mv: ‘./’ and ‘./’ are the same file Creating study carrel named subject-methodists-gutenberg Initializing database Unzipping Archive: creating: ./tmp/input/input-file/ inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/27776.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/27363.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/21635.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/25463.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/24986.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/18413.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/10134.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/6806.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/37883.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/50676.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv caution: excluded filename not matched: *MACOSX* === DIRECTORIES: ./tmp/input === DIRECTORY: ./tmp/input/input-file === metadata file: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv === found metadata file === updating bibliographic database Building study carrel named subject-methodists-gutenberg FILE: cache/21635.txt OUTPUT: txt/21635.txt FILE: cache/24986.txt OUTPUT: txt/24986.txt FILE: cache/27776.txt OUTPUT: txt/27776.txt FILE: cache/25463.txt OUTPUT: txt/25463.txt FILE: cache/27363.txt OUTPUT: txt/27363.txt FILE: cache/6806.txt OUTPUT: txt/6806.txt FILE: cache/50676.txt OUTPUT: txt/50676.txt FILE: cache/37883.txt OUTPUT: txt/37883.txt FILE: cache/10134.txt OUTPUT: txt/10134.txt FILE: cache/18413.txt OUTPUT: txt/18413.txt === === id: 25463 author: Hocking, Joseph title: The Day of Judgment date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/25463.txt cache: ./cache/25463.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'25463.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 24986 author: Hocking, Joseph title: Tommy date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/24986.txt cache: ./cache/24986.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'24986.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' 25463 txt/../pos/25463.pos 25463 txt/../wrd/25463.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 24986 txt/../ent/24986.ent 24986 txt/../pos/24986.pos 25463 txt/../ent/25463.ent 24986 txt/../wrd/24986.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 27776 txt/../pos/27776.pos 27776 txt/../wrd/27776.wrd 27776 txt/../ent/27776.ent === === id: 27776 author: Lloyd, Evan title: The Methodist A Poem date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/27776.txt cache: ./cache/27776.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'27776.txt' 27363 txt/../wrd/27363.wrd 27363 txt/../pos/27363.pos 21635 txt/../wrd/21635.wrd 27363 txt/../ent/27363.ent 21635 txt/../pos/21635.pos 10134 txt/../wrd/10134.wrd 6806 txt/../wrd/6806.wrd 18413 txt/../pos/18413.pos 10134 txt/../pos/10134.pos 6806 txt/../pos/6806.pos 18413 txt/../wrd/18413.wrd 37883 txt/../pos/37883.pos 37883 txt/../wrd/37883.wrd 21635 txt/../ent/21635.ent 10134 txt/../ent/10134.ent 6806 txt/../ent/6806.ent 50676 txt/../pos/50676.pos 18413 txt/../ent/18413.ent 50676 txt/../wrd/50676.wrd === === id: 27363 author: Heady, Morrison title: Burl date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/27363.txt cache: ./cache/27363.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'27363.txt' 37883 txt/../ent/37883.ent === === id: 21635 author: Hueston, Ethel title: Prudence Says So date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/21635.txt cache: ./cache/21635.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'21635.txt' 50676 txt/../ent/50676.ent === === id: 18413 author: Hueston, Ethel title: Prudence of the Parsonage date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/18413.txt cache: ./cache/18413.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'18413.txt' === === id: 10134 author: Brummitt, Dan B. (Dan Brearley) title: John Wesley, Jr. The Story of an Experiment date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/10134.txt cache: ./cache/10134.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'10134.txt' === === id: 6806 author: Barr, Amelia E. title: The Hallam Succession date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/6806.txt cache: ./cache/6806.