id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 17964 Bangs, John Kendrick Olympian Nights .txt text/plain 32496 2422 87 been a god and who had become an elevator boy, so I said to him: "Not at the half-way house," said Adonis. "Jupiter, of course," said Adonis, with an impatient shake of his dozen times already for things I've said, and I have to be very "Things are never dull here, sir," said Memnon, pocketing my dollar "Now look me straight in the eye," said Æsculapius, an amused smile "Now look yourself straight in the eye," said he. "If one of the gods had said that," he replied, "I should have "It is perhaps too much for mortal eyes," he said; and then, turning "Good--I'll give you the time," he said. "Jupiter, of course," he said. "Looks so," said Jupiter, "but be careful. "Great ball, eh?" said Jupiter. "I think I shall like it," I said, "if I ever get used to it." "Never mind," said Jupiter. "A high old god I'd make," said I. ./cache/17964.txt ./txt/17964.txt