mv: ‘./’ and ‘./’ are the same file Creating study carrel named subject-ozImaginaryPlace-gutenberg Initializing database Unzipping Archive: creating: ./tmp/input/input-file/ inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/26624.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/30852.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/30537.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/22566.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/24459.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/25519.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/25581.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/420.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/419.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/517.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/955.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/956.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/958.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/957.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/959.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/960.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/961.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/54.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/485.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/486.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/10127.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/9395.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/10419.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/33361.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/39868.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/32094.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/43936.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/41667.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/58765.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/55806.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/55851.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56085.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56079.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56073.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/51263.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/52176.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56555.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56683.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/53844.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv caution: excluded filename not matched: *MACOSX* === DIRECTORIES: ./tmp/input === DIRECTORY: ./tmp/input/input-file === metadata file: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv === found metadata file === updating bibliographic database Building study carrel named subject-ozImaginaryPlace-gutenberg FILE: cache/30852.txt OUTPUT: txt/30852.txt FILE: cache/25581.txt OUTPUT: txt/25581.txt FILE: cache/26624.txt OUTPUT: txt/26624.txt FILE: cache/420.txt OUTPUT: txt/420.txt FILE: cache/25519.txt OUTPUT: txt/25519.txt FILE: cache/30537.txt OUTPUT: txt/30537.txt FILE: cache/22566.txt OUTPUT: txt/22566.txt FILE: cache/24459.txt OUTPUT: txt/24459.txt FILE: cache/958.txt OUTPUT: txt/958.txt FILE: cache/956.txt OUTPUT: txt/956.txt FILE: cache/957.txt OUTPUT: txt/957.txt FILE: cache/517.txt OUTPUT: txt/517.txt FILE: cache/959.txt OUTPUT: txt/959.txt FILE: cache/419.txt OUTPUT: txt/419.txt FILE: cache/960.txt OUTPUT: txt/960.txt FILE: cache/955.txt OUTPUT: txt/955.txt FILE: cache/961.txt OUTPUT: txt/961.txt FILE: cache/485.txt OUTPUT: txt/485.txt FILE: cache/33361.txt OUTPUT: txt/33361.txt FILE: cache/486.txt OUTPUT: txt/486.txt FILE: cache/54.txt OUTPUT: txt/54.txt FILE: cache/56085.txt OUTPUT: txt/56085.txt FILE: cache/10127.txt OUTPUT: txt/10127.txt FILE: cache/10419.txt OUTPUT: txt/10419.txt FILE: cache/41667.txt OUTPUT: txt/41667.txt FILE: cache/55851.txt OUTPUT: txt/55851.txt FILE: cache/9395.txt OUTPUT: txt/9395.txt FILE: cache/56079.txt OUTPUT: txt/56079.txt FILE: cache/43936.txt OUTPUT: txt/43936.txt FILE: cache/55806.txt OUTPUT: txt/55806.txt FILE: cache/32094.txt OUTPUT: txt/32094.txt FILE: cache/56073.txt OUTPUT: txt/56073.txt FILE: cache/52176.txt OUTPUT: txt/52176.txt FILE: cache/51263.txt OUTPUT: txt/51263.txt FILE: cache/39868.txt OUTPUT: txt/39868.txt FILE: cache/56683.txt OUTPUT: txt/56683.txt FILE: cache/58765.txt OUTPUT: txt/58765.txt FILE: cache/56555.txt OUTPUT: txt/56555.txt FILE: cache/53844.txt OUTPUT: txt/53844.txt === === id: 24459 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Lost Princess of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/24459.txt cache: ./cache/24459.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'24459.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 25519 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Little Wizard Stories of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/25519.txt cache: ./cache/25519.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'25519.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 25581 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Rinkitink in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/25581.txt cache: ./cache/25581.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'25581.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' 24459 txt/../ent/24459.ent 25519 txt/../ent/25519.ent 25519 txt/../pos/25519.pos 24459 txt/../wrd/24459.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 25581 txt/../pos/25581.pos 25581 txt/../ent/25581.ent 24459 txt/../pos/24459.pos 25519 txt/../wrd/25519.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 25581 txt/../wrd/25581.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 22566 txt/../wrd/22566.wrd 30852 txt/../pos/30852.pos 419 txt/../pos/419.pos 26624 txt/../wrd/26624.wrd 420 txt/../wrd/420.wrd 26624 txt/../pos/26624.pos 420 txt/../pos/420.pos 30537 txt/../wrd/30537.wrd 30852 txt/../wrd/30852.wrd 30537 txt/../pos/30537.pos 956 txt/../pos/956.pos 956 txt/../wrd/956.wrd 419 txt/../wrd/419.wrd 22566 txt/../pos/22566.pos 957 txt/../wrd/957.wrd 957 txt/../pos/957.pos 958 txt/../wrd/958.wrd 517 txt/../wrd/517.wrd 959 txt/../pos/959.pos 955 txt/../wrd/955.wrd 959 txt/../wrd/959.wrd 419 txt/../ent/419.ent 958 txt/../pos/958.pos 517 txt/../pos/517.pos 420 txt/../ent/420.ent 957 txt/../ent/957.ent 30852 txt/../ent/30852.ent 26624 txt/../ent/26624.ent 955 txt/../pos/955.pos 958 txt/../ent/958.ent 22566 txt/../ent/22566.ent 959 txt/../ent/959.ent 956 txt/../ent/956.ent 30537 txt/../ent/30537.ent 517 txt/../ent/517.ent 485 txt/../pos/485.pos 10127 txt/../pos/10127.pos 10127 txt/../wrd/10127.wrd 485 txt/../wrd/485.wrd 961 txt/../wrd/961.wrd 961 txt/../pos/961.pos 486 txt/../wrd/486.wrd 54 txt/../wrd/54.wrd 960 txt/../wrd/960.wrd 955 txt/../ent/955.ent 960 txt/../pos/960.pos === === id: 22566 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/22566.txt cache: ./cache/22566.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'22566.txt' === === id: 419 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Magic of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/419.txt cache: ./cache/419.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'419.txt' 54 txt/../pos/54.pos 486 txt/../pos/486.pos === === id: 420 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/420.txt cache: ./cache/420.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'420.txt' 10419 txt/../wrd/10419.wrd 10419 txt/../pos/10419.pos === === id: 26624 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Road to Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/26624.txt cache: ./cache/26624.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'26624.txt' 39868 txt/../wrd/39868.wrd === === id: 30852 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/30852.txt cache: ./cache/30852.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'30852.txt' 39868 txt/../pos/39868.pos === === id: 30537 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Royal Book of Oz In which the Scarecrow goes to search for his family tree and discovers that he is the Long Lost Emperor of the Silver Island date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/30537.txt cache: ./cache/30537.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'30537.txt' 33361 txt/../pos/33361.pos 33361 txt/../wrd/33361.wrd === === id: 959 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Lost Princess of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/959.txt cache: ./cache/959.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'959.txt' 55851 txt/../wrd/55851.wrd 55851 txt/../pos/55851.pos === === id: 956 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Tik-Tok of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/956.txt cache: ./cache/956.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'956.txt' === === id: 958 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Rinkitink in Oz Wherein Is Recorded the Perilous Quest of Prince Inga of Pingaree and King Rinkitink in the Magical Isles That Lie Beyond the Borderland of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/958.txt cache: ./cache/958.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'958.txt' === === id: 957 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Scarecrow of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/957.txt cache: ./cache/957.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'957.txt' 961 txt/../ent/961.ent 32094 txt/../wrd/32094.wrd 55806 txt/../pos/55806.pos 56085 txt/../wrd/56085.wrd 43936 txt/../wrd/43936.wrd 43936 txt/../pos/43936.pos 56079 txt/../wrd/56079.wrd 56079 txt/../pos/56079.pos 55806 txt/../wrd/55806.wrd 10127 txt/../ent/10127.ent 960 txt/../ent/960.ent 485 txt/../ent/485.ent 9395 txt/../wrd/9395.wrd === === id: 517 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Emerald City of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/517.txt cache: ./cache/517.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'517.txt' 32094 txt/../pos/32094.pos 39868 txt/../ent/39868.ent 56085 txt/../pos/56085.pos 9395 txt/../pos/9395.pos 486 txt/../ent/486.ent 33361 txt/../ent/33361.ent 54 txt/../ent/54.ent === === id: 955 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Patchwork Girl of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/955.txt cache: ./cache/955.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'955.txt' 58765 txt/../wrd/58765.wrd 51263 txt/../pos/51263.pos 56683 txt/../wrd/56683.wrd 10419 txt/../ent/10419.ent 55851 txt/../ent/55851.ent 41667 txt/../wrd/41667.wrd 51263 txt/../wrd/51263.wrd 56683 txt/../pos/56683.pos 41667 txt/../pos/41667.pos 58765 txt/../pos/58765.pos 56073 txt/../wrd/56073.wrd 52176 txt/../wrd/52176.wrd 52176 txt/../pos/52176.pos 56073 txt/../pos/56073.pos 56555 txt/../wrd/56555.wrd === === id: 10127 author: Evans, Robert J. title: Abducted to Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/10127.txt cache: ./cache/10127.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'10127.txt' 56555 txt/../pos/56555.pos 53844 txt/../pos/53844.pos 53844 txt/../wrd/53844.wrd 43936 txt/../ent/43936.ent === === id: 961 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Glinda of Oz In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/961.txt cache: ./cache/961.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'961.txt' === === id: 485 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Road to Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/485.txt cache: ./cache/485.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'485.txt' 32094 txt/../ent/32094.ent === === id: 486 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Ozma of Oz A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion, and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/486.txt cache: ./cache/486.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'486.txt' === === id: 10419 author: Dulabone, Chris title: The Forest Monster of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/10419.txt cache: ./cache/10419.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'10419.txt' === === id: 54 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Marvelous Land of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/54.txt cache: ./cache/54.