id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 10619 Benwell, John An Englishman's Travels in America His Observations of Life and Manners in the Free and Slave States .txt text/plain 53283 1729 58 His Observations Of Life and Manners in the Free and Slave States. subject, the relative position at the time of the negro race in those the most populous parts of the states of New York and Ohio, proceeding, vessel, and we, to our great joy (a case of small pox having occurred The lower part of Wall-street presented a busy mart-like appearance, route lying through a slave-holding state, where a white and coloured southern towns and cities, for the negro population to resort to places first time I called at his residence, I thought him a man of superior United States troops, or travellers like ourselves, and Indians or existing at the time between the Indians and white men. negroes ever before known in the southern states of America. of miscalled justice on negroes in all slave-holding states in America, attending the sufferance of such men at large in the slave states, and ./cache/10619.txt ./txt/10619.txt