Important Announcement Instructions for use Title Important Announcement Author(s) NAKAMURA, Takashi Citation JOURNAL OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR CATALYSIS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, 32(1) Issue Date 1984-10 Doc URL Type bulletin (article) File Information 32(1)_Announcement.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP J I , f Important Announcement The publication of the Journal of Research Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido Uni- versity will be discontinued at the end of this year, 1984. The contributors are there- fore requested to submit manuscripts not later than September 30, 1984. This decision has been made for the following reason. The Journal was founded in 1948 by the late Professor Juro Horiuti as the Editor- in-Chief. In those days, owing to various difficulties immediately after the World War II, all the journals published by Japanese scientific societies, c. g., the Chemical Society of Japan and the Physical Society of Japan, were in "poor shape." A host of inter- national journals as we have them today did not exist. Thus the Journal was an im- portant channel through which the results of researches at our Institute were sent to the world-wide scientific community. In 1950s, contributions to the Journal from outside our Institute, domestic and overseas, started to come in, and we were very much pleased that the Journal was able to provide a place for exchanging scientific informa- tion and opinions. Meanwhile, the situation of the Japanese scientific community was rapidly improving, economically or otherwise. The journals published by Japanese scientific societies gradu- ally attained high academic standard and broad coverage. It is also to be noted that a wide variety of international journals have become available to scientists since the late 1950s. Furthermore, the Catalysis Society of Japan was founded in 1974. In view of these changes that have taken place over the past 25 years, and in view of several difficulties which include the problem of growing publication cost, we, the editors of the Journal, have found that it is becoming more and more difficult and inadequate for a non-profit research institution to publish a scientific journal in the usual sense. The publication of a new periodical from the Institute to replace the present Journal is being planned. This periodical is likely to have the character of an annual report of the Institute. The details will be announced at a later date. We take this opportunity to thank the readers and especially the contributors for their interest in the Journal, and hope that their intcrest in publications from our Institute will continue. Takashi Nakamura Director and Editor-in-Chief The Research Institute for Catalysis Hokkaido University 10011355.tif