CLUB AS Donaldson's MINNEAPOLIS Dependable Merchandise for every member of the Family and for the Home at Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with Quality Mail Orders Carefully, Promptly and Satisfactorily Filled. - Bor REC Mini The Quaker Creamery Co. PASTEURIZED MILK and CREAM ICE CREAM and BUTTER TE WE DELIVER PHONE US For your next Dinner Party or Luncheon order one of our delicious Meringue Pies. We carry in stock for immediate delivery assorted flavors of Brick Ice Cream, Sherbets, and Ices. Eat More "Quaker” Ice Cream: The Cream of Creams Daylight Washing Machine THE Hayleret NO AERATING MACHINERY ON LID. ACTION of the TRIPLE EASY TO DISC CONES OPERATE. BUILT MAKES CLEAN RIGHT PURE FOR WHITE CONSISTENT SERVICE. CLOTHES Manufactured by PUFFER-HUBBARD MFG. CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 2cc'?!!! The Club Woman's Cook Book Revised 1913-1918-1920 A COLLECTION OF TESTED RECIPES Copyrighted by MRS. THOS. F. QUINBY Minneapolis, Minn. 1911-1913–1918-1920 A. M. CHESHER PRINTING CO. MINNEAPOLIS MINN, FOURTH EDITION of THE CLUB WOMAN'S COOK BOOK Soups "Now, good digestion, wait on appetite and health on both.” -Shakespeare. CREAM OF ASPARAGUS SOUP. (a) 1 bunch or 1 can asparagus, 1 qt. hot water. (b) 1 tbs. butter, 1 tbs. flour; add to 2 cups hot milk, žtsp. salt, blade of mace. (c) 1 egg, 1 cup hot thin cream, asparagus tips. Add (a to b) when boiling; add (c) and serve. Mrs. T. R. Cole. 1 ALMOND SOUP WITH WHIPPED CREAM. cup blanched almonds, 1 qt. thin cream, 1 cup whipped cream. To 1 cup blanched almonds chopped fine, add 1 qt. of thin cream and let simmer 5 minutes. Thicken a very little, add salt and a little white pepper and strain; pour over this a cup of whipped cream and beat all until foamy; serve very hot in heated cups with hot wafers. Mrs. W. E. Lockerby. CROUTONS. Butter bread, sliced 1 inch thick and cut in squares. Brown in oven. Serve hot. Hazel Willis. BLACK BEAN SOUP. 1 cup of black beans, soaked over night; drain, put in kettle with cold water to cover (about three pts.), 1 onion, 1 ounce fat meat, 2 tsp. salt, 1 clove and a dash of pepper. Cook until beans are soft enough to press through sieve (about three hours), add water or stock as it boils away. Slice 2 hard boiled eggs and 1 lemon, put in tureen and pour the hot soup over them. -Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 6 CORN SOUP. 12 ears of sweet corn, well developed. After grating, pour 1 pt. of boiling water over the corn cobs. Scrape each cob with the back of a silver knife to remove the sweet germ. Add to this liquid the grated corn and salt to taste. Cook slowly for 15 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Put the mixture in a double boiler. Add about 1 qt. of milk or enough to thin it to the consistency of cream soup. Before serving add 1 cup of butter and season with salt and pepper to taste. A tbs. of whipped cream may be added to each plateful. Mrs. Chas. H. Burwell. CORN CHOWDER. (a) 1 onion sliced, saute with 1 cup raw ham, 1 can corn, 1 cup raw potato dice, 1 qt. boiling water. (b) 1 tbs. butter, 1 tbs. flour, 1 pt. hot milk, 1 tsp. salt, 2 drops tabasco sauce. (c) 6 crackers rolled. Cook (a) 1 hour, add (b); when boiling add (c) and serve. Mrs. T. R. Cole. CELERY SOUP. Cover 1 cup of chopped celery with boiling water, cook until tender and add 1 qt. of milk, when this boils, stir in 2 tsp. corn starch dissolved in a little milk or water, season with salt, pepper and butter. When served, add 1 tsp. of whipped cream to each cup. Mrs. W. B. MacLean. FRENCH SOUP. 2 tbs. butter, 1 tbs. flour, 1 chopped onion (small). Cook the above together until the flour browns, then add 2 cups tomato and cook ten minutes longer. Strain and add to 1] qts. beef stock. Season with salt, pepper and celery salt. Mrs. A. A. George. 7 MUSHROOM SOUP. Clean and chop Alb. mushrooms, add 1 qt. chicken stock; cook twenty minutes. Cook 1 cup of pearl sago in 1 cup boiling water thirty minutes, add to stock; as soon as boil- ing point is reached add 1 cup of rich, sweet cream and beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Heat up and serve. Mrs. H. W. Gibson. NORWEGIAN SWEET SOUP. 1 pt. cranberries, stewed and strained, 1 cup sago cooked until clear, 1 cup seedless raisins cooked alone. Put all to- gether and sweeten to taste. Flavor with wine or the juice of 1 lemon. Decorate with beaten white of egg in spoonfuls. Mrs. W. B. MacLean. PEA SOUP. Can of peas, boil with small onion, when onion is cooked, strain through fruit press, add 1 tbs. melted butter, 1 tbs. flour, 1 qt. milk, rice if desired. Salt to taste. Mrs. R. A. Ensign. QUICK POTATO SOUP. 2 potatoes, 1 pt. milk, 1 tsp. tapioca, 1 tbs. butter, salt and pepper to taste. Slice potatoes very thin, cover with hot water, add a little salt and cook quickly. When tender, mash quickly and add the milk, let boil up, season with butter, pepper and salt, and serve in hot cups. A spoonful of whipped cream on top of each cup. Mrs. W. E. Lockerby. NOODLES. Beat an egg light, and add as much flour as can be kneaded into it. Roll out thin as wafer, let dry, roll and cut into strips. Drop into boiling soup. Mrs. C. J. Hedwall. 8 serve. CREAM OF PEA SOUP. 1 can of peas, 1 pt. cold water, 1 pt. hot water, 1 qt. hot milk, 2 tbs. flour, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, sprig of parsley, dash of pepper, 2 tbs. butter. Drain one can of peas, add the cold water, salt, sugar and parsley; cook 20 minutes, remove the parsley and press through a sieve, cream the butter and flour, add the hot milk and hot water, stirring constantly until smooth, add the peas and serve hot, strain before serving Mrs. W. E. Lockerby. TOMATO SOUP. 1 qt. can tomatoes, 1 pt. water, 12 pepper corns, 1 bay leaf, 4 cloves, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 slice onion, tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbs. butter, 2 tbs. flour. Cook first seven ingredients twenty minutes, strain, add salt and soda. Mix butter and flour smooth, add to hot soup, boil five minutes, strain and Mrs. W. E. Lockerby. SWIEBACK, Cut bakers or other light bread into 1 inch slices and brown in a moderate oven. CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP. 1 can tomatoes, 1 tsp. soda, j cup butter, } cup flour, tsp. salt, 1 tsp. white pepper, 1 qt. milk (scalded). Stew the tomatoes slowly for 1 to 1 hour; strain, add soda while hot. Make a white sauce, heat the butter until it foams, add the flour, salt, pepper, and stir smooth; then add the hot milk slowly, stirring constantly. Add the hot tomato juice to the white sauce and serve immediately. SWISS SOUP. 13 qts. of chicken stock, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 tsp. flour, cup of milk. Beat the eggs, flour and milk until smooth. Add slowly to the stock which has been heated boiling hot. Avoid a second boiling. Season and serve at once with 1 tbs. of whipped cream. Mrs. A. A. George. 9 VEGETABLE SOUP. 1 small soup bone, or 1 lb. of “ribs of beef,” 2 large potatoes, 1 small cabbage, 1 parsnip, 2 small carrots, 2 medium onions, 1 small rutabaga, salt, bay leaf, pepper. Put the meat on early to boil in cold water. In an hour and a half add the cabbage chopped fine, also the onion and rutabaga and potato. In a separate kettle boil the parsnip and carrots half an hour. Drain, chop fine and add to the meat and other vegetables, cook until all the vegetables are well done, season and serve. Mrs. Lockerby. 2 CONSOMME. 