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'54.txt' === === id: 960 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, Assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/960.txt cache: ./cache/960.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'960.txt' 55806 txt/../ent/55806.ent 56079 txt/../ent/56079.ent === === id: 39868 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Glinda of Oz In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/39868.txt cache: ./cache/39868.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'39868.txt' 56683 txt/../ent/56683.ent 9395 txt/../ent/9395.ent 56085 txt/../ent/56085.ent === === id: 33361 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Ozma of Oz A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion, and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/33361.txt cache: ./cache/33361.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'33361.txt' 58765 txt/../ent/58765.ent 41667 txt/../ent/41667.ent 51263 txt/../ent/51263.ent === === id: 43936 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/43936.txt cache: ./cache/43936.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'43936.txt' 52176 txt/../ent/52176.ent 56073 txt/../ent/56073.ent 56555 txt/../ent/56555.ent 53844 txt/../ent/53844.ent === === id: 56079 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: Handy Mandy in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56079.txt cache: ./cache/56079.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'56079.txt' === === id: 55806 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/55806.txt cache: ./cache/55806.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'55806.txt' === === id: 56085 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Silver Princess in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56085.txt cache: ./cache/56085.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'56085.txt' === === id: 55851 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Wishing Horse of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/55851.txt cache: ./cache/55851.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'55851.txt' === === id: 56555 author: Snow, Jack title: The Magical Mimics in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56555.txt cache: ./cache/56555.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'56555.txt' === === id: 41667 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Emerald City of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/41667.txt cache: ./cache/41667.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'41667.txt' === === id: 58765 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Cowardly Lion of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/58765.txt cache: ./cache/58765.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'58765.txt' === === id: 32094 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Patchwork Girl of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/32094.txt cache: ./cache/32094.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'32094.txt' === === id: 51263 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Scarecrow of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/51263.txt cache: ./cache/51263.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'51263.txt' === === id: 52176 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Tik-Tok of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/52176.txt cache: ./cache/52176.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'52176.txt' === === id: 56073 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: Captain Salt in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56073.txt cache: ./cache/56073.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'56073.txt' === === id: 9395 author: Evans, Robert J. title: Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/9395.txt cache: ./cache/9395.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'9395.txt' === === id: 56683 author: Snow, Jack title: The Shaggy Man of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56683.txt cache: ./cache/56683.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'56683.txt' === === id: 53844 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Land of Oz date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/53844.txt cache: ./cache/53844.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'53844.txt' Done mapping. Reducing subject-ozImaginaryPlace-gutenberg === bib === id = 30537 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = The Royal Book of Oz In which the Scarecrow goes to search for his family tree and discovers that he is the Long Lost Emperor of the Silver Island date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 43353 sentences = 3651 flesch = 90 summary = So like the wind away raced the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy holding fast Taking a deep breath, Sir Hokus, the Cowardly Lion and Dorothy burst Dorothy and Sir Hokus and the Cowardly Lion had meanwhile reached the DOROTHY AND SIR HOKUS COME TO FIX CITY DOROTHY AND SIR HOKUS COME TO FIX CITY The more Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion saw of Sir Hokus, the fonder Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion and Sir Hokus, they fell into each other's "Very good," said Sir Hokus with a wink at Dorothy. "Five miles," said Sir Hokus as Dorothy looked confused. Dorothy, Sir Hokus and the Cowardly Lion had been having adventures "I think I'll ride the Cowardly Lion," said Dorothy, looking uneasily "Any friend of little Dorothy's is my friend," said the Scarecrow, to hold Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, Happy Toko, the The Cowardly Lion had placed himself at Dorothy's feet, and Sir Hokus cache = ./cache/30537.txt txt = ./txt/30537.txt === bib === id = 30852 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 45498 sentences = 2771 flesch = 88 summary = hall of his splendid tin castle in the Winkie Country of the Land of Oz. Beside him, in a chair of woven straw, sat his best friend, the "Were the Scarecrow and I alone," said the Tin Woodman, "we would travel of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Woot the Wanderer, who saw on the "But Ozma is a fairy," said the Tin Woodman, "and therefore she is very The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow didn't mind the dark at all, but Woot Until now the Scarecrow had rather doubted the possibility of Mrs. Yoop's being able to transform him, or his friend the Tin Woodman, for Monkey, which used to be a boy called Woot the Wanderer, and a Tin Owl, "But," said the kind hearted Tin Woodman, "I'm afraid the Green Monkey "By the way," said the Tin Soldier, "what ever became of _my_ old head, cache = ./cache/30852.txt txt = ./txt/30852.txt === bib === id = 26624 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Road to Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 41645 sentences = 2771 flesch = 91 summary = "'Course not, Shaggy Man," replied Dorothy, giving him a severe look. "Good-bye, Shaggy Man," called Dorothy, and ran after Toto. Dorothy and Toto and the shaggy man came to a halt before the little "It's no use asking Button-Bright questions," said the shaggy man, who "I'm like Button-Bright; I don't know," answered the shaggy man, with a "Why, yes," said Dorothy; "that seems reas'n'ble, Shaggy Man." "We're pretty well, thank you, Shaggy Man," said he; and Dorothy knew the shaggy man, Dorothy, Toto, and Button-Bright. "He is," said Dorothy; and the shaggy man added: "I'm Dorothy; and this is my friend Shaggy Man, who owns the Love "Don't worry, Shaggy Man," said Dorothy, smiling because her friend The shaggy man told Dorothy and Button-Bright to stand before him while "But I thought Princess Ozma ruled Oz," said the shaggy man. "I'll give up the Love Magnet," said the shaggy man, eagerly; "Dorothy cache = ./cache/26624.txt txt = ./txt/26624.txt === bib === id = 22566 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 43125 sentences = 2745 flesch = 90 summary = the horse Jim--his head up in the air, his ears erect and his long legs "May be Jim will go," continued Dorothy, looking at the horse. buggy and joined Zeb and Dorothy, and the kitten followed demurely at "We didn't ask to come down here; we fell," said Dorothy. "They look like doorways," said Dorothy; "only there are no stairs to "I will, too," said Dorothy, and chose a little room at the end of the "I don't like these veg'table people," said the little girl. way, Zeb driving while the Wizard and Dorothy each held a lighted "You can ask Dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. "Then," said the Wizard, "you will be saved, little Dorothy; and I am "But, at that time," said the Wizard, thoughtfully, "there were two Good "You must come again, some time," said the little Wizard; and she cache = ./cache/22566.txt txt = ./txt/22566.txt === bib === === bib === id = 420 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 42881 sentences = 2689 flesch = 90 summary = "What is your name?" said Dorothy, thinking she liked the boy's manner "Maybe Jim will go," continued Dorothy, looking at the horse. said to Zeb, who was a little taller than Dorothy: the buggy and joined Zeb and Dorothy, and the kitten followed demurely "We didn't ask to come down here; we fell," said Dorothy. "They look like doorways," said Dorothy; "only there are no stairs to "I will, too," said Dorothy, and chose a little room at the end of the "I don't like these veg'table people," said the little girl. the way, Zeb driving while the Wizard and Dorothy each held a lighted "You can ask Dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. "Then," said the Wizard, "you will be saved, little Dorothy; and I am "He's only a humbug Wizard, though," said Dorothy, smiling at him. "You must come again, some time," said the little Wizard; and she cache = ./cache/420.txt txt = ./txt/420.txt === bib === id = 419 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Magic of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40461 sentences = 2468 flesch = 90 summary = "Now, see here," said Dorothy; "we want the Magic Flower to give to Come on, then, Cap'n," said the Glass Cat, starting to "Wizard," said Dorothy, "I want you to help me fix up a present for "In that hollow place," said Dorothy, "I want to hide a lot of monkeys place by looking at the Map of the Land of Oz. Gugu Forest is the home of most of the wild beasts that inhabit Oz. These are seldom disturbed in their leafy haunts because there is no "Beasts wouldn't know what to do with the things people use," said the "I've been to the Magic Isle," said the Glass Cat, "and I've watched "If the Glass Cat is right," said the Wizard in a solemn voice, "I forgot to tell you," said the Glass Cat, "that Trot and Cap'n Bill "The Magic Isle is in this forest," said the Glass Cat, "but the river cache = ./cache/419.txt txt = ./txt/419.txt === bib === === bib === id = 517 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Emerald City of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 54952 sentences = 3754 flesch = 90 summary = of Oz, and saw the Magic Belt in Ozma's palace," replied the King with Aunt Em once said she thought the fairies must have marked Dorothy at destroyed; so, as I said, only peace and happiness reigned in Oz. For some time Ozma had ruled over this fair country, and never was "Tell me about it, Dorothy," said Ozma, with ready sympathy. "I'm not sure that they believe in the Land of Oz," said Dorothy, About the time Dorothy went to Ozma the Nome King called his Chief her eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said: "D-d-d-don't that look like people our Princess Dorothy's beloved Uncle Henry and Aunt Em, who will "And now," said Ozma to them, "Dorothy will show you the rooms prepared "Your hen has very bad manners, Dorothy," said Aunt Em, looking "Seems to me," said Dorothy, "it's a great thing to be a King." cache = ./cache/517.txt txt = ./txt/517.txt === bib === === bib === id = 955 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Patchwork