id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 9370 Brown, Alice Tiverton Tales .txt text/plain 80864 6173 91 "I guess I won't," she said, and, in some dim way, everybody began to the little old man outside was in the act of turning away. "I guess my teeth'll last me as long as I want 'em," said Amelia She's goin' to look like her aunt Mary Ellen, over to "Well," said aunt Mary Ellen, stepping in, "I'm afraid your hinges want you said to her, 'I guess I can wear what I want, to, to-day of all "Yes," said Mary Ellen softly; "it's got it now." She opened the little Next day she went away for a long case, giving only one little sigh in knew the time had come, and I went down to the Old Hole and threw it "Why," she said aloud, "I look jest like mother!" "I said to myself I wouldn't come to-day," went on Laurie, without ./cache/9370.txt ./txt/9370.txt