3 lbs. of lower part of round, 3 lbs. knuckle of veal, 1 qt. chicken stock, i cup carrot, f cup turnip, f cup celery, cup sliced onion, 2 tbs. butter, or beef drip- pings, 1 tbs. pepper corns, 4 cloves, 3 sprigs thyme, 1 sprig marjoram, 2 sprigs parsley, bay leaf, 3 qts. cold water. Cut the beef in small cubes, and brown in some of the marrow from the bone, or in beef drippings; put into a kettle with cold water and remaining beef; add the veal cut in cubes and the bones (cracked) and soak for 1 hour. Heat slowly and let simmer 3 hours or longer. Cool and remove the fat which has formed a coating over the top of stock. Cook the carrot, turnip, onion and celery in butter or beef drippings 5 minutes; then add to the stock with seasonings and chicken stock. Cook 2 hours longer, strain and clarify. To 1 qt. of stock, add the white of 1 egg beaten slightly and the crushed shell. Boil 2 minutes and cook gently 20 minutes. Remove the scum and strain through muslin. Add additional seasonings if desired, reheat and serve. Carrots, string beans, peas, spaghetti or macaroni cooked and cut in rings may be used as a garnish in con- The stock may be made the day before using. somme. 10 CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP. 1 qt. of milk, 1 tbs. flour, 1 can of tomato soup, 1 cup boiling water, 1 tsp. of soda Butter and salt to taste. Heat milk to a boiling point, then stir in flour that has been wet and stirred smooth. Add tomatoes, then soda that has been dissolved in a cup of boiling hot water. Mrs. Joseph G. Palmer. VEAL SOUP (EXCELLENT). Put a knuckle of veal into 3 qts. of cold water, adding a small tbs. of uncooked rice. Boil slowly, hardly above simmering, four hours, when the liquor should be reduced 1. Into a warm dish put 1 teacup of cream into which has been stirred the yolk of an egg. Add a piece of butter the size of a walnut, on this strain the soup boiling hot, stirring all the time; beat well for a minute. Whipped cream or a spoonful of cooked egg white and a small quantity of parsley, may be put on top of each serving. Mrs. M. G. Rodearmel. ONION SOUP. Slice 1 lb. round steak in į inch slices and cut them into 12 inch squares. Put into a saucepan a heaping tbs. of beef drippings and a tbs of butter. Slice 4 large onions rather thin and allow them to fry until they are slightly browned. Add the meat and cook slowly about 15 minutes longer. Salt to taste and then add 2 qts. of water and let simmer on the back of the stove for 4 hours. Ladle out into marmite pots and turn over the top of each an inch of melted American cheese. 11 A THICKENING FOR SOUP. Take an egg, beat it a little; put in bowl with a little flour; mix, rubbing together between the palms until it forms little crumbs. The amount of flour depends upon size of egg. Drop into boiling soup and boil a few minutes before serving. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. DRIED HERBS. Celery tops, parsley, mint, sage, and herbs of all kinds need not be blanched, but should be washed well and dried in the sun or in a drier. These are good for flavoring soups, gravies, purees, omelets, etc. CABBAGE SOUP. To a pint of shredded cabbage allow two or three chopped onions. Put an ounce of fat in a frying pan, add onions and cabbage and stir until well wilted. Then stir in a tbs. or a little more of flour and add a qt. and a half of water. Bring to boil, skim and add 1 or 2 potatoes cut fine, a carrot cut in julienne strips, and a little celery if you have it, and cook for 1 hour. > POTATO CHOWDER. 6 potatoes, small slice of salt pork, 1 onion, 1 pint milk, 1 tbs. white flour, 1 tsp. drippings, 1 tsp. chopped parsley, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. pepper. Cut potatoes into dice and pork into small pieces; fry the pork and onion in a pan until brown; put potatoes, onions and pork into a pot; add a pt. of water with seasoning; simmer half an hour; make a white sauce of the milk, flour and drippings; add to the cooked potatoes. Let all boil a few minutes and serve hot. 12 CREAM OF RICE SOUP. 3 cup rice, 1 qt. milk, 2 stalks celery, 1 onion, sliced, 2 tbs. butter, bit of bay leaf, $ tsp. pepper, 1 tsp salt. Wash the rice and cook with the milk in a double boiler until rice is soft. Cook the onion in the butter, but do not brown it-add the celery and bay leaf. Add this to the milk and rice, season with salt and pepper. Add the re- maining butter and serve. CREAM OF OYSTER PLANT SOUP. Scrub salsify roots, drop in boiling water for 5 min- utes, rub off skin, slice with a few dice of celery, cook in a little water, mash, and add to a lightly thickened milk. Half a dozen roots are sufficient for 1 pt. of milk, enriched with a little fat, which may be butter or oil, and with a tsp. of cream per serving. Grate a grating or two of nut- meg into the soup and mix well before serving. SCOTCH BROTH. 2 lbs. mutton (neck), 2 carrots, 2 or 3 leeks, 1 stalk cel- ery, 1 tsp. chopped parsley, 2 onions, 1 turnip, 1 teacupful dried peas, 4 tbs. barley, 4 qts. water, salt and pepper. Put the barley on in cold water and let it come to a boil; skim and put in the mutton. Allow it to boil gently for 1 hour, then add the vegetables, cut into neat dices, and the seasonings. Simmer for 2 hours, and just before serving add the parsley. CUBAN SOUP. Use a good sized soup bone (beef). When partly cooked, add to the stock 4 small head of cabbage, 2 small carrots, 1 onion, 2 small tomatoes (remove seeds), 1 ear corn, 1 small piece Hubbard squash. When all are thoroughly cooked, strain and serve hot. Mrs. C. J. Hibbard. Fish “From the rude sea's enraged and foaming mouth."--Shakespeare. STUFFED FISH. 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 tbs. butter. Melt the butter and stir in the crumbs. Sprinkle the inside of the fish with a layer of crumbs then a layer of oysters, salt and pepper. Cover with crumbs. Put slices of salt pork in baking pan. Cook in moderately slow oven until it flakes or about 1 hour. Mrs. Fred Farling. SALMON SOUFFLE. Bone thoroughly 1 can salmon, break up well; take 6 or 8 crackers and add melted butter; juice of 1 lemon; 1 to 2 eggs; salt and pepper; chopped parsley. Add liquid, beat and mix thoroughly, butter generously. Press mixture in mould and steam 1 hour and leave uncovered the last 15 minutes. Season quite highly. Serve with cream gravy Mrs. H. L. Wakefield. and peas. STUFFED PIKE. Clean the fish and leave head on. Rub salt inside and fill with the following stuffing: 1 cup cracker or bread crumbs, 1 stsp. salt, 1 stsp. pepper, 1 tsp. chopped onion, 1 tsp. chopped capers, 1 tsp. chopped parsley, 1 tsp. chopped pickle, i cup melted butter. Mix, stuff and sew up fish. Put a couple of slices of bacon on the outside. Bake until tender with a little water in pan. Any fish may be sub- stituted. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 14 CRAB COCKTAIL 1 can Izumi Crab Meat, pick it up well, removing any small pieces of shell; 1 green pepper, remove seeds and soak in salt and water for 1 hour, then chop fine; 11 pimentos, 1 red pepper chopped; 3 tbs. made horseradish; 3 tbs. lemon juice; 3 tbs. vinegar; 2 tbs. olive oil; } tsp. paprika; 1 tsp. dry mustard; 1 stsp. salt. Serve in high sherbet glasses, garnish with sprigs of parsley and sliced pimentos. This will serve 8. Mrs. Walter I. Fisher. PLANKED SHAD OR WHITEFISH. Use only hardwood plank. Maple or oak best. Plank should be 3 inches thick, 2 feet long and 13 feet wide. Heat plank very hot, otherwise imparts woody flavor. Wipe fish with cold cloth wrung out of water and wipe dry. Lay fish open, dredge with salt and pepper and dots of butter. Cook 25 minutes before a clear fire or else in a very hot oven. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. SHRIMP A LA NEWBERG. 1 large can shrimps, washed and picked up. Make a rich thickened cream sauce of 1 pt. of milk, season with salt and paprika. When cooked add the shrimps and 1 wine glass of sherry wine. Put in buttered fish shells, cover with browned buttered crumbs and bake 10 minutes. Place shells on sprigs of watercress and serve at once. This amount serves 8. Mrs. J. W. Campbell. OYSTER COCKTAIL. 1 tbs. Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbs. lemon juice, 1 tbs. vinegar, 1 tbs. horseradish, 1 tbs. catsup or chili sauce, 1 tsp. salt, 4 or 5 drops tabasco sauce. Strain, add to the oysters, and serve very cold. Mrs. A. F. Daggett. 16 SALMON SOUFFLE. 