that All their verses should henceforth haue more feete , and take longer strides than if they went vpon stilttes , onely to carry thy glorious praises ouer the earth : And that none ( but Nobody ) should licke the fat of their Inuentions : that Dukes , Earles , Lordes and Ladies , should haue their Il-liberal names torn out of those bookes whose Authors they sent away with a Flea in their eare , And the stile of Nobody in Capitall Romane Letters , brauely Printed in their places . Herevpon crowding their heads together , and amongst thēselues canuasing more & more thy inexplicable worth , All of them ( as inspirde ) burst suddenly forth , and sung extemporall Odes in thine honor , & Palynodes in recanta iō of all former good opinions held of niggardly patrons : One of them magnifying thee , for that in this pestiferous shipwrack of Londoners , when the Pilot , Boteswaines , Maister and Maisters-mates , with all the chiefe Mariners that had charge in this goodly Argozy of gouernment , leapt from the sterne , strooke all the sailes from the maine yard to the mizzen ; neuer lookt to the Compasse , neuer fownded in places of danger , nor so much as put out their Close-fights , when they saw a most cruel man of warre pursue them , but suffred all to sinke or swim , crying out onely , Put your trust in God my Bullies , & not in vs , whilst they either hid them selues vnder hatches , or else scrambled to shoare in Cock-boats : yet thou ( vndanted Nobody ) then , euen then , didst stand stoutly to thy tackling , step coragiously to the helme , and manfully runne vp & downe , encouraging those ( with comfortable words ) whose hearts laie coldly in their bellies . Another lifted thee vp aboue the third Heauen , for playing the Constable part so rarely : And ( not as your commō Constables , charging poore sick wretches , that had neither meate nor mony , in the kings name to keepe their houses , that 's to say , to famish & die : But discharging whole baskets full of victualls ( like vollies of shot ) in at their windowes : thou , onely thou ( most charitable Nobody , madest them as fat as butter , & preseruedst their liues . A third extold thy martiall discipline , in appointing Ambushes of Surgeons and Apothecaries , to lye close in euery ward , of purpose to cut of any cōuoy that broght the plague succor . A fourth swore at the next Impressiō of the Chronicles , to haue thy name , with the yeare of our Lord & certain Hexameter verses under-neath ) all in great goldē letters , wherin thy Fame should be consecrated to eternall memory , for carefully purchasing conuenient plots of ground , onlie for Burialls ( and those out of the Citie too , as they did in Ierusalem ) to the intent , that threescore ( contrary to an Act of common Councell against In-mates might not be pestred together , in one litle hole , where they lie and rot : but that a poore man might for his mony haue elbow-roome , & not haue his guts thrust out to be eaten vp with paltry worms : least when in hot and drie Sommers ( that are yet not dreamed on ) those mustie bodies putrifying , the inavoydable stench of their strong breath be smelt out by the Sun , and then there 's new worke for Clarkes and Sextons . Thus had euery one a flirt at thy praises : if thou hadst bene begde to haue plaid an Anatomy in Barber-surgions Hall , thy good parts could not haue bene more curiosly ript vp : they diu'de into the very bowels of thy hartie commendations . So that I , that ( like a Match ) scarce gaue fire before , to the dankish powder of their apprehensions , was now burnt vp my self , in the flames of a more ardent affection towards thee , kindled by them . For presently the court brake vp , and ( without a quarter-dinner ) all parted : their heads being great with childe , and aking very pittifully , till they were deliuered of Hymnes , Hexasticons , Paeans , and such other Panegyricall stuffe , which euery one thought 7. yeare till he had brought forth , to testifie the loue that he bore to Nobody : In aduancement of whose honour ( and this was sworne vpon a pen & ynck-horne in stead of a sword , yet they al write Tam marti quàm mercurio , but how lawfully let the Heralds haue an eye too t ) they vowd & swore very terribly , to sacrifice the very liues of their inuention ; And whē they wanted ynck ( as many of them do wanting mony ) or had no more ( like a Chancery-man ) but one pen in all the world , parcell of their oath was , to write with their blood and a broome-stick before they would sit idle . Accept therefore ( for hansell-sake ) these curtall Rymes of ours ( thou Capon-feaster of schollers : ) I call thē News frō Graues-end : Be it knowne vnto thy Non-residence , that I come not neare that Graues-end ( which takes his beginning in Kent ) by twenty miles at least ; but the end of those Graues do I shoote at , which were cast vp here in London , to stand as land-marks for euery parish , to teach them how far they were to goe : laying down ( so wel as I can ) the maner how death & his army of pestilent Archers , entred the field , and how euery arrow that they drew , did almost cleaue a heart in sunder . Reade ouer but one leafe ( deare Nobody ) & thou purst vpō me an armor of proofe against the rankling teeth of those mad dogs ( cald Booke-biters ) that run barking vp and downe Powles Church-yard , and bite the Muses by the shinnes Commend