Girl of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 59060 sentences = 4186 flesch = 93 summary = "Ah," said Ojo; "you must be Dame Margolotte, the good wife of Dr. Pipt." "Dear me!" she said, looking at the man, "you must be Unc Nunkie, known Ojo pushed the Patchwork Girl away and ran to Unc Nunkie, filled with a "Dear me, Ojo," said the cat; "don't you think the creature is a little "Then let's take it and go," replied Ojo. They said good-bye to the Wise Donkey and the Foolish Owl and at once "I wonder," said Ojo, looking up and down the road, "which way to go." the top of the Patchwork Girl's head, who was a little taller than Ojo. The plants formed rows on both sides of the road and from each plant "That is what I thought," replied Ojo; "but the Crooked Magician said place--Ojo said to the Shaggy Man: "Ozma knows many things," said the Shaggy Man. of the Emerald City, the Shaggy Man said to Scraps: cache = ./cache/955.txt txt = ./txt/955.txt === bib === id = 956 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Tik-Tok of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 49549 sentences = 3321 flesch = 90 summary = The moment Betsy saw it she began to like the Shaggy Man better than This startled little Betsy, but the Shaggy Man merely waved the Magnet "Hee-haw!" said Hank, and the Shaggy Man thanked them both. "Take me, my dear," said Shaggy Man in a sympathetic tone, thinking she good many people--mortals and fairies--in his time," said Polychrome. "Yes," said Shaggy, looking at the copper man carefully, "this must be, Tik-Tok was marching ahead, followed by his officers and Queen Ann. After them came Betsy Bobbin and Hank, Polychrome and Shaggy, and last "Shaggy Man is coming here to rescue his brother from captivity," said Shaggy Man had said nothing during the conversation between Queen Ann Shaggy hesitated to reply, but Betsy said: "He's called the Ugly One. Perhaps you'll know him by that." "Look here, Kaliko," said Betsy, addressing the new King, "what's the cache = ./cache/956.txt txt = ./txt/956.txt === bib === id = 958 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Rinkitink in Oz Wherein Is Recorded the Perilous Quest of Prince Inga of Pingaree and King Rinkitink in the Magical Isles That Lie Beyond the Borderland of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 50009 sentences = 2739 flesch = 86 summary = there was a city called Gilgad, in which King Rinkitink's palace stood "There, there, Bilbil," said King Rinkitink soothingly; "don't scold, Inga began winding up the chain, but King Rinkitink was so fat that he When King Rinkitink and Prince Inga had bathed themselves in the sea Prince Inga and King Rinkitink took refuge within the shelter of So the King took Inga's place at the stern of the boat and the boy "I am Inga, Prince of Pingaree," returned the boy, "and I have come "King Rinkitink," said he, "do you know what has become of my left Inga invited the good people to the palace of King Gos, where he The boy asked the White Pearl what direction the boat of King Gos had So Inga gave Rinkitink the Pink Pearl and the little King placed it in It was the time when Inga and Rinkitink had followed the King of Regos cache = ./cache/958.txt txt = ./txt/958.txt === bib === id = 957 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Scarecrow of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 47130 sentences = 3023 flesch = 91 summary = "Seems to me," said Cap'n Bill, as he sat beside Trot under the big "Longer'n that, Trot," said Cap'n Bill, but his voice was a little "I can't see where you are," said the Ork. So Cap'n Bill got out another candle and lighted it, and its flame then it headed away to the left and Trot and Cap'n Bill lost all sight "No; the roof is too low," said the Ork. After the meal they resumed their journey, which Trot began to fear "Blow out the light, Cap'n," said the Ork, in a pleased voice. Trot obeyed and when she was seated on the Ork, Cap'n Bill inquired: "We'd like to do that," said Trot, and then she and Cap'n Bill turned Trot laughed, but Cap'n Bill thought the little man was poking fun at Cap'n Bill and Trot both looked at it and the little girl said in cache = ./cache/957.txt txt = ./txt/957.txt === bib === id = 959 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Lost Princess of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 48077 sentences = 2985 flesch = 89 summary = "Very well, Scraps," said Dorothy, looking curiously at the eyes, which said anything, so the little dog did not know about Ozma's loss or that "To me," said the Bear King reflectively, "he looked like a dangerous "The Pink Bear," said the King, "is the best bit of magic I possess, the wicker castle of Ugu. On the wall of the room hung Ozma's Magic "I didn't see Ozma in the Magic Picture," said Trot. "Couldn't the Little Pink Bear tell us what he did with Ozma?" asked "She's right," said Dorothy to the Wizard. the little Pink Bear again and asked, "Is this the hole that Ozma of Oz "Your Pink Bear must be out of order," said the Wizard, "for, this time must be done," said the Wizard, and then he turned to the Lavender Bear King's Belt," said the Wizard to Dorothy. "In Button-Bright's pocket," said the little Pink Bear. cache = ./cache/959.txt txt = ./txt/959.txt === bib === id = 960 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, Assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 45339 sentences = 2724 flesch = 88 summary = "To be sure," said the Tin Woodman, "if you care to join our party. "Were the Scarecrow and I alone," said the Tin Woodman, "we would As he said this, the Scarecrow glanced at the Tin Woodman, who nodded of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Woot the Wanderer, who saw on the Both the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman tried to think of some way to "But Ozma is a fairy," said the Tin Woodman, "and therefore she is very The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow didn't mind the dark at all, but Woot Until now the Scarecrow had rather doubted the possibility of Mrs. Yoop's being able to transform him, or his friend the Tin Woodman, for "But," said the kind hearted Tin Woodman, "I'm afraid the Green Monkey "By the way," said the Tin Soldier, "what ever became of my old head, "Don't you know me, Nimmie?" said the Tin Woodman. cache = ./cache/960.txt txt = ./txt/960.txt === bib === id = 961 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Glinda of Oz In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40594 sentences = 2441 flesch = 87 summary = "Every word," said Dorothy, and Ozma and Glinda both looked at the "Tell me, Glinda," said Ozma, "who are the Flatheads?" So Glinda locked herself in her own Room of Magic and Dorothy and Ozma "Your Majesty," she said to Ozma, "the Skeezers live on a Magic Isle in "I am really sorry," said Ozma to Dorothy, as they rode away in the Red "Come, dear," said Ozma, taking Dorothy's hand, "I am hungry and I'm "Those Flatheads must be funny people," she said to Ozma. "Then," said Ozma thoughtfully, "the Queen of the Skeezers must be a "I now understand," said Ozma, "why the fishes in the lake have brought "Ozma knows a lot of magic," she said. the little girl not to use its magic powers unless she and Ozma were in Glinda, the Wizard and the Adepts followed Ozma and Dorothy into the cache = ./cache/961.txt txt = ./txt/961.txt === bib === id = 54 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Marvelous Land of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 43543 sentences = 3045 flesch = 88 summary = "I've got to attend to you, first," she said, nodding her head at Tip. Hearing this, the boy became uneasy; for he Jack seemed to be in pretty good shape, after all, and Tip said to him: "This thing resembles a real horse more than I imagined," said Tip, trying Tip patted it upon the head, and said "Good boy! So Jack held on tight, and Tip said to the horse: "Now," said Tip, instructing the Saw-Horse, "if you wiggle your legs you Tip was so anxious to rejoin his man Jack and the Saw-Horse that he walked a The Scarecrow, with great politeness, introduced Tip and Jack Pumpkinhead, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, who had made Tip one of their friends. "My poor, poor friend!" said the Tin Woodman, taking up the Scarecrow's head "Mombi is now with Queen Jinjur, in the Emerald, City" said Tip. cache = ./cache/54.txt txt = ./txt/54.txt === bib === id = 485 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Road to Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40817 sentences = 2568 flesch = 91 summary = "'Course not, Shaggy Man," replied Dorothy, giving him a severe look. "Good-bye, Shaggy Man," called Dorothy, and ran after Toto. Dorothy and Toto and the shaggy man came to a halt before the little "It's no use asking Button-Bright questions," said the shaggy man, who "Why, yes," said Dorothy; "that seems reas'n'ble, Shaggy Man." "We're pretty well, thank you, Shaggy Man," said he; and Dorothy knew the shaggy man, Dorothy, Toto, and Button-Bright. "He is," said Dorothy; and the shaggy man added: "I'm Dorothy; and this is my friend Shaggy Man, who owns the Love "Never mind," said the shaggy man; "as long as I carry the Love Magnet "Don't worry, Shaggy Man," said Dorothy, smiling because her friend The shaggy man told Dorothy and Button-Bright to stand before him while "But I thought Princess Ozma ruled Oz," said the shaggy man. "I'll give up the Love Magnet," said the shaggy man, eagerly; "Dorothy cache = ./cache/485.txt txt = ./txt/485.txt === bib === id = 486 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Ozma of Oz A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion, and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40038 sentences = 2593 flesch = 91 summary = "I shall like that!" said Dorothy, with a little sigh, for her feet and "I hope we shall find something to eat," said Dorothy, looking eagerly "Once," said Dorothy, "I knew a man made out of tin, who was a woodman "The best thinker I ever knew," said Dorothy to the yellow hen, "was a "Then," said Ozma, "he did not get the long life, and the Nome King "I'd like to know," said Dorothy, "who this Nome King is?" "Why, Billina wants to lay her egg, that's all," said Dorothy. that the Nome King's palace was said to be; but it would be some time was all that remained of Ozma of Oz. In the throne room just beyond the palace the Nome King suddenly looked "Oh, Billina!" said Dorothy, "you haven't been a chicken in a long came Dorothy, Ozma, Billina, the Scarecrow and Tiktok. cache = ./cache/486.txt txt = ./txt/486.txt === bib === id = 10127 author = Evans, Robert J. title = Abducted to Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 32175 sentences = 2842 flesch = 91 summary = also caused her to remember the thinker--a little boy named Graham. After Graham had escaped from the castle, he thought about the Witch "You're beginning to sound like the UFO people I talked to," Graham "Huh?" said the Witch, dropping Graham like a sack of potatoes. Graham, not sure why Telly was acting this way, but deciding it would be closed quickly, leaving Graham with no time to say goodbye to Telly, who said that if he did not think that the boy would get home to tell the "By the way," said Mark Twain, interrupting Graham's thoughts. you are certainly very welcome," Graham said to the Lion and Tiger. "Graham," replied Ozma, "you can't tell your little brother about any of "Then I want to go home right now," said Graham. "I think we should be looking for the real Ozma," said Graham. cache = ./cache/10127.txt txt = ./txt/10127.txt === bib === id = 9395 author = Evans, Robert J. title = Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 71330 sentences = 5967 flesch = 89 summary = "I know how you feel," replied Dorothy, her own eyes beginning to mist. When Dorothy was finished, he thought for a moment: "You know," he said "We won't let that old witch get us down, Dorothy," said the Tin "We let you sleep a little longer, Dorothy," said the Lion, as she ate. "You certainly have a lovely home here, Lion," said Dorothy. "Yes, mortals