3 tbs. butter, 3 tbs. flour, i cup milk, 3 eggs, 1 tsp. salt, cayenne, 1 cup flaked salmon. Put the butter into a sauce pan, and when hot, add the flour and stir until smooth, add milk and seasonings. Cook 2 minutes. Cook 2 minutes. Remove from fire and add the well-beaten yolks and the salmon. Set away to cool. When cold; add the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Turn into a buttered dish and bake 20 to 25 minutes. Serve the moment it comes from the oven. OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELL. Serve oysters on the deep halves of the shells, allowing 6 to each person. Arrange on plates of crushed ice, with of a lemon in the center of each plate. Note: Open the oysters with a thin flat knife and remove the smaller or right valve of the shell, leaving the oyster in the large half. BROILED SHAD. Remove the head and tail. Split the shad down the back, remove the backbone, place the fish on a broiler, skin side down. Then place slice bacon on top and broil 20 minutes. When half done season with pepper and salt. When done pour melted butter over top and garnish with lemon and parsley. Have roe fried brown and serve with the shad. Mrs. W. A. Mather. MINCED LOBSTER. Take 2 cups chopped lobster, 1 cup cracker crumbs and put in spider with salt and pepper, piece of butter size of an egg. Add enough milk to moisten. Cook for a few minutes till the milk is absorbed. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 17 LOBSTER A LA NEWBERG. Cut lobster into small pieces, heat in 2 tbs. of melted butter, add a little salt and paprika, a tbs. of Sherry Brandy, or lemon juice. Make a white sauce with 1 tbs. of flour, 1 tbs. of butter, 1 cup of milk, when slightly thickened add 1 beaten egg, add the lobster and cook 1 minute. LOBSTER CHOWDER. 1 lb. of lobster chopped rather coarsely. Heat 1 qt. of milk thickened with three crackers rolled fine, 4 cup butter, pepper, salt, a dash of cayenne pepper. Add lobster, boil a few minutes and serve hot. A small onion chopped may be added if liked. Mrs. W. A. Mather. FISH PUDDING. Boil 3 lbs. of halibut, remove the bones and then mince. Grate an onion to flavor and add salt, pepper, a rich cream sauce, and well-beaten whites of 3 eggs. Put into a fish mold and set in a pan of hot water in the oven for half an hour. Turn out on a platter and make eyes and fins of hard-boiled egg yolks. Serve with lobster or crab sauce made of a rich cream sauce with lobster or crab added. Mrs. A. F. Daggett. BOILED SALMON. Wrap fish in thin muslin and boil in salted water about 15 minutes to the pound. Serve with sauce made as fol- lows: Rub 1 tbs. of butter and 1 of flour to cream in a bowl. Add boiling hot water and stir constantly to avoid lumps. Do not boil. Add the juice of half a lemon just before serving Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 18 FISH TURBOT. Make a white sauce of 1 cup milk and 2 tsp. of flour; 1 tbs. butter; salt and pepper to taste. Place a layer of salmon then sauce until dish is filled, a few bread crumbs sprinkled on top and bake 20 minutes. Decorate with pars- ley, lemon and hard boiled eggs. Mrs. B. G. Hardwick. FISH TURBOT.. 1 pt. milk, thicken with 2 tbs. flour; when cool add 2 well beaten eggs, 1 lb. butter if whitefish is used, with salmon no butter is required. Season with little onion or parsley; 1 can of salmon or 1 lb. minced fish. Bake 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. SALMON IN SHELLS. Drain liquid from 2 cans salmon, pick fine and place in buttered baking shells. Melt 2 tbs. butter, stir in 2 tbs. flour. Place liquid drained from salmon in pt. measure and fill with boiling water, add butter and flour; cook until smooth. Remove from fire, add yolks of 4 eggs, beaten, small sp. full mustard; 1 tbs. vinegar, 2 tbs. olive oil and salt to taste. Pour over salmon in shells, strew bread crumbs over top, add a little butter and bake until light brown. This may be baked in large dish but is nicer in the shells. Mrs. F. Darling. SALMON LOAF. 1 lb. can salmon, 4 beaten eggs, 4 tbs. melted butter, } cup bread or cracker crumbs, salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly, form in loaf and steam 1 hour. Take up on a platter and pour over it the following sauce: SAUCE. 1 cup butter, yolks of 2 eggs, juice of 1 lemon, 1 level tbs. flour, 1 cup boiling water. Cook and pour over the loaf. Mrs. Eddy Capps. 19 SALMON LOAF. 1 can salmon, 2 eggs, 2 tbs. melted butter, 1 cup bread crumbs, salt and pepper, 1 sprig minced parsley. Put into buttered mold and steam 1 hour. SAUCE. 1 cup milk thickened with 1 tsp. corn starch, heaping tsp. butter, liquor from salmon, 1 egg, 1 tbs. tomato catsup. Put the beaten egg in last very carefully and cook until thick. Pour sauce over fish when ready to serve. Mrs. F. Darling. LITTLE PIGS IN BLANKETS, Roll a nice plump oyster in a very thin slice of bacon, pin with a toothpick, fry until bacon is brown and serve on very hot dish. LOBSTER CUTLETS. 1. pt. chopped lobster meat, few grains cayenne, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. mustard. SAUCE. 2 tbs. butter, 1 tsp. salt, į cup flour, few grains white pepper, 1 cup milk or cream; add the salt, mustard and cayenne to the chopped lobster, add the sauce and spread the mixture on a plate. When cold shape into cutlets. Roll the cutlets in dry bread crumbs; then in beaten egg, and again in bread crumbs. Cook in deep fat until brown. Garnish with a claw in the end of each cutlet. 20 LOBSTER A LA NEWBERG. Make white sauce, add 1 can of lobsters, 1 wine glass of wine, 1 egg well beaten. Be careful not to cook long after the lobster has been added. Mrs. William Gawne. ESCALLOPED SALMON. Pick salmon into small pieces. Place in baking dish with alternate layers of cracker crumbs, cover with rich milk, a good piece of butter, pepper, salt and bake—not too dry. Mrs. Josephine Schaller BAKED OYSTERS. 1 pt. oysters, 1 small can lobster. Wash and drain the oysters by laying on a soft cloth. Put 5 or 6 oysters on shells, season with salt and dash of red pepper, cut butter into small bits and sprinkle on top. Break the lobster into small pieces and with them cover the oysters. Put into a hot oven and cook fifteen minutes or until oysters are thoroughly heated. Decorate with parsley. Serve at once. This will serve six. Suitable for luncheon or supper. Serve with it caviar sandwiches. Mrs. H. K. Zuppinger. SHRIMPS AND PEAS. Melt 2 tbs. butter, add 3 tbs. flour, and pour on gradually 1 cup of milk or cream, stir until thickened, then add 1 cup shrimps, 1 cup of peas, 1 tsp salt and a little pepper. Cold chicken (cooked) may be used in place of shrimps. Mrs. H. W. Gibson. SAUCE TARTARE. Chop fine 1 tsp. capers, 3 olives, 2 gherkins. Season quite highly with onion juice. Put in dressing made of 1 yolk egg, 2 tbs. of either olive oil, peanut oil or melted butter. Season with salt and red pepper. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. 23 SHRIMP COCKTAIL. 1 can shrimp, 1 cup tomato ketchup, 1 tsp. salt, 4 tbs. lemon juice, 3 tsp. tabasco sauce, 1 tsp. fine chopped chives. Soak shrimps in ice water 15 minutes. Drain on dry towel, remove veins and cut in small pieces. Add the seasoning, mix well and serve in cocktail glasses (six or eight servings). DRAWN BUTTER. 1 tbs. oleomargarine, 1 tbs. flour, 1 cup boiling water, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. pépper, 1 tbs. lemon juice. Rub the oleo- margarine and flour together, add the boiling water grad- ually, stirring constantly. Boil 2 or 3 minutes: Season and add lemon juice. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE. (For Boiled Fish.) 1 tbs. fat, 1 tbs. flour, 1 egg yolk, 4 tsp. salt, few grains pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 tbs. vinegar, 1 tbs. chopped onion, 1 cup water in which fish was boiled. Bring to the boiling point vinegar, bay leaf and onion. Rub the fat and flour together and add gradually the fish stock. When boiling add vinegar, which has been strained. Take from the fire and add gradually the yolk of egg. Heat just a moment. Add seasoning. CAPER SAUCE. cup butter, 3 tbs. flour, few grains pepper, 1 tsp. salt, 14 cups hot water, 1 cup capers. Melt 4 the butter, add flour, salt and pepper. Stir until well mixed and pour on gradually the hot water, stirring until smooth. Boil 5 minutes, add the remaining of the butter and the capers. Poultry and Meats Some hae meat and canna eat, Some hae no teeth to chank it; But we hae meat and we can eat, An' so the Lord be thank it." ROAST TURKEY. One cannot be too careful in selecting, preparing and baking a turkey. For a large turkey, the male bird about a year old is best. For a turkey of about 8 lbs. select the female. In dressing a turkey remove the pin feathers under the skin with a sharp knife, being careful not to break the skin. Singe carefully. Remove the giblets, superfluous fat and other parts inside the bird. Wash inside and out. Wipe dry with a soft cloth. Clean the giblets. The fowl is now ready for the stuffing. STUFFING. Put the giblets in a skillet with water to cover. Cook tender, remove from the liquor, cool and chop fine. For a large turkey, add to the liquor cup of butter, 1 medium sized onion chopped fine, salt and pepper to taste and the giblets. Heat the mixture. Chop dry bread not too fine. Mix the seasoned liquor thoroughly with the bread and a little sage. If not moist enough add a little hot water. The secret of good stuffing is not to make it too moist. When the turkey is carved, the stuffing should roll out lightly. A pt. of oysters may be added to the stuffing. The above recipe may be used for other fowl. For chicken leave out the onion and add more sage. For duck and goose add more onion and leave out the sage. 25 ROASTING. Fill the turkey with stuffing. Do not pack it, although the neck may be stuffed to the very tip. Tie a string around the skin near the tip and turn back. Sew the turkey up. Cover each leg with three thin slices of bacon. Fasten on with small skewers or toothpicks. Wrap each leg with a soft cloth and sew on. Press the legs to the back and tie with a string around the bird. This will make the legs as juicy and tender as any part of the fowl. Tie the wings closely to the breast. Put the turkey in a roasting pan. Slide into a hot oven. Leave the cover off until the fowl is thoroughly heated and colored a delicate brown. Then baste with hot salted water which contains a little melted butter. Cool the oven to a moderate temperature. Roast the bird from three to five hours with the cover on the pan, basting frequently and just using enough water to make a steam. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. CHICKEN SOUFFLE. 1 cup chicken chopped fine, tsp. salt, 1 tsp. pepper, 1 tsp. chopped parsley or celery, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 cup cream sauce. Add beaten yolks of 2 eggs then the beaten whites. Put in a baking dish and cover with bread crumbs mixed with melted butter, bake 20 minutes. BAKED CHICKEN. Cut up in pieces size to serve, wash and wipe dry. Have spider hot, put in a little fat, brown slightly each piece, roll in flour and place in baking pan, season, put cup water in spider, add butter size of egg. Pour this gravy over the chicken, place in hot oven and bake one hour and half, oc- casionally basting. Veal chops or pork tenderloins are very nice baked in the same way. Mrs. J. C. Sterling. 26 POLANDERS. Have steak cut thin and cut in pieces about 3 inches square, cut salt pork in 4 strips, put about 3 strips of pork on beef roll and tie with a cord, roll in flour, brown in butter, 1 onion cut fine, then cover with boiling water and let simmer an hour. Take out and cut cord then put back in gravy and let cook again. Sprinkle 1 tbs. of parsley cut fine. Mrs. Burwell. HUNGARIAN GOULASH. 1 lb. round steak, cut into 1 inch squares; 1 lb. veal steak, cut into 1 inch squares; 1 lb. pork steak, cut into 1 inch squares; 1 green pepper, chopped; 2 medium sized onions. Brown onion and pepper in 3 tbs. hot butter. Add meat, stirring it in order to sear all sides, then add 1 qt. boiling water; 3 tbs. stewed tomato; salt and paprika to taste. Cook slowly 2 hours, then thicken the liquid slightly and pour over hot baking powder biscuit on platter. Mrs. Ernest Z. Wanous. FRIED SPRING CHICKEN, COUNTRY STYLE. Clean and split 1 spring chicken in half. Lay the halves on a meat board and flatten with a pounder. Roll in flour seasoned with pepper and salt. Put into a long dripping pan, cup butter and melt on top of stove. When hot lay in the prepared chicken, and put in a very hot oven. When the chicken begins to brown baste with the butter. When browned cover with a tin, cool the oven a little. If the chicken is young and tender and the oven the right temperature, i of an hour is sufficient to cook. Make a gravy from the brown butter with hot water and thick- ening added. Serve with the chicken, fried corn mush or browned sweet potatoes. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. 27 DELICIOUS CHICKEN PIE. Take a pair of chickens not too young that have been carefully dressed; remove all the fat and skin and ten- dons from the drumsticks. Place in a sauce pan, cover with boiling water, allow them to simmer gently for about two hours, keeping them tightly covered during the entire time. Remove the chickens from the fire, cut into pieces and place in a deep earthenware pie dish. After the chicken is removed, add to the liquor in the sauce pan a pt. of milk; thicken with 2 tbs. of flour creamed with 1 of butter, season with a very little cayenne pepper, some onion juice and salt. When thoroughly cooked and just before removing from the fire add the well beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Pour over the chicken. When both sauce and chicken are quite cold place over all a cover of good rich paste, making an incision in the center for the steam to escape. Brush over with the white of an egg, bake in a moderately hot oven. When the paste is cooked the pie will be done. Mrs. E. T. White. CHICKEN WITH TOMATOES. Cook 4 tbs. of butter with a small onion (finely chopped) 5 minutes; add 5 tbs. of flour and stir until slightly browned. Pour on gradually a cup each of chicken stock and tomatoes stewed and strained. Add 1 tbs. lemon juice, 1 tsp. of salt and j tsp. of paprika. Reheat in the sauce 11 cup cold cooked fowl cut in cubes. Miss Belle Jeffery. RABBIT RAGOUT. Parboil 2 rabbits; 1 can tomatoes; little water; 3 large or 6 small onions; } lb. salt pork; 2 cups vinegar; 1 bay leaf; a few cloves and allspice whole, tied in bag; steam slowly till done. Mrs. Souki. 29 MUSHROOM SAUCE. Drippings from fillet; 2 tbs. butter; 4 tbs. flour; 1 pt. stock; 1 pt. canned mushrooms; 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce; salt and pepper. Heat the butter and drippings until brown. Add flour and stir until smooth, then the stock gradually, stirring constantly; strain; add the mush- rooms; cook 5 minutes; then add Worcestershire sauce; salt and pepper. The same quantity of cooked mushrooms may be used. SWEETBREADS IN CASES. Cooked sweetbreads, 1 pt; 1 pt. cream; 1 tbs. butter; 1 tbs. flour; 1 tsp. salt; 1 saltsp. pepper; 1 can mush- rooms; 1 cup bread crumbs; 2 tbs. butter. After sweet- breads have been washed and soaked in cold water, put them in boiling water with tsp. salt and tbs. vinegar, and boil 20 minutes; then plunge into cold water. Scald cream in the double boiler; put butter and flour into a frying pan; cook until smooth and frothy; add cream, a little at a time. Turn back into double boiler to keep warm, and add sea- soning. Drain mushrooms from liquor and cut into small pieces. Add to crumbs melted butter, salt and pepper. Cut sweetbreads into small cakes, put into sauce and add mushrooms. Cook until heated through. Fill cases with mixture, cover with buttered crumbs; place on tin sheet and brown the crumbs. Mrs. H. W. Gibson. CREAMED SWEETBREADS. 1 lb. sweetbreads put in cold water with juice of 1 lemon. Let stand 1 hour. Put in cold water and let boil about 20 minutes. Take off and put in ice water with a little salt and let stand until thoroughly cold. Then cover with hot cream sauce. This will serve 6 persons. Mrs. Moorhead. 