thou my labours , and I will labour onely to commend thee : for thy humor being pleasd , all the mewing Critists in the world shall not fright me . I know the Stationers will wish me and my papers burnt ( like hereticks ) at the Crosse , if thou doest ( now ) but enter into their Shops by my meanes : It would fret their hearts to see thee at their Stalls reading my Newes . Yet therein they deale doubly , and like notable dissemblers , for all the time of this Plaguy Allarum , they marcht only vnder thy cullors : desirde none but thy company ▪ none but thy selle wert welcome to them : none but Nobody ( as they all cride out the thine immortall commendatious ) bought bookes of them : Nobody was their best , and most bounteous customer . Fye on this hollow-hearted world ! Do they shake thee off now ? Be wise , and come not neere them by twelue-score at least , so shalt thou not neede to care what disgraces they shoote at thee . But leauing them to their old tune , of What new Bookes do you lack ? prick vp thine eares like a March-Hare ( at the sudden cry of a kennell of hounds ) and listen what newes the Post that 's come from Winchester - Terme windes out of his horne . O that thou hadst taken a lease there ( happy Nobody ) but for one moneth , the place had ( for thy sake ) bin well spoken of for euer . Many did heartily pray ( especially Watermen , and Players , besides the Drawers , Tapsters , Butchers , and Inholders , with all the rest of the hungry Cominaltie of Westminster ) for thy going thither . Ten thousand in London swore to feast their neighbors with nothing but plum-porredge , and mince-pyes all Christmas , ( that now for anger will not bestow a crust on a begger ) vpon condition that all the Iudges , Sergeants , Barristers , and Atturnies , had not set a foot out of dores , but that thou only ( in pomp ) ( sauing them that labour ) hadst rode the iourney , so greedily did they thirst after thy preferment . For hadst thou bin there , those black-buckrom tragedies had neuer bin seene , that there haue bin acted . Alas ! its a beastly thing to report . But ( truth must out ) poore dumb Horses were made meere Iades , being vsed to villanouslie , that they durst neither weihy nor wag taile . And though the riders of them had growne neuer so chollerick , and chaft till they foamd againe , an Hostler to walke them was not to be had for loue or money . Neither could the Geldings ( euen of Gentlemen ) get leaue ( for all they swet til they dropt again ) to stand as they had wont at Rack & Manger . ( no , no , t was enough for their maisters to haue that honor ) but now ( a-against all equitie ) were they cald ( when they little thought of any such matter ) to a deere reckoning for all their old wilde-oates . A cōspiracy there was amōgst all the Inkeepers , that Iack Straw ( an ancient rebell ) should choak al the horses : and the better to bring this to passe , a bottle of hay was sold deerer then a bottle of wine at London . A trusse cost more , then maister Maiors trusse of Forduch , with the sleeues & belly-piece all of bare Sattin to boote : Which knauery being smelt out , the horsemen grew pollitick , & neuer sate downe to dinner , but their Nags were still at their elbowes : so that it grew to be as ordinary a question , to aske , What shall I pay for a Chamber for my selfe and my Gelding all night , ( because they would not be Iaded any more ) as in other countrey townes , For my wife and my selfe , for a beast and a man were entertained both alike , and that in such wonderful sort , that thei le speake of it , In aeternam rei memoriam . For most of their roomes were fairely built ( out of the ground , but not out of the durt ) like Irish Houels , hung round about with cobweb-lawne very richly , and furnished , no Aldermans Parlor in London like them : for here 's your bed , there a stable , and that a hogsty , yet so artificially contriu'd , that they stand all vnder one roofe , to the amazement of all that behold them . But what a childishnes is it , to get vp thus vpon their Hobby-horses , let them bite a the bridle , whilst we haue about with the men . As for the women , they may laugh and lye downe , it s a merry world with them , but some-body payes for it . O Winchester ! much mutton hast thou to answer for , which thou hast made away ( being sluttishly fryed out in steakes , or in burnt Carbonadoes ) thy maid-seruants best know how , if they were cald to an account . It was happy for some , that 4. of the Returnes were cut off , for if they had held together , many a one had neuer returned from thence his owne man. Oh beware ! your Winchester-Goose is tenne times more dangerous to surfet vpon , than your S. Nicholas Shambles-Capon . You talke of a Plague in London , & red Crosses set vpon dores , but ten plagues cannot melt so many crosses of siluer out of Lawyers purses , as the Winchesterians ( with a hey-pas , re-pas ) iugled out of theirs to put into their owne . Patient they were I must needes confesse , for they would pocket vp any thing , came it neuer so wrongfully , insomuch that very good substantiall householders haue oftentimes gone away with crackt crownes , & neuer cōplaind of thē that gaue thē . If euer mony were currant ( à currēdo , of rūning away ) now was the time , it ran frō the poore clients to the Atturneys & Clarks of bands in small troopes ( here 10 & there 