id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ilw6vkeswfccho4ipmsen64apm JOHN A. WINNIE The Implicit Definition of Theoretical Terms 1967 8 .pdf application/pdf 3468 281 62 designates a class of physical entities which, under certain observable partial interpretation of the term 'electron' (and the theory's other theoretical terms as well). Following Carnap [I], let the primitive terms of the theory be divided into two classes: the theoretical terms and the observation terms.1 Let the set of all possible interpretations of theoretical terms to a much narrower under their intended interpretations, again relate theoretical and observational entities. a true numerical interpretation for the theoretical terms will always be the interpretation of the observation terms is not affected as the theoretical of the theoretical entities, and that the classes assigned to 'electron' and 'neutron' are numerical interpretation for the theoretical terms, if there is a true physical model which assigns classes of numbers to the theoretical terms of -. the theoretical and observational entities are distinct; sentences of a form theoretical entities (elements of Th) only; observation terms are those ./cache/work_ilw6vkeswfccho4ipmsen64apm.pdf ./txt/work_ilw6vkeswfccho4ipmsen64apm.txt