31 JUMBOLIO (Spanish). Put 1 tbs. butter in frying pan; cut up one small onion fine; add 1 cup minced ham and fry; 1 cup uncooked rice; 2 cups beef stock or extract of beef, added to onion and ham. 2 cups strained tomatoes. Season with 3 bay leaves, a little cayenne pepper; a little salt; 1 tsp. curry powder, 1 tsp. thyme. Mix well and bake slowly two hours or more. Stir occasionally and add more water or tomato and stock if needed. Mrs. Freemire. CAROLINE MONTAGUE'S HAM. Get a hickory-cured ham. Soak it overnight, change the water in the morning and soak until noon. Boil, al- lowing 20 minutes to a pound. Change the water once. In second water put enough to half cover the ham, and add 1 cup of cider or sherry. Take out, make incisions, put in 12 bruised cloves. Make a paste of brown sugar moistened with cider and well peppered. Spread on ham. Put in the oven. Bake 15 minutes, basting with weak sherry or sweet cider. Take out, cover or sprinkle lightly with bread crumbs and bake 10 minutes. Serve as a roast. Mrs. William De la Barre. A DELICIOUS METHOD OF COOKING HAM Procure a slice of ham from 4 to 5 inches thick-boil 15 minutes, pour off the water, put fresh water, again boil 15 minutes, pour off water; stir into the yolk of 1 egg all the pulverized sugar that will mix smooth; remove the rind from ham and smooth this paste of egg and sugar over the top; fill the ham with cloves stuck in. Bake one hour. Just try this--good cold or hot. You can use slice of ham three inches thick if you wish. Mrs. M. B. Lewis. 34 VEAL BIRDS. 1 slice of veal 1 inch thick, cut into small squares, pounded flat; spread with equal amount of bacon and onion; run through meat grinder; roll up and tie; roll in flour, pepper and salt mixture; place in very hot spider containing 1 tbs. of butter and 2 slices of bacon; brown on all sides quickly; cover with boiling water and let simmer 2 hours; thicken gravy; add 1 cup cream to gravy. Mrs. Pierce. CASSEROLE OF RICE AND MEAT Line a mould, slightly buttered, with steamed rice; fill center with 2 cups of finely chopped cooked mutton; season with salt, pepper, celery salt and onion juice; then add 1 cup cracker crumbs; one egg slightly beaten and enough hot stock or water to moisten. Cover meat with rice; cover rice with buttered paper while steaming. Steam 45 minutes. Serve on a platter with tomato sauce. Veal or chicken may be used instead of mutton. . Mrs. T.R. Cole. AN ITALIAN STEW. 1 lb. of pork chopped, salted and fried brown in kettle; add 1 can of tomatoes; i can of water; 1 package of spa- ghetti (broken once). Cover tightly and let simmer 1 hour. Then add 1 tbs. of grated cheese and pinch of cayenne pepper. Very good. Mrs. W. G. Benjamin. FLANK STEAK WITH TOMATO SAUCE Season a flank steak and brown in drippings in a spider; heat a can of tomato, well seasoned with pepper, salt, and a bay leaf; strain and thicken with 1 tbs. of butter and 1 tbs. of flour. Turn this over the steak, cover and let simmer until tender, Mrs. Geo. S. Davis. 35 MEAT PIE (PASTETE). 4 lbs. lean loin of pork; 2 good sized onions sliced; 3 bay leaves; salt and pepper. Cut the meat into pieces 3 inches square and 1 inch thick. Put into a jar with onions, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Cover with vinegar and let stand four days. PASTRY FOR SAME. 2 qts. of flour; pinch of salt; 1 lb. butter or half butter and half lard. Mix butter with flour. į Use enough water to make dough not too soft. Then roll out and spread with a part of the remaining butter. Fold and roll again. Proceed in this manner till all the butter is used. Beating with rolling pin after each folding improves the dough. Roll out 1 inch thick for lower crust. Line a dripping pan. Put in a layer of meat. Cover with chopped onion and parsley, then cover with a layer of dough not as thick as the lower crust. Put on another layer of meat and so on, then add the top crust, about same as the middle crust. Lap the upper crust over the under crust. Glaze the top with beaten egg. Bake two hours in a slow oven. Mrs. J. B. Lambert. MEAT LOAF. 2 lbs. beef; 1 lb. pork; small onion; 3 slices of bread soaked in milk; salt and pepper; 2 eggs. Make in loaf in bread pan, and set in a dish of hot water and bake one hour. Mrs. Moreau. WILD DUCK EN CASSEROLE. Skin and split; wash and rub well with salt; pound flat so that they will lay flat in pan. Put a large piece of butter in a frying pan and fry until brown, put in casserole, add a cup of water and let cook slowly one hour. Add į pt. cream. Mrs. F. W. Schimmel. 36 PRESSED MEAT. Wash carefully 8 lbs. of beef plate. Put in a kettle. Cover with boiling water to retain the juices. Boil for a minute and skim. Add a few whole cloves. Set back on stove, slowly simmer until thoroughly cooked. That is, so tender until the meat drops to pieces. Remove from the stove. Let stand until cool enough to be handled. Take the meat from the liquor and take out the bone, gristle and tough white part. Separate, with the fingers, the meat into small pieces. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Press into a mold. Let stand over night in a cold place. The lean, fat and liquor should be in such proportion that the meat will slice without crumbling. A shoulder of veal may be used, or veal and beef together is delicious. Never boil. "Meat boiled is meat spoiled." Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. YORKSHIRE PUDDING WITH ROAST BEEF 2 eggs; 1 cup milk; 1 cup flour; a little salt. Mix and sift salt and flour; add the milk gradually to make a smooth batter. Beat egg light and add to batter; beat well; bake in gem pans for 35 minutes. Baste with drippings from beef after they are well risen. If preferred, batter may be poured in roasting pan and baked with roast on rack above it; in this way will baste itself. Serve cut in squares with the meat. BRAISED APPLES AND TENDERLOIN Individual tenderloin cut in small pieces; cut pocket in each; stuff with dressing and roast hour. Take red apples, core and quarter without peeling; roll apples in plenty of granulated sugar that has a little cinnamon in. Lay on top of tenderloin with skin side up and bake until done. Serve quarter on each piece of tenderloin. Mrs. Douglas Webster. 39 FILLET OF BEEF. 1 fillet of beef; 1 small onion; 1 small carrot; 1 stalk celery; 4 cloves; 2 bay leaves. Have butcher lard the fillet with salt pork. Remove any tough membrane and excess of fat. Slice the onion, carrot and celery, and place them with the cloves and bay leaves in the bottom of the pan. Place fillet on vegetables, or on a meat rack; season with salt and pepper and bits of butter. Dissolve 1 tsp. salt in 1 cup boiling water, and pour into pan. Bake in a hot oven 30 or 40 minutes. Baste frequently. A mushroom sauce may be served with a fillet, or a brown gravy may be substituted. VEAL WITH BACON. 1 lb. of bacon and 2 lbs. of veal steak. Fry bacon and take out. Dip veal in egg and cracker crumbs, and brown; then pour boiling water over, enough to cover meat, placing cover over spider, and let slowly simmer until meat is tender and water has boiled down to form a gravy. This will take about one hour. Then remove, put meat on a platter and pour gravy over and garnish with bacon. Mrs. George H. Rentz. FRIZZLED BEEF. 1 tbs. butter; 1 tbs. flour; 1 cup milk; 1 egg; 1 saltspoon pepper; } lb. smoked beef. Have beef sliced very thin. Pour boiling water on it. Let stand ten minutes in order that it may taste less of salt. Melt butter, add the flour, then hot milk gradually, then the seasoning. Beat egg and add sauce to it gradually. Drain water from meat and heat it in tbs. butter until the edges curl up. Drain butter from it and pour sauce over meat. Serve at once or it is likely to curdle. Instead of the sauce 1 cup cream may be added to the beef after it is cooked. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. 