The staves of beauty & bands opened in a sermon preached at Yarmovth, August 23, 1663 / by Edward, Lord Bishop of Norwich. Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. 1663 Approx. 114 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 46 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2005-10 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A57166 Wing R1290 ESTC R2972 11787242 ocm 11787242 49141 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A57166) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 49141) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 546:6) The staves of beauty & bands opened in a sermon preached at Yarmovth, August 23, 1663 / by Edward, Lord Bishop of Norwich. Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. [8], 83 p. Printed by T. Ratcliffe for George Thomason ..., London : 1663. Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. 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Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site . eng Bible. -- O.T. -- Zechariah II, 7 -- Sermons. Concord -- Sermons. 2003-12 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2003-12 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2005-02 Rachel Losh Sampled and proofread 2005-02 Rachel Losh Text and markup reviewed and edited 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE STAVES OF Beauty & Bands . Opened in a SERMON Preached at YARMOVTH , August 23. 1663. By the Right Reverend Father in God , EDWARD Lord Bishop of NORWICH . Augustin . de Tempore , Ser. 169. Meritum Christianae virtutis vilescit in Cunctis , si unitatem non habet pacis ; nec pervenit ad vocabulum Filii , nisi per nomen Pacifici . Id. de Civit. Dei. l. 15. c. 22. Vera & brevis Definitio Virtutis est Ordo Amoris . LONDON , Printed by T. Ratcliffe for George Thomason at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Churchyard . 1663. To the Right Worshipfull the Magistrates , and to the Reverend Ministers , and other Members of the Corporation of Yarmouth in Norffolk . Dearly Beloved , THIS Sermon was Preached before you in order to the Peace and Vnity of the Church of God amongst you : and I presume in order to the same good end I was by You pressed to the publishing of it . Which motion I have the more readily entertained , that the Arguments unto so necessary a duty , which I found prevalent with you then , might he always at your hand , to revive in you the same affections . And truly those many men in all parts of this Nation , who , upon whatsoever plausible and specious pretences , have given entertainment unto novel opinions , ( never before these loose times heard of in the Church of God ) and thereupon do forsake the Assemblies , and disturbe the peace of an Orthodox and Reformed Church , little consider the advantage they give the Common Adversary : who no doubt rejoyceth to see us break one another with our own hands , whom they with theirs hither to have not been able to harm ; As Vespasian is observed by Josephus to have done in the siege of Jerusalem , not choosing to storme the Jewes by any hostile assault , while they were destroying one another by their Intestine confusions . Certainly what ever prejudices weak and credulous men may have their eyes dazled withall , Divisions and Contentions in the Church have alwayes fleshly lusts at the bottome of them , as the Apostle assureth us , 1 Cor. 3. 3. Nor are they only fruits of sinne in men , but evidences of wrath in God , and sad symptomes of his further displeasure . When Manasse is against Ephraim , and Ephraim against Manasse , and both against Judah , it is a sign that Gods anger is not turned away , but that his hand is stretched out still . Shismes in a Church being like Leaks in a ship , or breaches in a Sea bank , which threaten speedy and extremest danger . And therefore all who wish well to Sion should listen unto Healing and Vniting Counsels , not suffering in so important a businesse , as the Peace and prosperity of the Church , any secular designes , single , or divided Interests , carnal animosities , or perverse disputes , to embitter their spirits or alienate their affections from other their brethren , heirs of the same common salvation : or to draw them away from the Communion of that Church , from whose breasts they have often sucked the sincere milk of the word , and in whose fellowship they may still undoubtedly partake of all the means of Salvation . The Lord grant that all of us in all places of the Land , both Pastors and People may be unanimously zealous for the Peace of the Church . That Ministers by sound and wholesome doctrine , which cannot be disproved by holy , humble , prudent , and peaceable Lives , and by unwearied diligence and fidelity in their Callings , may stop the mouthes , and winne upon the affections of their Gain-sayers : and that the People may not lean on their own wisdome , nor be carryed away blind-fold with uncharitable prejudices , or with every winde of doctrine , but may yeild themselves to the guidance of their faithfull Pastors , and be swift to hear , slow to speak , slow to wrath ; for Contention is usually the mother of disobedience . Now the Lord of Peace himself give you peace always by all means ; the Lord be with you all . Yours in all Christian affection to serve you , Ed. Norvic . THE Staves of BEAUTY and BANDS Opened in a SERMON preached at Yarmonth , August 23. 1663. Zechar. 11. 7. I took unto me Two Staves ; the one I called Beauty , and the other I called Bands , and I fed the Flock . THERE was no Office which Christ undertook , no Ministery which he instituted in his Church , which was not by him directed and intended unto such excellent Ends , as whereby the Honour and Welfare thereof might be advanced . When in this place he assumed his Pastoral Office to Govern and guide his Flock , he doth by the names of these two Staves acquaint us with two noble Ends of that Service ; The Restoring of Beauty to his Church corrupted , and of Unity to his Church divided ; Of both which we shall , by Gods Assistance , take a brief View . First , He Feedeth and Ruleth his poor Flock with his Staff called Beauty , his Word , Ordinances , and Government , being , as glorious things in themselves , so the special Beauty and Honour of the Church that enjoy them . Thus among the people of the Jews , the a Ark and the Tabernacle are called their Glory ; in which respect the b Apostle saith , That unto Israel did pertain the Adoption , and the Glory , because the Covenants , the Law , the Service of God , aud the Promises were theirs : As to external Pomp and Splendor , the great c Monarchies of the world went far beyond them , ( for they were the ●ewest of all People : ) but herein was their Preheminence , and Primogeniture , ( as the Lord saith , Israel is my d first horn ) herein was their e double portion above all other Nations , that they had the Oracles of God committed unto them , that they were intrusted with the f Custody of that g honourable Law , which as the Apostle sairh , was h holy , just , and good . And in like manner in the Christian Church , the Gospel , which is the i Law of Christ , is called by the Apostle a k glorious Gospel , because it is the l Riches and the Salvation of those that enjoy it ; insomuch that the very feet of those that bring glad Tidings thereof , are said to be Beautiful , Rom. 10. 15. and therefore as we m read of Moses , that his Face shined when he came down from the Mount ; to signifie the n Glory and Luster of the Legal Ministery , as the Apostle teacheth us : so likewise do we read of Christ , that his o face shined as the Sun , in his Transfiguration on the Mount , to signifie the p far more excellent Glory of the Evangelical Ministery of Life and Righteousness ; in which respect he is called the q Glory of his people , and a r Diadem of Beauty unto the residue of them ; for where Christ walketh in the midst of the golden Candlesticks , having his Ordinances in their vigonr and Efficacy duly administred , he thereby rendereth his Church beautiful in these four Respects . 1. By the Verity of his heavenly Doctrine ; When a people are taught of the Lord , then their Stones are laid with fair Colours , and their Foundations with Saphires , their Windows of Agates , their Gates of Carbuncles , and their Borders of precious Stones , Isa. 54 , 11 , 12 , 13. When the earth is full of the knowledge of the Lord , then is his rest , or the place of his abode glorious , Isa. 11 , 9 , 10. and therefore when Christ was s ascended up on high , far above all heavens , that he might fill all things , he gave unto his Church , Apostles , Prophets , Evangelists , Pastors and Teachers , in order to the perfecting and edifying of his body , and carrying it on unto the measure of the stature of his fulness , wherein alone the Beauty thereof consisteth . 2. By the Purity of Spiritual Worship ; When Sacrifices are offered with acceptance upon Gods Altar , ( and none are so bnt t spiritual Sacrifices ) then doth he glorifie the house of his Glory , and beautifie the place of his Sanctuary , and make it an eternal Excellency ; then doth he give gold for brass , and silver for iron ; then doth he call the Walls of the Church Saivation , and her Gates Praise , Isa. 60. 7 , 13. 15 , 17 , 18. Therefore the second Temple , though far inferior in outward Splendor to the former , is said to exced that in Glory , because unto it the desire of all Nations should come , and set up the●ein his Spiritual Worship , Hag. 2. 3 , 7 , 8 , 9. For as the soul , which is the breath of Life , puts Beauty into the Body , so the Spirit of Christ poured out upon his Church , doth enliven and beautifie that , and turn the u wildernesse into a fruitful field . 3. By Sanctity of Life , renewing them after the image of Christ ; for when the Church is sanctified , and clensed with the washing of Water by the Word , then it is fit to be presented unto Christ as a glorious Church , Ephes. 5. 26 , 27. Holinefs is called by the Apostle the w Renewing of the Holy Ghost , the x forming of Christ in us , the y quickning and creating us in him unto good Works . Look what Beauty the renewing of a ruinous and decayed Building bringeth upon that , what Beauty the Re-union of a living Soul unto a gastly body doth restore unto that , what Beauty the Creation brought upon the void and indigested Chaos , when it was wrought unto that goodly Frame and Sructure which we now behold ; the same , and much more , doth the forming of Christ , and the Spirit of Holiness bring upon our deformed and defiled nature by the Efficacy of the Ordinances . 4. By Decency of Order , rendering the Church z beautiful as Tirzah , comely as Ierusalem , terrible as an Army with Banners ; Thus the Church of Israel marched in the Wilderness in the manner of a formed Camp , with exquisite beauty and order , whereof we have an ample description , Numb . 2. In like manner the new Jerusalem , which descended out of Heaven , beautified with the Glory of God , whose street was pure gold as transparent glass , whose foundation was garnished with all manner of pretious stones , is said to be four-square , having an accurate proportion and symmetry in all the parts thereof , Rev. 21. 16. And thus the Apostle directed all things to be done in the Church of Christ with Decency and Order , 1 Cor. 14. 40. and rejoyced to see the Order which was in the Church of the Colossians , Col. 2. 