

This is a Distant Reader "study carrel", a set of structured data intended to help the student, researcher, or scholar use & understand a corpus.

This study carrel was created on 2021-05-24 by Eric Morgan <>. The carrel was created using the Distant Reader zip2carrel process, and the input was a Zip file locally cached with the name Documents in the Zip file have been saved in a cache, and each of them have been transformed & saved as a set of plain text files. All of the analysis -- "reading" -- has been done against these plain text files. For example, a short narrative report has been created. This Web page is a more verbose version of that report.

All study carrels are self-contained -- no Internet connection is necessary to use them. Download this carrel for offline reading. The carrel is made up of many subdirectories and data files. The manifest describes each one in greater detail.


There are 17 item(s) in this carrel, and this carrel is 22,519 words long. Each item in your study carrel is, on average, 1,324 words long. If you dig deeper, then you might want to save yourself some time by reading a shorter item. On the other hand, if your desire is for more detail, then you might consider reading a longer item. The following charts illustrate the overall size of the carrel.

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histogram of sizes
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box plot of sizes


On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is very difficult and 100 is very easy, the documents have an average readability score of 88. Consequently, if you want to read something more simplistic, then consider a document with a higher score. If you want something more specialized, then consider something with a lower score. The following charts illustrate the overall readability of the carrel.

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histogram of readability
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box plot of readability

Word Frequencies

By merely counting & tabulating the frequency of individual words or phrases, you can begin to get an understanding of the carrel's "aboutness". Excluding "stop words", some of the more frequent words include:

text, hull, early, parliament, sir, english, yorke, great, books, england, thomason, tcp, online, lord, john, king, kings, majestie, shall, many, sent, town, images, iohn, london, will, history, commons, may, majesties, iuly, letter, works, phase, support, markup, changes, xml, encoded, textual, horse, proofread, page, aim, transcribed, majesty, hotham, concerning, came, also

Using the three most frequent words, the three files containing all of those words the most are Terrible and trve nevves from Beverley and the city of Yorke wherein is a true relation of the besieging of the town of Hull, by the Kings Majesty with six thousand horse and foote, on Thursday, Iuly 7, 1642 : also of Sir John Hothams drowning the country within foure miles of Hull, and what hath happened since, and His Maiesties resolution concerning it : with the Lord Digbies entertainment at the court, and divers remarkable passages Yorke, from the third of Iuly to the ninth of the same, sent in a letter from Yorke to a friend in London, Iuly the twelfth, 1642., Strange newes from Yorke, Hull, Beverley, and Manchester. Or, a continuation of the proceedings passages, and matters of consequence that hath passed this last weeke in his Maiesties army before Hull, with some occurrences from Yorke during the Kings absence as also of my Lord Stranges comming in a warlike manner against the town of Manchester and slew three of the inhabitants thereof. Beeing all that passed here from the 16 of Iuly to the 23. Sent in a letter from a worthy knight now resident in Yorke, to a gentleman in Kings Street in Westminster, Iuly 25. 1642. Also the humble petition of Sir Francis Wortley Knight and Baronet to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. With his Maiesties answer thereunto. Edw. Nicholas., and A letter sent from the leagver before Hull..

The most frequent two-word phrases (bigrams) include:

early english, english books, books online, textual changes, early works, sir iohn, page images, sir john, iohn hotham, mona logarbo, bit group, pfs batch, commercial purposes, professional end, asking permission, digital transcription, online text, without asking, enrichments aim, enriched version, fully proofread, proofread approx, short title, creation partnership, linguistically annotated, standard spellings, creative commons, text creation, image set, images scanned, collaborative curation, project evanston, metadata enrichments, proquest page, stationer meant, financial support, tiff page, includes standard, iv tiff, work described, tcp assigned, title catalog, annotation includes, standardized format, end users, many walks, archaic forms, providing financial, encoded edition, markup reviewed

And the three file that use all of the three most frequent phrases are His Majesties second message to the Parliament, concerning Sir Iohn Hothams refusall to give His Majestie entrance into his town of Hull. His Majesties second message sent to the Parliament concerning Sir John Hothams refusall to give His Majestie entrance into his town of Hull. 28. April. 1642, and A Wonderfull discoverie of a terrible plot against Hutl [sic] by the designes of the Lord Digby, many papists and others of the malignant party declaring the manner how the two ships loaden with great store of ammunition of armes came under a pretended colour of merchants ships from the Indies : and how they would have executed their plot that night against Hull : also how by the providence of God they were discovered and apprehended : lastly, the true relation how five men in disguise would have entred into Hull as being a committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York : having 100 horse and 500 foot lying in ambush to have seized upon the towne as soon as the gates had beene opened : with Irish depositions by His Majesties commission and an extract of a letter sent from Isidores Coll. in Rome, 4 January 1641..

