id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 18690 Warner, Susan Queechy, Volume I .txt text/plain 147967 10769 91 "We'll come across some, I guess, by and by," said Mr. Ringgan; and Fleda settled herself again to enjoy the trees, "Shall I tell mamma, Fleda," said young Rossitur, "that you "I know that," said Fleda, whose eyes were dropping soft tears "Yes," said Fleda, gravely, "I think it's a pretty place. "I think it is very pleasant in November," said little Fleda, "No, not all, I suppose," said Fleda; "but I know a good many. "I think, Miss Fleda," said Mr. Carleton, a minute after, "you "No," said Fleda, smiling a little, � "I shall not let any one "Do you know we set off for Paris to-morrow?" said Mrs. Carleton the last evening of their stay, as Fleda came up to "Who came with you, dear Fleda?" said Mrs. Rossitur then. "I was looking at Hugh," said Fleda, and her eye went back to ./cache/18690.txt ./txt/18690.txt