5. When every Member keepeth his own Rank , and every Officer doth his proper Duty , according to the a Pattern and b Commission given him by Christ , then is the Pastoral Office administred with the Staff of Beauty . In one word , the Ordinances are thus the Beauty of a Church , because in and by them Christ is spiritually present therein , and the Treasures of his Grace are unfolded unto it . He who is the c chiefest among ten thousand , and altogether lovely , who was the d desire of all Nations , and the e hope of Glory to his people , in comparison of whose f Excellencies all other things are but losse and dung , whose very g Afflictions and Reproaches are preferred before the Pleasure and Riches of the world , in whose very h Sufferings there is joy , he is in his Ordinances k evidently set forth before our eyes ; his l Righteousness the Robe wherewith his Church is cloathed , his m Comlinesse the Beauty wherewith she is adorned , and made n high above all the people in Praise , and in Name , and in Honour , by her interest in him , and relation unto him , she hath a new name given her , o Hephzibah the Lords delight , who deligheth over her as the Bridegroom over the Bride , esteeming her p his rest , his dwelling place , his desire , so that q glorious things are spoken of her . These Beauties of Christ in his Ordinances , and in his Church by means of them , were typified and prefigured by the r glorious Garments of the Priests , with allusion whereunto we are said in Baptism s to put on Christ , whose Righteousness is unto his Church a t Garment of Praise . By the splendor of the Tabernacle , and of Solomons Temple , and all the Vessels and Utensils belonging unto the Worship of God therein , all which were exceeding glorious and magnificent ; for the building and providing whereof , David prepared as immense a u Treasure as we shall likely read of in any History ; in which respect that holy house is called the Throne of Gods Glory , Jer. 14. 21. By the City Jerusalem , w the mountain of the Lords holiness , and the Joy of the whole earth ; by the x holy oyl , wherewith the Tabernacle , the Ark , the holy Vessels and Priests were anoynted , compounded of the principal spices after the Art of the Apothecary ; by the beautiful order which was in y Solomons Family ; by the dressing and preparing of a z Bride for the Bridegrome , as we read of the long and costly purification of the Virgins to go into King Ahasuerus , Est. 2. 12. So here , in the Ordinances , the Spouse of Christ is a attired and made ready , being arraied in fine linnen , clean and white , and thereby b prepared unto Glory , and unto every good work . Lastly , By a c strait , smooth , even and pleasant path , wherein is no Crookedness , from whence all d stumbling blocks and offences are removed . The Author and Efficient of all this Beauty is the Lord , all whose e works are perfect , who hath made every thing f beautiful in his time . The summe and total of all Gods works are , the World and the Church ; the world is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , for the Beauty and Comliness of of it ; in the which every thing was g very good when the Lord took a view of it . But the Lord hath chosen his Church upon which to bestow more abundant Glory . It is called a Land of Ornament , Dan. 11. 16. A land of Desire , Jer. 3. 19. in the building whereof the Lord is said to appear in his Glory , Psa. 102. 16. The World is beautified with the power and wisdom of God ; the Church besides that , with his Love and Grace : in the World we have the foot-prints of his Greatness , but in the Church we have the Image of his Holiness : The World was made by him , the Church like him ; the World to shew forth his Glory , the Church to enjoy it ; the World a Tenement for his Creatures to dwell in , the Church a Palace for himself to dwell in ; he hath h desired it for his Habitation , it is his Rest for ever . Above all Excellencies , Holiness is the Beauty of a Creature ; and therefore the Angels , who excell in all created perfection , are above all other Appellations honoured with the name of Saints Deut. 33. 2. they differ not in nature from Devils , in Holinesse they do . Derived Holiness consisteth in conformity to primitive holiness . The Lord is most holy in himself , and our holiness standeth in his Image and Likeness , so far forth as he hath by an holy Law made his Holiness a pattern for ours . And when we threw away that Image of God , wherein our created Holiness consisted , and the Lord was pleased in any of us to renew it again ; he did it by the pattern of his beloved Son , who is the i Image of the invisible God , and the Character of his person , full of Grace and Truth . Now then according to the Excellency of the pattern , we are to measure , and take an estimate of that Beauty , wherein we are conformable unto that pattern ; and what pattern more glorious then the blessed God , and the Holy Son of God , the chiefest of ten thousand ? unto whom therefore the conformity of a Creature must be its chief and principal Beauty . There are several Attributes or Properties whereby the Excellency of this Beauty may be further discovered . 1. Light and Luster ; for as a great part of the Corporal Beauty is in the life and vigour of the eye , so of spiritual Beauty in the clarity and brightness of the mind ; when the Lord , a who commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness , shineth in our Hearts , to give the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ ; as the Sun is the greatest Beauty of the visible world , so Christ , as a b Sun of Righteousness , by the c Excellency of his knowledge , is the glory and beauty of the invisible . 2. Rectitude & Straitness ; the wise man thus expresseth our primitive Beauty , that d God made man perfect ; and we do then recover this Beauty , when we are without e guil , and perverseness of Spirit ; when we make f strait paths for our feet to walk in , and g do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , go evenly according to the Truth of the Gospel . 3. Integrity and h Compleatness ; when all the parts and members of the new man are formed in us , and we do partake of the i fulness of Christ , Grace for Grace , as the Child of his parent , member for member . The Lord in the Law would not accept of a maimed Offering , Levit. 22 21 , 22. And when we offer up our selves a k living Sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God , we must be l sanctified throughout , and our whole Spirit , Soul , and Body must be preserved blameless : for wherever Christ is formed , though it be but in measure as to the degrees of Grace , yet that measure must be the m measure of every part , so that there is at once both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , as the Apostle speaks , a measure in regard of the Imperfection of every Grace , and yet a fulnesse in regard of the perfection of every part , or member of the new man. 4. Symmetry and an exact proportion of parts , and equal temperament of humours one with another , which in regard of Spiritual Beauty is called by n the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , an exactnesse of Obedience ; when there is such a due temper of Piety to God , Sobriety to our selves , and Righteousness to others , that none of these do obstruct the other , but that there is an equal o respect to all Gods Commandments , and such a supply and accurate distribution of vital influence , unto every member of the new man , that no part doth either swell or wither , that Zeal is not blind , nor Knowledge unfruitful , nor Faith without Love , nor the Duties of one Table without those of another ; but that we g●ow up unto p Christ in all things , and have an effectual working in the measure of every part . 5. Growth and Progress in these proportions ; for while we are in this world , we are still in our Minority , and therefore must still be contending towards perfection . To be a man in years , and a child in stature , is an unbeautiful thing . Christ hath no Dwarfs in his body ; though one man attain greater degrees of perfection then another , yet all are in a growing condition : the life of Christ in us being a a life that abounds ; and his Grace like the b waters of the Sanctuary rising up higher and higher . Lastly , Indeficiency , wherein spiritual Beauty surpasseth all other ; for c bodily favour is deceitful , and Beauty vain , it runneth all at last into wrinkles and deformity ; but as Christ himself d never saw Corruption , no more doth the Beauty that he brings to the Soul with him . They e who are planted in the Lords house , do flourish in his Courts , and are fat and fruitfull in their old age . As we may truly say of sin in a wicked man , Concupiscenti● non senescit , though nature wax old and infirm , yet Lust doth not : so we may say of Grace in a good man , Charitas non senescit , it is not apta nata of it self to decay , but proceeds from strength to strength . The ends of the Ordinances do likewise further evidence this Beauty of theirs unto us : For they are by Christ intended for such purposes as these . 1. To Quicken us , and to fashion him in us . By nature we are f dead in trespasses and sins , and death ever induceth deformity ; but by the holy Spirit of Christ working in and by his Ordinances , we are restored unto his g life and likeness , and h conformed unto the Image of him who is altogether lovely . 2. To clense and purifie us from all Defilements ; for the i fear of the Lord is clean , and his Commandment pure both in it self , and in its operations ; his precious k promises by our l faith in them , and by our hope and expectation of them , m do clense us from all filthiness of flesh and Spirit , and cause us to purifie our Selves even as he is pure , that we may n offer unto the Lord an Offering in Righteousnesse , that our Offerings may be pleasant unto him . 3. To heal us of all our spiritual distempers , whereby the Beauty of the Soul is dimmed or impaired . As many of Christs o Miracles were shewed in making the blind see , the deaf hear , the lame leap , and in curing of all manner of sickness and disease ; so the spiritual vertue of his holy Ordinances is seen in spiritual Operations consonant unto those , in which respect he is called a p Physician to bind up the broken hearted , and to heal the stroke of the wound of his people ; He is the q tree of life , whose leaves are for the healing of the Nations . 4. To comfort us , to wipe away all tears from our eyes , all sorrow from our hearts , and thereby to make our faces shine ; for as r Moses , by extraordinary Converse with God on the Mount , had a lustre on his face , so in some proportion , all Communion with him doth , by the spiritual comfort , bring a s Beaury upon holy men , filling them with the peace of God which passeth understanding , and with Joy which is unspeakable and glorious . 5. To fit and prepare us for the Lord himself to delight in , that his Image in us may t attract the eye and heart , the love and delight of the Lord of Glory unto us ; the Lord hath u set apart the man that is godly for himself , hath w chosen Israel for his peculiar Treasure , hath x formed them for himself to shew forth his praise , and y purified them unto himself for a peculiar people ; and because the Church is in this special manner z Gods own , therefore he will in special manner put his Comliness upon her , and will a beautifie the place of his Sanctuary ; as he is called the b Glory of his people Israel , so he hath hononred his people Israel with this high dignity , to be called c His Glory Lastly , The manner of Christs Governing his Church by his Ordinances is full of Beauty and Sweetness ; with a d still voice , with the e cords of a man , & with the bands of Love , f he gathereth the Lambs in his arm , and carryeth them in his Bosome ; as g one whom his Mother comforteth , so doth he comfort them ; he doth not h break the bruised reed , nor quench the smoaking flax ; he deals with perswasions and entreaties , by his Ambassadors , i beseeching us to be reconciled unto God : he k leads his Flock by still waters , and into green pastures , through l ways of pleasantnesse , and paths of peace ; he m doth not afflict willingly , nor grieve the children of men ; In the n midst of wrath he remembreth Mercy ; when he causeth grief , he sheweth compassion ; and when o he speaks against Ephraim , he earnestly remembreth him still ; he hath set up a sweet order in his Church both in Doctrine and Policy , managing both with p meeknesse and gentlenesse , q preaching peace , r proclaiming Liberty , erecting over his people a s Banner of Love ; and though he have an t iron Rod for his enemies , yet he holdeth forth a golden Scepter to his people , ruling in their hearts by a spirit of Adoption , and by a Law of Love. Thus he feedeth his Church by his Staff called Beauty ; Great therefore is the Indignity which they offer unto Christ , who despise the sweetness of this his Government , the u waters of Shiloah which go softly , refusing to submit to his w easie yoake , being x offended at the severity and Sanctity of his Doctrine , saying in their hearts like those in the Gospel , Luke 19. 