20 ) but when the Leaguers of Winchester cried Charge , Charge , the Lawyers paid for t , they went to the pot full deerely , & the townesmen still caryed away all the noble and royall victories . So that being puft vp with an opinion , that the Siluer Age was crept into the world againe , they denyed ( in a manner ) the Kings Coyne , for a penny was no money with them . Whensoeuer there shall come forth a Prest for Souldiers , thither let it be sent , for by all the opinion of the best Captaines ( that had a charge there , and haue tryed them ) the men of Winchester are the onely seruiceable men this day in England : the reason is , they care no more to venture among small shots , than to be at the discharging of so many Cannes of beere : Tush , us their desire , to see those that enter vpon them , to come off soundly , that when they are gone , all the world may beare witnes they came to their cost . And being thus ( night and day ) imploid , and continually entring into Action , it makes them haue mightie stomacks , so that they are able to soake and deuoure all that come in their way : A Rapier and a Cloake haue bin eaten vp at a Supper as cleane ( and caryed away well too ) as if they had bin but two Rabbet-suckers . A Nag serued but one Seruing-man to a breakefast , whilst the Saddle and Bridle were brewd into a quart of strong Beere . This intollerable destroying of victuals being lookt into , the Inhabitants laid their heads together , and agreed among themselues ( for the general good of the whole Towne ) to make it a towne of Garrison . And seeing the desperate Termers , that stroue in lawe together , in such a pittifull pickle , and euery day so durty , that when they met their Councell , they lookt like the black Guard , fighting with the Innes of Court , that therefore all the Householders should turne Turke , and be victuallers to the Camp. By this meanes hauing the lawe in their owne hands , they rulde the roast how they listed : insomuch , that a common iugge of double Beere skornd to kisse the lips of a Knight vnder a groate . Sixe howres sleepe could not be bought vnder fiue shillings . Yea in some places a nights lodging was dearer than the hire of a Curtizan in Venice twice so long . And ( hauing learnd the tricks of London-Sextons ) there they laid foure or fiue in a bed , as here , those other knaues of Spades thrust nine and tenne into one graue . Beds keeping such a iustling of one another in euery roome , that in the day time the lodgings lookt like so many Vpholsters Shops , and in the night time like the Sauoy , or S. Thomas Hospitall . At which , if any guest did but once bite his lip , or grumble , he was cashierd the company for a mutinous fellow , the place was not for him , let him trudge . A number stood with Petitions readie to giue mony for the reuersion of it : for Winchester now durst , ( or at least hopt to ) stand vpon prowd termes with London . And this ( thou beloued of all men ) is the very pith and marrow of the best and latest Newes ( except the vnmasking of certaine Treasons ) that came with the Post from Winchester , where if thou hadst hirde a Chamber ( as would to heauen thou hadst ) thou wouldst neuer haue gone to any Barbers in London whilst thou hadst liude , but haue bin trimd only there , for they are the true shauers , they haue the right Neapolitan polling . To whose commendations , let me glew this piece more , that it is the most excellent place for dispatching of old suites in the world , for a number of riding suites ( that had lyen long in lauander ) were worne out there , only with seruing amongst the hot shots , that marcht there vp and downe : let Westminster therefore , Temple-bar , and Fleetestreete , drinke off this draught of Rosa solis , to fetch life into them againe , after their so often swounding , that those few Iurors that went thither ( if any did goe thither ) haue tane an oath neuer to sit at Winchester-Ordinary againe , if they can choose , but rather to breake their fasts in the old Abbey behinde Westminster , with Pudding-Pyes , and Furmenty . Deliuer Copies of these Newes ( good Nobody ) to none of thy acquaintance ( as thou tenderst me ) and thou shalt commaund any seruice at my hands : for I haue an intent to hire three or foure Ballad-makers , who I know will be glad for sixe pence and a dinner , to turne all this limping Prose into more perfectly-halting Verse , that it shall doe any true-borne Citizens heart good , to heare such doings sung to some filthie tune , and so farewell . Turne ouer a new leafe , and try if I handle the Plague in his right kind . Deuoted to none but thy selfe , Some-body . Newes from Graues-ende . TO Sicknes , and to Queazie Tymes , We drinke a health in wholesome Rymes , Phisicke we inuoke thy aide , Thou ( that borne in heauen ) art made A lackey to the meanest creature , Mother of health ; thou nurse of nature , Equall friend to rich and poore , At whose hands , Kings can get no more , Than emptie Beggers ; O thou wise In nothing but in Misteries ! Thou that ha'st of earth the rule , Where ( like an Academe , or Schoole ) Thou readst deep Lectures to thy sonnes , ( Mens Demi-gods ) Phisitions ; Who thereby learne the abstruse powers Of Hearbs , of Roots , of Plants , of Flowers , And suck from poysonous stinking weede Preseruatiues , mans life to feede . Thou nearest to a God , ( for