40 VEAL CUTLETS. Wipe and remove bone, skin and tough membranes. Cover the bone and tough pieces of meat with cold water and cook at a low temperature. This stock may be used in the sauce. Season the veal with salt and pepper. Roll in fine bread crumbs; dip in beaten egg; then in crumbs again. Use wooden skewers to hold cutlets together. Melt 2 tbs. of drippings, or butter, and brown the cutlets in the hot fat. When browned, put the cutlets into a stew pan. SAUCE FOR CUTLETS. 2 tbs. drippings; 1 cup flour; 1 pt. stock, or water; 1 tsp. or more of Worcestershire sauce; 2 tbs. chopped pars- ley. Prepare as a white sauce, after letting the drippings brown, and pour over the cutlets and cook at a low tempera- ture for 1 hour, or until tender. Garnish with parsley. SAUSAGE 6 lbs. pork fat and lean; grated peel of į lemon; juice of 1 lemon; 1 grated nutmeg; 1 tsp. black pepper; 1 tsp. cayenne pepper; 5 tsp. salt; 3 tsp. sweet marjoram and thyme mixed; 2 tsp. sage. Make into balls. Be sure and mix thoroughly and then it is ready for use. Will keep a long time in the winter, if kept cool. Mrs. M. G. Rodearmel. COUNTRY PORK SAUSAGE. 6 lbs. lean pork; 3 lbs. fat pork; 3 tbs. salt; 2 tbs. black pepper; 1 tsp. red pepper; 4 tbs. sifted sage. Put the pork through the meat grinder, add seasoning and mix thoroughly; grind again, so the meat may be nice and fine. Savory, mace, cloves and nutmeg may be added if desired. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. 43 CHILI CON CARNE. 3 cans kidney beans, 11 lbs. ground round steak, 2 onions, 1 lb. suet, 1 qt. can tomatoes, 1 or 2 tbs. chili pow- der, salt to taste. Cut suet fine and fry (add cracklings to other ingredients), cut onion fine and fry in fat until brown, then add meat and cook about 20 minutes. Put tomatoes through colander to remove seeds, add beans and twice as much water as beans. Simmer slowly 2 hours. Mrs. Hugh L. Wakefield. KJOD BALLER (MEAT BALLS). 1 lb. round steak (chopped), 1 lb. of pork chops (chopped), 1 egg, 1 scant half cup bread crumbs, 1 cup milk (onion if liked). Soak bread in milk, add egg. Mix with meat. Season to taste. Make into balls, fry in cov- ered pan. Make a gravy and pour over all. CHICKEN CHOW MEIN. 1 lb. noodles (rolled very thin), cut in long narrow strips, 1 qt. peanut oil, 1 tbs. salt, 4 oz. fresh pork, chopped fine, 2 lbs. chicken, chopped, 2 tbs. soya, 1 stalk celery, diced, 1 onion, chopped very fine, { lb. fresh mushrooms, { lb. cooked breast of chicken, yolks of 2 hard boiled eggs. Have oil boiling hot, toss in the noodles and fry crisp, skim out and dry on paper. Place pork in kettle, add onion, chopped chicken, salt and soya sauce, cook until chicken is tender, add mushrooms, sauted, add celery and let cook all together 5 minutes. Place noodles on hot platter, add chopped meat and vegetables with gravy. Garnish top with thin slices of breast of chicken cut in strips, and crumbled yolks of eggs. Serve hot. Mrs. R. E. Johnson. 46. Vegetables "Man does not live by bread alone.”—Deuteronomy. BAKED BEANS. · Soak a qt. of small white beans over night in cold water. Pour off all the water, cover with fresh and pour off again. Put over the fire with enough fresh water to cover the beans and i saltspoon of soda. When the water begins to boil pour it off at once and put the beans in a colander. Allow fresh cold water to run through them, rinsing them thoroughly. This gives them the firmness which keeps them from getting “mushy.” Lay a very thin slice of salt pork in the bottom of the bean pot. Put a whole small onion on pork and pour in the beans. Take { lb. of salt pork, score the rind every inch and press into the beans, allowing just the rind to show. Add a tsp. of salt unless the pork is very salty. If it is only add 1 tsp. Add a saltspoon of ground mustard and 2 lbs. of molasses, more if beans are liked quite sweet. Cover with cold water, set in slow oven and bake from 8 to 10 hours, having a slow, steady heat. As the water boils off add more, but be sure it is boiling and do not add water within an hour of serving. They will be a beautiful brown, moist, tender and whole, with an in- describable delightful flavor. By no means omit the onion. Mrs. Charles Hedwall. CHOPPED BEETS. Beets boiled and chopped. Add pepper and salt. Put in a large piece of butter, heat in spider and serve. Mrs. Quinby. 47 DUCHESS POTATOES. 2 cups hot minced potatoes; 2 tbs. butter; 1 tsp. salt; 3 eggs, yolks; add the butter and salt to the hot potatoes; let cool then add the yolks of eggs slightly beaten. Shape in form of baskets, pyramids, roses, etc., using a pastry bag and tube. Brush over with beaten white of egg diluted with 1 tbs. water and brown in hot oven BEAN RAREBIT. Melt 2 tbs. butter; add 1 tsp. of salt; 1 tsp. paprika; 1 cup cold baked beans pressed through a strainer. When mixture is thoroughly heated, add gradually 1 cup milk and when blended with the other ingredients 2-3 cup soft cheese finely cut and itsp. Worcestershire sauce. Stir constantly until cheese is melted. Serve on zephyrettes. Miss Belle Jeffery. CARROTS. Take carrots, scrape, cut into small pieces and boil tender; drain; brown some bread crumbs in a frying pan with butter, throw the carrots into it and toss well up. Serve. FRIED CUCUMBERS. Pare cucumbers and cut into thick slices; dip into beaten egg which has been seasoned with salt and pep- per, then roll in fine cracker crumbs and fry in frying pan a light brown. Mrs. J. F. Willis. BAKED BEETS. Wash and clean beets; bake of an hour, turning them often with knife instead of fork so as to not let juice out. When done remove skins and serve with butter, salt and pepper on the slices. Mrs. J. F. Willis. 49 ITALIAN CAULIFLOWER. Take a large cauliflower, wash and put on in salted boiling water to cook; cook till tender. Carefully re- move with a skimmer so as not to break it. Put on a platter, flower side up; have ready a white sauce, and with a spoon dip the sauce over it. Then grate a gener- ous amount of cheese over it; dot with bits of butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. Send to table on same dish, garnished with water cress or parsley. Mrs. W. A. Mather. DUMPLINGS (KNOEPFLE). 1 qt. flour; a little salt; 2 eggs beaten into the flour with enough water to make a stiff batter. Have ready a kettle of boiling salted water. Put the batter on a plate and as it runs over the edge cut it off into small pieces with a knife, dropping into the boiling water. Dipping the knife into the hot water will prevent the dough from sticking to it. When the dumplings rise to the top of the water they are done. Skim out into serving dish. Then put 2 tbs, butter into a frying pan. When hot add 2 scant tbs. bread crumbs. Fry brown. Pour over dump- lings and serve. A little baking powder may be added to flour if desired. May take the place of a vegetable. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. DUMPLINGS (KNOEPFLE.) 1 qt. flour; add a little salt; and milk to make a stiff batter. Beat in gradually 3 eggs, 1 at a time. Cook the same as above. If any are left over they may be fried in butter like potatoes. Mrs. C. J. Hedwall. 50 BROILED TOMATOES. Choose tomatoes which are not dead ripe. Cut unpeeled, in thick slices; dust with pepper, salt and powdered sugar. Roll in hot melted butter, then in finely sifted bread crumbs, and brown in a wire broiler over coals, or on a gas broiler. STEWED MUSHROOMS. Wash, peel and drain slice rather thin. To every qt. add a teacupful of cold water; salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 5 minutes and add a tbs. of butter rubbed into a tbs. of flour. Remove as soon as it bubbles. Add a tsp. of lemon juice if desired. FRIED MUSHROOMS. Place the gill side downward in hot butter, in granite pan. Fry covered for 5 minutes, turning once. Serve gills upward, adding salt, pepper, and a little lemon juice if liked. MUSHROOMS IN SHELLS. Cut fresh dressed mushrooms in small pieces, dry in a napkin and toss them in hot butter in a sauce pan until brown, but not done. Shake in a tsp. of flour, stir, add a cup. of rich veal or chicken stock, and let simmer for 5 minutes. Beat 2 eggs with the juice of half a lemon and add slowly, stirring until as thick as cream. Fill table shells with the mixture, sprinkle with cracker crumbs and brown in a hot oven. MUSHROOM PATTIES. Prepare the same mixture as above. Have hot shells of puff paste that have been baked in patty pans. Drop a spoonful in each and serve hot, 51 SCALLOPED MUSHROOMS. Place alternate layers of cracker crumbs and mush- rooms in a thickly covered baking dish and season each layer highly with pepper, salt, and a little lemon juice. Have the last layer of crumbs. Dot with bits of butter. Pour a teacupful of cream or delicate stock over. Bake 20 minutes and serve very hot. STUFFED MUSHROOMS. To 1 cup of chopped mushrooms add 1 tsp. of grated onion and put on the stove to heat in a little cream and butter. Fill large mushrooms with the mixture, which has been highly seasoned. Lay them thickly on a buttered dish, sprinkle each with fine salted bread crumbs, bake for 10 minutes in a hot oven and serve. Mrs. J. F. Willis. DELICATESSEN POTATOES. 10 baked potatoes; cream sauce; 4 tbs. of toasted bread crumbs; 2 tbs. melted butter. Crumble the pota- toes while warm before taking out of the shells. Make a very thick cream sauce, using 4 tbs. of flour and 3 tbs. of melted butter; add milk until a thick sauce is made. Season with salt and pepper. Put a layer of potatoes in a baking dish, then a layer of cream sauce; 2 layers of each is suffi- cient. Bake until the cream sauce browns on top. Put toasted bread crumbs in saucepan with 2 tbs. of melted butter; when hot cover the scalloped potatoes with these just before serving. The success of this dish depends on using baked potatoes and having the cream sauce thick enough to make a layer that will not mix with the potatoes. Mrs. Emmett T. White. . 53 POTATOES AU GRATIN. Slice raw potatoes thin into a dish; put plenty of butter with them, and plenty of cheese broken into small pieces; salt and pepper well; cover the potato with milk. Bake almost an hour. Mrs. Albert Schaller. MASHED POTATOES WITH CHEESE SAUCE. Boil potatoes and mash them; to each į doz. large ones add tbs. of butter, pepper and salt to taste; 1 cup of milk; form into conical shape with ice cream scoop or small cups first rinsed in cold water and set on platter in oven to keep hot. Leave the oven door partly open so the potatoes will not dry. While potatoes are boiling make sauce. Melt i tbs. butter in double boiler, add 1 tbs. of flour and thoroughly blend; add 1 cup of hot milk seasoned with dash of paprika and salt to taste. When this is smooth stir in 1 cup of grated cheese, or cheese run through meat chopper; cheese will melt in a short time. Keep sauce hot in double boiler until potatoes are ready: Send potatoes to table on platter, sauce gravy boat. Excellent with broiled steak. Mrs. E. T. White. in “KRUMPLI NUDLI” HUNGARIAN. (POTATO NOODLES.) Boil the potatoes with the skins on. When done skin, mash, season with salt and pepper, and add flour enough to make a paste. Roll into small croquettes and drop into a kettle of deep, hot fat. As soon as done put into a hot colander and drain. Put into a dish and sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake for ten minutes in a hot oven. Miss Browning. 56 SPANISH TOMATOES. 6 large tomatoes, take out pulp and seeds for stuffing, 1 lb. lean pork or beef, run through grinder; 1 onion chopped fine; cup rolled toasted bread crumbs; 2 eggs well beaten; sage; salt; paprika to taste. Mix well together and stuff tomatoes. (Sweet peppers may be used if preferred.) Sprinkle on top with crumbs and a small piece of butter. Bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. Mrs. C. H. Johnson. BAKED TOMATOES. Take large ripe tomatoes. Scoop out centers; fill with chopped celery, well seasoned with pepper and salt, plentiful lumps of butter; cover with bread crumbs and bake. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. STUFFED TOMATOES. Cut thin slices from the stem end of eight ripe tomatoes; take out the pulp and sprinkle with salt and invert for 1 hour. Cook a few minutes a tsp. of finely chopped onion in 2 tbs. of butter; cup of fresh sausage meat; cup of soft bread crumbs, and the tomato pulp; season to taste; cook and add one egg; heat again and fill tomatoes with mixture. Bake in buttered pan 20 minutes. Harriet C. Dodge. STUFFED PEPPERS. 6 large green peppers; remove all seeds; wash carefully. Brown in butter; medium sized onion cut fine. Add 1 lb. boiled ham chopped; 1 qt. can of tomatoes; bread crumbs sufficient to thicken; salt to taste. Fill peppers, bake in tin, covering the bottom with water, half an hour. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. 58 BAKED TOMATOES. Select tomatoes of a uniform size. Cut off the stem end. Lay close in a dish, dot generously with butter, pepper, and salt. Cook until tender. Nice with broiled steak or lamb chops. Mrs. Quinby. FRIED TOMATOES. Take nice firm tomatoes. Slice rather thick. Dip in beaten eggs, roll in cracker crumbs. Fry a nice brown in a pan, using part butter and part lard. Remove carefully so not to break. Serve on platter. Good with fried chicken. BAKED ONIONS. Peel and cut crosswise nice large white onions, place in a dish, put a piece of butter, pepper, and salt on each and a few drops of water to prevent burning. Bake until tender. ONIONS EN CASSEROLE. Prepare as for baking. Put in Casserole with a little water. Set on slow fire, cook until tender. HOTEL MESMER'S CORN MEAL MUSH. Take corn meal mush, cut in squares, dip in egg, then in grated cheese. Fry in butter. Nice served with cold meat. HOMINY CEREAL. Soak over night, put in double boiler. Salt to taste. Boil slowly all day. Serve hot with cream and sugar. CORN MEAL MUSH. 1 qt. boiling water, 1 cup corn meal, 1 tsp. salt. Cook thirty minutes, then place in mold. WAX BEANS AND BACON. Cook until tender 1 lb. of wax beans and a 1 lb. piece of bacon cut into small bits. Season with salt to taste. Mrs. O. B. Clark 60 POTATO SAUSAGES. 1 cup mashed potatoes, 1 cup ground nuts, fish or meat, 1 egg, well beaten, 11 tsp. salt, $ tsp. pepper, salt pork, bacon or other fat. Mix the mashed potatoes and season- ings with the ground nuts, fish or meat. Add beaten egg. Form into little cakes or sausages, roll in flour and place in greased pan with a small piece of fat or salt pork on each sausage. Bake in a fairly hot oven until brown. BAKED HOMINY AND CHEESE. 1 tbs. of oleomargarine or drippings, 1 tbs. of corn- starch or 2 tbs. of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 tsp. of. salt, 1 tsp. of paprika, } to 1 cup of cheese, grated, 2 cups of cooked hominy, and 1 tsp. of salt. Make a sauce of the fat, corn- starch, salt and milk. Add the cheese and paprika to the sauce, arrange the hominy in a baking dish and pour the sauce over it; cover with crumbs and bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. The hominy and cheese may be ar- ranged in layers and white sauce poured over it if pre- ferred. RICE AND LITTLE PIG SAUSAGES. Boil 2 cups rice in salted water, make a tomato sauce of 1 qt. can tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 1 medium size onion, 3 cloves, salt and pepper to taste. When well cooked, strain. Fry 1 pound of little pig sausages. Into a bak- ing dish put 1 of the boiled rice, next the cooked sausages, then a half of the tomato sauce. Use balance of rice, cover with tomato sauce; dip 4 tbs. of sausage fat over all and lastly pour a cup boiling water into the frying pan; let it simmer a few minutes and pour over the rice. Bake it about 1 hour uncovered, in moderately hot oven. Mrs. Paul A. Schmitt. 61 SPANISH RICE. INGREDIENTS/1 cup uncooked rice, 1 lb. N. Y. cream cheese, can pimento, 2 medium sized onions, 1 cup chopped celery, 1 green pepper, 2 cloves, 1 qt. can to- matoes, cup butter, 4 tbs. sugar, 4 clove garlic, cut into bits. DIRECTIONS—Cook rice any approved method. Heat tomatoes and thicken slightly with corn starch dissolved in water, add sugar, cloves, garlic, salt to taste, butter and seeds from the green pepper. Chop separately the onion, pepper, pimento, celery and cheese. Grease bake dish and put layer of onion in bottom. Then alternate with layers of rice, pepper, pimento, celery and onion. The cheese should be the top layer, sprinkled with pi- mento. Pour hot tomatoes over, taking a fork and loos- ening the contents of dish to allow tomatoes to reach the bottom layers. Bake at least 1 hour and very slowly. This amount will serve six or eight people. Mrs. Ernest Z. Wanous. 