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'6806.txt' === === id: 37883 author: Alexander, Gross title: Steve P. Holcombe, the Converted Gambler: His Life and Work date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/37883.txt cache: ./cache/37883.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'37883.txt' === === id: 50676 author: Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth) title: The Infidel: A Story of the Great Revival date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/50676.txt cache: ./cache/50676.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 8 resourceName b'50676.txt' Done mapping. Reducing subject-methodists-gutenberg === bib === id = 27776 author = Lloyd, Evan title = The Methodist A Poem date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 11172 sentences = 1068 flesch = 85 summary = Evan Lloyd's works consist chiefly of four satires written in 1766 a short-lived revolt against the tyranny of Augustan satire and shows Augustan satiric alternative--returning to older beliefs in religion, long, wandering sentences--seems to move, as does Robert Lloyd's satire Evan Lloyd's first satire, _The Powers of the Pen_, is a clever but ordinary satire on good and bad writing. problem with all of Lloyd's satires except _The Methodist_, and the same Lloyd is the one anti-Methodist satirist who explores the larger Lloyd constructs his satire around the theme of general corruption, that The Methodist practice of lay preachers, for example, Lloyd conclusion of the satire he asks God to halt the Methodist movement within." This condition of the world can be expressed satirically by a After _The Methodist_ Lloyd wrote _Conversation_, a satire that not only of any earlier satire of Lloyd's. Lloyd, in writing _The Methodist_, seems to have come as close as any cache = ./cache/27776.txt txt = ./txt/27776.txt === bib === id = 21635 author = Hueston, Ethel title = Prudence Says So date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 57557 sentences = 5622 flesch = 93 summary = "You look nice, twins." Prudence advanced a step, her eyes on Carol's "We look all right," said Carol belligerently. "And for goodness' sake, Connie," said Carol, "remember and call her our Connie always walked, as Carol said, "as if she mostly wasn't there." "Oh, yes, Fairy, we know what you said," interjected Carol. Aunt Grace's eyes were smiling as always, but for the first time Carol "Yes," said Mr. Starr, but his eyes twinkled toward Carol once more; "Yes, they'll come to hear Lark all right," Fairy smiled. "Oh, Connie's got a beau already," said Carol. "Come and walk a little farther, Carol," he said in a low voice. Carol looked worried, but she knew Connie would do as she said. "No, Connie," said Carol, "we know you aren't worth devotion like ours, "Now, Carol," said Aunt Grace, smiling. "I think Lark will turn you down," said Carol promptly, "and I hope she cache = ./cache/21635.txt txt = ./txt/21635.txt === bib === id = 27363 author = Heady, Morrison title = Burl date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 59570 sentences = 2694 flesch = 79 summary = chanced that on the present occasion Big Black Burl was with the White "No, Bushie, my boy, you can't go to the corn-field to-day," said Mrs. Reynolds to her son of nine years old, one fine May morning, about two HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND BUSHIE FIGURED IN EACH OTHER'S EYES. HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND BUSHIE FIGURED IN EACH OTHER'S EYES. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY DAY. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY DAY. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY NIGHT. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY NIGHT. "An' would my little man like fur us to take de young Injun home wid HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND GRUMBO FIGURED AFTER THE FIGHT. HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND GRUMBO FIGURED AFTER THE FIGHT. Black Burl could not be made to understand how a man who looked like cache = ./cache/27363.txt txt = ./txt/27363.txt === bib === === bib === id = 10134 author = Brummitt, Dan B. (Dan Brearley) title = John Wesley, Jr. The Story of an Experiment date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 74193 sentences = 4523 flesch = 84 summary = "Tell him to try it and see, as you did last year," said Pastor Drury. know about the church and real Christian work. knows the old country