14. We will not have this man to rule over us , disdainfully undervaluing that y great salvation , which he by his pretious blood purchased for them , and by the word of his Grace doth continually tender unto them ; Spretae injuria formae is no small dishonour done to him who is the Lord of Glory . Great the Thankfulness we owe unto him , for the fruit of this his Beautiful and amiable Government , that we who were z enemies unto him by wicked works , and were well pleased with that our misery , should , by the power of his Spirit , a be translated from the Tyranny of Satan , into the kingdom of Grace , and be made a b willing people , beautified with his Salvation . Great the value we ought to set upon the Ordinances of the Gospel , the Staff of c Beauty by which he governeth his Flock , the d Ornaments and Bracelets , the Chain and Jewels which he sendeth unto his Spouse to adorn her withal ; No man cometh unto Christ , till he seeth Beauty in him ; and vain men , e who love their Lusts better then their life , are naturally prejudiced against his holy ways : He is to the f Disobedient a stone of stumbling , a rock of Offence , g a sign to be spoken against . Now by the Light and Majesty of the Ordinances , this prejudice is removed , and h we all , with open face beholding , as in a glass , the Glory of the Lord , are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory , even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Great the Duty which we owe to the Gospel , to bear witness unto the Beauty thereof by our holy Conversation : To i think on those things which are venerable , just , pure , lovely , and of a good report , which k adorn , and l become the Gospel , and are m worthy of that high Calling wherewith we are called ; to remember that we are n vessels of Honour , to be purged and sanctified , that we may be meet for our Masters use ; that we are o Temples of the Holy Ghost , separated unto his special service and presence ; And if any man defile the Temple of God , him will God destroy ; That we are a p redeemed and a peculiar people , whom Christ hath purified q unto himself ; That r without Holiness our prayers and Sacrifices are but an abomination ; For as s without Holiness no man can see God , so without Holiness no man can serve him ; t What hath my Beloved to do in my house , saith the Lord , seeing she hath wrought lewdness ? The Lord will be sanctified in all that draw nigh unto him . We should thereforeall in our several places , especially those unto whom the Pastoral Dignity and Trust doth appertain , use our utmost care to preserve the Church of God amongst us in that honour and beauty which belongs thereunto ; not corrupting the Doctrine thereof , or obtruding any meer problematical , much less false and unsound positions of our own , upon the faith of our Hearers ; not corrupting the Worship thereof either with superstition , or irreverence , not suffering either the meer Form of Godliness to swallow up the power , or the pretence of power to shut out the Form , but to give the Lord both that inward and outward Honour , which is due to his holy name in all our solemn Attendances upon him ; not corrupting the sanctity thereof either with Hypocrisie or Prophaness , with meer specious Pretences of Holiness on the one hand , or with open and downright Contempt thereof on the other . Lastly , Not corrupting the Decency and Order thereof ; either by burthening Gods Service with an excessive number of needless Observances ; or on the other side censuring and deserting the Communion of a Sound and Orthodox Church , because the Order thereof doth not in every particular please us . Thus is the Church to be fed and Ruled with the former of our Prophets Staves , The Staff Beauty . Secondly , Christ , as the chief Shepherd , by his Spirit and Power , and his Under-Officers , by their Ministery and Service , do feed and rule his Church by his Staffe called Bands , procuring and advancing the Unity thereof , and gathering together into one all the members belonging thereunto , that the whole body may be fitly joyned together and compacted without Schisms and Divisions , which is a singular and eminent Blessing of God thereunto . God made man at the first after his own Image , so that as the Lord is wholly one and undivided in himself , no dissonancy between any of his Attributes , Decrees , or Counsels ; so in man as he came out of Gods hands , there was an exact harmony and agreement ; his Affections consonant unto his Will , his Will to his Reason , and his Reason to God. And being thus perfectly One with himself , he could not but be one likewise with others , who were perfectly like himself , as finding nothing more in them , from the which to differ , then in himself . But when sin came into the world , it brake the bond of Union between God and man , making us u enemies unto him by wicked works , and so w separating between him and us , and hiding hie face from us . It brake the bond of Union between a man and himself , the Will rebelling against the Mind , the Sensitive part against the rational , one x lust warring against another , and all against the Soul. It brake the bond of Union between man and man , between one wicked man and another , upon the ground of different Interests , y hateful and hating of one another ; between wicked men and good men , upon the ground of contrary seeds , the the Lord having z put enmity between the Seed of the woman , and the Seed of the Serpent ; Because God hath chosen his Church out of the world , therefore the a world hateth them ; When he had his Church only in one single people , the Jews , who dwelt alone , and were b not reckoned among the Nations , we find not only in the c Scriptures , but also in d prophane Writers how great scorn and contempt was cast upon chem by those of other Nations . And when Christian Religion began to obtain in the world , the like horrible Reproaches were cast upon Christians , as we read of Thyestaea convivia , & Oedipi incestus , in e Tertullian , f Eusebius , and g others . So true is that of Solomon , He that is upright in the way , is an abomination unto the wicked . This Enmity Christ came to heal , and to remove , by preaching , and by giving peace unto men , working the hearts of his people to be at unity and peace one with another ; in which respect Christ saith of his Church , My Dove , my undefiled is but one , Cant , 6. 9. Now a thing may be said to be one two manner of ways ; there is unum per unitatem , when a thing is so one , as that it doth not any way consist of many , as God is one by the absolute simplicity of his Nature , without any diversity of part and part , power and act , matter and form , subject and accident , being and not being : There is likewise unum per unionem , when one thing is constituted , and made up of many things united and joyned together , and thus the Church is One. h We being many , saith the Apostle , are one bread , and one body . And again , as the body is one , and hath many members , and all the members of that one body , being many , are one body , so also is Christ. In this respect it is compared sometimes to an i Army , made up of many Souldiers , ordered into Companies and Regiments , under the Command of one General , called the k Captain of the Host of the Lord , and the l Captain of our Salvation . Sometimes to m a City compacted together , and accurately proportioned in all the parts and measures thereof : Sometimes to the Tabernacle of the Congregation , wherein n divers Curtains were coupled and joyned together , by loops and taches , into one Sanctuary : Sometimes to the Temple , o wherein many goodly stones were framed and fitted into a Magnificent Structure , in which respect the Church is p called the House of God , the Houshold of Faith , the q whole Family of Heaven and Earth , a r building fitly framed together , and growing unto a holy Temple in the Lord : Sometimes to a s Vine , consisting of one root and many branches ; and to a t body , wherein many members are conjoyned under one Head , and animated by one Soul. Thus the Church is One. And albeit we frequently read in the plural u of the Churches of the Saints , the Churches of Asia , of Macedonia , of Galatia , of Syria and Cilicia , yet all these are members of one and the same Catholick Church , as many Cities of one Kingdome , and many houses of one City . For all the persons , all the Assemblies and Associations in the world , who acknowledge and worship one true God , and one Mediator between God and Man , the Lord Jesus , walking by one and the same rule of Faith and Love in the Gospel , do all make up but one Catholick Church . And the former Resemblances and Similitudes whereby it is expressed , lead us to the consideration of a threefold Unity in the Church . 1. An Unity by way of Disposition and Order , as in an Army or Building . 2. An Unity by way of Composition , or integral Completion , as between the parts of the body unto the perfection of the whole . 3. An Unity by way of Constitution , or Essential Concurrence of Soul and Body unto one man or of the Subject , and vital principles whereby it is animated . There is then in the Church 1. An Unity of Order , as the Apostle rejoyced when he beheld the w Order of the Church at Colosse . And this consisteth , 1. In Variety of Offices , and in the due and regular Subordination of those one unto another , and of the body unto them all , as the x Apostle telleth us , that God hath set in the Church first Apostles , secondarily Prophets , thirdly Teachers , &c. And that Christ when he ascended up on high , gave some Apostles , and some Prophets , and some Evangelists , and some Pastors , and Teachers , for the perfecting of the Saints , for the work of the Ministry , for the edifying of the body of Christ ; and these the y Apostle requireth the rest of the Body to Esteem very highly in love , to obey them , and submit themselves , unto them , because they watch for their Souls ▪ 2. In Variety of Ordinances in the which z Christ is set forth before the eyes of his people ; Such are Reading the Scripture , for as in that Church of the Jews , a Moses and the Prophets were read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day ; So the b Apostle directeth the Reading of his Epistl●s in the Christian Church . Preaching of the Word , c how shall they hear , saith the Apostle , without a Preacher ? and how shall they preach except they be sent ? Prayer , as the Temple is called d an house of Prayer for all people , and Peter and John went up to the Temple at the hour of Prayer : Baptism , e Go and teach all Nations , Baptizing them in the name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost . The Supper of the Lord ; f The Cup of Blessing which we bless , is it not the Communion of the blood of Christ ? the bread which we break , is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ ? 3. In variety of Gifts , which the Lord doth g severally divide as it pleaseth him , for the profit and good of the whole body . In the Administration of which Ordinances , Offices , and Gifts , such Decency and Order is to be observed , as that it may appear , that in all the Churches of the Saints , God is a h God of Peace , and not of Confusion , ordaining in all of them , that i as God hath distributed to every man , & called every man , so he should abide with God within the Precincts of his own Calling , k not running before he be sent , but serving the Lord in that rank & station wherein he hath set him . 