While often deemed superficial or sophomoric, rudimentary frequencies and their associated "word clouds" can be quite insightful:

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Sets of keywords -- statistically significant words -- can be enumerated by comparing the relative frequency of words with the number of times the words appear in an entire corpus. Some of the most statistically significant keywords in the carrel include:

hull, yorke, sir, parliament, john, york, majesties, majestie, maiesties, lord, kingston, king, iuly, commons, captaine, beverley, army

And now word clouds really begin to shine:

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Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is another popular approach to connoting the aboutness of a corpus. If the study carrel could be summed up in a single word, then that word might be text, and Remarkable passages from York Friday, July 8. 1642. Concerning the marching of horse and foot towards Hull. And the manner of that counties appearance on Heworth Moore, on Thursday last before His Majestie. With the copy of a warrant from the Right Honorable the Earl of Linsey, generall of His Majesties forces, to Sir Thomas Metham knight, for the compleating of his regiments. is most about that word.

If the study carrel could be summed up in three words ("topics") then those words and their significantly associated titles include:

  1. text - Strange newes from Yorke, Hull, Beverley, and Manchester. Or, a continuation of the proceedings passages, and matters of consequence that hath passed this last weeke in his Maiesties army before Hull, with some occurrences from Yorke during the Kings absence as also of my Lord Stranges comming in a warlike manner against the town of Manchester and slew three of the inhabitants thereof. Beeing all that passed here from the 16 of Iuly to the 23. Sent in a letter from a worthy knight now resident in Yorke, to a gentleman in Kings Street in Westminster, Iuly 25. 1642. Also the humble petition of Sir Francis Wortley Knight and Baronet to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. With his Maiesties answer thereunto. Edw. Nicholas.
  2. text - Sir John Hothams letter to a worthy Member of the House of Commons, concerning the late discovery at Hull together with Master Beckwiths letter, a recusant, to Lievtenant Fooks his sonne in law, in service at Hull, under Sir John Hothams command, who was a great actor in that dangerous businesse.
  3. text - An uprore in the north at Hvll about a moneth since by a company of souldiers against their captaine : with the particular speeches spoke on either side before the said Captaine Edvvard Walbrucke was miserabley wounded and slaine / by H. T.

If the study carrel could be summed up in five topics, and each topic were each denoted with three words, then those topics and their most significantly associated files would be:

  1. text, hull, 1642 - Strange newes from Yorke, Hull, Beverley, and Manchester. Or, a continuation of the proceedings passages, and matters of consequence that hath passed this last weeke in his Maiesties army before Hull, with some occurrences from Yorke during the Kings absence as also of my Lord Stranges comming in a warlike manner against the town of Manchester and slew three of the inhabitants thereof. Beeing all that passed here from the 16 of Iuly to the 23. Sent in a letter from a worthy knight now resident in Yorke, to a gentleman in Kings Street in Westminster, Iuly 25. 1642. Also the humble petition of Sir Francis Wortley Knight and Baronet to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. With his Maiesties answer thereunto. Edw. Nicholas.
  2. text, parliament, hull - A Wonderfull discoverie of a terrible plot against Hutl [sic] by the designes of the Lord Digby, many papists and others of the malignant party declaring the manner how the two ships loaden with great store of ammunition of armes came under a pretended colour of merchants ships from the Indies : and how they would have executed their plot that night against Hull : also how by the providence of God they were discovered and apprehended : lastly, the true relation how five men in disguise would have entred into Hull as being a committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York : having 100 horse and 500 foot lying in ambush to have seized upon the towne as soon as the gates had beene opened : with Irish depositions by His Majesties commission and an extract of a letter sent from Isidores Coll. in Rome, 4 January 1641.
  3. text, hull, yorke - Horrible newes from Hull· VVherein is declared how the Kings Majesty, attended by the prince and 400. horsemen, and 700 footmen are gone to besiege Hull. Likewise foure of the Kings ships under the command of the Palsgrave, and the Earle of Danbie, which have endeavoured to mount ordnance against the said towne on the other side of Humber. Also His Majesties resolution to take up armes against all those that shall oppose him. With many remarkeable passages concerning the last meeting of the gentry and commonalty of Yorkshire on Thursday last the 7. of Iuly. Whereunto is annexed a remarkable report concerning the Lord Digbie. Ordered that this be printed and published. Io: Browne, Cler. Parl.
  4. hull, text, horse - Terrible and trve nevves from Beverley and the city of Yorke wherein is a true relation of the besieging of the town of Hull, by the Kings Majesty with six thousand horse and foote, on Thursday, Iuly 7, 1642 : also of Sir John Hothams drowning the country within foure miles of Hull, and what hath happened since, and His Maiesties resolution concerning it : with the Lord Digbies entertainment at the court, and divers remarkable passages Yorke, from the third of Iuly to the ninth of the same, sent in a letter from Yorke to a friend in London, Iuly the twelfth, 1642.
  5. captaine, text, thy - An uprore in the north at Hvll about a moneth since by a company of souldiers against their captaine : with the particular speeches spoke on either side before the said Captaine Edvvard Walbrucke was miserabley wounded and slaine / by H. T.