are sort of locked into their ways of thinking," said Dorothy. "You know," said Dorothy, "the bigger brown bears that told the little "Like I'm thinking right now," said Dorothy. "Do you know what you're saying, Dorothy?" said the Lion. "I hope that awful witch doesn't come here," said Dorothy. "I feel very privileged to know you, White Spirit," said Dorothy. "Oh, we'd love to, Mr. President," said Dorothy. "You know, Dorothy," he said, "you may feel that what you cache = ./cache/9395.txt txt = ./txt/9395.txt === bib === id = 10419 author = Dulabone, Chris title = The Forest Monster of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 37275 sentences = 3385 flesch = 93 summary = "I think I saw all nine of my lives flash before me that time!" said the "You know," said Elephant to Ozma. "You know," he said after a time, "I think you have Elephant and Nibbles and Tweaty and Hootsey and Ozma and Lisa all looked "Look," said Elephant to the leader of the marshmallow people. "I am Ozma, the Queen of Oz," said the little girl. long, they came upon a creature who looked a good deal like Elephant, "Me likes Elephant lots," said Biff. "I would like that very much," said Ozma. "You want us to fight this Forest Monster?" said Watts fearfully. "You mean," said Tweaty, "I have to look like this until you are able to "You think it's silly to ask my advice?" said the Cowardly Lion, "You are the great Lion that defeated the Forest Monster before!" said "Your grandfather sounds like a wise man to me," said Ozma. cache = ./cache/10419.txt txt = ./txt/10419.txt === bib === id = 33361 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Ozma of Oz A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion, and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40832 sentences = 2737 flesch = 90 summary = "I shall like that!" said Dorothy, with a little sigh, for her feet and "I hope we shall find something to eat," said Dorothy, looking eagerly "Once," said Dorothy, "I knew a man made out of tin, who was a woodman "Now Tiktok," said Dorothy, "the first thing to be done is to find a way "I think you are a very good tiger," said Dorothy, patting the huge head "Then," said Ozma, "he did not get the long life, and the Nome King must "I'd like to know," said Dorothy, "who this Nome King is?" the Nome King's palace was said to be; but it would be some time before was all that remained of Ozma of Oz. In the throne room just beyond the palace the Nome King suddenly looked "Oh, Billina!" said Dorothy, "you haven't been a chicken in a long time. Dorothy, Ozma, Billina, the Scarecrow and Tiktok. cache = ./cache/33361.txt txt = ./txt/33361.txt === bib === id = 39868 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Glinda of Oz In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40852 sentences = 2473 flesch = 88 summary = magic, glass-domed island of the Skeezers into amazing difficulties. about the Princess Ozma and Dorothy and what wonderful sorcery Glinda "Every word," said Dorothy, and Ozma and Glinda both looked at the "Tell me, Glinda," said Ozma, "who are the Flatheads?" So Glinda locked herself in her own Room of Magic and Dorothy and Ozma "Your Majesty," she said to Ozma, "the Skeezers live on a Magic Isle "I am really sorry," said Ozma to Dorothy, as they rode away in the "Come, dear," said Ozma, taking Dorothy's hand, "I am hungry and I'm "Those Flatheads must be funny people," she said to Ozma. "Then," said Ozma thoughtfully, "the Queen of the Skeezers must be a "Ozma knows a lot of magic," she said. the little girl not to use its magic powers unless she and Ozma were Glinda, the Wizard and the Adepts followed Ozma and Dorothy into the cache = ./cache/39868.txt txt = ./txt/39868.txt === bib === id = 43936 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Wonderful Wizard of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40421 sentences = 2547 flesch = 93 summary = "Come along, Toto," she said, "we will go to the Emerald City and ask "Come along," said the Scarecrow, heartily; and Dorothy added The Tin Woodman had asked Dorothy to put the oil-can in her basket. "No," said Dorothy, "he's made of tin." And she helped the Woodman up "What makes you a coward?" asked Dorothy, looking at the great beast So Dorothy went first, holding Toto in her arms; the Tin Woodman also began to cross the tree, and the Lion said to Dorothy, "To the Emerald City," said Dorothy, "to see the Great Oz." "We came here to see the Great Oz," said Dorothy. "I thought you asked Dorothy to kill the Witch," said, the Scarecrow, Then Dorothy and the Lion got up, and the girl helped the Tin Woodman "If we walk far enough," said Dorothy, "we shall sometime come to "I thought Oz was a great Head," said Dorothy. cache = ./cache/43936.txt txt = ./txt/43936.txt === bib === id = 32094 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Patchwork Girl of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 60351 sentences = 4414 flesch = 92 summary = "Ah," said Ojo; "you must be Dame Margolotte, the good wife of Dr. Pipt." "Dear me!" she said, looking at the man, "you must be Unc Nunkie, known Ojo and Unc Nunkie slept that night in the Magician's house, and the boy Ojo pushed the Patchwork Girl away and ran to Unc Nunkie, filled with a "Dear me, Ojo," said the cat; "don't you think the creature is a little "Then let's take it and go," replied Ojo. They said good-bye to the Wise Donkey and the Foolish Owl and at once "I wonder," said Ojo, looking up and down the road, "which way to go." "That is what I thought," replied Ojo; "but the Crooked Magician said it place--Ojo said to the Shaggy Man: "Ozma knows many things," said the Shaggy Man. of the Emerald City, the Shaggy Man said to Scraps: cache = ./cache/32094.txt txt = ./txt/32094.txt === bib === id = 41667 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Emerald City of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 55402 sentences = 3949 flesch = 90 summary = Ozma of Oz, stole my Belt and carried it away with her," said the King, of Oz, and saw the Magic Belt in Ozma's palace," replied the King with a Aunt Em once said she thought the fairies must have marked Dorothy at so, as I said, only peace and happiness reigned in Oz. For some time Ozma has ruled over this fair country, and never was Ruler About the time Dorothy went to Ozma the Nome King called his Chief eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said: "D-d-d-don't that look like our people our Princess Dorothy's beloved Uncle Henry and Aunt Em, who will "And now," said Ozma to them, "Dorothy will show you the rooms prepared telling of the tunnel the Nome King was building, he said he had come to "Seems to me," said Dorothy, "it's a great thing to be a King." cache = ./cache/41667.txt txt = ./txt/41667.txt === bib === id = 58765 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = The Cowardly Lion of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 47880 sentences = 3510 flesch = 90 summary = Mustafa picked up the lion book and, waving Notta out of the tent, fell to looking at the picture of the Cowardly Lion of Oz. All during this conversation Notta's hair had been prickling under "But the Cowardly Lion liked Dorothy," burst out Bob quite "Bob," whispered the clown hoarsely, "it's the Cowardly Lion himself! As they looked the clown clutched Bob, while the Cowardly Lion blinked Then Bob screamed, the Cowardly Lion roared and Notta gasped [Illustration: UNS ABOUT TO ATTACK THE COWARDLY LION, NOTTA AND BOB Bob immediately went to sleep, but Notta and the Cowardly Lion kept So Notta gravely introduced Nick to Bob and the Cowardly Lion and, Notta, Bob and the Cowardly Lion were too shaken and dizzy to know or shout he looked at the Cowardly Lion and Bob. while Notta, Bob, Nick and the Cowardly Lion fell head over heels cache = ./cache/58765.txt txt = ./txt/58765.txt === bib === id = 55806 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 38414 sentences = 3104 flesch = 88 summary = Jellia Jam, the Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and Tin Woodman along, you can "Three cheers for the Wizard of Oz!" cried Jellia Jam. Seizing a "I tell you it takes a real Wizard to perform a trick like that." Nick snatched up coats, Dorothy, her own, and Jellia, one of the Wizard's. Jellia knew Nick's red plush heart, given him by the Wizard, was the "Nick Chopper, Tin Woodman of Oz," put in Jellia, who felt it was high Army of Oz!" At Jellia's introduction, Wantowin dropped Strut's arm to Kabebe shuffled away, Jellia smiled nervously at Nick and the Soldier. Dorothy, on the point of embracing Jellia, gave a little scream, for Next came Jellia, carrying the two flying sticks; the Scarecrow hearts, Dorothy and Jellia watched the Wizard and the Soldier mount "Like trouble!" said Jellia, reaching for Dorothy's hand. Bustabo, after a long look both at Jellia and the Wizard, motioned for cache = ./cache/55806.txt txt = ./txt/55806.txt === bib === id = 55851 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = The Wishing Horse of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 45405 sentences = 3212 flesch = 87 summary = with the wish, Skamperoo again placed the emeralds over Chalk's ear and "The Gnome King has plenty of magic," reflected Dorothy, leaning Dorothy and Pigasus were hustled into the Black Castle, rushed down its "And did you?" asked Pigasus, rolling over and looking up at Dorothy With a little thrill, Dorothy recognized the voice of the Black Queen, "Oh, that's all right," laughed Dorothy as Pigasus looked rather darkness, Dorothy, Pigasus, and Bitty Bit boldly entered the palace and "Suppose King Skamperoo and I agree to return the emerald necklaces, startled by the pink pig's unexpected wish, Bitty Bit and Dorothy the secret of the magic emeralds." Moving close to Dorothy, Chalk put not been for Dorothy and Pigasus and this sagacious little Seer. "Oh, everyone likes Pigasus," declared Dorothy, coming over to sit Dorothy remember to tell Ozma the magic secret of the wishing emeralds. cache = ./cache/55851.txt txt = ./txt/55851.txt === bib === id = 56085 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = The Silver Princess in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 35407 sentences = 2838 flesch = 89 summary = explained Randy's uncle, giving the Elegant Elephant a very sour look. "Coming?" cried Randy, springing up to help Kabumpo with the buckles. "Kabumpo!" gasped Randy, as the Elegant Elephant snatched the hat from "This is Kabumpo, Elegant Elephant of Oz. I am Randy, King of Regalia." Your Highness, I am Kabumpo, Elegant Elephant of Oz, and this is Randy, at the young King, for at Randy's words the little Princess had covered "Here travel Thun, the Thunder Colt, Planetty, Princess of Anuther Randy had stuffed most of the boxes into big net bags Kabumpo always "If you like it," said Randy, his ears turning quite red at Kabumpo's Randy, do you hear that?" Kabumpo lifted the young King down "But, Kabumpo--" worried Randy as the little Princess of Anuther Planet doors of the red castle, Randy tugged violently at Kabumpo's left as Randy brought Thun back and handed him over to Planetty. cache = ./cache/56085.txt txt = ./txt/56085.txt === bib === id = 56079 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = Handy Mandy in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 35219 sentences = 2694 flesch = 90 summary = Now I do hope you like Handy Mandy and Nox. I'm very fond of "But what about the little King?" begged the Goat Girl, as Nox lapsed Nox looked sharply up and down the street as the Goat Girl set down second turn, Nox's horn came completely off and as the goat girl held in the Goat Girl's best white hand and Handy herself, with all her but Handy Mandy, convinced by this time that the Silver King was both "A magic flower," explained the Goat Girl hurriedly, and before Nox had come to the Silver King's Mountain just a few moments after Nox out of the top of the mountain, Handy Mandy and Nox reached the bottom, Placing Kerry on Nox's back, Handy looked nervously out the door of Mt. Mern or a clever Goat Girl like Handy." know Handy Mandy, Nox and this jolly young