2. An Integral Vnity , as between all the parts of an intire body , joyned in due order together , unto the compleating of the whole ; and this Unity presupposeth a double Vnion ; the one of the body to the head , the other of the members to one another ; of both which the Apostle speaketh , Ephes. 4. 15 , 16. 1. There is a bond of Vnion between Christ and his body the Church ; l He that is joyned unto the Lord , is one Spirit ; and this Bond is on Christs part his Spirit , whereby he joyneth himself unto his Body , m we are an habitation of God through the Spirit ; and on a Believers part his Fatth , whereby he joyneth himself to Christ , and n appointeth him for his Head , by which means Christ dwelleth in the hearts of his people ; Both which the Apostle putteth together , calling it the o Spirit of Faith. 2 There is a Bond of Vnion between the members of the body amongst themselves , viz. The mutual Love of Believers unto one another , called the p Band of perfectness , whereby they are knit together ; for this Grace is that Cement which joyneth the Stones of this spiritual building into one Temple , being shed abroad into their hearts by the holy Spirit , and is therefore called the Love of the Spirit , Rom. 15. 30. as q elsewhere the Vnity , the Supply , and the Fellowship of the Spirit ; For where this Unity of Spirit and Love is , every member doth make a r Supply according to the measure which it self hath , for the increasing and edifying of the body , s walking together in the fear of the Lord , and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost . 3. An Essential Vnity , or as t St. Hilary calls it , Naturalis Vnitas ; as the body and the soul being joyned together maketh one man ; and thus Christ is said u to make in himself of twain one new man , by the participation of that w one Spirit which was x without measure poured out upon Christ the Head , and y from his Fulness shed abroad in such proportion upon his Members as he is variously pleased to dispence unto them ; by which means z Christ is formed in us ; liveth in us , and is a quickning Spirit unto us ; for the Spirit of Christ is that divine a seed , whereby we are regenerated unto his life and likeness , and as St. Peter expresseth it , are b partakers of the Divine Nature . 4. Consequent upon this Essential Vnity , whereby all the mystical members of Christ are animated and enlivened by one and the same quickning Spirit , doth follow a Moral unity of hearts and minds between all of them ; as it is said of the Primitive Christians , c that the multitude of them that believed , were of one heart , and of one soul. And this Moral unity is four-fold . 1. An Vnity of Faith , in the great and necessary Doctrines of Salvation , or in the d knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ , called by the Apostle the e Foundation , the f Principles of the Doctrine of Christ , the g form of sound words , the proportion or h Analogy of Faith , the i knowledge of Jesus Christ and him Crucified , the k doctrine and truth which is after godliness , l the Faith of the Gospel , the m Faith of Jesus , the n Mystery of Godliness , the o Rule by which we should walk , called by the Ancients , the Seed of Doctrine , the Character of the Church , the Rule which is common to small and great ; in one word , whatever Doctrine there is , the p knowledge whereof , and assent where-unto , is simply necessary unto Salvation ; in this all who shall be saved , do first or last most unanimously agree . Differences there may be , and usually are , in less necessary points , which are matters quaestionum , non fidei , as S. Austin speaks , for we q know but in part , and are not yet come to be perfect men ; and till the members have attained unto their full stature , there cannot be expected an universal consent , and harmony of judgements in all points , even among the best and most learned men ; in which case notwithstanding we should r receive one another in love and Brotherly Communion , because God himself receiveth even those who thus differ into his favour ; but the Spirit of God doth never fail to lead all that shall be saved into all necessary truths , and to preserve them from any damnable and pernicious doctrines . 2. Vnity in obedience , wherein all holy men do agree , albeit some may much exceed others in their progress and degrees of holiness ( as we may see by comparing the s Testimony given unto Asa , and unto Josiah ) such are t Repentance from dead works , without which we cannot be saved . u Reliance upon Christ alone by a sincere and unfeigned faith for Life and Salvation . w A true love of the Lord Jesus , and of all that are his . x A sincere regard unto all Gods Commandments , and an hatred of every false way . y A desire to fear Gods Name , and a purpose of heart to cleave unto him , and follow him fully . Lastly , z Self-denial , submitting our Will , and Reason , in all things to the Word and Will of God. There may be great differences in the spiritual growth and degrees of holiness between one Christian and another , a some sick , others healthy , some strong , others weak , some little children , others young men , some bruised reeds and smoaking flax , others bold as a Lyon. But this is obedientia parvis magnisque communis . 3. Unity in Worship : For though different Churches may have different observances in the External forms and modes of Divine Service , yet in the Substantials of Worship they all agree , viz. b that God is to be worshipped in spirit , and in truth , and to be c sanctified in all those that draw nigh unto him . That we are to call upon God only d in the Name of Christ , as our e alone Advocate and Mediator , f giving thanks unto God the Father by him . That we are g not to worship Creatures , who cannot know our hearts , nor answer our prayers , nor supply our wants , in whom we are not required to believe , but are to hold the head & h to keep our selves from Idols . 4. Unity in Ends and Designs ; for being Brethren in the i same Family , fellow - Citizens with one another , and of the houshold of Faith , having one Hope , one Lord , one Faith , one Baptisme , one God and Father of all ; the same Enemies to oppose , the same interests and common Salvation to look after , they consequently prosecute the same Ends , and do not only walk by the same Rule , but in so doing , do mind the same things , Phil 3. 16. It is true , being in part carnal , they do too much seek and serve themselves ; but so far forth as they have the same spirit , they are of the same mind with the Apostle , k to prefer the honor of Christ , and the service of his Church , above their own dearest interest , according to what our Saviour hath taught us , l If any man come to me , and hate not his Father , and Mother , and Wife , and Children , and Brethren , and Sisters , yea , and his own life also , he cannot be my Disciple . The Glory of God , the progress of the Gospel , the advancement of Christs Kingdome , the subversion of the Kingdome of Satan , the comforts and concernments of the Church of Christ , are in their hearts and endeavours still to promote ; as m the members of the Natural , so they of the Spiritual Body , have all a care one of another ; the end of the parts is the safety of the whole ; they are all partakers of one spiritual Nature , and all heirs of one common Inheritance ; and therefore as one principal fruit of the Communion of Saints , they aim at the same ends , and prosecute the same designes , joyning together in all Christian Services of Love against their common enemies , the World , the Flesh and the Devill . These are those several Unities which Christ by his Staffe called Bands doth preserve in his Church , thereby greatly beautifying and strengthning the same . Of this Peace he is both the m purchaser by the price of his blood , and the n Author by the Efficacy of his Grace , giving unto his people one heart and one way ; And lastly , The Bond by the Communion of his Spirit ; for o from him it is that the body is joyned and compacted together , as p the corner stone of a building fasteneth all the parts thereof unto one another ; and therefore the Apostle exhorteth us to be like minded , by Arguments drawn from Christ and his Spirit ; If there be any Consolation in Christ , if any Comfort of Love , if any Fellowship of the Spirit , if any Bowels and Mercies , fulfil ye my Joy , that ye he like minded , haveing the same love , being of one accord , of one mind , Phil. 2. 1 , 2. But it may be here objected against all this , that our Saviour himself telleth us , That he came not to send Peace but a sword , to set a man at variance against his father , and the daughter against her mother , Mat. 10. 34 , 34. which words q Buxtorf hath observed in the Talmund to be affirmed of the days of the Messiah ; and we see it plain by much experience ; many times , r saith St. Austin , a young man pleaseth God , and so doing displeaseth a wicked father , who is angry that God is preferred before him ; Fortior est gladius spiritualis separans quam copulans natura carnalis . s Baronius telleth us of Anastasia a Romane Lady , whom because she was a Christian , her own husband did cast in to prison , and miserably afflict , and so the t Apostle assureth us , that as Isaac was persecuted by his own brother Ishmael , so it is stil , They that are born after the flesh , do persecute them that are born after the Spirit , Gal. 4. 29. Where ever the Gospel is preached , they that embrace and obey it , are hated and virulently opposed by them that disobey it . In answer hereunto we say , That all this is accidental to the Gospel ; it is no fault in the Sun , if shining on a dunghill a stinking vapour be exhaled ; nor is it the fault of the Gospel , if by occasion thereof , the proud lusts of men be exasperated and enraged . When the Asyrians spoiled the Nations , and u none durst open the mouth , or peep , his Tyranny was not at all commended by such a doleful quietness . In like manner neither is the Gospel at all prejudiced by any such commotions , as through the lusts of wicked men , are meerly per accidens and occasionally stirred up by the preaching of it . When Christ went into Jerusalem to offer himself to them as their King , it is said , That the whole City was moved , Mat. 21. 10. And elsewhere , that there w was a division among the people because of him ; in like manner where ever he comes as a King to raign , there will be motions in the minds of the people ; there will be some who will say , x Nolimus hunc , we will not have this man to raign over us : and when their own pride and obstinacy are the causes of these motions , they yet charge all upon the Gospel and the Preachers thereof , as y if the land were not able to bear their words ; as Tertullus accused Paul , Act. 24. 5. We have found this man a Pestilent Fellow , and a Mover of Sedition among all the Jews throughout the world . As if the Chaffe should complain of the Fan , that all was quiet in the Barn till that came ; or the dross of the Furnace , that the m●ttal and that lay quietly together , till the fire severed them . Christ comes with a z Fan to purge his Floor , and with a refiners fire , to purifie the sons of Levi , and to gather his Church out of the world ; by which means he did occasion b the hatred of the world against it ; which would not have been , if all had obeyed the Gospel ; c but some receive it with scorn , and others with obedience , and hence it is that Offences come . But the Gospel per se in its own Nature , and in its proper and primarie Intention , is a word of Peace , and doth closely unite all that obey it unto Christ their head , and unto one another , by the firm bonds of Faith and Love , subduing the hearts of Wolves , Leopards and Lyons , Isa ▪ 11. 6. giving gifts even to the Rebellious , Psalm 68. 