none Can worke it , but a God alone , ) O graue Enchauntresse , deigne to breath Thy Spells into vs , and bequeath Thy sacred fires , that they may shine In quick and vertuall medicine , Arme vs to conuince this Foe , This King of dead men , conquering so ; This hungry Plague , Cater to death , Who eates vp all , yet famisheth : Teach vs how we may repaire These Ruines of the rotten Aire , Or , if the Aires pollution can So mortall strike through beast and man , Or , if in blood corrupt , Death lye , Or if one dead , cause others die , How ere , thy soueraigne cures disperse , And with that glory crowne our verse : That we may yet saue many a soule ( Perchance now merry at his Bowle ) That ere our Tragick Song be don , Must drinke this thick Contagion : But ( ô griefe ) why do we atcite The charmes of Phisick ? whose numbd sprite Now quakes , and nothing dare , or can , Checkt by a more dread Magitian ? Sick is Phisicks selfe to see Her Aphorismes prou'de a mockery : For whilst shee 's turning o're her bookes , And on her drugs and simples lookes , Shee 's run through owne armed heart , ( Th' infection flying aboue Art : ) Come therefore thou the best of Nine , ( Because the Saddest ) euery line That drops from Sorrowes pen is due Only to thee , to Thee we sue : Thou Tragick Maid , whose Fury's spent In dismall , and most black O●tent . In Vprores , and in Fall of Kings , Thou of Empires change that sings , Of Dearths , of Warres , of Plagues , and laughes At Funeralls , and Epitaphes : Carowse thou to our thirstie soule A full draught from the Thespian bowle , That we may powre it out agen , And drinke , in nombers Iuice to men , Striking such horrors through their eares Their haire may vpright stand with feares , Till rich Heires meeting our strong verse May not shrinck back , before it pierce Their marble eye-balls , and there shead One drop ( at least ) for him that 's dead : To worke which wonder , we will write With Penns puld from that bird of night ( The shriking Owle ) our Inck wee le mix With teares of widowes , ( black as Stix ) The paper where our lynes shall meete , Shall be a folded winding sheete , And that the Scene may shew more full , The Standish is a dead mans scull . Inspire vs therefore how to tell The Horror of a Plague , the Hell. The cause of the Plague . NOr drops this venome , from that faire And christall bosome of the Aire , Whose ceaseles motion clarifies All vaporous stench , that vpward flies And with her vniuersall wings , Thick poisonous fumes abroad she flings , Till ( like to Thunder ) rudely tost , Their malice is ( by spreading ) lost . Yet must we graunt that from the veines Of Rottennes and Filth , that reignes , O're heapes of bodies , slaine in warre , From Carrion ( that indangers farre ) From standing Pooles , or from the wombes Of Vaults , of Muckhills , Graues , & Tombes , From Boggs ; from ranck and dampish Fenns , From Moorish breaths , and nasty Denns , The Sun drawes vp contagious Fumes , Which falling downe burst into Rhewmes , And thousand malladies beside , By which our blood growes putrified . Or , being by windes not swept from thence , They houer there in cloudes condense , Which suckt in by our spirits , there flies Swift poyson through our Arteries , And ( not resisted ) strait it choakes The heart , with those pestiferous smoakes . Thus Phisicke and Philosophy Do preach , and ( with this ) Salues apply : Which search , and vse with speede : but now This monster breeds not thus : For how ( If this be prou'de ) can any doubt But that the Ayre does ( round about ) In flakes of poyson drop on all , The Sore being spread so generall ? Nor dare we so conclude : for then Fruites , Fishes , Fowle , nor Beasts , nor Men Should scape vnteinted , Grazing flocks Would feede vpon their graues : the Oxe Drop at the plough : the trauelling Horse Would for a Rider beare a Coar●e : Th' ambitious Larke , ( the Bird of state ) Whose wings do sweep heauens pearled gate , As she descended ( Then ) would bring , Pestilent Newes vnder each wing : Then Riu●rs would drink poyson'd aire : Trees shed their green and curled haire : Fish swim to shore full of disease , ( For Pestilence would Fin the seas : ) And we should thinke their scaly barkes , Hauing small speckles , had the markes . No soule could moue : but sure there lyes Some vengeance more then in the skies : Nor ( as a Taper , at whose beames Ten thousands lights fetch golden streames , And yet it selfe is burnt to death , ) Can we belieue that one mans breath Infected , and being blowne from him , His poyson should to others swim : For then who breath'd vpon the first ? Where did th'imbulked venome burst ? Or how scapte those that did diuide The selfe-same bits with those that dide ? Drunke of the selfe-same cups , and laie In Vlcerous beds , as close as they ? Or , those , who euery houre , ( like Crowes ) Prey on dead carkasies : their nose Still smelling to a graue : their feete Still wrapt within a dead mans sheete ! Yet ( the sad execution don ) Careles among their Canns they run , And there ( in scorne of Death or Fate ) Of the deceast they widely prate , Yet snore vntoucht , and next day rise To act in more new Tragedies : Or ( like so many bullets flying ) A thousand here and there being dying , Death's Text-bill clapt on euery dore , Crosses on sides , behinde , before , Yet the ( i' th midst ) stands fast : from whence Comes this ? you le say from Prouidence . T is so , and that 's the common Spell , That leades our Ignorance , ( blinde as hell ) And serues but as excuse , to keepe The soule from search of things more deepe ; No , no , this black and burning starre ( Whose sulphurd drops , do scald so farre , ) Does neither houer o're our heads , Nor lyes it in our bloods , nor beds : Nor is it stitcht to our attires , Nor like wilde balls of running fires Or thunderbolts , which where they light Do either bruise , or kill out-right ; Yet by the violence of that Bound Leape off , and giues a second wound : But this fierce dragon ( huge and fowle ) Sucks virid poyson from our soule , Which being spit forth again , there raigns Showers of Blisters , and of Blaines , For euery man within him feedes A worme which this contagion breedes ; Our heauenly parts are plaguy sick , And there such leaprous spotts do stick , That God in anger fills his hand With Vengeance , throwing it on the land ; Sure t is some Capitall offence , Some high , high Treason doth incense Th' Eternall King , that thus we are Arraign'd at Death most dreadfull barre ; Th'Inditement writ on Englands brest , When other Countries ( better blest ) Feele not the Iudges heauy doome Whose breath ( like Lightning doth consume And ( with a whip of Planets ) scourges The Veines of mortalls , In whom Surges Of sinfull blood , Billowes of Lust Stir vp the powres to acts vniust . Whether they be Princes Errors , Or faults of Peeres , pull downe these Terrors , Or ( because we may not erre , ) Lets sift it in particuler , The Courtiers pride , lust , and excesse , The Church mans painted holinesse ; The Lawyers grinding of the poore , The Souldiers staruing at the doore , Ragd , leane , and pale through want of blood , Sold cheape by him for Countries good . The Schollers enuy ; Farmers curse , When heau'ns rich Threasurer doth disburse In bounteous heapes ( to thankles men ) His vniuersall Blessings : then This deluing Moale , for madness eates Euen his owne lungs , and strange oathes sweates , Because he cannot sell for pence , Deare yeares , in spite of Prouidence . Adde vnto these , the City sin ( Brought by seuen deadly monsters in ) Which doth all bowndes , and blushing scorne , Because t is in the Freedome borne , What Traines of Vice , ( which euen Hell hates ) But haue bold passage through her gates ? Pride in Diet , Pride in Cloathing , Pride in Building , pure in nothing , And that she may not want disease She sailes for it beyond the Seas , With Antwerp will she drinke vp Rhene : With Paris act the bloodiest Scene : Or in pyed fashions passe her folly , Mocking at heauen yet looke most holy : Of Vsury shee 'll rob the Iewes , Of Luxury , Venetian Stewes , With Spaniards , shee 's an Indianist , With barbarous Turks a Sodomist . So low her Antique walls do stand , These sinnes leape o're euen with one hand : And Hee , that all in modest black , Whose Eye-ball strings shall sooner crack , Then seeme to note a tempting face , Measuring streets with a Doue-like pace , Vnder that oyly vizard weares , The poore mans sweat , and Orphans teares : Now whether these particular Fates , Or generall Moles ( disfiguring States ) Whether one sin alone , or whether This Maine Battalion ioynd together , Do dare these plagues ; we cannot tell , But downe they beate all humane Spell : Or , it may be , Iehouah lookes But now vpon those Audit-Bookes Of 45. yeares husht account , For houres mispent , ( whose summes surmount The price of ransomd Kings ) and there Finding our grieuous debts , doth cleere And crosse them vnder his owne hand , Being paid with Liues , through all the land . For since his Maiden . Seruant 's gone , And his new Vizeroy fills the Throne , Heauen meanes to giue him ( as his bride ) A Nation new , and purified . Take breath a while our panting Muse , And to the world tell gladder newes , Than these of Burialls , striue a while , To make thy sullen nombers smile : Forget the names of Graues , and Ghosts , The sound of bells : the vnknowne coasts Of Deaths vast Kingdome : and saile o're With fresher winde to happier Shore . For now the maiden Ile hath got , A Roiall Husband , ( heauenly Lott ) Faire Scotland does faire England wed , And giues her for her maiden-head , A crowne of gold , wrought in a Ring , With which Shee 's maried to a King : Thou Beldame ( whisperer of false Rumors ) Fame ; cast aside those Antique humors , Lift vp thy golden Tromp , and sound Euen from Tweedes vtmost christ all bownd , And from the bankes of Siluer Thames To the greene Ocean , that King Iames Had made an Iland , ( that did stand Halfe sinking ) now the firmest land : Carry thou this to Neptunes eare , That his shrill Tritons it may beare , So farre , vntill the Danish sound With repercussiue voice rebound , That Eccho's ( doubling more and more ) May reach the parched Indian shore , For t is heau'ns care so great a wonder , Should fly vpon the wings of Thunder . The Horror of the Plague . O Thou my Countrie , here mine eyes Are almost sunck in waues , that rise From the rough winde of Sighs , to see A spring that lately courted thee In pompous brauery , All thy Bowers Gilt by the Sunne , perfumde with flowers , Now like a loathsome Leaperlying , Her arbors withring , greene Trees dying , Her Reuells , and May-meriments , Turned all to