id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.hn3muy Addison, Joseph Wisdom, wit and allegory. Selected from "The Spectator." 1869 .txt text/plain 73564 3472 72 reasonable nature, and bring great satisfaction to the person thoughts and knowledge, animates virtue and good resolutions, soothes and allays the passions, and finds employments for most of the vacant hours of life. have quoted in this paper; and shall only, by way of application, desire him to consider how we may extend life I am afraid I shall appear too abstracted in my speculations if I shew that, when a man of wit makes us laugh, it of raillery and satire : as if it were not infinitely more honourable to be a good-natured man than a wit. actors are passions, virtues, vices, and other imaginary persons of the like nature. good genius for a fable were to represent the nature of pleasure and pain in that way of writing, he would probably join silent perfections in the soul of a good man, which are great men, is the natural passion which the mind of man has for ./cache/hvd.hn3muy.pdf ./txt/hvd.hn3muy.txt