id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 42160 Various The Nursery, November 1881, Vol. XXX A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers .txt text/plain 5086 492 98 "O MAMMA!" said little Jessie one stormy afternoon, "I'm tired of "Call kitty," said her mother, "and let her try to catch this ball while Her mamma laughed, and said, "I think we can manage that, dear. with kitty cuddled in her arms, and said, "We have had a jolly time, word for such a little girl, and she said it quite slowly. "Yes, dear," mamma said, smiling, "and I think I know somebody else who So I said, "You look tired, my little girl: will "A little tired, madam," she said; "but I do not mind, for Marie will be "Yes," said uncle Tom: "I will take the big wagon, and there will be "The boy must be deaf if he does not hear that," said uncle Tom. Then "I cannot go without my Jip," she said to her mother the day before ./cache/42160.txt ./txt/42160.txt