mv: ‘./’ and ‘./’ are the same file Creating study carrel named subject-bibleMark-gutenberg Initializing database Unzipping Archive: creating: ./tmp/input/input-file/ inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/6530.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/8829.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/8071.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/8041.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/8268.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/8348.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv caution: excluded filename not matched: *MACOSX* === DIRECTORIES: ./tmp/input === DIRECTORY: ./tmp/input/input-file === metadata file: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv === found metadata file === updating bibliographic database Building study carrel named subject-bibleMark-gutenberg FILE: cache/8829.txt OUTPUT: txt/8829.txt FILE: cache/6530.txt OUTPUT: txt/6530.txt FILE: cache/8268.txt OUTPUT: txt/8268.txt FILE: cache/8041.txt OUTPUT: txt/8041.txt FILE: cache/8348.txt OUTPUT: txt/8348.txt FILE: cache/8071.txt OUTPUT: txt/8071.txt 8268 txt/../wrd/8268.wrd 8829 txt/../wrd/8829.wrd 6530 txt/../wrd/6530.wrd 6530 txt/../pos/6530.pos 8829 txt/../pos/8829.pos 8041 txt/../pos/8041.pos 8268 txt/../pos/8268.pos 8348 txt/../wrd/8348.wrd 8041 txt/../wrd/8041.wrd 8348 txt/../pos/8348.pos === === id: 8041 author: Anonymous title: The Bible, King James version, Book 41: Mark date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/8041.txt cache: ./cache/8041.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'8041.txt' 8041 txt/../ent/8041.ent 6530 txt/../ent/6530.ent 8268 txt/../ent/8268.ent === === id: 8829 author: Weymouth, Richard Francis title: Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Mark date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/8829.txt cache: ./cache/8829.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'8829.txt' === === id: 8268 author: Anonymous title: The World English Bible (WEB): Mark date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/8268.txt cache: ./cache/8268.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'8268.txt' === === id: 6530 author: nan title: The Gospel of Mark for Readers date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/6530.txt cache: ./cache/6530.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'6530.txt' 8829 txt/../ent/8829.ent 8348 txt/../ent/8348.ent === === id: 8348 author: nan title: The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 48: Mark The Challoner Revision date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/8348.txt cache: ./cache/8348.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'8348.txt' 8071 txt/../wrd/8071.wrd 8071 txt/../pos/8071.pos 8071 txt/../ent/8071.ent === === id: 8071 author: Maclaren, Alexander title: Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Mark date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/8071.txt cache: ./cache/8071.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 10 resourceName b'8071.txt' Done mapping. Reducing subject-bibleMark-gutenberg === bib === id = 8041 author = Anonymous title = The Bible, King James version, Book 41: Mark date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 15903 sentences = 1494 flesch = 96 summary = art, the Holy One of God. 41:001:025 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of 41:002:005 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the 41:005:008 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean 41:006:024 And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I 41:009:023 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are 41:010:051 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I 41:011:014 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee 41:011:029 And Jesus answered and said unto them, I will also ask of you 41:013:002 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great 41:014:048 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as 41:014:062 And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting cache = ./cache/8041.txt txt = ./txt/8041.txt === bib === id = 8268 author = Anonymous title = The World English Bible (WEB): Mark date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 15383 sentences = 1555 flesch = 96 summary = 001:001 The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 001:002 As it is written in the prophets, "Behold, I send my messenger 002:005 Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins 004:026 He said, "The Kingdom of God is as if a man should cast seed 005:008 For he said to him, "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!" 005:027 having heard the things concerning Jesus, came up behind him 005:036 But Jesus, when he heard the message spoken, immediately said 006:024 She went out, and said to her mother, "What shall I ask?" 006:035 When it was late in the day, his disciples came to him, and said, 009:023 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible 010:038 But Jesus said to them, "You don't know what you are asking. cache = ./cache/8268.txt txt = ./txt/8268.txt === bib === id = 8829 author = Weymouth, Richard Francis title = Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Mark date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 15950 sentences = 1566 flesch = 95 summary = 001:001 The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ the Son of God. 001:002 As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet, "See, I am sending My 001:015 "The time has fully come," He said, "and the Kingdom of God 001:017 "Come and follow me," said Jesus, "and I will make you 002:027 And Jesus said to them: "The Sabbath was made for man, on the Sabbath--so as to have a charge to bring against Him. 003:003 "Come forward," said He to the man with the shrivelled arm. 005:008 For He had said to him, "Foul spirit, come out of the man." 006:024 She at once went out and said to her mother: "What shall I ask for?" 006:035 By this time it was late; so His disciples came to Him, and said, 011:022 Jesus said to them, "Have faith in God. 011:023 In solemn truth I tell you that if any one shall say cache = ./cache/8829.txt txt = ./txt/8829.txt === bib === id = 8348 author = nan title = The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 48: Mark The Challoner Revision date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 16441 sentences = 1821 flesch = 97 summary = blindness of their hearts, he saith to the man: Stretch forth thy hand. And he said: So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast For he said unto him: Go out of the man, thou unclean spirit. But he said that the things which come out from a man, they defile Who answering, said to then: Elias, when he shall come first, shall restore all things; and as it is written of the Son of man that he And he taught his disciples and said to them: The Son of man shall Jesus answering said: Amen I say to you, there is no man who hath Saying: Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with And Jesus answering, said to them: Are you come out as to a cache = ./cache/8348.txt txt = ./txt/8348.txt === bib === id = 8071 author = Maclaren, Alexander title = Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Mark date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 203139 sentences = 10551 flesch = 78 summary = That good news about Christ and God brings to a man salvation, if he which constitutes 'the gospel.' The life and death of Jesus Christ for 'The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; 2. love and present power of Jesus Christ. that, if a man is not knit to Christ by heart's love and obedience, of the characteristics which mark the true disciple of Jesus Christ. and Christ, and the true means of performing the commandments of God. There must be a passing over into us of His own life-spirit. not, like his, desire above all things the presence of Jesus Christ; Now, a great many people seem to think that what Jesus Christ brings What are the powers by which Christ works upon men's hearts? sinful spirit needs the simple Gospel of salvation by Jesus Christ Lord, and your Saviour, and your God. The Cross of Jesus Christ cache = ./cache/8071.txt txt = ./txt/8071.txt === bib === id = 6530 author = nan title = The Gospel of Mark for Readers date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 13666 sentences = 1048 flesch = 93 summary = I know who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him and said, Hold thy peace and come out of him. their faith, He said to the sick man, Son, thy sins are forgiven thee. sins, (Jesus turned to the sick man and said,) I say to thee, Arise. The disciples of John and of the Pharisees came to Jesus and asked, sabbath day so they might accuse Him. And Jesus said to the man with Then Jesus said, Such is the kingdom of God like a man who casts seed man departed and began to tell all in Decapolis the great things Jesus Jesus said to the man, If thou can believe, all things are possible to Then Jesus turned to His disciples and said, How hard it shall be for Jesus said to it, No man shall Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the cache = ./cache/6530.txt txt = ./txt/6530.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt 8071 6530 8829 8071 8348 8041 number of items: 6 sum of words: 280,482 average size in words: 46,747 average readability score: 92 nouns: man; life; men; disciples; things; love; faith; power; hand; heart; words; word; world; day; nothing; people; death; way; house; work; place; time; hands; hearts; sin; spirit; mother; name; one; thing; eyes; days; truth; kingdom; voice; self; question; others; light; earth; side; will; children; scribes; soul; gospel; brother; brethren; sins; nature verbs: is; be; was; are; have; had; said; do; were; has; come; came; say; been; let; did; went; see; go; take; know; make; saw; saying; put; does; made; done; tell; give; being; took; asked; think; hear; heard; began; cast; believe; sent; given; answered; comes; am; bring; speak; having; brought; look; called adjectives: many; great; other; own; little; same; more; such; first; true; whole; good; new; christian; poor; much; old; divine; full; last; right; dead; possible; very; human; high; better; strong; chief; only; saith; certain; ready; young; sure; sick; real; unclean; solemn; perfect; blind; long; afraid; second; eternal; common; small; parable; mighty; present adverbs: not; so; out; up; then; more; away; only; here; again; now; as; even; down; also; there; very; too; ever; never; yet; still; most; forth; therefore; well; immediately; all; back; first; once; much; far; together; always; no; long; just; in; on; thus; over; often; off; rather; sometimes; perhaps; n''t; alone; soon pronouns: he; his; him; it; they; we; them; you; our; i; us; their; its; me; my; her; your; himself; she; thy; themselves; thee; ourselves; itself; ye; one; ours; herself; yourself; thyself; elias; yours; theirs; myself; mine; yourselves; ''s; oneself; whosoever; thou; 013:004; these--''he; him?--how; him''--apart; hers; girded''--they; 015:013; 008:004 proper nouns: christ; jesus; god; _; lord; thou; mark; john; ye; son; peter; heaven; man; master; simon; cross; father; jerusalem; gospel; sabbath; pharisees; james; him; i.; pilate; spirit; king; herod; mary; galilee; matthew; israel; moses; thee; thy; church; holy; hath; saviour; passover; christianity; jews; david; satan; luke; behold; temple; kingdom; judas; christians keywords: son; john; jesus; god; peter; man; thy; thou; spirit; simon; saviour; sabbath; pharisees; matthew; master; mark; luke; love; lord; life; king; jerusalem; israel; iii; high; gospel; father; evangelist; cross; come; church; christianity; christian; christ one topic; one dimension: christ file(s): ./cache/6530.txt titles(s): The Gospel of Mark for Readers three topics; one dimension: christ; said; troop file(s): ./cache/8071.txt, ./cache/8041.txt, ./cache/6530.txt titles(s): Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Mark | The Bible, King James version, Book 41: Mark | The Gospel of Mark for Readers five topics; three dimensions: christ jesus man; 41 said jesus; 300 deception 110; 300 deception 110; 300 deception 110 file(s): ./cache/8071.txt, ./cache/8348.txt, ./cache/6530.txt, ./cache/6530.txt, ./cache/6530.txt titles(s): Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Mark | The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 48: Mark The Challoner Revision | The Gospel of Mark for Readers | The Gospel of Mark for Readers | The Gospel of Mark for Readers Type: gutenberg title: subject-bibleMark-gutenberg date: 2021-06-01 time: 16:06 username: emorgan patron: Eric Morgan email: input: facet_subject:"Bible. Mark" ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics id: 8041 author: Anonymous title: The Bible, King James version, Book 41: Mark date: words: 15903 sentences: 1494 pages: flesch: 96 cache: ./cache/8041.txt txt: ./txt/8041.txt summary: art, the Holy One of God. 41:001:025 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of 41:002:005 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the 41:005:008 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean 41:006:024 And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I 41:009:023 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are 41:010:051 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I 41:011:014 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee 41:011:029 And Jesus answered and said unto them, I will also ask of you 41:013:002 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great 41:014:048 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as 41:014:062 And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting id: 8268 author: Anonymous title: The World English Bible (WEB): Mark date: words: 15383 sentences: 1555 pages: flesch: 96 cache: ./cache/8268.txt txt: ./txt/8268.txt summary: 001:001 The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 001:002 As it is written in the prophets, "Behold, I send my messenger 002:005 Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins 004:026 He said, "The Kingdom of God is as if a man should cast seed 005:008 For he said to him, "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!" 005:027 having heard the things concerning Jesus, came up behind him 005:036 But Jesus, when he heard the message spoken, immediately said 006:024 She went out, and said to her mother, "What shall I ask?" 006:035 When it was late in the day, his disciples came to him, and said, 009:023 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible 010:038 But Jesus said to them, "You don''t know what you are asking. id: 8071 author: Maclaren, Alexander title: Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Mark date: words: 203139 sentences: 10551 pages: flesch: 78 cache: ./cache/8071.txt txt: ./txt/8071.txt summary: That good news about Christ and God brings to a man salvation, if he which constitutes ''the gospel.'' The life and death of Jesus Christ for ''The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; 2. love and present power of Jesus Christ. that, if a man is not knit to Christ by heart''s love and obedience, of the characteristics which mark the true disciple of Jesus Christ. and Christ, and the true means of performing the commandments of God. There must be a passing over into us of His own life-spirit. not, like his, desire above all things the presence of Jesus Christ; Now, a great many people seem to think that what Jesus Christ brings What are the powers by which Christ works upon men''s hearts? sinful spirit needs the simple Gospel of salvation by Jesus Christ Lord, and your Saviour, and your God. The Cross of Jesus Christ id: 8829 author: Weymouth, Richard Francis title: Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Mark date: words: 15950 sentences: 1566 pages: flesch: 95 cache: ./cache/8829.txt txt: ./txt/8829.txt summary: 001:001 The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ the Son of God. 001:002 As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet, "See, I am sending My 001:015 "The time has fully come," He said, "and the Kingdom of God 001:017 "Come and follow me," said Jesus, "and I will make you 002:027 And Jesus said to them: "The Sabbath was made for man, on the Sabbath--so as to have a charge to bring against Him. 003:003 "Come forward," said He to the man with the shrivelled arm. 005:008 For He had said to him, "Foul spirit, come out of the man." 006:024 She at once went out and said to her mother: "What shall I ask for?" 006:035 By this time it was late; so His disciples came to Him, and said, 011:022 Jesus said to them, "Have faith in God. 011:023 In solemn truth I tell you that if any one shall say id: 6530 author: nan title: The Gospel of Mark for Readers date: words: 13666 sentences: 1048 pages: flesch: 93 cache: ./cache/6530.txt txt: ./txt/6530.txt summary: I know who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him and said, Hold thy peace and come out of him. their faith, He said to the sick man, Son, thy sins are forgiven thee. sins, (Jesus turned to the sick man and said,) I say to thee, Arise. The disciples of John and of the Pharisees came to Jesus and asked, sabbath day so they might accuse Him. And Jesus said to the man with Then Jesus said, Such is the kingdom of God like a man who casts seed man departed and began to tell all in Decapolis the great things Jesus Jesus said to the man, If thou can believe, all things are possible to Then Jesus turned to His disciples and said, How hard it shall be for Jesus said to it, No man shall Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the id: 8348 author: nan title: The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 48: Mark The Challoner Revision date: words: 16441 sentences: 1821 pages: flesch: 97 cache: ./cache/8348.txt txt: ./txt/8348.txt summary: blindness of their hearts, he saith to the man: Stretch forth thy hand. And he said: So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast For he said unto him: Go out of the man, thou unclean spirit. But he said that the things which come out from a man, they defile Who answering, said to then: Elias, when he shall come first, shall restore all things; and as it is written of the Son of man that he And he taught his disciples and said to them: The Son of man shall Jesus answering said: Amen I say to you, there is no man who hath Saying: Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with And Jesus answering, said to them: Are you come out as to a ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel