id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 62580 Wells, Basil Quest's End .txt text/plain 4573 333 85 And now another space ship was coming to Earth, coming to check on his plans to destroy the Orthans called for many tons of explosives. many tons of explosives to penetrate the tough hull of the space ship Thig's space ship moved almost silently through the water offshore. Thig eased the limp body to the earth. Thig awaited the coming of the ship from Ortha on another island. "You are Thig?" said the even voice of the man from Ortha. "By the Law of the Horde," said Urol slowly, "you should be destroyed All through that first night after the space ship landed beside his "They are the Mad Ones," Thig said. "You will be destroyed before we return to Ortha," said Urol. Until he came to Earth, Thig had never known that there was such will destroy the ship and myself." Thig let the life boat drop away from the other ship. ./cache/62580.txt ./txt/62580.txt