King?" cache = ./cache/56079.txt txt = ./txt/56079.txt === bib === id = 56073 author = Thompson, Ruth Plumly title = Captain Salt in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 47447 sentences = 3598 flesch = 89 summary = Ato, with Peter, a Philadelphia boy, and Samuel Salt, a pirate, who bring home with us," explained Samuel Salt as Roger looked curiously at like old times?" Stretching up his arms exultingly, Samuel Salt let his "Spoken like a King and a seaman," approved Samuel Salt, "and if my eye Opening the bag of biscuits Roger had brought from the ship, Ato handed is Samuel Salt," said Tandy, looking at Roger with some of his former "Ato, the Eighth, King of the Octagon Isles, Sir Samuel Salt, Captain long swim, headed thankfully back for the ship Tandy and Samuel made rise, but Tandy and Roger, perching on the ship's rail, watched Samuel an instant that Tandy, Roger or Samuel himself saw all this happen. Samuel Salt, Ato, Roger and Nikobo, "You others may return to your When Samuel reached the castle, he found Ato and Roger had set a small Besides Roger, Tandy, Samuel Salt cache = ./cache/56073.txt txt = ./txt/56073.txt === bib === id = 51263 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Scarecrow of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 47683 sentences = 3191 flesch = 91 summary = "Seems to me," said Cap'n Bill, as he sat beside Trot under the big "Longer'n that, Trot," said Cap'n Bill, but his voice was a little "I can't see where you are," said the Ork. So Cap'n Bill got out another candle and lighted it, and its flame "No; the roof is too low," said the Ork. After the meal they resumed their journey, which Trot began to fear would "We'd like to do that," said Trot, and then she and Cap'n Bill turned Trot laughed, but Cap'n Bill thought the little man was poking fun at him Cap'n Bill and Trot both looked at it and the little girl said in "Either way," said the Ork. Button-Bright put out his hand and tried to spin it. "Oh, yes; all the birds in Mo are educated to talk," said the Bumpy Man. Then he looked at Cap'n Bill uneasily and added: "Won't you let the poor cache = ./cache/51263.txt txt = ./txt/51263.txt === bib === id = 52176 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = Tik-Tok of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 49766 sentences = 3406 flesch = 90 summary = The moment Betsy saw it she began to like the Shaggy Man better than This startled little Betsy, but the Shaggy Man merely waved the Magnet So Betsy and Shaggy each took an arm of the beautiful Rose Princess and a bowed low to Betsy and Shaggy and said in a delightfully sweet voice: "I "Hee-haw!" said Hank, and the Shaggy Man thanked them both. "Take me, my dear," said Shaggy Man in a sympathetic tone, thinking she "Yes," said Shaggy, looking at the copper man carefully, "this must be, "Shaggy Man is coming here to rescue his brother from captivity," said he. Shaggy Man had said nothing during the conversation between Queen Ann and Shaggy hesitated to reply, but Betsy said: "He's called the Ugly One. Perhaps you'll know him by that." "Look here, Kaliko," said Betsy, addressing the new King, "what's the use cache = ./cache/52176.txt txt = ./txt/52176.txt === bib === id = 56555 author = Snow, Jack title = The Magical Mimics in Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 30856 sentences = 2090 flesch = 87 summary = "Dorothy," Ozma began, thoughtfully, "you have heard me tell the story Ozma kissed Dorothy on the cheek and the two girls left the room arm in now powerless to harm any of the fairy inhabitants of the Land of Oz. Queen Lurline was well aware that the Mimics' strange habit of changing after Ozma and Glinda left for the Forest of Burzee, Dorothy asked me "Was the light your magic, Wizard?" asked Dorothy eagerly. "Where's Dorothy?" Toto asked pretty little Jellia Jamb, Ozma's maid, "We're on our way to see Princess Ozana," said Dorothy. Not far from where Dorothy and the Wizard stood, was a little maid, on "Of course, Wizard," said Dorothy, "Princess Ozana is the only flesh Ozana seated herself beside Dorothy and taking the little girl's hand Dorothy and the Wizard followed Ozana to the cottage door and down the Dorothy and the Wizard vanished and in their places appeared two great, cache = ./cache/56555.txt txt = ./txt/56555.txt === bib === id = 56683 author = Snow, Jack title = The Shaggy Man of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 32959 sentences = 2516 flesch = 91 summary = "And what does he want with us?" added Tom. Without pausing to look at the children, Twiffle answered: "Conjo is "At least they are better than those other names," said the Shaggy Man. Conjo's castle loomed even larger, casting lengthening shadows, as the the door was a sign which Twink, Tom, and the Shaggy Man read. The Shaggy Man and the two children followed Conjo, while Twiffle "It does what?" asked the Shaggy Man. Conjo stepped to the machine and opened one of the doors. his room which adjoined that of Twink and Tom. The Shaggy Man found his bed soft and luxurious, so he slipped off his "Cheer up, Twiffle," said the Shaggy Man. "How did you know who the Shaggy Man was?" asked Twink. Twink, Tom, the Shaggy Man, and Twiffle stepped into the boat. Twiffle and the beaver King conversed while Shaggy, Twink, and Tom cache = ./cache/56683.txt txt = ./txt/56683.txt === bib === id = 53844 author = Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title = The Land of Oz date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 45121 sentences = 3047 flesch = 87 summary = "I've got to attend to you, first," she said, nodding her head at Tip. Hearing this, the boy became uneasy; for he knew Mombi had a bad and But Jack seemed to be in pretty good shape, after all, and Tip said to "This thing resembles a real horse more than I imagined," said Tip, Tip patted it upon the head, and said "Good boy! So Jack held on tight, and Tip said to the horse: "Now," said Tip, instructing the Saw-Horse, "if you wiggle your legs Tip was so anxious to rejoin his man Jack and the Saw-Horse that he "He can, indeed," said Tip, gazing upon the Saw-Horse admiringly. Saw-Horse and Tip and the Scarecrow walked upon either side to make "I didn't know before," said Tip, looking at the Woggle-Bug with a "Mombi is now with Queen Jinjur, in the Emerald City," said Tip. cache = ./cache/53844.txt txt = ./txt/53844.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt 9395 41667 517 26624 485 56683 number of items: 39 sum of words: 1,610,866 average size in words: 44,746 average readability score: 89 nouns: time; way; man; people; head; girl; boy; eyes; one; place; friends; room; illustration; voice; country; thing; water; side; palace; nothing; things; door; friend; magic; day; face; air; life; others; feet; hand; world; anything; body; something; house; throne; trees; hands; castle; heart; forest; ground; morning; arms; moment; horse; end; ruler; back verbs: was; is; had; said; be; do; were; are; have; ''s; did; asked; see; been; know; made; go; ''m; get; has; came; replied; am; come; think; make; let; find; looked; ''ve; began; found; answered; tell; ''re; take; cried; being; seemed; going; say; went; look; saw; stood; knew; turned; thought; looking; does adjectives: little; good; other; great; old; many; big; sure; more; long; own; beautiful; much; small; first; new; same; right; few; green; magic; shaggy; several; strange; last; able; bright; poor; white; best; happy; blue; next; such; yellow; true; afraid; royal; young; wonderful; dear; high; black; red; glad; pretty; full; only; wooden; large adverbs: not; so; n''t; then; now; up; very; as; out; here; just; all; down; again; back; away; never; only; too; even; more; ever; once; well; there; still; much; soon; off; quite; over; at; far; also; on; first; together; really; most; long; indeed; enough; perhaps; always; around; in; suddenly; rather; before; almost pronouns: i; you; he; it; his; they; her; she; we; my; them; me; him; their; your; us; our; its; himself; herself; myself; themselves; yourself; one; ''s; ''em; ourselves; itself; mine; yours; em; i''m; yourselves; yew; theirs; ours; thy; thee; oneself; jus; thyself; hers; you''ve; you''re; you''ll; this,/; think?--they; ifs; zo; you--_you proper nouns: dorothy; oz; ozma; scarecrow; king; wizard; tin; _; woodman; lion; city; shaggy; queen; princess; emerald; land; glinda; trot; man; cowardly; ojo; bill; magic; nome; betsy; button; majesty; tip; witch; scraps; girl; billina; jack; notta; polychrome; bright; royal; toto; ruggedo; jellia; country; exclaimed; samuel; bob; woot; nick; ork; patchwork; kabumpo; uncle keywords: dorothy; ozma; king; scarecrow; wizard; tin; illustration; woodman; lion; queen; polychrome; shaggy; princess; city; button; bright; nome; emerald; cowardly; witch; trot; man; land; glinda; girl; bill; zeb; woozy; woot; woggle; wicked; uncle; unc; toto; tok; tip; tiktok; tik; sorcerer; skeezers; scraps; saw; ruggedo; royal; pumpkinhead; president; pon; patchwork; ork; ojo one topic; one dimension: said file(s): ./cache/30852.txt titles(s): The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow''s Daughter three topics; one dimension: said; said; king file(s): ./cache/32094.txt, ./cache/9395.txt, ./cache/56073.txt titles(s): The Patchwork Girl of Oz | Dorothy''s Mystical Adventures in Oz | Captain Salt in Oz five topics; three dimensions: said dorothy ozma; dorothy said little; said scarecrow trot; king said lion; tin said woot file(s): ./cache/9395.txt, ./cache/30537.txt, ./cache/53844.txt, ./cache/56683.txt, ./cache/56073.txt titles(s): Dorothy''s Mystical Adventures in Oz | The Royal Book of Oz In which the Scarecrow goes to search for his family tree and discovers that he is the Long Lost Emperor of the Silver Island | The Land of Oz | The Shaggy Man of Oz | Captain Salt in Oz Type: gutenberg title: subject-ozImaginaryPlace-gutenberg date: 2021-06-07 time: 13:06 username: emorgan patron: Eric Morgan email: input: facet_subject:"Oz (Imaginary place)" ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics id: 26624 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Road to Oz date: words: 41645.0 sentences: 2771.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/26624.txt txt: ./txt/26624.txt summary: "''Course not, Shaggy Man," replied Dorothy, giving him a severe look. "Good-bye, Shaggy Man," called Dorothy, and ran after Toto. Dorothy and Toto and the shaggy man came to a halt before the little "It''s no use asking Button-Bright questions," said the shaggy man, who "I''m like Button-Bright; I don''t know," answered the shaggy man, with a "Why, yes," said Dorothy; "that seems reas''n''ble, Shaggy Man." "We''re pretty well, thank you, Shaggy Man," said he; and Dorothy knew the shaggy man, Dorothy, Toto, and Button-Bright. "He is," said Dorothy; and the shaggy man added: "I''m Dorothy; and this is my friend Shaggy Man, who owns the Love "Don''t worry, Shaggy Man," said Dorothy, smiling because her friend The shaggy man told Dorothy and Button-Bright to stand before him while "But I thought Princess Ozma ruled Oz," said the shaggy man. "I''ll give up the Love Magnet," said the shaggy man, eagerly; "Dorothy id: 30852 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow''s Daughter date: words: 45498.0 sentences: 2771.0 pages: flesch: 88.0 cache: ./cache/30852.txt txt: ./txt/30852.txt summary: hall of his splendid tin castle in the Winkie Country of the Land of Oz. Beside him, in a chair of woven straw, sat his best friend, the "Were the Scarecrow and I alone," said the Tin Woodman, "we would travel of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Woot the Wanderer, who saw on the "But Ozma is a fairy," said the Tin Woodman, "and therefore she is very The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow didn''t mind the dark at all, but Woot Until now the Scarecrow had rather doubted the possibility of Mrs. Yoop''s being able to transform him, or his friend the Tin Woodman, for Monkey, which used to be a boy called Woot the Wanderer, and a Tin Owl, "But," said the kind hearted Tin Woodman, "I''m afraid the Green Monkey "By the way," said the Tin Soldier, "what ever became of _my_ old head, id: 22566 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz date: words: 43125.0 sentences: 2745.