George Bernard Shaw Major Barbara Credits for Temi Rose Production of GB Shaw's Major Barbara Directed by Temi Rose CAST: Andrew Undershaft - Laurence Cantor Lady Britomart Undershaft - Lucy McMichael (Major) Barbara Undershaft - Rin Allen Stephen Undershaft - Jonathan Horvath Sarah Undershaft - Shariffa Wilson Adolphus Cusins - Paul Singleton Charles Lomax - Philip T. Casale Bronterre O'Brien Price - Jason Daniel Siegel Rummy (Romola) Mitchens- Joan Shepard Peter Shirley - Jerry Sodgers Bill Walker - Matthew L. Imparato Jenny Hill - Nathalie Frederick Mrs. Baines - Eve Sorel Morrison & Bilton - Gardiner Comfort Narrator - Temi Rose MUSIC CREDITS Scene 1.1 Onward Christian Soldiers, Salvation Army Band Bands of the Salvation Army Album: Jerusalem Year 2003 Scene 1.5 Scanned/music for lungs and bellows. Will Duke, concertinas, voice; Dan Quinn, melodeons, voice. 2001, Hebemusic HEBE CD 003 and Onward Christian Soldiers, Salvation Army Band Bands of the Salvation Army Album: Jerusalem Year 2003 Scene 2.1 The Big Day In. Simon Thoumire, concertina; David Milligan, piano, 2001, Foot Stompin' Records CDFSR17B Scene 2.8 Bach Preludio Partita 3 and Onward Christian Soldiers, Salvation Army Band Bands of the Salvation Army Album: Jerusalem Year 2003 Scene 3.1 Andante from Italian Concerto BWV 971 - Bach Catrin Finch (harp) Scene 3.5 Orfeo ed Euridice (excerpt) - Gluck Paula Robison (flute) Mariko Anraku (harp) Scene 3.9 same Recorded December 22, 2011 at the Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York City. WEBSITE FOR THE PROJECT WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND LINKS