18. casting down every high thing that exaleth it self against the knowledge of God , 2 Cor. 10. 5. And besides , it is thus far a Staffe of Bands unto the Church farther , that though it doth thus exasperate the hearts , yet it doth usually muzzle and restrain the rage and power of wicked men , that d they are not able to perform the evils which they intend : so that by the Majesty and Authority thereof e Christ ruleth in the midst of enemies , f maketh them to be at peace with his people , g maketh Aegyptians to enrich them , h Moabites and Philistines shelter them , i Syrians bring gifts unto them , and the k enemies that afflicted them , bend , and profese to serve them . Now for the Application of this Doctrine , it teacheth us : 1. THat Christian Policy and Order , prudent , meek , religious Government , is a very great blessing to the Church of God , and greatly to be desired , because thereby Vnity and Concord are preserved among the Sheep of Christ , and as by a ferce or hedge they are thereby secured from the irruption of Wolves who would devour and make a prey of them ; and all leaven and chast which would soure the Lump , and corrupt the coin , is purged out , and fanned away . l When the unruly are admonished , and the weak strengthned , and the Feeble-minded comforted , and Hereticks rejected , and disorderly Walkers made ashamed , this greatly tendeth both to the honour , and to the health and safety of the Church of God. 2. It teacheth us to take heed of those m who cause divisions and breaches contrary to the Doctrine of Christ which we have received , who rend his Seamless Coat , and make their tongues and their pens bellows to blow up the flames of contention among Christians , biting , tearing , and devouring one another , of whom the Apostle saith , That they serve not the Lord Jesus but their own belly . It is noted by n Epiphanius as a wicked speech of Marcion the Heretick , Ego findam Ecclesiam vestram , & mi●tam fiffuram in ipsam in aeternum : And the Apostle maketh the ground of contentions and divisions in the Church to be fleshly Lusts , 1 Cor. 3. 3. Gal. 5. 20. It is a great sin to make an undue separation from the true Church of Christ. A sin against the Communion of Saints from which the Separation is made . A sin against the Unity and Peace of the Church , which we all ought with our utmost endeavours to preserve . A sin against the Spirit of Christ , which is thereby grieved , as the soul is pained by the wounds which are made upon the body . A sin against the honor of Christ , whose name is thereby exposed to contempt and reproach . A sin against a mans own edification , who thereby cutteth himself off from the means of Grace , and exposeth himself to the danger of Heresie and Contagion . And therefore those holy Fathers St. o Cyprian , p Augustine , and q Optatus , use to set forth the Atrocity and danger of this sin , by the greatness and strangeness of the Judgement , wherewith God punished it in Corah , Dathan and Abiram , and those who adhered unto them , whom the earth opened her mouth to swallow up ; and by the sore Judgement upon the ten Tribes , in their total rejection , for separating from the house of David , and the true Worship of God in Jerusalem . We should therefore take special heed of departing from the true Church of Christ , where his Word is truly taught , and where Christ the foundation is held , for every infirmity or blemish which we may conceive to be upon it ; for though the Apostle reproved many Corruptions and Abuses in the Church of Corinth , yet he blameth the Contentions , Emulations , Breaches and Divisions which were therein , 1 Cor. 1. 11 , 12 , 13. Of this sort were the Novatians , Luciferians , Donatists , Audians in the antient Church , who for laxness of Discipline , or other Corruptions which they apprehended to be therein , did withdraw & keep themselves apart from their Communion : To such as these it was a good speech of r Optatus , We have one Faith , one Baptism , one Conversation : We read the same divine Testaments , we are of the same Sheep●fold , we have been washed and wrought together , we are parts of the same garment , but ripped one from another , Sar●ura necessaria est , there wants nothing but that we be sewed up and reunited again . I shall not here enter upon any Polemical discourse to vindicate our own , or other Reformed Churches from that heavy Charge of Schism wherewith Pontificians implead us , for having forsaken the Communion of the Roman Church . Our Learned Writers have thus stated the Case . 1. That it is the t Cause , and not the Separation , that makes the Schismatick ; they who give the Cause , for which it is necessary to separate , are the Authors of the Schism ; for where there is a necessary Cause to separate , we are commanded by God so to do , 2 Cor , 6. 17. Rev. 18. 4. As we find when Jeroboam had corrupted the Worship of God , the Priests and Levites , and out of all the Tribes ; such as set their hearts to seek the Lord , departed from his Idolatry , 2 Chron. 11. 13 , 16 30. 11. For certainly one particular Church may reform it self , though another will not . 2. That they gave the Cause of this Breach and Separation , and that upon several accompts . 1. By u many and great Corruptions in Doctrine and Worship , whereby they themselves departed from the primitive Purity , which Errors and Corruptions they obtruded and imposed upon us as Conditions of their Communion . 2. By w great encroachments and usurpations upon the just power of Princes , and Liberties of Churches . 3. By x Tyranny in Excommunications , Persecutions and fiery Inquisitions , frighting and thrusting us from their Communion 4. By y refusing to be reclaimed , or healed of these distempers , in that they challenge a peculiar Infallibility , & a power to hold all other Churches under their Laws & Dominations . 3. That this was not a Secession from the z Catholick Church , nor from the Primitive Church , ( unto whose judgement we are willing to appeal ) but only from the Corruptions , Faction and Tyranny of a particular Church , with whom notwithstanding we retain an Unity still , in all points of Doctrine and Worship , which they hold consonant to the Will of God in his Word revealed , disowning nothing but those Errors and Additions which they have superinduced upon the Institutions of Christ. Lastly , That this is a not to set up a new Church which was never in the world before ; for the Church is the same now as formerly , only sick and overgrown with Corruptions then ; healed , weeded , purged and reformed now ; nor were there wa●ting in former ages , after those Corruptions prevailed in the Church , many Witnesses who appeared for the Truths then suppressed , greatly complained of the contrary abuses , and earnestly desired a reformation , as under the defection of the ten Tribes the Lord had seven thousand who had not bowed the knee to Baal , 1 Reg. 19. 18. and a Remnant according to the Election of Grace under the Apostacy of the Jews , Rom. 11. 1 , 5. 3. We should be exhorted to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace ; not to judge , despise , or condemn one another , but mutually to edifie where we agree , and to endeavour Reconciliation wherein we differ ; to be perfectly joyned together , if it be possible , in the same Judgement , to think , and to speak the same things ; however to mind the same End , to intend the same Common Salvation , to hold fast the same head , to pursue the same Interest , and however we go in several paths of the same Rode , yet still to have our faces towards the same City . Arguments to perswade unto this holy unity , to obey the Government of Christ under his Staffe Bands , are many and weighty . 1. A Contrario . Consider the Unity and Confederacy of Satan , and all his Instruments against Christ and his Church ; for our Saviour telleth us , that Satan is not divided against himself , Mat. 12. 26. We read of the b Gates of hell , whereby we understand the united Powers and Counsels of the kingdom of Darkness ag●inst the Kingdom of Christ ; and as Devils , so the wicked of the world joyn hand in hand against the Church ; they c consult together with one consent , and are confederate against it ; they will lay down their own private enmities to combine against Christ , as d Pilate and Herod did ; Fas est & ab hoste doceri ; if enemies unite to destroy the Church , should not we unite to preserve it ? especially considering what a c grave Historian noteth , That in the cause of Religion , every Subdivision is a strong Weapon in the hand of the contrary party . Our intestine Mutinies and Distempers , do the Enemies work for him . He may stand still , and please himself , to see us bite and devour one another . Again , Consider the Turpitude , Deformity and Danger of Schisms and Divisions , which are the same in a Political or Ecclesiastical body , as in the natural , wherein whatsoever mangleth and separateth part from part , doth greatly weaken and deform the whole . They gratifie the common enemy ; Hoc Ithacus velit . They grieve the holy Spirit , as wounds in the body natural put the soul to pain . They dishonour the holy . Gospel which is a Gospel of Peace . They loosen and weaken the Interest of Religion ; for when f we bite and devour one another , we are in danger to be consumed one of another . They minister occasion to prophane Spirits to turn Atheists , and cast off all Religion , as a thing of uncertainty , wherein the Professors thereof themselves know not how to agree . They have their foundation in carnal and sensual Interests , as Pride , Revenge , Discontent , Coveteousness , and other inordinate Lusts , and therefore are reckoned by the Apostle amongst the g Fruits of the flesh . If we examine the h Rise and Original of many of the antient Heresies , whereby the Peace of the Church hath been torn and mangled , we shall find that some carnal End or other , as Ambition , Animosity , Discontent , or other the like sins , have been the Basis on which they were reared . It was the speech of a graceless son to his mother , i Transferam me in partem Donati , & bibam sanguinem tuum ; as St. k Austin saith , Mater omnium Haereticorum superbia . It is a very true speech of l Baronius , ex Officina Sardanapali prodire consueverunt Haeresium sectatores . 2. A Necessa●●● from the the necessity of this excellent Duty ; and this is a twofold necessity , Necessitas praecepti , because it is commanded , Have peace one with another , Mark 9. 50. Necessitas Medii , because Peace and Unity amongst brethren in the Church , is an excellent means to m glorifie God , when with one mind and mouth we call upon him , and serve him with one consent ; and to further the Gospel , and gain it honour and credit even in the hearts of strangers : the Heathen themselves took notice of the love of Christians , as Minutius Felix telleth us , Vide , say they , ut se diligunt Christiani . 3. A possibili ; our endavours in this kind are not after things which are unattainable ; for n Christ hath by the blood of his Cross procured the Churches peace , and by his powerful Intercession o prayeth for it ; since therefore Christ p dyed not in vain , but did q see of the travel of his soul , and was r heard in every prayer which he made ; It is certain that the Lord will in due time pour out upon his people a spirit of Unity , and s close up the breaches of his Tabernacle : as it is our Duty to seek Peace , so is it his t promise to work it ; he is not the author of Confusion , but of Peace , as in all the Churches of the Saints , 4. A Facili , It is not only possible , but easie for Believers to be at peace one with another ; those things which are natural are ever wrought without difficulty , it is not hard for the Sun to shine , or the fire to burn , nothing more easie then for the members in one body to agree with one another : And Believers are members of the same body , and have one common spirit to actuate and animate them , and therefore should suffer and rejoyce together , and be kindly affectioned one towards another with brotherly love , as the Apostle argueth , Rom. 12. 