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/22566.txt txt: ./txt/22566.txt summary: the horse Jim--his head up in the air, his ears erect and his long legs "May be Jim will go," continued Dorothy, looking at the horse. buggy and joined Zeb and Dorothy, and the kitten followed demurely at "We didn''t ask to come down here; we fell," said Dorothy. "They look like doorways," said Dorothy; "only there are no stairs to "I will, too," said Dorothy, and chose a little room at the end of the "I don''t like these veg''table people," said the little girl. way, Zeb driving while the Wizard and Dorothy each held a lighted "You can ask Dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. "Then," said the Wizard, "you will be saved, little Dorothy; and I am "But, at that time," said the Wizard, thoughtfully, "there were two Good "You must come again, some time," said the little Wizard; and she id: 24459 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Lost Princess of Oz date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 25519 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Little Wizard Stories of Oz date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 25581 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Rinkitink in Oz date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 420 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz date: words: 42881.0 sentences: 2689.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/420.txt txt: ./txt/420.txt summary: "What is your name?" said Dorothy, thinking she liked the boy''s manner "Maybe Jim will go," continued Dorothy, looking at the horse. said to Zeb, who was a little taller than Dorothy: the buggy and joined Zeb and Dorothy, and the kitten followed demurely "We didn''t ask to come down here; we fell," said Dorothy. "They look like doorways," said Dorothy; "only there are no stairs to "I will, too," said Dorothy, and chose a little room at the end of the "I don''t like these veg''table people," said the little girl. the way, Zeb driving while the Wizard and Dorothy each held a lighted "You can ask Dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. "Then," said the Wizard, "you will be saved, little Dorothy; and I am "He''s only a humbug Wizard, though," said Dorothy, smiling at him. "You must come again, some time," said the little Wizard; and she id: 419 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Magic of Oz date: words: 40461.0 sentences: 2468.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/419.txt txt: ./txt/419.txt summary: "Now, see here," said Dorothy; "we want the Magic Flower to give to Come on, then, Cap''n," said the Glass Cat, starting to "Wizard," said Dorothy, "I want you to help me fix up a present for "In that hollow place," said Dorothy, "I want to hide a lot of monkeys place by looking at the Map of the Land of Oz. Gugu Forest is the home of most of the wild beasts that inhabit Oz. These are seldom disturbed in their leafy haunts because there is no "Beasts wouldn''t know what to do with the things people use," said the "I''ve been to the Magic Isle," said the Glass Cat, "and I''ve watched "If the Glass Cat is right," said the Wizard in a solemn voice, "I forgot to tell you," said the Glass Cat, "that Trot and Cap''n Bill "The Magic Isle is in this forest," said the Glass Cat, "but the river id: 517 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Emerald City of Oz date: words: 54952.0 sentences: 3754.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/517.txt txt: ./txt/517.txt summary: of Oz, and saw the Magic Belt in Ozma''s palace," replied the King with Aunt Em once said she thought the fairies must have marked Dorothy at destroyed; so, as I said, only peace and happiness reigned in Oz. For some time Ozma had ruled over this fair country, and never was "Tell me about it, Dorothy," said Ozma, with ready sympathy. "I''m not sure that they believe in the Land of Oz," said Dorothy, About the time Dorothy went to Ozma the Nome King called his Chief her eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said: "D-d-d-don''t that look like people our Princess Dorothy''s beloved Uncle Henry and Aunt Em, who will "And now," said Ozma to them, "Dorothy will show you the rooms prepared "Your hen has very bad manners, Dorothy," said Aunt Em, looking "Seems to me," said Dorothy, "it''s a great thing to be a King." id: 955 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Patchwork Girl of Oz date: words: 59060.0 sentences: 4186.0 pages: flesch: 93.0 cache: ./cache/955.txt txt: ./txt/955.txt summary: "Ah," said Ojo; "you must be Dame Margolotte, the good wife of Dr. Pipt." "Dear me!" she said, looking at the man, "you must be Unc Nunkie, known Ojo pushed the Patchwork Girl away and ran to Unc Nunkie, filled with a "Dear me, Ojo," said the cat; "don''t you think the creature is a little "Then let''s take it and go," replied Ojo. They said good-bye to the Wise Donkey and the Foolish Owl and at once "I wonder," said Ojo, looking up and down the road, "which way to go." the top of the Patchwork Girl''s head, who was a little taller than Ojo. The plants formed rows on both sides of the road and from each plant "That is what I thought," replied Ojo; "but the Crooked Magician said place--Ojo said to the Shaggy Man: "Ozma knows many things," said the Shaggy Man. of the Emerald City, the Shaggy Man said to Scraps: id: 956 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Tik-Tok of Oz date: words: 49549.0 sentences: 3321.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/956.txt txt: ./txt/956.txt summary: The moment Betsy saw it she began to like the Shaggy Man better than This startled little Betsy, but the Shaggy Man merely waved the Magnet "Hee-haw!" said Hank, and the Shaggy Man thanked them both. "Take me, my dear," said Shaggy Man in a sympathetic tone, thinking she good many people--mortals and fairies--in his time," said Polychrome. "Yes," said Shaggy, looking at the copper man carefully, "this must be, Tik-Tok was marching ahead, followed by his officers and Queen Ann. After them came Betsy Bobbin and Hank, Polychrome and Shaggy, and last "Shaggy Man is coming here to rescue his brother from captivity," said Shaggy Man had said nothing during the conversation between Queen Ann Shaggy hesitated to reply, but Betsy said: "He''s called the Ugly One. Perhaps you''ll know him by that." "Look here, Kaliko," said Betsy, addressing the new King, "what''s the id: 958 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Rinkitink in Oz Wherein Is Recorded the Perilous Quest of Prince Inga of Pingaree and King Rinkitink in the Magical Isles That Lie Beyond the Borderland of Oz date: words: 50009.0 sentences: 2739.0 pages: flesch: 86.0 cache: ./cache/958.txt txt: ./txt/958.txt summary: there was a city called Gilgad, in which King Rinkitink''s palace stood "There, there, Bilbil," said King Rinkitink soothingly; "don''t scold, Inga began winding up the chain, but King Rinkitink was so fat that he When King Rinkitink and Prince Inga had bathed themselves in the sea Prince Inga and King Rinkitink took refuge within the shelter of So the King took Inga''s place at the stern of the boat and the boy "I am Inga, Prince of Pingaree," returned the boy, "and I have come "King Rinkitink," said he, "do you know what has become of my left Inga invited the good people to the palace of King Gos, where he The boy asked the White Pearl what direction the boat of King Gos had So Inga gave Rinkitink the Pink Pearl and the little King placed it in It was the time when Inga and Rinkitink had followed the King of Regos id: 957 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Scarecrow of Oz date: words: 47130.0 sentences: 3023.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/957.txt txt: ./txt/957.txt summary: "Seems to me," said Cap''n Bill, as he sat beside Trot under the big "Longer''n that, Trot," said Cap''n Bill, but his voice was a little "I can''t see where you are," said the Ork. So Cap''n Bill got out another candle and lighted it, and its flame then it headed away to the left and Trot and Cap''n Bill lost all sight "No; the roof is too low," said the Ork. After the meal they resumed their journey, which Trot began to fear "Blow out the light, Cap''n," said the Ork, in a pleased voice. Trot obeyed and when she was seated on the Ork, Cap''n Bill inquired: "We''d like to do that," said Trot, and then she and Cap''n Bill turned Trot laughed, but Cap''n Bill thought the little man was poking fun at Cap''n Bill and Trot both looked at it and the little girl said in id: 959 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Lost Princess of Oz date: words: 48077.0 sentences: 2985.0 pages: flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/959.txt txt: ./txt/959.txt summary: "Very well, Scraps," said Dorothy, looking curiously at the eyes, which said anything, so the little dog did not know about Ozma''s loss or that "To me," said the Bear King reflectively, "he looked like a dangerous "The Pink Bear," said the King, "is the best bit of magic I possess, the wicker castle of Ugu. On the wall of the room hung Ozma''s Magic "I didn''t see Ozma in the Magic Picture," said Trot. "Couldn''t the Little Pink Bear tell us what he did with Ozma?" asked "She''s right," said Dorothy to the Wizard. the little Pink Bear again and asked, "Is this the hole that Ozma of Oz "Your Pink Bear must be out of order," said the Wizard, "for, this time must be done," said the Wizard, and then he turned to the Lavender Bear King''s Belt," said the Wizard to Dorothy. "In Button-Bright''s pocket," said the little Pink Bear. id: 960 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Tin Woodman of Oz A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, Assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow''s Daughter date: words: 45339.0 sentences: 2724.0 pages: flesch: 88.0 cache: ./cache/960.txt txt: ./txt/960.txt summary: "To be sure," said the Tin Woodman, "if you care to join our party. "Were the Scarecrow and I alone," said the Tin Woodman, "we would As he said this, the Scarecrow glanced at the Tin Woodman, who nodded of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Woot the Wanderer, who saw on the Both the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman tried to think of some way to "But Ozma is a fairy," said the Tin Woodman, "and therefore she is very The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow didn''t mind the dark at all, but Woot Until now the Scarecrow had rather doubted the possibility of Mrs. Yoop''s being able to transform him, or his friend the Tin Woodman, for "But," said the kind hearted Tin Woodman, "I''m afraid the Green Monkey "By the way," said the Tin Soldier, "what ever became of my old head, "Don''t you know me, Nimmie?" said the Tin Woodman. id: 961 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Glinda of Oz In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good date: words: 40594.0 sentences: 2441.0 pages: flesch: 87.0 cache: ./cache/961.txt txt: ./txt/961.txt summary: "Every word," said Dorothy, and Ozma and Glinda both looked at the "Tell me, Glinda," said Ozma, "who are the Flatheads?" So Glinda locked herself in her own Room of Magic and Dorothy and Ozma "Your Majesty," she said to Ozma, "the Skeezers live on a Magic Isle in "I am really sorry," said Ozma to Dorothy, as they rode away in the Red "Come, dear," said Ozma, taking Dorothy''s hand, "I am hungry and I''m "Those Flatheads must be funny people," she said to Ozma. "Then," said Ozma thoughtfully, "the Queen of the Skeezers must be a "I now understand," said Ozma, "why the fishes in the lake have brought "Ozma knows a lot of magic," she said. the little girl not to use its magic powers unless she and Ozma were in Glinda, the Wizard and the Adepts followed Ozma and Dorothy into the id: 54 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Marvelous Land of Oz date: words: 43543.0 sentences: 3045.0 pages: flesch: 88.0 cache: ./cache/54.txt txt: ./txt/54.txt summary: "I''ve got to attend to you, first," she said, nodding her head at Tip. Hearing this, the boy became uneasy; for he Jack seemed to be in pretty good shape, after all, and Tip said to him: "This thing resembles a real horse more than I imagined," said Tip, trying Tip patted it upon the head, and said "Good boy! So Jack held on tight, and Tip said to the horse: "Now," said Tip, instructing the Saw-Horse, "if you wiggle your legs you Tip was so anxious to rejoin his man Jack and the Saw-Horse that he walked a The Scarecrow, with great politeness, introduced Tip and Jack Pumpkinhead, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, who had made Tip one of their friends. "My poor, poor friend!" said the Tin Woodman, taking up the Scarecrow''s head "Mombi is now with Queen Jinjur, in the Emerald, City" said Tip. id: 485 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Road to Oz date: words: 40817.0 sentences: 2568.