id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 1488 Brooks, Elbridge S. (Elbridge Streeter) The True Story of Christopher Columbus, Called the Great Admiral .txt text/plain 29251 1432 85 story of Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered America. sailors, felt as though he would like to sail away to far-off lands and So when Columbus said that he wanted to sail away toward this dreadful The agreement made between Columbus and the king and queen of Spain was At the time of Columbus's voyage the king and queen of Spain were because Columbus wished to sail from there, the king and queen ordered away to the West, Columbus in the Nina sailed into Palos Harbor. company of fifteen hundred men, Columbus the Admiral set sail from Cadiz So the twelve ships sailed back to Spain, and Columbus, with his five More letters came from Columbus asking the king and queen to let him So Columbus, as I have told you, sailed back to Spain. But to the most of the people Columbus was still the great Admiral. ./cache/1488.txt ./txt/1488.txt