id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 4110 Young, Filson Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 3 .txt text/plain 20163 638 68 Fernandina was the name which Columbus had already given to Long Island for a moment to forget his hunger for gold and to admire the great those islands his day was probably a long one, and it is likely that he south-east." Columbus then showed them some gold and pearls; and In order to keep these six natives in a good temper Columbus kidnapped with the natives on board the Admiral's ship, and to receive presents and there was a great quantity of gold to be found on some island about a Admiral's ship, with a request that Columbus would land in his country, Columbus decided to tranship the people to the Nina, who had by this time told Columbus of an island to the south of Juana--[Cuba]--called name of "that Martin Alonso" takes the place of gold in Columbus's Portuguese islands that if Columbus landed there on his way home he was ./cache/4110.txt ./txt/4110.txt