id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 13074 Various Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, February 7, 1891 .txt text/plain 9861 920 84 why--Would you like to hear what I've said about you? "Come this way," said the boy, on whom the sight of the coin seemed "Now tell me," I said, "about this new piece." good old man, after a short internal struggle, began the following "I know, my boy," said the latter, patting BEN's head kindly with the "Oh, yes, Uncle WILLIAM!" said SARAH, pausing to wipe her patient "That, Uncle," said the obedient CHARLIE, "is one of the things which Then little SARAH said, timidly: "I think it must be because, when a man wishes to drink, whiskey is "You would be breaking the pledge, Uncle WILLIAM," said both children, "Now you'll be screwed," said CHARLIE, "like the pegs of the--" bed." And Uncle WILLIAM went back to the decanter. House engaged all night on Tithes Bill. Hadn't yet been a Member of House when it shook from time ./cache/13074.txt ./txt/13074.txt