id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 57024 Guiney, Louise Imogen Patrins To Which Is Added an Inquirendo Into the Wit & Other Good Parts of His Late Majesty King Charles the Second .txt text/plain 52253 2859 75 of His Late Majesty, King Charles the Second 247 likes to pay homage to intelligent human goodness, will delight in head-dresses, generally come off second-best. Our famous old friend, the great sovereign who saw fit to box the It demonstrates what an amusing great babe a man is, that his love looks deep and walks slowly, he shall not pass the image of any old the alcoves of time, certain sunny faces of old look fatherly and "The man that is Drunke is as good as a King!" The Lord's Anointed liked to forego his authority, and come as a mere The architect was a very little man, and the King a very Whiteladies, in old days, the young King was eager to get into his bless thee, King Charles, and thy good woman there. good thing, I am sure; and Charles the Second was the founder. ./cache/57024.txt ./txt/57024.txt