4 , 10. 1 Cor. 1● . 12 , 13. 25. 26. 5. Ab Vtili ▪ from the great good & advantage which hereby cometh unto the Church ; it is as the dew of Hermon which bringeth a blessing with it ; it strengthneth against all adverse power , and maketh the Church terrible as an Army with Banners ; it openeth the passages for Communion of Saints , that they may derive good from one another by the supply that every joint maketh , as divers members in the body have divers uses , the eye to see , the ear to hear , the tongue to speak , the hand to work ; and these Uses mutually serviceable to the good of each other , and Vnion a necessary bond of this Service , so in the Church or body of Christ , every member hath his measure of gifts and graces , by which he may be profitable to the whole ; u one the Spirit of Wisdom , another of Knowledge ; one able to counsel , another to comfort ; one to exhort , another to rebuke , what is wanting in one , is supplied by another ; and this w supply is made by those joints whereby these divers members are united together . Love is the Vehiculum of all that help and service which one Christian man deriveth upon another ; hereby we x serve one another , and y edifie one another ; we bear with the infirmities , sustain the burdens , and rejoyce in the comforts , mourn in the sorrows , distribute to the necessities , pray for the souls of one another ; By this means the graces of the Church are more bright and resplendent , as the flame which ariseth out of united fewel , is much greater then that which each stick alone by it self doth render ; and hence it is that the servants of God do z love the habitation of his house , and the place where his honor dwelleth , a assembling themselves there together with one accord , because he hath promised b that in every place where he recordeth his name , he will come unto them , and bless them : and by this means there were added to the Church daily such as should be saved . 6. A Jucundo & honesto . It is not only good , but pleasant for brethren to dwell together in Vnity , not only as the dew of Hermon for profit , but as the c ointment on the head of Aaron for comfort and Delight . In the united d Assemblies of the Saints we behold the beauty of the Lord ; when the members are disjoynted , the body is deformed : Shave away the eye-brows only from the face , Quantillum decedit de corpore , quantum de pulchritudine , saith St. Austin , you much lessen the beauty , by so little lessening the body ; Now a Schism in the Church , is the same deformity as a mutilation in the body . 7. Ab Exemplo , from the great Examples which we have of Peace in the word . God known by the name of e a God of Peace , with whom his people having Acquaintance and Communion are at peace . Christ by the name of a f Prince of Peace , who as he is g not divided in himself , so neither should he be divided in his Members . Our h Consolation in him should make us be of one accord , and of one mind ; the Primitive Church a mirrour of Vnity and Peace ; the i multitude of believers were of one heart , and of one soul , & primum in unoquoque ; genere est Regula caeterorum . 8. Ab Evangelio , from the nature of the Gospel , which is called by the Apostle , a k Gospel of Peace , whereby we are l called unto peace ; by the power whereof the m rage of Lyons and Bears is calmed and subdued ; much more should the Sheep of Christ be preserved from biting and devouring one another ; it is a presage of rain and storms , when Sheep run heads together , and certainly it bodeth no good unto the Church when the Sheep of Christ are at discord one with another . Lastly , A Sacramentis , which are sigilla & vincula pacis : from the Sacraments which are the Seals and Bands of Christian Peace ; In Baptism we were n baptized into one body ; in the Lords Supper we being many , are o one Bread , and one body , for we are partakers of that one Bread ; as the Wine is made of many grapes pressed into one Liquor , and the Bread of p many grains moulded into one Lump , so the Church of many believers compacted together by one Spirit of Faith and Love into one mystical body . I shall conclude this Exhortation with two or three solemn and emphatical passages of the q Apostle , pressing Christians unto this duty ; Let us , saith he , follow after the things which make for peace , and things wherewith one may edifie another ; And again , I beseech you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , that ye all speake the same thing , that there be no divisions among you , but that ye be perfectly joyned together in the same mind , and in the same Judgement , And again , Be perfect , be of good comfort , be of one mind , live in Peace , and the God of Love and Peace shall be with you . And again , if there be therefore any Consolation in Christ , if any comfort of love , if any fellowship of the Spirit , if any Bowels and Mercies , fulfill ye my joy , that ye be like-minded , having the same Love , being of one accord , of one mind . Unto which I shall subjoyn the same Apostles pathetical prayer , The Lord of Peace himself give you Peace always by all means , and the God of Patience and Consolation grant you to be like minded one towards another , according to Christ Jesus , that you may with one mind , and with one mouth , glorifie God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Before I leave this seasonable and necessary Argument , let us in a few words consider , what is to be done in Differences of Judgement and Divisions of mind , to heal the breaches , and to recover the Peace of a disjointed and dilacerated Church . And here it cannot be denyed , but that in all ages of the Church , there have been , and still are like to be , Varieties of Judgement among the Members thereof . For 1. The best Proficients r know but in part , and Prophesie but in part . 2. There are many things very abstruse and difficult in the disquisition of divine Truth ; Religion hath its s 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , things hard to be understood , as well as other Sciences . 3. There is in many men much t weakness of Judgement , to make search and enquiry into these things , or to discover veritatem in puteo latentem . 4. There is much carelesness of heart in many men to try the spirits , and to prove all things ; they u sleep while the enemy soweth Tares . 5. There is in many men a Levity , Lubricity and Discomposedness of mind whereby they are apt to be w carried away with every wind of Doctrine , and out of Simplicity and Credulity to be wrought upon by the cunning of those who are skilful to deceive . 6. Some have x itching ears , hearkning always after new things , whom Manna will not please without Quails , who have some particular mens persons in admiration , and give up themselves by a blind obedience and implicite Faith , into their hands , to be led by them into novel and singular Opinions . 7. Prevailing of Lust and domestical Interest , doth in many men darken their mind , and entangle their Judgements , and betray them unto that sad condition of being y given over to strong Delusions to believe Lyes . Upon these and such like Reasons there have been always Differences in the Church : We find a contention between z Paul and Barnabas , and between Paul and Peter ; We find some for Paul , others for Apollo , and some for Cephas , and others for none of them all , but for Christ without them ; we find some a building upon the foundation Silver and gold , and others Hay and stubble . We read of great differences between the Eastern and Western Churches , touching the Observation of Easter , and between the Roman and African Churches in the matter of Rebaptization ; of many sharp Dissentions between sundry great and famous Bishops and Pastors of the antient Churches . To say nothing of the present sad experience which we may everywhere observe of the same Truth , the b Scripture hath foretold it , and it cannot be otherwise , that there must be Heresies and Offences ; nevertheless we must not hereby be discouraged from using all pious and prudent Endeavours for pacification of the persons so dissenting ; concerning which Accommodation we are to distinguish ; 1. Of Opinions , whereof some are in the c Foundation , in those primitive Articles of Faith , and Essentials of Religion , on which the house of God is built ; the errors contrary whereunto are subversive , d pernicious and damnable ; some are only in the Superstruction , which are not e Fidei , but Quaestionum , which do not overturn the Edifice , nor endanger the Vitals of Religion : such were in the f Apostles time , Disputes touching Meats , and Drinks , and Days , and Things indifferent ; wherein though men abound in their own sense , yet it must ever be with Meekness , and with humble submission to the Spirits of the Prophets , and to the Judgement , Order and Peace of the Church . 2. Of Persons ; Some are g Seducers , who out of Pride , Enmity against the Doctrine which is according unto Godliness , carnal ends , desire of Advantage and Domination , do sow Tares in the Church , and cause Rents and Divisions therein ; such were Hymeneus , Philetus , Diotrephes , and others . Others are h seduced people , who through Ignorance , Credulity , Simplicity , Facility and Flexibleness of Spirit , are led away captive by the cunning Craftiness of them who lie in wait to deceive . Again , Some are men of meek , humble , peaceable and quiet spirits ; amongst whom though there be differences of Judgement , yet they do upon common Principles of Faith and Holiness , agree in love , and joyn in pursuing the same common Salvation ; neither monopolizing the priviledges of Saints , neither judging , or despising the other , neither holding any Error i supinely , pertinaciously , uncharitably or factiously . Others are men of turbulent , seditious and tumultuating Dispositions , who love to kindle flames , to foment Divisions , to make Sides and Factions , that they may fish in troubled waters ; these things being premised , we may touching Accommodations thus conclude . 1. There can be no Syncretism , or accommodation where the Differences are in points destructive to the foundations of Religion , and against the very Essentials of Faith , Worship and Obedience ; there can be no reconciliation k between Christ and Belial , between damnable Heresies and the Doctrine which is according unto Godliness . l Hereticks are to be admonished , and in case of Pertinacy to be rejected , therefore there may be no brotherly Communion with them . But seduced persons are in the spirit of m meekness to be instructed , and if possible to be restored , and won unto the Truth , and delivered from the snare of the Devil . 2. Though the Differences at first view be not so pernitious and dangerous , yet if it be evident that they be purposely sowed by men of turbulent and ungracious spirits , meerly to kindle flames , to foment Seditions , to lay the of perpetual Divisions or Commotions in Church or State , to gratifie the common enemy , and to be subvervient unto such Ends and Designes , as wherein Truth and Holiness is endangered ; in this case the Apostle hath taught us , both by his Example n not to give place by subjection for an hour unto such men , and o by his Doctrine , to mark and to beware of them . 3. Where a Syncretism and Agreement is allowable , yet we must love p Peace and Truth , follow Peace and Holiness , q not adulterate , or in any case betray , or play the Hucksters with the Word ; as it is said of the Samaritanes , that they r feared the Lord , and served their own Gods. We must not temper , or reduce divine Truth to the Rules or Dictates of our own Lusts , nor captivate our Conscience to our carnal desires . s Jeroboam and Ahaz acted inordinately , when they erected a Worship dissonant to Gods Will , and subservient to their own ; for we t can do nothing against the Truth , but for the Truth ; u buy it we may , sell it we must not for any other gain . 