id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 12260 Abbott, Jacob Jonas on a Farm in Winter .txt text/plain 30996 2025 91 "Yes," said Oliver, "he is going to build a great barn next summer. "Jonas," said Josey, "are you going out into the barn?" "Oliver," said Jonas, "I think it would be a good plan for you and Josey "Let's put some good large logs on our sled," said Josey. "I don't know," said Oliver; "it looks like a dog's track; but I "He went up," said Jonas, "the same way that we are going. "He's coming," said Josey, who remained with Oliver at the sled. Franco said nothing, but stood looking up into Jonas's face, and wagging "I verily believe it is Franco," said Jonas, as he slowly got down from "Yes, sir," said Jonas; "but it belongs to the farmer that I work with." "Now," said Jonas, after a few minutes, to Oliver, "I am going away "Let us get out and walk, Jonas," said Oliver. "Rollo?" said Jonas; "his name is Oliver. ./cache/12260.txt ./txt/12260.txt