id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 4108 Young, Filson Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 1 .txt text/plain 23180 821 67 valuable record of the established facts in Columbus's life, has proved a attitude of our primitive man, standing on the sea-shore and looking out man of our thoughts looked forth from these windows, a common little boy. Christopher was fourteen years old when he first went to sea. Christopher Columbus began his sea travels. The lives that the sea absorbs are passed in a great variety of adventure The long years that Christopher Columbus spent at sea in making voyages The history of the exploration of the world up to the day when Columbus The world that Columbus had heard about as being within the knowledge of the Old World to set foot upon the shores of the New, but on the fact Columbus had not been long in Portugal before he was off again to sea, who had come back from Porto Santo while Columbus was living in Lisbon, ./cache/4108.txt ./txt/4108.txt