4. Where the Fundamentals of Religion are safe , and on all sides unanimously embraced , and the differences purely problematical , and such as do not at all endanger the Vitals and Essentials of Religion , w mutual meekness , tenderness and forbearance are to be used , as amongst brethren and fellow-members . Disputes are to be managed with all calmness of Spirit , without Passion , Animosity , Exasperation , invidious Consequences , or any thing tending to the violation of brotherly love ; hereby we preserve the Communion of Saints , when we own one another as brethren , and not as strangers : We credit the Gospel of Peace , and adorn our mutual profession of the same common Faith : We make way to the more cleer Discovery of Truth , when no Passion or Prejudice doth dazzle our eyes , or overcloud our Judgement ; We stop the mouths , prevent the Insultations , and take away the advantages , which the common adversary promiseth to himself by our differences and Dissentions . The Means to be used unto such an Evangelical Accommodation , are , 1. Out of a sincere love of all truth , to wait with humble , docile and tractable hearts upon God , in the use of such means as he hath appointed , for the revealing of his mind unto us touching those things about which we differ , and for that purpose with single hearts to study the Scriptures , and to weigh every opinion in the ballance of the Sanctuary ; n This , the Apostle saith , is profitable for Doctrine and for Reproof : to this he referreth the Church against all danger of Wolves ; out of this our Lord revealed to his Disciples the things which concerned himself ; by this the o Antients desired to have the Controversies in their times stated and decided . And when any of them teach us to try Doctrines by Ecclesiastical Tradition , and the witness of the Church , they speak of Apostolical Churches , which Tertullian calleth Matrices & Originales , and not barely of the peremptory decision of some one or other p present or particular Church ; for they were able to draw down from the Apostles , q Traducem fidei , as Tertullian calls it , a Doctrinal Succession , to assign the Time , the Authors , & the Posteriority of those Heresies , whch they gain-said , as he saith , r Solemus Haereticis compendii causa de posterioritate praescribere . Now because we cannot understand the things of God but by the Spirit of God , for s he it is who openeth the heart , and draweth away the vail , and giveth us an understanding ; and because the Scripture hath told us , that Gods people shall be t taught of him ; therefore we must in our studying thereof , pray unto God with u Job , That which I see not , teach thou me ; and with w David , Teach me good Judgement and knowledge ; and with the x Apostle , beg of God the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him ; that in any thing wherein we are y otherwise minded , he will reveal even that unto us . 2. To agree in the Fundamentals , in the mystery of Godliness , the Unity of the Faith , the Principles of Doctrine , the Rule by which we are all to walk , in the z saving knowledge of God and Christ , unto which eternal Life is annexed , and without which it cannot be had ; in the a spiritual Worship of God , calling upon him , and coming unto him , in and by Christ ; and in those primary grounds of Christian Obedience , Repentance , Sincerity , Love of Christ , Self-denial ; & where there is an unfeigned and unanimous Agreement in these , there is a ground laid for discovery of the Truth in matters of smaller Difference . Agreement in Principles is a fair preparation unto agreement in all those Conclusions , which are naturally deducible from those Principles : and the more clearly we understand the Comprehension of Principles , the more exactly we shall discern the genuine Connection of true conclusions , and the inconsistency of those which are false and fallacious . 3. In the things whereunto we have attained to b walk by the same Rule , to hold the c Truth in love , to d keep faith and a good conscience ; for Christian Doctrine is a e Mystery of Godliness , and saving Knowledge , a f knowledge which is according unto Godliness , and therefore the best way to find out that wherein we differ , is , to obey that wherein we agree ; The Lord having promised , g that they who do his Will , shall know his Doctrine ; that he will h teach the meek his way , and reveal his secret to them that fear him ; that unto him i who ordereth his Conversation aright , he will shew the Salvation of God. 4. To be spiritual and heavenly minded ; for as heavenly bodies , so heavenly minds are the proper subjects of Serenity and Tranquillity ; k Storms and Tempests are the Effects of earthly exhalations ; heavenly Orbs are steady and regular , have no Combustions nor disagreements in them ; Schisms and Divisions are l from the flesh , and come from us as Men , not as Christians . As the reasonable Soul doth bind the parts of the body together in Unity ; when that is gone , they are in a near disposition to dissolve , and fall asunder : So the m Spirit of Christ is the bond of his body ; the Apostle calleth it ▪ The Vnity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace ; the more we have the n mind of Christ , the less we shall do things through strife , vain-glory , revenge , or any other inordinate passion ; for the o Wisdom which is from above , is pure and peaceable ; but that which tendeth unto envying and strife , descendeth not from above , but is earthly , sensual and devillish . 5. To study and cast about for Peace , to do all that is p possible , and what soever lyeth in our power to produce it ; to follow after it , and all the requisite expedients which conduce unto it ; if it fly , pursue it ; if it hide , search for it ; find out , as q Jehoash and Josiah did Masons and Carpenters , & spiritual workmen to repair the breaches of the house : to r have our private Opinions and Problemes to our selves before God , rather then by our unseasonable venting of them , to scandalize and offend our brethen , and to endanger the quiet of the Church . 6. To be of a meek , humble and calm spirit : s Love is not easily provoked , is long suffering , kind , self-denying , beareth , believeth , hopeth , endureth all things . An Hammer makes no noise upon wool , so a t soft Spirit turneth away Wrath. Some men are so hot , so opinionative , so contentious , so wedded to their own conceits , so impatient of dissent , that none can have Peace with them , who will not mancipate and render up their Reason and Judgement into their hands . But though it be our Duty to try all things , and hold fast Truth , when we have found it , yet we must hold it with a Spirit of Meekness . Meekness is the fittest disposition to receive truth ; u Receive , saith the Apost . with meekness the ingrafted Word ; And Meekness is the fittest disposition to teach Truth : w In Meekness , saith St. Paul , instructing those that oppose themselves . x Long-Suffering and Doctrine must be joyned together . Self-willedness and hastiness of Passion , are Obstructions unto the progress of Truth ; else the Apostle would not have entred a Caveat against them in a Bishop : for , saith he , y a Bishop must be blameless as the Steward of God , not self-willed , not soon angry , &c. 7. To be of a candid Judgement ; not to widen , but as much as may be to narrow Differences , and to reduce Controversies to as near an Agreement , as is possible ; and in the managing of them , to retain Suavity and Ingenuity ; not to infer without undeniable Evidence , odious and invidious consequences from those Doctrines of our brethren , which we our selves dislike ; but to believe other men as perspicacious to discern , and as tender to decline such desperate Rocks as we our selves . It argues great want of Charity towards others , and of Humility in our selves , when by our perverse Disputings , we go about to charge such opinions upon others , as from their own mouths we are assured , and therefore should in Charity believe , that they do detest . Pride in our selves , and Prejudice against others , are Two great Impediments to the healing of Divisions . I shall shut up all with one observation out of the Text more , which is this , That what Christ in the beginning of the verse did undertake , I will feed the flock of slaughter , in the latter end thereof he makes it good , I fed the flock . Christ never undertook more in a way of Office then what he finished , nor more in a way of Promise then what he performed . He undertook a difficult service , to feed his Church not only with his Doctrine but with his Blood ; he had a z Command and Commission to do it , and this Commission he accepted , a Loe I come to do thy will O God. And though it were so hard a duty , that his humane nature did shrink , and as it were draw back from it , b Father , if it be possible , let this cup passe from me , yet he submitted his will to the will of his father , and was c obedient even to that servile , ignominious and cursed death , which his humane nature so earnestly declined . And in like manner what he undertakes to work in us , he d will finish , as well as what he undertooke to work for us ; he is as the Author , so the finisher of our faith ; when he hath begun a good work in us , he will performe it unto the day of Christ. He e Promised to send his spirit upon his Disciples , and f he did send him ; he g Promised unto them power to cast out Devills , and h they did so ; his name is i Amen , the faithfull and true witnesse , and all the promises of God in him are k yea and Amen ; if he promise peace , or grace , or salvation , he will give it : his fidelity , power , honour , love , mercy , oath , and covenant , are so many assurances unto his people that what he hath undertaken to do for , in , or unto them , shall undoubtedly be done . He will do every work of Salvation l to the uttermost for those that come unto God by him ; if he begin faith , he will m finish it ; if he begin holinesse , he will n compleate it ; if he o heale , he heales perfectly ; p if he love , he loves to the end : Every work of his is perfect . There are works of his yet to do , to q Gather the people of God that are scattered abroad , to destroy the idols utterly , to tread down Satan and death under our feet , and he will do all before he give up his kingdome to his father . There are promises of his yet to be fullfilled , to r come again and to receive us unto himself , s to raise us up at the last day , t to bring forth judgment unto victory . And the experience which the Church hath had of his Love , Power , & fidelity in former works , and promises , should raise up their hearts to trust in him assuredly , for the accomplishment of those which are yet behind ( u for he is yesterday , and to day , and the same for ever . ) This we may plead in our prayers , do w as thou hast said . This we may apply in our indeavours towards holinesse ; he hath said he will x subdue our iniquities , he will take away an heart of stone , and give an heart of flesh ; for this end he was manifested y to destroy the works of the devil , and upon this Word z I will Hope . This we may support our drooping and desponding hearts under , in any time of diffidence , and discomfort ; when I begin to fear that my sinnes are greater then can be pardoned , stronger then can be mortified , deeper then can be eradicated ; His Power is ever accompanying his mercy ; what he begins , he will finish : he hath saide he will a abundantly pardon : therefore we may say , b I beseech thee let the power of my Lord be great according as thou hast spoken ▪ c He will performé the truth to Jacob , and the mercy to Abraham ; his word is an invincible barre to all our fears . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A57166-e230 Isai 9. 21. Jam. 1. 19. Rom. 2. 18. Notes for div A57166-e430 a 1 Sam. 4. 21 Isa. 4. 5. b Rom. 9. 4. c Deut. 7. 7. d Exod 4 22. Jer. 2. 3. e Deu. 21 17. f Rom. 3. 