like a book, and he's going back some day, maybe everyday work of the League--how it meant the young people of the church and the work of the Christian Church as one way of living that life. he has to-day has come to him by the goodness of Christian people. "Oh," said Pastor Drury, "I like to come to Cartwright. On the next Sunday night not so many college people were out to hear Mr. Drury's straight-thinking and plain-spoken sermon on "What our town asks Drury said: "Young people of the colleges, you have been trained to some "J.W., old boy," Joe asked one day, coming away from the pastor's activities are being set going because church people know they ought to cache = ./cache/10134.txt txt = ./txt/10134.txt === bib === === bib === id = 50676 author = Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth) title = The Infidel: A Story of the Great Revival date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 127995 sentences = 6954 flesch = 81 summary = young woman knew of the world she lived in, the more likely she was to wall staring at strange faces that Antonia began to think she liked By this time Kilrush and Antonia seemed old friends, and she looked "Poor man!" said Tonia, with good-humoured scorn. "Sure, so lovely a girl ought to set off her beauty," he said. The walk gave Antonia time for quiet thought before she met the man "Let us be friends, then, Mrs. Stobart," Antonia said, with a Good day to you, Mrs. Stobart, and pray remember we are to be friends. will come a day when some warm living love will divert your thoughts than most of us," said Antonia, smiling at the lively lady, whose After this quiet visit to the dying woman, Stobart led Lady Kilrush think that so good a woman as Lady Kilrush will be left for ever under cache = ./cache/50676.txt txt = ./txt/50676.txt === bib === id = 6806 author = Barr, Amelia E. title = The Hallam Succession date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 76559 sentences = 5512 flesch = 89 summary = Richard and Phyllis are coming; and I am afraid I shall not know how "Did Richard say 'accident?' Do you know, Elizabeth, I think what men Then Phyllis said "Good-night" and went away; but dim as the light Elizabeth and Phyllis went with sick, sorrowful heart to see the dame. At Phyllis and Elizabeth she looked with great sad eyes, and shook "Then go thy ways home and tell Antony Hallam he can hev L50,000, if In a short time Elizabeth went with Phyllis to her room, and they laid "Thou looks very happy, Phyllis," said the squire to her, as they both little selfish, for; one night the Bishop said to Phyllis, "Come and Richard," he said, one day; "I wonder if they know that I'm coming." Many hard things were said of Antony Hallam; and men And to Martha Elizabeth said: "We are going to live a little more like cache = ./cache/6806.txt txt = ./txt/6806.txt === bib === id = 18413 author = Hueston, Ethel title = Prudence of the Parsonage date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 68920 sentences = 6534 flesch = 94 summary = "There isn't much to tell," said Prudence, smiling. "Prudence is a very nice name for a minister's daughter," said Mrs. Adams suggestively. But the days passed around, and Prudence and Carol's turn came again. "All right, Prudence," said Lark with determination. "Oh, Carol," said Prudence reproachfully, wiping her eyes, "how could you "It wouldn't live long if the ministers had many twins," said Fairy "Misses Carol and Lark Starr, The Methodist Parsonage, Mount Mark, A little later, when Prudence and Fairy came laughing into the "It's a good thing Prudence and Fairy are downtown," said Lark sagely. Prudence, you won't let Carol know, will you? "Don't the twins tell you little things that happen at school,--like And Fairy said, "Oh, yes indeed, Prudence,--this is so nice of you." a coat in time for Sunday, and Prudence had said that Connie must be "I'll go to the door," said Father Starr, and Prudence looked at him cache = ./cache/18413.txt txt = ./txt/18413.txt === bib === id = 37883 author = Alexander, Gross title = Steve P. Holcombe, the Converted Gambler: His Life and Work date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 116488 sentences = 6900 flesch = 85 summary = house and to all the liberty of the sons of God. So _he thought_ of saving a little money and of investing in some "I know," said the man, "you were a Christian in Louisville, but you are city and town had such a man in it to work for God and souls. Steve Holcombe, the converted gambler, in his mission work among men who and if God will help me no man shall ever know of me using well at that time, made a good deal of money; and you know how a man make a living." He said, "Look to God, and He will help you." I went And to-day, having tried this life one year, you don't know of a man conscientious, because he works and lives not to please men but God. Hence, such a one is always wanted. And a man whose life is given to God is industrious and loves to work. cache = ./cache/37883.txt txt = ./txt/37883.