Moreover, the totality of the study carrel's aboutness, can be visualized with the following pie chart:

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topic model

Noun & Verbs

Through an analysis of your study carrel's parts-of-speech, you are able to answer question beyonds aboutness. For example, a list of the most frequent nouns helps you answer what questions; "What is discussed in this collection?":

text, images, books, history, xml, works, page, changes, letter, image, transcription, men, end, defects, passages, kings, words, time, life, horse, edition, purposes, p., others, night, annotation, work, walks, version, users, town, terms, support, stationer, spellings, review, reuse, phase, pfs, permission, network, microfilm, metadata, markup, keying, kb, institutions, group, forms, format

An enumeration of the verbs helps you learn what actions take place in a text or what the things in the text do. Very frequently, the most common lemmatized verbs are "be", "have", and "do"; the more interesting verbs usually occur further down the list of frequencies:

be, is, was, have, are, had, been, being, has, sent, were, encoded, aim, concerning, came, said, according, making, made, read, meant, give, publish, performed, having, co, -, tokenized, support, scanned, reviewed, restoring, providing, proofread, preserves, owned, modified, make, includes, distributed, described, copied, coded, civilwar, based, assigned, asking, annotated, put, edited

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Proper Nouns

An extraction of proper nouns helps you determine the names of people and places in your study carrel.

hull, sir, parliament, yorke, england, thomason, tcp, lord, john, london, iohn, king, majestie, english, commons, iuly, transcribed, text, majesty, hotham, wing, beverley, wales, town, majesties, york, lords, maiesties, hath, god, thursday, printed, kings, hothams, thomas, mona, logarbo, library, law, estc, universal, title, tiff, st., short, qc, proquest, project, phase, partnership

An analysis of personal pronouns enables you to answer at least two questions: 1) "What, if any, is the overall gender of my study carrel?", and 2) "To what degree are the texts in my study carrel self-centered versus inclusive?"

his, i, they, it, their, our, he, them, your, you, we, him, my, me, us, her, thy, themselves, she, theirs, thee, its, himself, yours

Below are words cloud of your study carrel's proper & personal pronouns.

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proper nouns
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Adjectives & Verbs

Learning about a corpus's adjectives and adverbs helps you answer how questions: "How are things described and how are things done?" An analysis of adjectives and adverbs also points to a corpus's overall sentiment. "In general, is my study carrel positive or negative?"

early, many, great, english, other, textual, last, such, true, easier, tractable, suitable, standardized, standard, seekest, professional, keyboarded, financial, enriched, digital, commercial, collaborative, available, proofread, more, same, little, known, good, strange, remarkable, markup, better, third, terrible, second, particular, excellent, worthy, small, high, several, safe, own, malignant, late, former, first, dangerous, 17th

not, so, online, early, also, more, then, most, up, now, above, linguistically, fully, even, computationally, here, well, very, there, much, as, yet, thereof, onely, in, whatsoever, together, therefore, about, thus, out, never, likewise, further, soon, immediately, away, therein, no, neere, lastly, godly, forth, formerly, all, again, accordingly, thereupon, since, presently

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Next steps

There is much more to a study carrel than the things outlined above. Use this page's menubar to navigate and explore in more detail. There you will find additional features & functions including: ngrams, parts-of-speech, grammars, named entities, topic modeling, a simple search interface, etc.

Again, study carrels are self-contained. Download this carrel for offline viewing and use.

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