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/485.txt txt: ./txt/485.txt summary: "''Course not, Shaggy Man," replied Dorothy, giving him a severe look. "Good-bye, Shaggy Man," called Dorothy, and ran after Toto. Dorothy and Toto and the shaggy man came to a halt before the little "It''s no use asking Button-Bright questions," said the shaggy man, who "Why, yes," said Dorothy; "that seems reas''n''ble, Shaggy Man." "We''re pretty well, thank you, Shaggy Man," said he; and Dorothy knew the shaggy man, Dorothy, Toto, and Button-Bright. "He is," said Dorothy; and the shaggy man added: "I''m Dorothy; and this is my friend Shaggy Man, who owns the Love "Never mind," said the shaggy man; "as long as I carry the Love Magnet "Don''t worry, Shaggy Man," said Dorothy, smiling because her friend The shaggy man told Dorothy and Button-Bright to stand before him while "But I thought Princess Ozma ruled Oz," said the shaggy man. "I''ll give up the Love Magnet," said the shaggy man, eagerly; "Dorothy id: 486 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Ozma of Oz A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion, and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein date: words: 40038.0 sentences: 2593.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/486.txt txt: ./txt/486.txt summary: "I shall like that!" said Dorothy, with a little sigh, for her feet and "I hope we shall find something to eat," said Dorothy, looking eagerly "Once," said Dorothy, "I knew a man made out of tin, who was a woodman "The best thinker I ever knew," said Dorothy to the yellow hen, "was a "Then," said Ozma, "he did not get the long life, and the Nome King "I''d like to know," said Dorothy, "who this Nome King is?" "Why, Billina wants to lay her egg, that''s all," said Dorothy. that the Nome King''s palace was said to be; but it would be some time was all that remained of Ozma of Oz. In the throne room just beyond the palace the Nome King suddenly looked "Oh, Billina!" said Dorothy, "you haven''t been a chicken in a long came Dorothy, Ozma, Billina, the Scarecrow and Tiktok. id: 33361 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Ozma of Oz A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Tiktok, the Cowardly Lion, and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein date: words: 40832.0 sentences: 2737.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/33361.txt txt: ./txt/33361.txt summary: "I shall like that!" said Dorothy, with a little sigh, for her feet and "I hope we shall find something to eat," said Dorothy, looking eagerly "Once," said Dorothy, "I knew a man made out of tin, who was a woodman "Now Tiktok," said Dorothy, "the first thing to be done is to find a way "I think you are a very good tiger," said Dorothy, patting the huge head "Then," said Ozma, "he did not get the long life, and the Nome King must "I''d like to know," said Dorothy, "who this Nome King is?" the Nome King''s palace was said to be; but it would be some time before was all that remained of Ozma of Oz. In the throne room just beyond the palace the Nome King suddenly looked "Oh, Billina!" said Dorothy, "you haven''t been a chicken in a long time. Dorothy, Ozma, Billina, the Scarecrow and Tiktok. id: 39868 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Glinda of Oz In Which Are Related the Exciting Experiences of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in Their Hazardous Journey to the Home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic Isle of the Skeezers, and How They Were Rescued from Dire Peril by the Sorcery of Glinda the Good date: words: 40852.0 sentences: 2473.0 pages: flesch: 88.0 cache: ./cache/39868.txt txt: ./txt/39868.txt summary: magic, glass-domed island of the Skeezers into amazing difficulties. about the Princess Ozma and Dorothy and what wonderful sorcery Glinda "Every word," said Dorothy, and Ozma and Glinda both looked at the "Tell me, Glinda," said Ozma, "who are the Flatheads?" So Glinda locked herself in her own Room of Magic and Dorothy and Ozma "Your Majesty," she said to Ozma, "the Skeezers live on a Magic Isle "I am really sorry," said Ozma to Dorothy, as they rode away in the "Come, dear," said Ozma, taking Dorothy''s hand, "I am hungry and I''m "Those Flatheads must be funny people," she said to Ozma. "Then," said Ozma thoughtfully, "the Queen of the Skeezers must be a "Ozma knows a lot of magic," she said. the little girl not to use its magic powers unless she and Ozma were Glinda, the Wizard and the Adepts followed Ozma and Dorothy into the id: 32094 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Patchwork Girl of Oz date: words: 60351.0 sentences: 4414.0 pages: flesch: 92.0 cache: ./cache/32094.txt txt: ./txt/32094.txt summary: "Ah," said Ojo; "you must be Dame Margolotte, the good wife of Dr. Pipt." "Dear me!" she said, looking at the man, "you must be Unc Nunkie, known Ojo and Unc Nunkie slept that night in the Magician''s house, and the boy Ojo pushed the Patchwork Girl away and ran to Unc Nunkie, filled with a "Dear me, Ojo," said the cat; "don''t you think the creature is a little "Then let''s take it and go," replied Ojo. They said good-bye to the Wise Donkey and the Foolish Owl and at once "I wonder," said Ojo, looking up and down the road, "which way to go." "That is what I thought," replied Ojo; "but the Crooked Magician said it place--Ojo said to the Shaggy Man: "Ozma knows many things," said the Shaggy Man. of the Emerald City, the Shaggy Man said to Scraps: id: 43936 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz date: words: 40421.0 sentences: 2547.0 pages: flesch: 93.0 cache: ./cache/43936.txt txt: ./txt/43936.txt summary: "Come along, Toto," she said, "we will go to the Emerald City and ask "Come along," said the Scarecrow, heartily; and Dorothy added The Tin Woodman had asked Dorothy to put the oil-can in her basket. "No," said Dorothy, "he''s made of tin." And she helped the Woodman up "What makes you a coward?" asked Dorothy, looking at the great beast So Dorothy went first, holding Toto in her arms; the Tin Woodman also began to cross the tree, and the Lion said to Dorothy, "To the Emerald City," said Dorothy, "to see the Great Oz." "We came here to see the Great Oz," said Dorothy. "I thought you asked Dorothy to kill the Witch," said, the Scarecrow, Then Dorothy and the Lion got up, and the girl helped the Tin Woodman "If we walk far enough," said Dorothy, "we shall sometime come to "I thought Oz was a great Head," said Dorothy. id: 41667 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Emerald City of Oz date: words: 55402.0 sentences: 3949.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/41667.txt txt: ./txt/41667.txt summary: Ozma of Oz, stole my Belt and carried it away with her," said the King, of Oz, and saw the Magic Belt in Ozma''s palace," replied the King with a Aunt Em once said she thought the fairies must have marked Dorothy at so, as I said, only peace and happiness reigned in Oz. For some time Ozma has ruled over this fair country, and never was Ruler About the time Dorothy went to Ozma the Nome King called his Chief eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said: "D-d-d-don''t that look like our people our Princess Dorothy''s beloved Uncle Henry and Aunt Em, who will "And now," said Ozma to them, "Dorothy will show you the rooms prepared telling of the tunnel the Nome King was building, he said he had come to "Seems to me," said Dorothy, "it''s a great thing to be a King." id: 51263 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Scarecrow of Oz date: words: 47683.0 sentences: 3191.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/51263.txt txt: ./txt/51263.txt summary: "Seems to me," said Cap''n Bill, as he sat beside Trot under the big "Longer''n that, Trot," said Cap''n Bill, but his voice was a little "I can''t see where you are," said the Ork. So Cap''n Bill got out another candle and lighted it, and its flame "No; the roof is too low," said the Ork. After the meal they resumed their journey, which Trot began to fear would "We''d like to do that," said Trot, and then she and Cap''n Bill turned Trot laughed, but Cap''n Bill thought the little man was poking fun at him Cap''n Bill and Trot both looked at it and the little girl said in "Either way," said the Ork. Button-Bright put out his hand and tried to spin it. "Oh, yes; all the birds in Mo are educated to talk," said the Bumpy Man. Then he looked at Cap''n Bill uneasily and added: "Won''t you let the poor id: 52176 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: Tik-Tok of Oz date: words: 49766.0 sentences: 3406.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/52176.txt txt: ./txt/52176.txt summary: The moment Betsy saw it she began to like the Shaggy Man better than This startled little Betsy, but the Shaggy Man merely waved the Magnet So Betsy and Shaggy each took an arm of the beautiful Rose Princess and a bowed low to Betsy and Shaggy and said in a delightfully sweet voice: "I "Hee-haw!" said Hank, and the Shaggy Man thanked them both. "Take me, my dear," said Shaggy Man in a sympathetic tone, thinking she "Yes," said Shaggy, looking at the copper man carefully, "this must be, "Shaggy Man is coming here to rescue his brother from captivity," said he. Shaggy Man had said nothing during the conversation between Queen Ann and Shaggy hesitated to reply, but Betsy said: "He''s called the Ugly One. Perhaps you''ll know him by that." "Look here, Kaliko," said Betsy, addressing the new King, "what''s the use id: 53844 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Land of Oz date: words: 45121.0 sentences: 3047.0 pages: flesch: 87.0 cache: ./cache/53844.txt txt: ./txt/53844.txt summary: "I''ve got to attend to you, first," she said, nodding her head at Tip. Hearing this, the boy became uneasy; for he knew Mombi had a bad and But Jack seemed to be in pretty good shape, after all, and Tip said to "This thing resembles a real horse more than I imagined," said Tip, Tip patted it upon the head, and said "Good boy! So Jack held on tight, and Tip said to the horse: "Now," said Tip, instructing the Saw-Horse, "if you wiggle your legs Tip was so anxious to rejoin his man Jack and the Saw-Horse that he "He can, indeed," said Tip, gazing upon the Saw-Horse admiringly. Saw-Horse and Tip and the Scarecrow walked upon either side to make "I didn''t know before," said Tip, looking at the Woggle-Bug with a "Mombi is now with Queen Jinjur, in the Emerald City," said Tip. id: 10419 author: Dulabone, Chris title: The Forest Monster of Oz date: words: 37275.0 sentences: 3385.0 pages: flesch: 93.0 cache: ./cache/10419.txt txt: ./txt/10419.txt summary: "I think I saw all nine of my lives flash before me that time!" said the "You know," said Elephant to Ozma. "You know," he said after a time, "I think you have Elephant and Nibbles and Tweaty and Hootsey and Ozma and Lisa all looked "Look," said Elephant to the leader of the marshmallow people. "I am Ozma, the Queen of Oz," said the little girl. long, they came upon a creature who looked a good deal like Elephant, "Me likes Elephant lots," said Biff. "I would like that very much," said Ozma. "You want us to fight this Forest Monster?" said Watts fearfully. "You mean," said Tweaty, "I have to look like this until you are able to "You think it''s silly to ask my advice?" said the Cowardly Lion, "You are the great Lion that defeated the Forest Monster before!" said "Your grandfather sounds like a wise man to me," said Ozma. id: 10127 author: Evans, Robert J. title: Abducted to Oz date: words: 32175.0 sentences: 2842.