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt Error: near line 1: database is locked Send options without primary recipient specified. Usage: mailx -eiIUdEFntBDNHRVv~ -T FILE -u USER -h hops -r address -s SUBJECT -a FILE -q FILE -f FILE -A ACCOUNT -b USERS -c USERS -S OPTION users 37883 50676 6806 21635 27363 18413 number of items: 10 sum of words: 592,454 average size in words: 74,056 average readability score: 86 nouns: man; time; life; day; way; men; people; father; work; years; heart; eyes; church; night; world; things; twins; face; house; room; hand; thing; something; love; nothing; one; home; place; woman; money; morning; days; door; mother; family; side; prudence; school; friend; wife; business; anything; girls; year; sin; parsonage; mind; head; t; voice verbs: was; had; is; be; have; do; are; said; were; been; ''s; did; know; has; go; think; see; come; get; am; made; went; say; came; make; tell; got; let; going; take; thought; give; want; knew; told; looked; ''m; found; put; being; took; ''ve; look; does; believe; saw; done; asked; find; heard adjectives: little; good; old; other; more; own; great; young; many; first; such; last; much; poor; new; long; few; sure; right; same; full; better; white; happy; big; christian; best; next; fine; true; bad; whole; dear; ready; glad; most; black; sweet; small; only; high; short; open; red; hard; beautiful; sick; dead; strong; second adverbs: not; n''t; so; up; then; now; very; out; just; never; as; too; more; here; down; only; back; there; away; again; ever; all; even; well; always; still; once; on; in; much; far; yet; off; long; enough; most; over; soon; almost; home; right; also; together; indeed; really; perhaps; quite; no; first; better pronouns: i; he; it; you; his; her; she; him; they; my; me; we; them; their; your; our; us; himself; its; myself; herself; themselves; yourself; thee; ''em; thy; itself; yours; one; ourselves; mine; ''s; ours; hers; em; yourselves; theirs; i''m; you''re; ye; thyself; o; wi; you''se; yes,--didn''t; yes,--as; yes"--as; white,--she; well,--you; uf proper nouns: _; god; carol; mr.; prudence; fairy; j.w.; lark; connie; holcombe; antonia; john; richard; elizabeth; miss; stobart; mrs.; phyllis; kilrush; hallam; burl; christ; de; wesley; lord; sunday; antony; jesus; methodist; lady; louisville; father; christian; drury; george; marty; joe; delafield; brother; jerry; thou; grace; aunt; martha; thornton; starr; london; heaven; ben; st. keywords: mr.; methodist; god; miss; lord; john; church; wesley; sunday; starr; satan; prudence; mrs.; mount; mark; man; lark; jerry; fairy; england; connie; christian; christ; carol; woman; whitefield; university; twin; tonia; tis; time; thunder; thornton; think; texas; tecumseh; stobart; steve; st.; square; sophy; sally; saint; richard; reynolds; rennuls; religion; prue; potter; phyllis one topic; one dimension: said file(s): ./cache/27776.txt titles(s): The Methodist A Poem three topics; one dimension: said; said; prudence file(s): ./cache/37883.txt, ./cache/50676.txt, ./cache/27363.txt titles(s): Steve P. Holcombe, the Converted Gambler: His Life and Work | The Infidel: A Story of the Great Revival | Burl five topics; three dimensions: man god said; antonia said stobart; prudence carol said; richard elizabeth phyllis; buys repaid appears file(s): ./cache/37883.txt, ./cache/50676.txt, ./cache/18413.txt, ./cache/6806.txt, titles(s): Steve P. Holcombe, the Converted Gambler: His Life and Work | The Infidel: A Story of the Great Revival | Prudence of the Parsonage | The Hallam Succession | Tommy Type: gutenberg title: subject-methodists-gutenberg date: 2021-06-06 time: 22:06 username: emorgan patron: Eric Morgan email: input: facet_subject:"Methodists" ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics id: 37883 author: Alexander, Gross title: Steve P. Holcombe, the Converted Gambler: His Life and Work date: words: 116488.0 sentences: 6900.