id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 55813 Browne, Martha Griffith Autobiography of a Female Slave .txt text/plain 137992 8995 86 "Thar comes young Masser, and I is glad, kase he looks so good like. "Right well done," said a clear, manly voice; and, looking up, I saw Mr. Worth standing in the open door. As young Master strode away, Misses Jane and Tildy regarded each other "Well, father," said Miss Jane, whilst she stood beside Mr. Peterkin, Miss Tildy turned toward young master, and said, in what was meant for a "No, Mr. Peterkin, the old woman is really dead," said Miss Bradly, in a "Good-bye, Miss Jane," said the humbled, weeping negro. During young master's illness I had but little communication with Amy. By Miss Jane's order she had been brought into the house to assist in Miss Bradly ask Mr. Peterkin when he heard from young master. "Yes, father, Amy needs a good whipping," said Miss Jane, "for she has "How lovely he was in life," said Miss Jane. ./cache/55813.txt ./txt/55813.txt