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/10127.txt txt: ./txt/10127.txt summary: also caused her to remember the thinker--a little boy named Graham. After Graham had escaped from the castle, he thought about the Witch "You''re beginning to sound like the UFO people I talked to," Graham "Huh?" said the Witch, dropping Graham like a sack of potatoes. Graham, not sure why Telly was acting this way, but deciding it would be closed quickly, leaving Graham with no time to say goodbye to Telly, who said that if he did not think that the boy would get home to tell the "By the way," said Mark Twain, interrupting Graham''s thoughts. you are certainly very welcome," Graham said to the Lion and Tiger. "Graham," replied Ozma, "you can''t tell your little brother about any of "Then I want to go home right now," said Graham. "I think we should be looking for the real Ozma," said Graham. id: 9395 author: Evans, Robert J. title: Dorothy''s Mystical Adventures in Oz date: words: 71330.0 sentences: 5967.0 pages: flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/9395.txt txt: ./txt/9395.txt summary: "I know how you feel," replied Dorothy, her own eyes beginning to mist. When Dorothy was finished, he thought for a moment: "You know," he said "We won''t let that old witch get us down, Dorothy," said the Tin "We let you sleep a little longer, Dorothy," said the Lion, as she ate. "You certainly have a lovely home here, Lion," said Dorothy. "Yes, mortals are sort of locked into their ways of thinking," said Dorothy. "You know," said Dorothy, "the bigger brown bears that told the little "Like I''m thinking right now," said Dorothy. "Do you know what you''re saying, Dorothy?" said the Lion. "I hope that awful witch doesn''t come here," said Dorothy. "I feel very privileged to know you, White Spirit," said Dorothy. "Oh, we''d love to, Mr. President," said Dorothy. "You know, Dorothy," he said, "you may feel that what you id: 56555 author: Snow, Jack title: The Magical Mimics in Oz date: words: 30856.0 sentences: 2090.0 pages: flesch: 87.0 cache: ./cache/56555.txt txt: ./txt/56555.txt summary: "Dorothy," Ozma began, thoughtfully, "you have heard me tell the story Ozma kissed Dorothy on the cheek and the two girls left the room arm in now powerless to harm any of the fairy inhabitants of the Land of Oz. Queen Lurline was well aware that the Mimics'' strange habit of changing after Ozma and Glinda left for the Forest of Burzee, Dorothy asked me "Was the light your magic, Wizard?" asked Dorothy eagerly. "Where''s Dorothy?" Toto asked pretty little Jellia Jamb, Ozma''s maid, "We''re on our way to see Princess Ozana," said Dorothy. Not far from where Dorothy and the Wizard stood, was a little maid, on "Of course, Wizard," said Dorothy, "Princess Ozana is the only flesh Ozana seated herself beside Dorothy and taking the little girl''s hand Dorothy and the Wizard followed Ozana to the cottage door and down the Dorothy and the Wizard vanished and in their places appeared two great, id: 56683 author: Snow, Jack title: The Shaggy Man of Oz date: words: 32959.0 sentences: 2516.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/56683.txt txt: ./txt/56683.txt summary: "And what does he want with us?" added Tom. Without pausing to look at the children, Twiffle answered: "Conjo is "At least they are better than those other names," said the Shaggy Man. Conjo''s castle loomed even larger, casting lengthening shadows, as the the door was a sign which Twink, Tom, and the Shaggy Man read. The Shaggy Man and the two children followed Conjo, while Twiffle "It does what?" asked the Shaggy Man. Conjo stepped to the machine and opened one of the doors. his room which adjoined that of Twink and Tom. The Shaggy Man found his bed soft and luxurious, so he slipped off his "Cheer up, Twiffle," said the Shaggy Man. "How did you know who the Shaggy Man was?" asked Twink. Twink, Tom, the Shaggy Man, and Twiffle stepped into the boat. Twiffle and the beaver King conversed while Shaggy, Twink, and Tom id: 30537 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Royal Book of Oz In which the Scarecrow goes to search for his family tree and discovers that he is the Long Lost Emperor of the Silver Island date: words: 43353.0 sentences: 3651.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/30537.txt txt: ./txt/30537.txt summary: So like the wind away raced the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy holding fast Taking a deep breath, Sir Hokus, the Cowardly Lion and Dorothy burst Dorothy and Sir Hokus and the Cowardly Lion had meanwhile reached the DOROTHY AND SIR HOKUS COME TO FIX CITY DOROTHY AND SIR HOKUS COME TO FIX CITY The more Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion saw of Sir Hokus, the fonder Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion and Sir Hokus, they fell into each other''s "Very good," said Sir Hokus with a wink at Dorothy. "Five miles," said Sir Hokus as Dorothy looked confused. Dorothy, Sir Hokus and the Cowardly Lion had been having adventures "I think I''ll ride the Cowardly Lion," said Dorothy, looking uneasily "Any friend of little Dorothy''s is my friend," said the Scarecrow, to hold Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, Happy Toko, the The Cowardly Lion had placed himself at Dorothy''s feet, and Sir Hokus id: 58765 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Cowardly Lion of Oz date: words: 47880.0 sentences: 3510.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/58765.txt txt: ./txt/58765.txt summary: Mustafa picked up the lion book and, waving Notta out of the tent, fell to looking at the picture of the Cowardly Lion of Oz. All during this conversation Notta''s hair had been prickling under "But the Cowardly Lion liked Dorothy," burst out Bob quite "Bob," whispered the clown hoarsely, "it''s the Cowardly Lion himself! As they looked the clown clutched Bob, while the Cowardly Lion blinked Then Bob screamed, the Cowardly Lion roared and Notta gasped [Illustration: UNS ABOUT TO ATTACK THE COWARDLY LION, NOTTA AND BOB Bob immediately went to sleep, but Notta and the Cowardly Lion kept So Notta gravely introduced Nick to Bob and the Cowardly Lion and, Notta, Bob and the Cowardly Lion were too shaken and dizzy to know or shout he looked at the Cowardly Lion and Bob. while Notta, Bob, Nick and the Cowardly Lion fell head over heels id: 55806 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz date: words: 38414.0 sentences: 3104.0 pages: flesch: 88.0 cache: ./cache/55806.txt txt: ./txt/55806.txt summary: Jellia Jam, the Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and Tin Woodman along, you can "Three cheers for the Wizard of Oz!" cried Jellia Jam. Seizing a "I tell you it takes a real Wizard to perform a trick like that." Nick snatched up coats, Dorothy, her own, and Jellia, one of the Wizard''s. Jellia knew Nick''s red plush heart, given him by the Wizard, was the "Nick Chopper, Tin Woodman of Oz," put in Jellia, who felt it was high Army of Oz!" At Jellia''s introduction, Wantowin dropped Strut''s arm to Kabebe shuffled away, Jellia smiled nervously at Nick and the Soldier. Dorothy, on the point of embracing Jellia, gave a little scream, for Next came Jellia, carrying the two flying sticks; the Scarecrow hearts, Dorothy and Jellia watched the Wizard and the Soldier mount "Like trouble!" said Jellia, reaching for Dorothy''s hand. Bustabo, after a long look both at Jellia and the Wizard, motioned for id: 55851 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Wishing Horse of Oz date: words: 45405.0 sentences: 3212.0 pages: flesch: 87.0 cache: ./cache/55851.txt txt: ./txt/55851.txt summary: with the wish, Skamperoo again placed the emeralds over Chalk''s ear and "The Gnome King has plenty of magic," reflected Dorothy, leaning Dorothy and Pigasus were hustled into the Black Castle, rushed down its "And did you?" asked Pigasus, rolling over and looking up at Dorothy With a little thrill, Dorothy recognized the voice of the Black Queen, "Oh, that''s all right," laughed Dorothy as Pigasus looked rather darkness, Dorothy, Pigasus, and Bitty Bit boldly entered the palace and "Suppose King Skamperoo and I agree to return the emerald necklaces, startled by the pink pig''s unexpected wish, Bitty Bit and Dorothy the secret of the magic emeralds." Moving close to Dorothy, Chalk put not been for Dorothy and Pigasus and this sagacious little Seer. "Oh, everyone likes Pigasus," declared Dorothy, coming over to sit Dorothy remember to tell Ozma the magic secret of the wishing emeralds. id: 56085 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: The Silver Princess in Oz date: words: 35407.0 sentences: 2838.0 pages: flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/56085.txt txt: ./txt/56085.txt summary: explained Randy''s uncle, giving the Elegant Elephant a very sour look. "Coming?" cried Randy, springing up to help Kabumpo with the buckles. "Kabumpo!" gasped Randy, as the Elegant Elephant snatched the hat from "This is Kabumpo, Elegant Elephant of Oz. I am Randy, King of Regalia." Your Highness, I am Kabumpo, Elegant Elephant of Oz, and this is Randy, at the young King, for at Randy''s words the little Princess had covered "Here travel Thun, the Thunder Colt, Planetty, Princess of Anuther Randy had stuffed most of the boxes into big net bags Kabumpo always "If you like it," said Randy, his ears turning quite red at Kabumpo''s Randy, do you hear that?" Kabumpo lifted the young King down "But, Kabumpo--" worried Randy as the little Princess of Anuther Planet doors of the red castle, Randy tugged violently at Kabumpo''s left as Randy brought Thun back and handed him over to Planetty. id: 56079 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: Handy Mandy in Oz date: words: 35219.0 sentences: 2694.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/56079.txt txt: ./txt/56079.txt summary: Now I do hope you like Handy Mandy and Nox. I''m very fond of "But what about the little King?" begged the Goat Girl, as Nox lapsed Nox looked sharply up and down the street as the Goat Girl set down second turn, Nox''s horn came completely off and as the goat girl held in the Goat Girl''s best white hand and Handy herself, with all her but Handy Mandy, convinced by this time that the Silver King was both "A magic flower," explained the Goat Girl hurriedly, and before Nox had come to the Silver King''s Mountain just a few moments after Nox out of the top of the mountain, Handy Mandy and Nox reached the bottom, Placing Kerry on Nox''s back, Handy looked nervously out the door of Mt. Mern or a clever Goat Girl like Handy." know Handy Mandy, Nox and this jolly young King?" id: 56073 author: Thompson, Ruth Plumly title: Captain Salt in Oz date: words: 47447.0 sentences: 3598.0 pages: flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/56073.txt txt: ./txt/56073.txt summary: Ato, with Peter, a Philadelphia boy, and Samuel Salt, a pirate, who bring home with us," explained Samuel Salt as Roger looked curiously at like old times?" Stretching up his arms exultingly, Samuel Salt let his "Spoken like a King and a seaman," approved Samuel Salt, "and if my eye Opening the bag of biscuits Roger had brought from the ship, Ato handed is Samuel Salt," said Tandy, looking at Roger with some of his former "Ato, the Eighth, King of the Octagon Isles, Sir Samuel Salt, Captain long swim, headed thankfully back for the ship Tandy and Samuel made rise, but Tandy and Roger, perching on the ship''s rail, watched Samuel an instant that Tandy, Roger or Samuel himself saw all this happen. Samuel Salt, Ato, Roger and Nikobo, "You others may return to your When Samuel reached the castle, he found Ato and Roger had set a small Besides Roger, Tandy, Samuel Salt ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel