DOI: 10.6245/JLIS.2017.432/739 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 109 第四屆「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館 傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」 (The 4th CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung) 「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」(CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung)該獎項為紀念張鼎鍾教授,每年由 「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」遴選委員會選出圖書資訊界之卓有 貢獻領導者,以顯揚及傳承圖書資訊學界之重要社會貢獻和服務精神。第四屆得獎人為李華偉博 士,在 2016 年獲得該獎項。李華偉博士的領導風格以愛人如己、謙和、積極務實和創新的問題解 決為其特長,是全球圖書館界中第一位大學圖書館退休館長榮獲任職大學圖書館以其名命名的館 長。李華偉博士的經歷和得獎感言十分值得細讀。本期刊出獎項簡介、得獎人簡介,以及李博士 獲獎感言。  「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」獎項簡介  第四屆「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」得獎人簡介  第四屆「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」得獎人李華偉博士獲 獎感言--Following the Steps of a Giant Library Leader: Dr. Margaret Chang Fung 110 Journal of Library and Information Science 43(2):109 – 121(October, 2017) 「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出 領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」獎項簡介 紀念張鼎鍾教授 張鼎鍾教授(1934-2010)是「美國華人圖書館員協會」(Chinese American Librarians Association,簡稱 CALA)的終身會員,一位傑出的圖書館館長、教育家、學者,更是當代 傑出的圖書館領導者之一。張鼎鍾教授曾任教於臺灣大學、臺灣師範大學、政治大學、淡江 大學及輔仁大學等校作育菁莪,並曾擔任臺灣師範大學圖書館館長、興建新館,貢獻良多。 張鼎鍾教授並曾任考試委員,任職考試委員十二年期間,關切圖書館人才考用甚深,對考銓 制度與各類考試之主導與策劃竭盡心力,為國舉才。張鼎鍾教授十分關心國際事務發展,對 於國際文化之交流及圖書館事業之促進不遺餘力,是「資訊科學暨科技學會」(Association for Information Science and Technology,簡稱 ASIS&T)臺北分會發起貢獻者之一。張鼎鍾教授 在 1998 年擔任中國圖書館學會理事長擔任理事長期間,為「圖書館法」之通過多方奔走, 促使延宕數十年的「圖書館法」完成立法程序,使圖書館界多年的願望得以實現,厥功甚偉。 張教授並為學會募得數百萬基金,建立學會經濟基礎俾便發揮學會功能,提供更多服務。張 教授不僅是一位重要的圖書館館長、更是一位教育家、倡導者,也因此成為少數獲得 CALA 傑出服務獎者之一。 圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎 為紀念張鼎鍾教授的卓越貢獻,張鼎鍾教授家人與「美國華人圖書館員協會」(CALA) 於 2012 年共同成立「張鼎鍾教授紀念基金會」並設置「圖書館傑出領袖獎」,用以表彰張教 授與協會一致的使命與目標。張鼎鍾教授對圖書館界貢獻良多,熱心公益,可謂傾私濟公, 其職涯中的成就、貢獻、領導與奉獻精神令人欽佩,可謂圖書館從業人員的楷模。 提名須知 「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」以華人圖書資訊從業人員 為對象,每年表彰在圖書資訊服務領域中傑出的領導和成就的美籍華人圖書館領袖。對於推 動華裔圖書館事業的卓越貢獻和服務,將得到獎項委員會的特別關注。這個獎項是永久性的, 是該協會授予的最高榮譽之一,得獎人終生只能獲獎一次。無論年齡、性別、宗教信仰、性取 向或專業服務時間長短,候選人都將被平等地評估。候選人必須是「美國華人圖書館員協會」 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 111 成員。得獎者可獲得協會頒贈美金 1 千元的支票,並於當年度「美國圖書館協會」(American Library Association,簡稱 ALA)年會中的「華人圖書館員協會」頒獎晚宴上公開頒獎。「美 國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」得獎人並得以英文或中文原創論文, 或得獎心得在臺灣師範大學出版之圖書館學與資訊科學半年刊發表。 提名文件包括以下各項,必須以英文提交:  正式提名信函  3-5 封支持信函  被提名者簡歷  被提名者出版品(不超過 5 份)  被提名者相關獎項和榮譽  其他證明文件 112 Journal of Library and Information Science 43(2):109 – 121(October, 2017) CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr.Margaret Chang Fung: An Overview About Dr. Margaret Chang Fung Dr. Margaret Chang Fung (1934-2010) was a Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) life member, a distinguished library director, educator, scholar, and one of the most prominent library leaders around the world. She made enormous achievements and contributions to librarianship, including pioneering in Chinese library automation, library education, international library cooperation and exchange, library and information acts, policies and standards, management, organization, and many other fields. She was a great library director, educator, and advocator in Taiwan and one of the CALA Distinguished Services Award recipients. Dr. Fung’s substantial lasting achievements, contributions, leadership and dedication to the library profession are admirable and impressive. She is an exemplary role model for librarians, in general, and Chinese American librarians, in particular. The Award In order to honor Dr. Fung’s distinguished leadership and dedicated career, The Fung family and the Chinese American Librarians Association have agreed to create the Dr. Margaret Chang Fung Memorial Fund and establish the Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung in CALA consistent with the mission and goals of the Association. Guidelines for Nomination The Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung is given annually to a Chinese American library and information professional who has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership and achievement in library and information services at the national and/or international level. Distinguished contributions and services to the advancement of Chinese-American librarianship will receive special consideration from the Awards Committee. This Award is permanent and one of the highest recognitions given by the Association. None individual will receive the award more than once. Candidates will all be evaluated equally, regardless of age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or length of service to the profession. 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 113 Candidates must be CALA members. The award consists of a $1,000 check. The 2016 Award recipient will be honored at the 2016 CALA Awards Banquet in June 2016 during the ALA Annual Conference. The recipient of the “Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung” is encouraged to submit an original paper in English or Chinese for publication in the joint NTNU/CALA Journal of Library and Information Science. Nomination packages must be submitted in English and must include:  A formal nomination letter from the nominator  3 - 5 supporting letters  Candidate's curriculum vitae  Samples of publications (no more than 5)  List of relevant awards and honors received  Other supporting documentations 114 Journal of Library and Information Science 43(2):109 – 121(October, 2017) 第四屆「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館 傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」得獎人 李華偉博士簡介 第四屆「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」獲獎人—李華偉博 士,他的職業生涯體現了張鼎鍾教授紀念獎所標記的作為圖書館館長、教育家、創新者、學 者、政府官員,彰顯圖書館事業之榮譽和價值,是一位典範的圖書資訊界領導者。 李華偉博士,1954 年畢業於臺灣師範大學獲教育學士學位、1961 年取得美國卡內基梅 隆大學和匹茲堡大學圖書館學碩士學位、1965 年獲得匹茲堡大學教育和圖書館學博士學位, 並於 2012 年獲俄亥俄大學頒贈榮譽博士學位。 李華偉博士是一位績效卓著的圖書館經營者,在大學圖書館和國會圖書館工作半個世紀 以來,與教職員、行政主管、立法者和社區合作,共同努力,創造有價值的服務,擁有卓越 的成就、創新的管理和傑出的貢獻,其中服務的機構包括賓夕法尼亞州愛丁堡大學圖書館館 長和副教授(1966 年 7 月至 1968 年)、美國國際開發署邀請擔任泰國曼谷亞洲理工學院圖書 館和資訊中心主任(1968 年 8 月至 1975 年 6 月)、科羅拉多州立大學圖書館副主任、圖書館 學教授(1975 年 7 月至 1978 年 7 月)、俄亥俄大學圖書館館長(1978 年 8 月至 1999 年 8 月)、 俄亥俄大學名譽館長(1999 年 9 月至今)、泰國清邁大學圖書資訊學系傅爾布萊特高級專家 (2001 年 9 月至 2001 年 10 月)、美國國際圖書館電腦中心(OCLC)顧問暨傑出訪問學者(2000 年至 2003 年)、美國國會圖書館亞洲部主任(2003 年 2 月至 2008 年 3 月)、美國聯邦政府 IMLS 計畫評鑑委員(2008 年 10 月至 2012 年 9 月),以及其他美國和世界各地的領導和顧問諮詢 工作。李華偉博士是世界各地圖書館同僚最高度尊重、也是最具影響力的領導人之一,是一 位國際知名的圖書館領導者,其長期的成就和貢獻為他贏得了無數獎項、榮譽和認可。 李華偉博士的成就和貢獻特別顯現在領導、管理、服務和全球圖書館合作、培訓、應用 新技術和籌款等方面。他曾經擔任美國俄亥俄大學圖書館館長,是華人在美國擔任研究型大 學圖書館總館館長的第一人,不僅如此,1999 年,俄亥俄大學將其新建的圖書館分館命名為 「李華偉圖書館分館」,並將其總圖書館的第一層樓重新裝修,命名為「李華偉國際藏書中 心」作為李華偉博士退休的獻禮,這是一份罕見的殊榮。李博士於俄大退休後,於 2003 年 受聘於美國國會圖書館擔任亞洲部主任,是該館第一位也是唯一正式擔任此職務的華人。此 外,他曾為俄亥俄大學圖書館、美國國會圖書館、美國華人圖書館員協會募得大額捐款,2015 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 115 年更榮獲全球最大圖書館專業組織—美國圖書館協會所授予的最高榮譽梅爾維爾杜威獎等, 李華偉博士在圖書館領導工作、圖書館經營、服務、管理、培訓,以及新技術應用的成功故 事,展示了世界上有遠見卓識的領導者的榜樣,是這個專業領域榜樣中的榜樣。這也是張鼎 鍾博士獎項所倡導的價值。 在繁忙的職業生涯中,李華偉博士仍擁有出色的出版記錄,其中包括 60 多篇期刊文章 和 9 篇專著。近年並有兩本傑作專著,激勵和啟發了世界各地的同行。 The Collected Works of Hwa-Wei Lee 李華偉文集. (Guangzhou: Sun Yet-sen University Press, 2011). 2 vols. 1565 p.(圖書館學家文庫 Library of Library Scientists)(中、英文). The Sage in the Cathedral of Books: the Distinguished Chinese American Library Professional Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee =書籍殿堂的智者:傑出圖書館學家李華偉傳。(中文正體、簡體、英文). 這兩本著作為讀者打開視野,從李博士的生活、才華、經驗、智慧、知識、領導力、管 理、視野、為人處事態度等方面學習和受益。李博士願意分享他的專業知識,以及人生寶貴 經驗,體現了他對圖書館事業和專業人員的熱愛。 李華偉博士對於圖書館經營高瞻遠矚的領導力和創新管理、引領海內外圖書館專業人才 的培訓和提攜、引用資訊科技及其政策指導、募款與增加外部贈款,以及對國際圖書館合作 的長期貢獻,已經成為這個專業領域的模範。恭喜 李華偉博士!並感謝您的勤奮和智慧工 作經驗,成就這個領域的典範榜樣,對於圖書館專業發展,非常具有鼓舞作用。 116 Journal of Library and Information Science 43(2):109 – 121(October, 2017) Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee Recipient of the 4th CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung The award recipient for 2016 is Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee whose professional career has reflected the merits and values in honor of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung’s distinguished library career as a dedicated library director, educator, innovator, scholar, government official, and above all, an exemplary leader. Dr. Lee is a model leader for his superlative achievements in leadership, management, services, national and global library cooperation, training, application of new technologies and fundraising. He is an internationally acclaimed distinguished library icon whose long life achievements and contributions have earned him countless awards, honors and recognitions both in the United States and abroad. Dr. Lee is also recognized as one of America’s most celebrated library leaders. In appreciation of Dr. Lee’s immense contributions to the Ohio University, the University, in August 1999, named a new library building after Dr. Lee as the Hwa-Wei Lee Library Annex and the first floor in the Main Library as the Hwa-Wei Lee Center for International Collections, in his honor when he retired from the University in 1999. This is the highest tribute one can receive in the library world. His success stories are our exemplary role models. Dr. Lee demonstrates an exemplary role model for the world’s visionary leaders in library leadership, management, training, and application of new technologies for library operation and services that Dr. Margaret Chang Fung advocated. Dr. Lee received his B.Ed. from National Taiwan Normal University in 1954; M.Ed. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1959; M.L.S. from Carnegie-Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh in 1961; Ph.D. (Education and Library Science) from the University of Pittsburgh in 1965; and Honorary Doctor of Letters from Ohio University in 2012. With a successful career spans for half a century of leadership in prestigious academic libraries and national library, Dr. Lee has a proven ability to work collegially with faculty, staff, administrators, legislators, and communities to advance the institutions he had served. He is a results oriented administrator of excellent caliber with remarkable track records of superlative achievements, innovative management and distinguished contributions, including: Chief Librarian and Associate Professor, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, 7/1966-7/1968; Director 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 117 of Library and Information Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, (invited by the U.S. Agency for International Development), 8/1968-6/1975; Associate Director of Libraries and Professor of Library Administration, Colorado State University, 7/1975-7/1978; Dean of University Libraries, Ohio University, 8/1978-8/1999; Dean of Libraries Emeritus, Ohio University, 9/1999- present; Fulbright Senior Specialist, Department of Library and Information Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9/2001-10/2001; OCLC Consultant and Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2000-2003; Chief, Asian Division, Library of Congress, 2/2003-3/2008; Project Evaluator, IMLS funded China-U.S. Library Collaboration Project, 10/2008-9/2012; and other national and international leadership and consultation positions. Dr. Lee is one of the most influential leaders who is highly respected by colleagues around the world. Throughout his amazing career, Dr. Lee has an outstanding publication record, including over 60 journal articles and nine monographs. Two masterpieces of monographs have been published recently which have inspired and enlightened our peers around the world. They are:  The Collected Works of Hwa-Wei Lee 李華偉文集. (Guangzhou: Sun Yet-sen University Press, 2011). 2 vols. 1565 p. (圖書館學家文庫 Library of Library Scientists)(In Chinese and English).  The Sage in the Cathedral of Books: the Distinguished Chinese American Library Professional Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee = 書籍殿堂的智者︰傑出美籍華裔圖書館學家李華偉. (Guilin, Guangxi Normal University Press Group, 2011). 305 p. (In Chinese and English). These two books provide rich information and resources for the readers to learn and benefit from Dr. Lee's life, abilities, experience, intelligence, knowledge, leadership, management, vision, talents, and many more. Dr. Lee’s willingness to share his expertise in publications exemplifies his caring for the library professionals. Dr. Lee’s major merits can be identified and described at least in the following features: leadership and innovative management, creative training, national and international guidance for information technologies and policies, and distinguished leadership in fundraising and an increase in external grants. Dr. Lee’s significant long lasting contributions to the library profession, community, education, research, publications, and his effectively collaborate with national and international library executives for cooperative library initiatives have become legacy in the profession. Congratulations! Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee! Thanks for your diligent stories and very encouraging as an exemplary role model for the profession. 118 Journal of Library and Information Science 43(2):109 – 121(October, 2017) 第四屆「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館 傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」得獎人 李華偉博士獲獎感言 追隨一位圖書館界領導巨人的腳步:馮張鼎鍾博士 李華偉 很榮幸榮獲 2016 年「美國華人圖書館員協會圖書館傑出領袖張鼎鍾教授紀念獎」。已 故馮張鼎鍾博士(1934-2010)是臺灣、美國及其他地區優秀圖書館領導者公認的榜樣。她的 家人在 2012 年在 CALA 設立了這個年度紀念獎,是對馮張博士最適合的紀念。 我有幸認識馮張博士近半個世紀,從馮張博士在美國學習和工作時開始,以及後來她在 臺灣的出色工作,包括圖書館管理、教學、研究、出版和政府公務部門(考試委員)工作。 她在臺灣擔任中華民國圖書館學會會長任內,對臺灣圖書館法的起草和通過發揮了重要作用。 另外,她是中國圖書館自動化的先驅,也是臺灣婦女權益的孜孜不倦倡導者。 我和馮張博士係透過國際會議和專業活動,在圖書館專業上有多次的交會。我很榮幸在 1985 年應她的邀請,協助在俄亥俄州哥倫布舉行的美國資訊科學學會第 45 屆年會上組織一 個特別會議。我還記得早上會經常接到她的電話,查看會議安排的細節。她對細節的關注讓 我印象深刻。我們彼此聯繫的越多,我對她的眼光、領導力和對卓越的要求的敬意就越多。 在我 50 年的圖書館職涯中,從研究生時期擔任圖書館學生助理、圖書館員實習生到成 為匹茲堡大學圖書館專業館員、擔任杜肯大學(Duquesne University)圖書館技術服務部主 管、在賓夕法尼亞州立愛丁堡大學(Edinboro State University of Pennsylvania)先後擔任副館 長和館長、接著在美國國際開發署的贊助下,前往泰國曼谷擔任亞洲理工學院圖書館和資訊 中心主任、然後又獲聘擔任科羅拉多州立大學圖書館副館長、俄亥俄大學圖書館館長、並獲 選為 OCLC 訪問傑出學者、以及在美國國會圖書館亞洲部擔任主任等。我在這個職涯的不同 階段中有許多傑出榜樣 - 馮張博士便是其中一位佼佼者。 在我的圖書館職涯中,我也獲得了無數的榮譽和認可,包括俄亥俄大學傑出管理者獎、 俄亥俄州圖書館協會頒發的俄亥俄年度圖書館員獎、美國圖書館協會頒發的約翰艾姆斯漢弗 萊國際圖書館事業貢獻獎、在我第一次退休時,俄亥俄大學以一棟新蓋的圖書館分舘命名為 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 119 「李華偉圖書館分館」來表揚我對該校圖書館的貢獻、俄亥俄州圖書館理事會將我的名字列 入俄亥俄圖書館員名人堂、俄亥俄大學授予名譽博士學位,以及不久前剛榮獲的美國圖書館 協會所授予的最高榮譽梅爾維爾杜威獎,但我認為美國華人圖書館員協會(CALA)紀念馮 張鼎鍾博士的傑出圖書館領導者獎對我來說具有非常特殊的意義,因為馮張博士是我親自認 識及非常欽佩的卓越領導者。另外,我也很榮幸能夠追隨這個獎項的前三位優秀獲獎者,他 們是前多米尼加大學研究生院圖書館學院院長,CALA 創始人之一李志鍾博士、前臺灣國家 圖書館館長王振鵠教授、臺灣師範大學教務長兼圖書資訊學研究所教授陳昭珍博士。他們都 是真正卓越的圖書館領導者,對圖書館事業具有豐富的和深遠的貢獻。他們為我和其他未來 的獲獎者創造了高標準的標竿,鼓勵我們去爭取和超越。 我深深的感謝、以謙遜和自豪感接受這個獎項。 