Tragick dreeryments : And thou ( the mother of my breath ) Whose soft brest thousandes nourisheth , Alrar of Ioue , thou throne of Kings : Thou Fownt , where milke and hony springs , Europs Iewell ; Englands Iem : Sister to great Ierusalem : Neptunes minion , ( bout whose wast The Thames is like a girdle cast , ) Thou that ( but health canst nothing want , Empresse of Cities , Troynouant . When I thy lofty Towers behold , ( Whose Pinnacles were tipt with gold Both when the Sun did set and rise So louely wert thou in his eies ) Now like old Monuments forsaken , Or ( like tall Pynes ) by winter thaken ; Or , seeing thee gorgeous as a bride Euen in the heigth of all thy pride Disrobd'e , disgracte ; And when all Nations Made loue to thee in amorous passions , Now scornd of all the world alone , None seeke thee , nor must thou seeke none , But like a prisoner must be kept In thine owne walles , till thou hast wept Thine eyes out , to behold thy sweete Dead children heapt about thy feete : O Derrest ! say how can we chuse But haue a sad and drooping Muse , When Coarses do so choake thy way That now thou lookst like Golgatha ; But thus , The altring of a State Alteis our Bodies , and our Fate , For Princes death 's do euen bespeake Millions of liues ; when Kingdomes breake , People dissolue , and ( as with Thunder ) Cities proud glories rent asunder . Witnes thy walls , whose stony armes But yesterday receiu'de whole swarmes Of frighted English : Lord and Lowne , Lawyer , and Client , Courtier , Clowne , All sorts did to thy buildings fly , As to the safest Sanctuary . And he that through thy gates might passe , His feares were lockt in Towers of brasse , Happie that man : now happier they That from thy reach get first away : As from a shipwrack , to some shore : As from a lost field , drownd in gore : As from high Turrets , whose Ioints faile : Or rather from , some loathsome Iaile : But note heau'ns Iustice , they by flying That would cozen Death , and saue a dying , How like to chaffe abroad th' are blowne , And ( but for scorne ) might walke vnknowne ; Like to plumde Estridges they ride , Or like Sea-pageants , all in pride Of Tacklings , Flags , and swelling Sailes , Borne on the loftiest waues , that veiles His purple bonnet , and in dread Bowes downe his snowie curled head , So from th' infected citie fly These Swallowes in their Gallantry , Looking that wheresoe're they light , Gay Sommer , ( like a Parasite ) Should waite on them , and build'em bowers And crowne their nests with wreathed flowers , And Swaynes to welcome them should sing And daunce , as for their Whisson King : Feather of Pride , how art thou tost ? How soone are all thy beauties lost ? How casely golden hopes vn-winde ? The russet boore , and leatherne hinde , That two daies since did sinck his knee , And ( all vncouered ) worshipt thee , Or being but poore , and meanely cloathed , Was either laught to scorne or loathed , Now thee he loathes , and laughes to scorne , And tho vpon thy back be worne , More Sattin than a kingdomes worth , He barrs his doore , and thrusts thee forth : And they whose pallat Land nor Seas , Whome fashions of no shape could please , Whome Princes haue ( in ages past ) For rich attires , and sumptuous wast , Neuer come neere : now sit they rownd And feede ( like beggers ) on the grownd , A field their bed , whose dankish Sheetes Is the greene grasse : And he that meetes The flatrings● ? Fortune , does but lie In some rude barne , or loathsome stie : Forsooke of all , floured , forlorne : Owne brother does owne brother scorne , The trembling Father is vndone , Being once but breath'd on by his sonne ; Or , if in this sad pilgrimage The hand of vengeance fall in rage , So heauy vpon any'es head Striking the sinfull body dead . O shame to ages yet to come ! Dishonor to all Christendome ! In hallowed ground no heaped gold Can buy a graue ; nor linnen sold To make ( so farre is pittie fled ) The last apparell for the dead : But as the fashion is for those Whose desperare handes the knot vnlose Of their owne liues , In some hye-way Or barren field , their bones they lay , Euen such his buriall is ; And there Without the balme of any teare , Or pomp of Souldiers , But ( ô griefe ! ) Dragd like a Traitor or some thiefe At horses tailes , hee 's rudely throwne , The coarse being stuck with flowers by none , No bells ( the dead mans Confort ) playing , Nor any holy Churchman saying A Funerall Dirge : But swift th' are gon , As from some noysome cation O desolate Citie ! now thy wings ( Whose shadowe hath bene lou'd by Kings ) Should feele sick feathers on each side , Seeing thus thy sonnes ( got in ther pride ) And heate of plenty , In peace borne , To their owne Nation left a scorne : Each cowheards feares a Ghost him haunts , Seeing one of thine inhabitants , And does a Iew , or Turke prefer , Before that name of Londoner ; Would this were all : But this black Curse Doing ill abroad , at home does worse , For in thy ( now dispeopled ) streetes , The dead with dead , so thickly meetes , As if some Prophets voice should say None shall be Citizens , but they . Whole housholds ; and whole streets are stricken , The sick do die , the sound do sicken , And Lord haue mercy vpon vs , crying Ere Mercy can come forth , th' are dying . No musick now is heard but bells , And all their tunes are sick mens knells ; And euery stroake the bell does toll , Vp to heauen it windes a soule : Oh , if for euery coarse that 's laide In his cold bed of earth , were made A chyme of belles , if peales should ring For euery one whom death doth sting , Men should be deaffe , as those that dwell By Nylus fall ; But now one Knell , Giues with his Iron voyce this doome , That twentie shall but haue one roome ; There friend , and foe , the yong and old , The freezing coward , and the bold : Seruant , and maister : Fowle and faire : One Liuery weare , and fellowes are Sailing along in this black fleete , And at the New Graues-end do meete , Where Church-yards banquet with cold cheere , Holding a feast once in ten yeere , To which comes many a Pilgrym worme , Hungry and faint , beat with the storme Of galping Famine , which before Onely pickt bones , and had no more , But now their messes come so fast , They know not where , or which to tast ; For before ( Dust to Dust ) be spoken , And throwne on One , more Graues be broken . Thou Iealous man I pittie thee , Thou that liu'st in hell to see A wantons eye cheapening the sleeke Soft Iewels , of thy faire wiues cheeke , My verse must run through thy cold heart , Thy wife has playd the womans part And lyen with Death : but ( spite on spite ) Thou must endure this very night Close by her side the poorest Groome , In selfe-same bed , and selfe-same roome : But ease thy vext soule , thus behold There 's one , who in the morne with gold Could haue built Castells : now hee 's made A pillow to a wretch , that prayde For halfe-penny Almes , ( with broken lim ) The Begger now is aboue him ; So he that yesterday was clad In purple robes , and hourely had Euen at his fingers becke , the fees Of bared heads , and bending knees , Rich mens fawnings , poore mens praiers ( Tho they were but hollow aires ) Troopes of seruants at his calling , Children ( like to subiects ) falling At his proude feete : loe , ( now hee 's taken By death , ) he lies of all forsaken . These are the Tragedies , whose sight With teares blot all the lynes we write , The Stage whereon the Scenes are plaide Is a whole Kingdome : who was made By some ( most prouident and wise ) To hide from sad Spectators eyes Acts full of Ruth , a priuate Roome To drowne the horror of deaths doome , That building now no higher reare The Pest-House standeth euery where , For those that on their Beeres are borne , Are nombred more , than those that mourne . But you graue Patriots , whom Fate Makes Rulers of this walled State , We must not loose you in our verse , Whose Acts we one day may rehearse In marble nombers , that shall stand Aboue Tymes all-destroying hand : Only ( methinkes ) you do erre In flying from your charge so farre . So coward Captaines shrinke away , So Shepheards do their flocks betray : So Souldiers , and so Lambes do perish , So you kill those , y' are bound to cherish : Be therefore valiant , as y' are wife , Come back again : The man that dies Within your walls , is euen as neere To heau'n , as dying any where ; But if ( ô pardon our bold thought ) You feare your breath is sooner caught Here then aloofe ; and therefore keepe Out of Deaths reach , whilst thousands weepe And wring their hands for thousands dying , No comfort neare the sick man lying : T is to be fear'd ( you petty-kings , ) When back you spread your golden wings , A deadlyer siege ( which heauen auert ) Will your replenisht walls ingirt . T is now the Beggers plague , for none Are in this Battaile ouerthrowne But Babes and poore : The lesser Fly Now in this Spiders web doth lie . But if that great , and goodly swarme ( That has broke through , and felt no harme , ) In his inuenom'd snares should fall , O pittie ! t were most tragicall : For then the Vsurer must behold His pestilent flesh , whislt all his gold Turns into Tokens , and the chest ( They lie in , ) his infections brest : How well hee le play the Misers part When all his coyne sticks at his heart ? Hee s worth so many farthings then , That was a golden God mongst men . And t is the aptest death ( so please Him that breath heauen , earth , and Seas ) For euery couetous rooting Mowle That heaues his drosse aboue his soule , And doth in coyne all hopes repose To die with corps , stampt full of those . Then the rich Glutton , whose swolne eyne Looke fiery red ( being boild in wine ) And in his meales , adores the cup , ( For when he falls downe that stands vp Therefore a goblet is his Saint , To whome he kneeles with small constrain : , When his owne goblet Scull flowes o're He worships Bacchus on all foure , For none's his God but Bacchus then , Who rules and guides all drunken men , ) When He shall wake from wine , and view More then Tauern-tokens , new Stampt vpon his brest and armes , In horrid throngs , and purple swarmes , Then will he loath his former shapes , When he shall see blew markes mock grapes , And hang on clusters on each veine , Like to wine-bubbles , or the graine Of staggering sinne , which now appeares In the December of his yeares , His last of howers ; when hee le scarce haue Time to goe sober to his Graue . And then to die ! ( dreadfull to thinke ! ) When all his blood is turnd to drinke : And who knowes not this Sentence giuen , Mongst all sinnes , none can reele to Heauen ? But woe to him that sinkes in wine , And dyes so ( without heau'd vp eyne ) And buried so ! O loathsome trench ! His graue is like a Tauerne bench . T is fearefull , and most hard to say , How he shall stand at latter day . The adulterous and luxurious spirit Pawnd to hell , and sinnes hot merrit , That bathes in lust his leaprous soule , Acting a deed without controll Or thought of Deitie : through whose bloud , Runnes part of the Infernall floud : How will he freeze with horror ? lying In dreadfull trance before his dying : The heate of all his dambd desires Coold with the thought of gnashing fires : His Ryots rauisht , all his pleasures His marrow wasted with his treasures , His painted harlots ( whose imbraces Cost him many siluer faces , Whose only care and thought was then To keepe them sure from other men ) Now they dance in Russians handes , Lazy Leiftenents ( without bandes , ) With muffled halfe-fac'de Pandars , laughing , Whilst he lies gasping , they sit qua●fing , Smile at this plague , and black mischance , Knowing their deaths come o're from France : T is not their season now to die , Two gnawing poisons cannot lie , In one corrupted flesh together , Nor can this poison then fly thether : There 's not a Strompet mongst them all That liues and rises by the fall , Dreads this contagion , or her threats , Being guarded with French Amulets . Yet all this while thy selfe liest panting , Thy Luxurious howers recanting , Whilst before thy face appeares , Th' adulterous fruit of all thy yeares In their true forme and horrid shapes , So many Incests , violent Rapes , Chambered adulteries , vncleane passions , Wanton habits , riotous fashions , And all these Anticks drest in hell , To dance about the passing bell ; And clip thee round about the bed , Whilst thousand Horrors graspe thy head . The Cure of the Plagne . ANd therefore this infectious season That now arrests the Flesh for Treason Against heauens euerlasting King , Annointed with th' eternall spring ( Of life and power ) this stroke of Force , That turnes the world into a Coarse , Feeding the Dust with what it craues , Emptying whole houses to fill graues , These speckled Plagues ( which our sinnes leuy ) Are as needfull as th' are heauy ; Whose cures to cite , our Muse for beares , Tho he the Daphnean wreath that weares ( Being both Poesis Soueraigne King , And God of medicine ) bids vs sing As boldly of those pollicies , Those Onfets , and those Batteries , By Phisick cunningly applied , To beate downe Plagues ( so fortified ) And of those Armes defensitiue , To keep th' assaulted Heart aliue , And of those wardes , and of those sleights , Vsde in these mortall single fights , As of the causes that commence This ciuill warre of Pestilence , For Poets soules should be confinde Within no bownds , their towring mindes Must ( like the Sun ) a progresse make Through Arts immensiue Zodiake : And suck ( like Bees ) the vertuous power , That flows in learnings seuen-sold flower , Distilling forth the same agen In sweet and wholesome Iuice to men : But for we see the Army great Of those whose charge it is to beat This proud Inuader , and haue skill In all those weapons , that do kill Such pestilent foes , we yeeld to them The glory of that stratagem : To whose Oraculous voice repaire , For they those Delphick Prophets are , That teach dead bodies to respire By sacred Aesculapian fire : We meane not those pied Lunatickes , Those bold fantastick Empirickes , Quack-saluers , mishrump Mountebancks , That in one night grow vp in rancks And liue by pecking Phisickes crummes , O hate these venemous broodes , there comes Worse sores from them , and more strange births Then from ten plagues , or twentie deaths : Only this Antidote apply , Cease vexing heauen , and cease to die . Seeke therefore ( after you haue found Salue naturall for the naturall wound Of this Contagion , ) Cure from thence Where first the euill did commence , And that 's the Soule : each one purge one , And Englands free , the Plague is gone . The necessitie of a Plague . YEt to mixe comfortable words Tho this be horrid , it affords Sober gladnes , and wise ioyes , Since desperate mixtures it destroies ; For if our thoughts sit truly trying , The iust necessitie of dying How needfull ( tho how dreadfull ) are Purple Plagues , or Crimson warre , We would conclude ( still vrging pittie ) A Plague's the Purge to clense a Cittie : Who amongst millions can deny ( In rought prose , or smooth Poesie ) Of Euils , t is the lighter broode , A dearth of people , then of foode ! And who knowes not , our Land ran o're With people ; and was onely poore In hauing too too many , liuing , And wanting liuing ! rather giuing Themselues to wast , deface and spoyle , Than to increase ( by vertuous toyle ) The banckrout bosome of our Realme Which naked birthes did ouerwhelme : This begers famine , and bleake dearth : When fruites of wombes passe fruites of earth , Then Famines onely Phisick : and The medcine for a ryotous Land Is such a plague : So it may please Mercies Distributer to appease , His speckled anger , and now hide Th' old rod of Plagues : no more to chide And lash our shoulders and sick vaines With Carbuncles , and shooting Blaines : Make vs the happiest amongst men , Immortall by our prophecing pen , That this last lyne may truly raigne , The Plague's ceast , heauen is friends againe . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A02053-e1540 A pos 〈…〉 ad Ciui 〈…〉 tem . Pest-ho 〈…〉 The 〈…〉