2. Joh. 8. 17. Psa. 147. 19 , 20 g Isa. 42● . 41. h Rom. 7. 12. i Gal. 6. 1. k 1 Tim. 1. 11. l Rom. 11. 11 , 12. m Exod. 34. 89 , 30. n 2 Cor. 3. 7. o Mat. 17. 2. Rev. 7. 16. p 2 Cor. 3. 8● . q Luk. 2. 32. Zach. 2. 5. r Isa. 28. 5. Prov. 4. 8 , 9 s Ephes. 4. 10 , 13. t 1 Pet. 2. 5. u Isa. 32. 15. w Tit. 3. 5. x Gal. 4. 19. y Eph. 2. 5 , 10. z Can. 6. 4. a 1 Chro. 28. 11 , 12. b Exod. 40. 16 , 19 , 21 , 23 , 25 , 27 , 29 , 32. c Can. 5. 10 , 16. d Hag. 2. 7. e Col. 1. 27 f Phil. 3. 8. g Heb. 11. 25 , 26. h Col. 1. 24. James 1. 2. k Gal. 3. 1. l Rom. 13. 14. Isa. 61. 10. Rev. 6. 11. m Ezeck 16. 14. n Deut. 26. 19. o Isa. 62. 4 , 5. p Psal. 132. 14. q Psal. 87. 3. r Exod. 28. ● , — 39. s Gal. 3. 17. Rom. 13. 14. t Isa. 61. 3. u 1 Chro. 22 , 14. Vid. Brierwood de nummis . ● . 16 Budaeum . de Asse fol. 112. Sr. W. Raleigh . Hist. l. 2. c. 17. sect 9. w Psal. 48. 2. x Exo. 30. 23. Psal 45. 8. 2 Cor. 14 , 15. 1 Joh. 2. 27. y 1 Reg. 10. 5 z Isa. 61. 10. Psal. 45. 13 , 14. a Rev ▪ 19. 7 , 8. b Rom 9. 23. 2 T●m 2. 21. c Psal. 5. 8. Heb. 12. 13. Prov. 4. 2● . 3. 17. Isa 40. 3 , 4. d sla 62. 10. 57. 14. e Deut. 32. 4. f Eccles. 3. 11. g Gen. 1. 31. h Psal. 132. 13 , 14. Psal. 76 2. Exod. 25. 8. i Col. 1. 15. Heb. 1. 3. a 2 Cor. 4 6 b Mat. 4. 2. c Phil. 3. 8. d Eccles. 7. 29. e Psal. 32. 2. f Heb. 12. 13. g Gal. 2. 14. h Col. 2. 10. i Joh. 1. 16. k Rom. 12. 1 , 2. l 1 Thes. 5. 23. m Eph. 4. 13 , 16. n Eph. 5. 15. o Psal. 119. 6. p Eph. 4. 15. a Joh. 10. 10. b Ezek. 47 3 , 4 , 5. c Prov. 31. 30. d Act. 2. 31. 13. 35. e Psal. 92. 13 , 14. f Eph. 2. 1 , 4 , 5 g Gal. 2. 20. 4. 19. h Rom. 8. 29. i Psal. 19. 8 , 9 Ezek. 36. 25. k 2 Cor. 7. 1. l Act. 15. 9. m 1 Joh. 3. 3. n Mal. 3. 2 , 3 , 4. o Mat. 4. 23. p Mat. 9. 12. Isa. 30. 26. 61. 1. q Rev. 22. 2. r Exod 34. 29 , 30 s Eccles. 8. 1. Rom. 15. 13. Phil. 4. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 8. t Cau. 4. 9. u Psal. 4. 3. w Psal. 135. 4 x Isa. 43. 21. y Tit. 2. 14. z Ezek. 16. 8. 14. a Isa. 60. 13. b Luk. ● . 32. c Isa. 46. 13. d 1 Reg. 19. 12. e Hos 11. 4. f Isa. 40. 11. 46. 3. g Isa. 66. 12 , 13. h Mat. 12. 20 , i 2 Cor. 5. 20 Ezek 33. 11. k Psal. 23. 2. l Prov. 3. 17. m Lam. 3. 32 , 33. n Hab. 3. 2. o Jer. 31. 20. p 2 Cor. 10 1. q Eph. 2. 17. r Isa. 61. 1. s Cant. ● . 4. t Psal. 2. 9. u Isa 8 6. w Mat. 11. 30. x Luk. 19. 21 y Heb. 2 3. z Col. 1. 21. a Col. 1. 13. b Psal. 110. 3. c Psal. 149. 4. d Ezek. 16. 10 , 13. e Prov. 8. 36. f 1 Pet. 2. 8. g Luk. 2. 34. h 2 Cor. 3. 18. i Phil 4. 8. k Tit. 2. 10. l Phil. 1. 27. m Ephes. 4. 1. n 2 Tim. 2. 21. o 1 Cor. 3. 16 , 17. 2 Cor. 6 , 16. p Tit. 2. 141 1 Pet. 2. 9. q Psal. 4. 3. 135. 4 ▪ 148 14. Isa. 43. 21. Lev. 20. 26. r Prov. 15. 8. Mal. 2. 3. s Heb. 12. 14. t Jer. 11. 15. u Col. 1. 21. Rom. 5. 10. w Isa. 59. 2. x Jam. 4. 1. y Tit. 3. 3. z Gen. 3. 15. a Joh. 15. 19 1 Joh. 3. 1. D●on c. 36. b Num. 23. 9. Philostrat l. 5. c Nehem. 4. 2 , 3 , 4. Ester 3. 8 , 9. Psal. 44. 13 , 14. 79. 1 , 4. 137. 3. Lam. 1. 7. 2. 15 , 16. Isa. 43. 28. 47. 6. Jer. 24. 9. 1 Reg. 9. 7. d Cicero Orat. L. Flacco . Plin. l. 13. cap. 4. Tacit. Hist. lib. 5. Plutarch . Symposiac . 1. Pal. 5. Justin. l. 36. Sueton. August . cap. 76. H. Tiber. cap. 36. Horat. lib. 1. Satyr . 9. Juvenal . Sat. 3. 6 14. Martial Petron. Epigram . Apion apud Josephum & Eusebium , Hist. l. 2. cap. 5. Vid. P. Cunaei Antiquit. Heb. l. 2. c. 24. & l. 3. c. 5. e Tertul. Apolog . c. 1 , 2 , 3 , 7. f Euseb. l. 4. c. 7. & l. 5. cap. 1. g ● Justin. Martyr , Apolog . 2. & Dial. cum Tryph. Athenag . Legatio pro Christianis . p. 4. 37 , 38 Minut. Felix in Octav. h 1 Cor. 10. 17. 12. 12. i Can. 6. 10. k Josh. 5. 14. l Heb. 2. 10. m Psal. 132. 3 Rev. 21. 10. — 21. n Exod. 26. 6. o 1 Reg. 5. 17. p 1 Tim. 3. 15 Heb. 3. 6. q Eph. 3. 15. r Eph. 2. 21. s Joh. 15. 5. t Rom. 12. 4. 5. Eph. 1. 22 , 23. u 2 Cor. 81. Gal. 1. 2. Act. 15. 41. Rev. 1. 4. w Col. 2. 5. x 1 Cor. 12. 28. Eph. 4. 11 , 12. y 1 Thes. 5. 12 Heb. 13. 17. z Gal. 4. 1. a Act. 13. 27. 15. 21. b Col. 4. 16. 1 Thes. 5. 27. c Rom. 10. 14 , 15. Mark. 16. 15. d Isa. 56. 7. Act. 3. 1. e Mat. 28. 19 f 1 Cor. 10. 16. 11. 23. g 1 Cor. 12. 4 , 11. h 1 Cor. 14. 33 , 40. i 1 Cor. 7. 17 , 24. k Jer. 23. 21 , 32. 2 Chro. 26. 18. Rom. 10. 15. Heb. 5. 4. l 1 Cor. 6. 17. 1 Joh 3. 24. 4. 13. m Eph. 2. 22. n Hos. 1. 11. Eph. 3. 17. o 2 Cor. 4. 13. p Col. 3. 14. 2. 2. q Eph. 4. 3 , 4. Phil. 1. 19. 2. 1. r Eph. 4. 16. s Act 9. 31. t Hilar. de Trim. t. Lib. 8. u Eph. 2 15. w Eph. 4. 4 ▪ x Joh. 3. 34. y Joh. 1. 16. 7. 38. 1 Cor. 12 11. z Gal. 4. 19. 2. 20. Rom. 8. 10. Joh 6. 63. 1 Cor. 15. 45. 2 Cor. 3. 6. 18. a 1 Joh. 3. 9. b 2 Pet. 1. 4. c Act. 4. 32. d Eph. 4. 13. Joh. 17. 3. e 1 Cor. 3. 10 , 11. f Heb. 6. 1. g 2 Tim. 1. 13 Rom 6. 17. h Rom. 12. 6. i 1 Cor. 2. 2. k 1 Tim 6. 3. Tit. 1. 1. l chil . 1 27. m Rev. 14 12 n 1 Tim. 3. 16. o Phil. 3. 16. R●g●la parvis maga●sque commu●● . Aug. Ep. 17. p Joh. 17. 3. Act. 4. 12. Joh. 8. 24. q 1 Cor. 13 ▪ 9 Eph. 4. 13. r Rom. 14. 1. 3. s 1 Reg. 15. 11. 14. 2 Reg. 23. 25. t Luk. 13. 3. 5. u Act. 16. 30 , 31. w 1 Cor. 16. 22. 1 Joh. 3. 14. x Psal. 66. 18 ▪ 119. 128. Rom 6. 1 , 2. 8. 1. 13. y Nehe. 1. 11 Isai. 26. 8. Psal 17. 3. 119. 57. Act. 13. 23. Num 14 ▪ 24. z Mat. 6. 24. a Rom. 15. 1. Heb. 5. 13 , 14. 1 Joh. 2. 12 , 13. Mat. 12. 20. b Joh. 4. 24. Ph. l. 3. 3. c Levit. 10. 3 Job 11. 13 , 14. Psa. 26. 6. 66. 18 Pro. 15. 8. Isa. 1. 15. 18. d Joh. 16. 23 , 24. e 1 Tim. 2. 5 1 Joh. 2. 1. f Col. 3. 17. g Col. 2. 18 , 19. h 1 Cor. 10. 14. 1 Joh. 5. 21. i Eph. 3. 15. 2. 19. 4. 4. 5. 6. k Act. 20. 24. Phil. 1. 20. l Luk. 14 26 m 1 Cor 12. 26. m Eph. 2. 13 , 16. Col. 1. 20. n Jer. 32. 39. o Eph 4. 16. p Eph. 2. 20. 1 Pet. 2 6. q Buxtorf-Lexicon . Chald. p. 1648. r Aug. in . Psa. 44. s Baron . ● p. 300. Sect. 3. t Gal. 4. 29. u Isa. 10. 14. w Joh. 7. 43. x Luk. 19. 14. y Amos 7. 10. z Mat. 3. 12. a Mat 3. 2 , 3. b Joh. 15. 15 c Act. 17. 32. d Psal 21. 11 e Psal. 110. 2. f Prov. 16. 7. g Exod. 3. 21 , 22. h 1 Sam. ●2 . 3 , 4. Isa. 16. 4. 1 Sam. 27. 1. 5. i 2 Sa● . 8 ● . k Isa. 60. 14. Psal. 66. 3. 68 , 29 , 30. l Tit. 3. 9. 1 Thes. 5. 14. 2 Thes. 3. 14. m Rom. 16. 17 , 18. n Epiphan . Haer●s . 4 2. o Cyprian Ep●st . 65. Sect 2 Ep. 76. Sect. 5. de unitat . Eccles . Sect. 16. p Aug. ep . 162. & lib. 2. de Baptismo . c. 6. q Optatus contra Parmen . lib. 1. r Contra Parmen . l. 3. t B. Jewels Defence . part 5. P. 505 , 506 , 507 Mo●nay of the Church . c. 10. p. 358. D. Crakenthorp against Spalat . c. 79. se. 3. c. 82. sect . 7. c. 85. sect . 1. B. White against Fisher. p. 107. B. Lawd Confer . sect . 21. p. 133 , 142 , 143 D. Chillingworth . c. ● . sect . 30 , 35 , 38 , 5● , 59 , 74. u B. Morton Prot. Appeal . l. 4. c. 2. sect . 9. sect . 37 , 38. B. Ushers Serm. on Eph. 4. 13. p. 7. B. White against Fisher. p. 106. B. Lawd Confer . sect . 21. p. 135. & sect . 25. p. 192. B. Bramhal Church of England defended . p. 13 , 14 , 66 , 181 , 367 , 390. Chillingworth c. 5. s. 25 , 31. 33 35 , 40 , 50 , 51 , 59 , 62 , 64 , 65 , 68 , 69. 78 , 106 w B. Bramhals Defence passim . F. Mason de Minister . Angl. l. 2. c. 10. B. Lawd . sect . 25. Num. 10 , 11. x B. White against Fisher. p. 106 , 107. Chillingworth . c. 5. 61. 96. y B. White . p. 106. B. Lawd sect . 24. p. 156. & sect . 35. p. 297. Chilling . sect . 53. z Jewels Defence p. 499. Mornay of the Church c. 10. Crakenth . c. 79 sect . 4. Morton . Appeal l. 4 c. 2. sect . 10. sect . 43. Gerard. Loc. de Eccles. sect . 180 B. Lawd . sect . 25 n. 18. p. 192. Chillingworth . sect . 32 , 45 , 47 , 94. a Gerard ubi supra . sect . 179. B. Ushers Ser. p. 27 , 31. Mornay of the Ch. c. 9. p. 324. c. 10 p 358. Crakenth . c 85. sect 2. Field of the Church . l. 3. c. 8 , 12. & Appendix p 3. sect . 2. B Lawd Epist Dedicat. to the King. p. 16. Chilling . sect . 91. Carleton Consens . loc . de Scriptura . e. 1. pag. 9. 14. D. Jo. Whiteway , sect . 50. b Mat. 16. 18. c Psal. 2. ●2 . Psal. 83. 3 , 8. Act. 4. 27. d Luk. 23. 12. Isa. 9. 21. c Hist. of the Councel of Trent . p. 49. Hoc consilio Julianus inter Christianos dissidia fovebat ut minore negotio debell arentur , si prius bello inter se coaflictati fuissent . Baron . Ann. 392. sect . 285. f Gal. 5. 15. g Gal. 5. 20. 1 Cor. 3. 3 , 4. Rom. 16. 17 , 18 1 Tim. 6. 3 , 4 , 5 h Vid. Danaei prolegomena in Lib. Aug. de Haeresibus , cap. 6 , 7. i Aug Ep. 168 k De gen . contra Manichaeos , lib. 2. c. 8 l Baron . Ann. 474. sect . 6. m Rom. 15. 5 , 6 , 7 n Eph. 2. 13. 16 o Joh. 17. 21 , 23. p Isa. 53. 11. q Gal. 2. ●1 . r Joh. 11. 42. s Amos 9. 11. t Psal. 29. 11. Isa. 54. 13. Jer. 32. 39. u 1 Cor. 12. 8 , 9. w Eph. 4. 16. x Gal 5. 13. y Rom. 14. 19 Jud. v. 20 , 21. z Psal. 26. 8. 27. 4. 42 , 1 , a. a Act. 2. 1 , 46 , 47. 3. 1. b Exod. 20. 24 c Psal. 133. d ●sal . 27. 6. e Heb. 13. 20. Jo● . 22. 21. f Isa. 9. 6. g 1 Cor. 1. 13. h Phil 2. 1 , 2. i Act. 4. 32 , k Rom. 10. 15. l Col. 3. 15. m Isa. 11. 6. n 1 Cor. 12 , 1● . o 1 Cor. 10. 17. p Sicut multa gra●● un●● p●n●m consiciuat , & ex multis ra●emis unum vinum extrabitur , sic ex multis hominibus Christi corpus efficitur . Serm. 28. ad fatres in eremo apud Aug. q Rom. 14. 19. ● Cor. 1. 10. 2 Cor. 13. 11. Phil. 2. 1 , 2. 2 Thes 3. 16. Romi 15. 5. r 1 Cor. 13. 9. s 2 Pet. 3. 16. Heb. 5. 11. t Rom. 14. 1. u Mat. 13. 21 w Ephes. 4. 14. Rom. 16. 18 Col. 2. 4 1 Reg. 13. 18 , 19. x 2 Tim 4. 3 , 4 Jud. v. 16 y 2 Thes. 2. 10 , 11. 1 Tim. 6. 10 z Acts 15. 39. Gal. 2. 11 , 13 1 Cor. 1. 12 , 12 a 1 Cor. 3. 12. b Matth. 18. 17. 1 Cor. 11. 19 c Mat. 7. 24 1 Cor. 3. 9 , 10 Heb. 6. 1 d 2 Pet. 2. 1 e Aug. de Peccat . Orig. cap. 23. f Rom. 14. 5 , 6. 1 Cor. 8. 8 , 9 g Ephe. 4. 14. Esay 3. 12 Jer. 23. 16 , 26 , 32. ● 29. 8. Matth. 7. 15 Acts 20. 29 , 30 2 Tim. 3. 13 Tit. 1. 10 2 Pet. 2. 1 2 John v. 7 Mark 13. 22 2 Tim. 2. 14. 18. Gal. 2. 4 h 2 Cor. 11. 20. 2 Tim. 3. 6 Col. 2. 8 Ephes. 4. 14 i Bi. Lawd . Conser . sect . 36. pag. 315. 316. k 1 Cor. 10 21. 2 Cor. 6. 14. 17 Gal. 1. 8 , 9 l Tit. 3. 10 Euseb. H●st . l. 4. c. 13. m 2 Tim. 2 25 , 26. n Gal. 2. 4 , 5. o Rom. 16. 17. p Zac. 8. 19. Heb. 12. 14. q 2 Cor. 4. 2. Basil. in Psal. 14. 1. edit . Graecolat . Paris . p. 153. & Greg. Naz. Orat. 1. p. 20. B. r 2 Reg. 17. 33. s 1 Reg. 12. 27 , 28 , 33. 2 Reg. 16. 10. t 2 Cor. 13. 8. u Pro. 23. 23. w Rom. 15. 1 Gal. 6. 1. Eph. 4. 2 , 3. n 2 Tim 3. 16 Act 20. 32. Luk. 14. 2● . o Optatus contra Parmen . l. 5. Aug. Epist. 19. c. 1. ep . 48. & 112. contra ep . Parmen . l. 1. c. 2 c●nt . Lit. Petil. l. 2. c. 85. de Unitat. Eccles . c. 3. 6 17 , 18 , 19. in Ps. 2● Exposit. 2. p Tertul. cont . H●rmog . c. 2● . Dr. Field Appendix . part . 3. c. 7. pag. 42. q Tertul. de praescript . cap. 20. 21. r Advers . Hermog . cap. 1. contra Marcion . lib. 5. c. 19. contra P●axeam . cap. 2. s A●ts 16. 14. 2 Cor 3. 16 , 17 1 John 5 , 2● t John 6. 45 Aug. de G●●t . Ch●isti . c. 13. & de praedesti●at . sanctorum cap. 8. u Job 34. 32. w Psal. 119. 66. x Eph. 1. 17. y Phil. 3. 15. z Joh. 17. 3. 8. 24. Act. 4. 11 , 12. 1 Cor. 1. 23. 2. 2. 3. 11. a Joh. 4. 24. 16. 23. Heb. 7. 25. Col. 3. 17. b Phil. 3. 16. c 2 Thes. 2. 10 Aug. de Grat. Christi . c. 13. d 1 Tim. 1. 19 e 1 Tim. 3. 16 f 1 Tim. 6. 3. T it 1. 1. g Joh. 7. 17. 10 4. h Psal. 25. 9 , 14. i Psal. 50. 23. k Inferiora fulminant . Sen. Pacem summa tenent . Lucan . l 1 Cor. 3. 3 m 1 Cor. 12. 13. Ephes. 4. 3 n Phil. 2. 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. o James 3. 14 , 17. p Rom. 12. 18. Rom. 14. 19. Heb. 12. 14 q 2 Chron. 24. 4 , 13. 2 Chron. 34. 8. 13. r Rom. 14. 〈◊〉 . s 1 Cor. 13. 5 , 7. t Prov. 15. 1 u Jam. 1. 21. w 2 Tim. 2. 25. x 2 Tim. 4. ● . y Tit. 1. 7. z Joh. 10. 18. a Heb. 10. 7 , 9. b Mat. 26. 39 c Phil. 2. 8. Joh. 17. 4. d Heb 12. 2. Phil. 1. 6. Psal. 138. 8. e Joh 16. 7. Luk. 24. 49. f Act. 2. 33● g Luk. 9. 1. h Luk. 10. 17. i Rev. 3. 14. k 2 Cor. 1. 20. l Heb. 7. 25. m 〈◊〉 ●2 1. n Col. 2. 10. o Act. 3. 16. p Joh. 13. 2. q Joh. 11. 52 Deut. 32. 4. Isai 2. 18. Rom. 16. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 25 r Joh. 14. 2 , 3. s Joh. 6. 40. t Mat. 12. 20. u Heb. 13. 8. w 2 Sam. 7. 25. x Mic. 7. 19. Ezek. 11. 19. 36. 26 y 1 Joh. 3. 5 , 8. z Ps. 119. 49. a Isai 55. 7. b Num. 14. 17 c Mic. 7. 20.