id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_cf2wppagozdcxihm5pulquhmxa J. Schaffer Andreas Huttemann What's Wrong With Microphysicalism? 2008 5 .pdf application/pdf 1950 135 55 Microphysicalism, as Hüttemann characterizes it, is the thesis of the 'ontological priority of the micro-level' (p. what if any priority relations obtain among physical systems. What I will be suggesting is that Hüttemann's own arguments actually provide more support for the priority of the macrophysical than they do for his Starting with micro-determination, Hüttemann's main objection is the argument from mutual derivability (pp. But if this law is the physical basis for determination, then since it is an equality, it is symmetric. Turning to micro-government, Hüttemann's main objection is the argument from non-isolation (pp. the immediate consequence that microphysical systems never instantiate laws here emerges a second point at which Hüttemann's arguments actually favour previous discussion of laws, to argue that since micro-physical systems do not instantiate laws, there can be no micro-physical causation. Macro-government: The laws of the macro-physical govern the microphysical systems (argument from the universe being the only isolated system). ./cache/work_cf2wppagozdcxihm5pulquhmxa.pdf ./txt/work_cf2wppagozdcxihm5pulquhmxa.txt