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/37883.txt txt: ./txt/37883.txt summary: house and to all the liberty of the sons of God. So _he thought_ of saving a little money and of investing in some "I know," said the man, "you were a Christian in Louisville, but you are city and town had such a man in it to work for God and souls. Steve Holcombe, the converted gambler, in his mission work among men who and if God will help me no man shall ever know of me using well at that time, made a good deal of money; and you know how a man make a living." He said, "Look to God, and He will help you." I went And to-day, having tried this life one year, you don''t know of a man conscientious, because he works and lives not to please men but God. Hence, such a one is always wanted. And a man whose life is given to God is industrious and loves to work. id: 6806 author: Barr, Amelia E. title: The Hallam Succession date: words: 76559.0 sentences: 5512.0 pages: flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/6806.txt txt: ./txt/6806.txt summary: Richard and Phyllis are coming; and I am afraid I shall not know how "Did Richard say ''accident?'' Do you know, Elizabeth, I think what men Then Phyllis said "Good-night" and went away; but dim as the light Elizabeth and Phyllis went with sick, sorrowful heart to see the dame. At Phyllis and Elizabeth she looked with great sad eyes, and shook "Then go thy ways home and tell Antony Hallam he can hev L50,000, if In a short time Elizabeth went with Phyllis to her room, and they laid "Thou looks very happy, Phyllis," said the squire to her, as they both little selfish, for; one night the Bishop said to Phyllis, "Come and Richard," he said, one day; "I wonder if they know that I''m coming." Many hard things were said of Antony Hallam; and men And to Martha Elizabeth said: "We are going to live a little more like id: 50676 author: Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth) title: The Infidel: A Story of the Great Revival date: words: 127995.0 sentences: 6954.0 pages: flesch: 81.0 cache: ./cache/50676.txt txt: ./txt/50676.txt summary: young woman knew of the world she lived in, the more likely she was to wall staring at strange faces that Antonia began to think she liked By this time Kilrush and Antonia seemed old friends, and she looked "Poor man!" said Tonia, with good-humoured scorn. "Sure, so lovely a girl ought to set off her beauty," he said. The walk gave Antonia time for quiet thought before she met the man "Let us be friends, then, Mrs. Stobart," Antonia said, with a Good day to you, Mrs. Stobart, and pray remember we are to be friends. will come a day when some warm living love will divert your thoughts than most of us," said Antonia, smiling at the lively lady, whose After this quiet visit to the dying woman, Stobart led Lady Kilrush think that so good a woman as Lady Kilrush will be left for ever under id: 10134 author: Brummitt, Dan B. (Dan Brearley) title: John Wesley, Jr. The Story of an Experiment date: words: 74193.0 sentences: 4523.0 pages: flesch: 84.0 cache: ./cache/10134.txt txt: ./txt/10134.txt summary: "Tell him to try it and see, as you did last year," said Pastor Drury. know about the church and real Christian work. knows the old country like a book, and he''s going back some day, maybe everyday work of the League--how it meant the young people of the church and the work of the Christian Church as one way of living that life. he has to-day has come to him by the goodness of Christian people. "Oh," said Pastor Drury, "I like to come to Cartwright. On the next Sunday night not so many college people were out to hear Mr. Drury''s straight-thinking and plain-spoken sermon on "What our town asks Drury said: "Young people of the colleges, you have been trained to some "J.W., old boy," Joe asked one day, coming away from the pastor''s activities are being set going because church people know they ought to id: 27363 author: Heady, Morrison title: Burl date: words: 59570.0 sentences: 2694.0 pages: flesch: 79.0 cache: ./cache/27363.txt txt: ./txt/27363.txt summary: chanced that on the present occasion Big Black Burl was with the White "No, Bushie, my boy, you can''t go to the corn-field to-day," said Mrs. Reynolds to her son of nine years old, one fine May morning, about two HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND BUSHIE FIGURED IN EACH OTHER''S EYES. HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND BUSHIE FIGURED IN EACH OTHER''S EYES. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY DAY. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY DAY. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY NIGHT. HOW BIG BLACK BURL FIGURED ON THE WAR-PATH BY NIGHT. "An'' would my little man like fur us to take de young Injun home wid HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND GRUMBO FIGURED AFTER THE FIGHT. HOW BIG BLACK BURL AND GRUMBO FIGURED AFTER THE FIGHT. Black Burl could not be made to understand how a man who looked like id: 25463 author: Hocking, Joseph title: The Day of Judgment date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 24986 author: Hocking, Joseph title: Tommy date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 21635 author: Hueston, Ethel title: Prudence Says So date: words: 57557.0 sentences: 5622.0 pages: flesch: 93.0 cache: ./cache/21635.txt txt: ./txt/21635.txt summary: "You look nice, twins." Prudence advanced a step, her eyes on Carol''s "We look all right," said Carol belligerently. "And for goodness'' sake, Connie," said Carol, "remember and call her our Connie always walked, as Carol said, "as if she mostly wasn''t there." "Oh, yes, Fairy, we know what you said," interjected Carol. Aunt Grace''s eyes were smiling as always, but for the first time Carol "Yes," said Mr. Starr, but his eyes twinkled toward Carol once more; "Yes, they''ll come to hear Lark all right," Fairy smiled. "Oh, Connie''s got a beau already," said Carol. "Come and walk a little farther, Carol," he said in a low voice. Carol looked worried, but she knew Connie would do as she said. "No, Connie," said Carol, "we know you aren''t worth devotion like ours, "Now, Carol," said Aunt Grace, smiling. "I think Lark will turn you down," said Carol promptly, "and I hope she id: 18413 author: Hueston, Ethel title: Prudence of the Parsonage date: words: 68920.0 sentences: 6534.0 pages: flesch: 94.0 cache: ./cache/18413.txt txt: ./txt/18413.txt summary: "There isn''t much to tell," said Prudence, smiling. "Prudence is a very nice name for a minister''s daughter," said Mrs. Adams suggestively. But the days passed around, and Prudence and Carol''s turn came again. "All right, Prudence," said Lark with determination. "Oh, Carol," said Prudence reproachfully, wiping her eyes, "how could you "It wouldn''t live long if the ministers had many twins," said Fairy "Misses Carol and Lark Starr, The Methodist Parsonage, Mount Mark, A little later, when Prudence and Fairy came laughing into the "It''s a good thing Prudence and Fairy are downtown," said Lark sagely. Prudence, you won''t let Carol know, will you? "Don''t the twins tell you little things that happen at school,--like And Fairy said, "Oh, yes indeed, Prudence,--this is so nice of you." a coat in time for Sunday, and Prudence had said that Connie must be "I''ll go to the door," said Father Starr, and Prudence looked at him id: 27776 author: Lloyd, Evan title: The Methodist A Poem date: words: 11172.0 sentences: 1068.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/27776.txt txt: ./txt/27776.txt summary: Evan Lloyd''s works consist chiefly of four satires written in 1766 a short-lived revolt against the tyranny of Augustan satire and shows Augustan satiric alternative--returning to older beliefs in religion, long, wandering sentences--seems to move, as does Robert Lloyd''s satire Evan Lloyd''s first satire, _The Powers of the Pen_, is a clever but ordinary satire on good and bad writing. problem with all of Lloyd''s satires except _The Methodist_, and the same Lloyd is the one anti-Methodist satirist who explores the larger Lloyd constructs his satire around the theme of general corruption, that The Methodist practice of lay preachers, for example, Lloyd conclusion of the satire he asks God to halt the Methodist movement within." This condition of the world can be expressed satirically by a After _The Methodist_ Lloyd wrote _Conversation_, a satire that not only of any earlier satire of Lloyd''s. Lloyd, in writing _The Methodist_, seems to have come as close as any ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel