Türk Kütüphaneciliği 18, 1 (2004), 105-106 MeslekiToplantilar Professional Meetings TARİH BAŞLIK, TEMA YER 2004 14.03.2004 Vision and innovation: a key to developing tomorrow’s library and information services Bretby, Derbyshire, İngiltere İLETİŞİM htttp>://ww^w'.2.bı^itishco^uncil.oıg!/seminaıs-inioımıat^^r^-^C^^İ^7dılm 27.03.2004 Annual and Exhibition of the United Kingdom Serials Group Manchester, İngiltere İLETİŞİM http://www.uksg.org/events/annualconf04.asp 31.03.2004 Museums and the Web International Conference of the Archives & Museum Informatics Washington, DC, ABD İLETİŞİM http://www.archimuse.com/ 12.04.2004 4th ASSIST national Seminar on “Digital Resources and Services in Libraries” Shankarghatta, Shimoga, Hindistan İLETİŞİM f^tttfi:,^^w^w^w^.freewebs.com/^ssist2004/ 14.04.2004 Workshops, “New Developments in Digital L,it)ı^ari^s (NDDL-2004)” of the Instituto para os Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informaçâo, Controlo e Comunicaçâo Porto, Portekiz İLETİŞİM luq?:/W^AVv/iU^(iisarq’^^^^od