120 Journal of Library and Information Science 43(2):109 – 121(October, 2017) Following the Steps of a Giant Library Leader: Dr. Margaret Chang Fung Hwa-Wei Lee It is a great honor to be the recipient of the 2016 CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung. The late Dr Fung (1934-2010) is a recognized role model for outstanding library leaders in Taiwan, U.S. and beyond. It is a fitting tribute to her that her family established this annual memorial award at CALA in 2012. I had the privilege of knowing Dr. Fung for almost half a century; from the time she studied and worked in the U.S. and later during her outstanding career in Taiwan, including in library administration, teaching, research, publications, and government work on the civil service examination. In her role as the president of the Library Society of China in Taiwan, she was instrumental in the draft and passage of the Library Law in Taiwan. In addition, she was a pioneer in Chinese library automation and a tireless advocate for woman’s rights in Taiwan. Our professional paths crossed many times through international conferences and programs. It was a privilege that in 1985, I was invited by her to assist in organizing a special session at the 45th Annual Conference of the American Association of Information Science held in Columbus, Ohio. I still remember the many phone calls from her in the morning hours to check on the details of the conference planning. Her attention to details made a great impression on me. The more we contacted each other, the more was my respect for her vision, leadership, and dedication to excellence. Throughout my 50 years of library career beginning from being a student library assistant, a librarian trainee, and a beginning professional librarian at the University of Pittsburgh Library during my graduate studies; to head of technical services at Duquesne University Library; assistant head and then head librarian at Edinboro State University of Pennsylvania; director of library and information center at Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Agency for International Development; associate director of libraries at Colorado State University; dean of libraries at Ohio University; visiting distinguished scholar at OCLC; and finally to the position of chief of Asian division at the Library of Congress; I had many role models at different stage of that career -- Dr. Fung was an important one of them. 圖書館學與資訊科學 43(2):109 – 121(民一○六年十月) 121 Of the many honors and recognitions I received during my library career, including the Outstanding Administrator’s Award from Ohio University, the Ohio Librarian of the Year awarded by Ohio Library Association, the John Ames Humphrey Award for Contributions to International Librarianship by American Library Association , the naming of a library building as Hwa-Wei Lee Library Annex by Ohio University upon my first retirement, the induction into the Ohio Librarian Hall of Fame by Ohio Library Council, the conferring 0f a Honorary Doctor of Letters Degree by Ohio University, and the Melvil Dewey Medal Awarded by American Library Association, etc., I consider the CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung as having a very special meaning to me in that Dr. Fung is the one I had known personally and has always had my great admiration. In addition, I also feel honored to be among those outstanding past recipients of this award; they are Dr. Tze-Chung Li, former Dean of Graduate Library School at Dominican University and founder of CALA; Dr. Cheng-Ku Wang, former Director General of the National Central Library in Taiwan; and Dr. Joyce Chao-Chen Chen, Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan Normal University. All of them are truly outstanding library leaders with illuminated library careers and far-reaching contributions. They established the high bar of achievements for me as well as for other future award recipients to aspire and excel. It is with profound gratitude that I accept the Award with a sense of humbleness and pride. 4302-06