65 GERMAN POTATO SALAD. Put on to boil the day before, small potatoes with the jackets on. Do not cook too much. Next day peel and slice rather thin. Fry out some fat bacon and to 1 cup fat add 1 large onion sliced. Do not cook brown. Add cup sharp vinegar. Add about 1 qt. of the sliced potatoes, a little salt and pepper. Mix gently until the potatoes are well covered with fat and look shiny. They should be a little sour. If not acid enough add more vinegar. Serve hot with frankfurt sausage or redhots. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. SHRIMP SALAD. 1 can shrimp, 1 medium cabbage, 1 onion, 1 small head celery, 1 tsp. salt. Remove the shrimp from the can or fresh shrimp, and cover with boiling water. Let stand until cool, drain and place on ice. Shave the cabbage very fine and then with sharp knife cut across until it is very fine. Cut the celery very fine, chop the onion. Place on the ice. When the shrimp is cold break in small pieces and add to the other ingredients. Toss all together with a fork. DRESSING. 6 yolks of eggs, 1 cup vinegar, 1 rounding tsp. dry mustard, } cup sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. extract of celery, dash of red pepper. Mix the mustard with the sugar, salt and pepper, add the vinegar gradually, when smooth pour over the eggs and beat well. Cook with the bowl in a dish of hot water stirring constantly until thick. When cold, thin with 1 cup of cream, add the extract of celery. Mix with the shrimp and cabbage, etc., and serve on lettuce. This salad will not be a success without the celery extract. Mrs. Lockerby. 67 FRUIT SALAD. 3 oranges, 3 bananas, 3 apples, I can pineapple. Squeeze juice of 1 lemon and sprinkle sugar over fruit. This serves 12 people. POTATO CUCUMBER SALAD. 10 boiled potatoes, sliced very thin; 3 small cucumbers; 3 sticks of celery sliced; 6 cold boiled eggs; 1 small onion, grated. Put into a dish a layer of potatoes, cucumbers, celery, egg and sprinkle of onion until used. Mrs. J. R. Hughes. DRESSING. Beat 3 eggs well, 1 tbs. melted butter, 1 tbs. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. mustard, stir until smooth and add 1 cup vinegar. Cook in double boiler, stirring until smooth. When cold add 1 cup sweet or sour cream beaten before serving, pour over che salad. TOMATO JELLY SALAD. In a sauce pan put i can of tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 4 cloves, 1 tsp. salt, 10 drops onion juice, simmer 15 minutes, and press through a sieve, add { box of gelatine which has been soaked in cup of cold water and stir until it dissolves. Pour into wet molds. Serve on lettuce with salad dressing. ROQUEFORT CHEESE SALAD. Rub a bowl lightly with clove of garlic, line with lettuce leaves, fill with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers; grate Roquefort cheese and mix with French dressing. Pour over all and serve. Mrs. Charles Frink, 68 CHICKEN SALAD. Boil chicken until tender. Let cook, then remove fat, gristle and skin. Cut the meat into dice. Take the same quantity of celery as of chicken. Cut celery into small pieces. Mix well and set in a cool place. Any good salad dressing. A dash of paprika if desired. Garnish dish with lettuce, hard boiled eggs or red beets. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. SALAD DRESSING (especially for fruit salad). 1 cup sugar, 1 cup vinegar, cup butter, yolks of 8 eggs, 1 tbs. mustard, 1 tsp. salt, little red pepper. For fruit salad mix a little dressing with whipped cream sweetened. Mrs. Charles Hedwall. DUTCH CHEESE SALAD. 2 cups of cottage cheese, 1 can chili peppers, 2 doz. green olives, cup walnut meats chopped, 1 cup thick sour cream, 2 tbs. salad dressing. Serve with whipped cream. Mix in order given. Chop chilis and olives, add sour cream, and serve on lettuce leaves with salad dres Add whipped cream if desired. Miss Gertie I. Chase. SALAD DRESSING. cup sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tbs. cornstarch, beat 3 eggs in saucepan, add cup milk, beat, add cup vinegar and cup water. Beating will keep from curdling. Put over fire and add the dry ingredients. Mrs. Frank T. Corriston. BEET SALAD. Cut beets in inch cubes, add equal amount of shelled pecans, garnish with chopped red cabbage. Mrs. R. T. Cole. 71 STUFFED TOMATO SALAD. Peel medium-sized tomatoes by first plunging in boiling water. Remove a thin slice from stem end of each, and re- move seeds and some of the pulp, sprinkle the inside with salt, invert, and let stand j hour. Fill tomatoes with equal portions of celery and walnuts, cut in pieces and mix with mayonnaise dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves and garnish with dressing or with a shrimp, or with a pimola. The tomatoes may be stuffed with chicken and celery and olives or with cucumbers instead of celery and nuts. (Boiled dressing may be used instead of mayonnaise). RAISIN AND CELERY SALAD. 2 cups celery, 2 oranges chopped into bits and 1 cup of seeded raisins washed and halved. Add i cup grated apple to 1 cup mayonnaise and mix celery and raisins. Grate some orange rind and sprinkle over all also a little bit of lemon juice. ORANGE SALAD. Slice nice oranges after removing skin. Place on lettuce leaf, serve with French dressing. Mrs. Albert Schatler. WATERCRESS AND TOMATO SALAD. Wash cress carefully and place on plate. Slice yellow tomatoes and arrange on the cress. Serve with French dressing Mrs. Ulm. BOHNEN SALAD. 1 lb. crisp wax beans. Cut the beans slantingly into inch pieces and boil until tender. Pour off water, slice in some onion, add enough thick sweet cream to mix well. Then add 1 tbs. vinegar, salt and white pepper to taste. Before adding the cream allow the steam to escape from the beans. Serve warm. Very fine. Mrs. Hedwall. 72 MAYONNAISE DRESSING. 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp. salt, pinch cayenne, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cooked and 1 raw, 1 cup of olive oil, 3 tbs. of vinegar or lemon juice. Mix mustard, salt and cayenne until well blended. Add yolks, then oil a few drops at a time, beating constantly. When it begins to thicken add a little of the vinegar or lemon juice. Then alternately remainder of oil and vinegar. It should be thick dressing. If it curdles take yolk of another egg, beat all into it a drop at a time. Have mixing bowl cold. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. COMBINATION SALAD. Cold boiled sliced beets, asparagus tips, and string beans. Arrange on lettuce leaf. Serve with French dressing. ASPARAGUS TIPS SALAD. Arrange tips like a log cabin on lettuce leaf. Use French dressing, pepper well with paprika. Mrs. W. B. Joyce. FRENCH DRESSING. 1 tbs. olive oil, 1 tbs. half vinegar and half lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, a pinch sugar if desired. Paprika seasoning to taste. GREEN PEPPER SALAD. Take sweet green peppers cut off tops and take out seeds. Fill with cream cheese (packed tight) then slice thin and place on lettuce leaf. Pour mayonnaise dressing over and place candied cherry on each. Mrs. W. B. Webster. WHITE HOUSE SALAD. Equal parts of the white meat of the fowl with hard- boiled eggs cut into dice and celery prepared in the same way, with a sprinkling of white nuts, like the filbert and pecan and the butternut of Brazil, and all are covered with mayonnaise. 74 RAISIN, PINEAPPLE AND CHEESE SALAD. Cut pineapple into strips, pile them log fashion with steamed raisins in between. Top them with cream cheese and raisin balls, ornamented with nuts. For a dressing, beat thoroughly 2 eggs, adding 1 a cupful of water, 1 tsp. of salt, a little white pepper and 4 of a cupful of vinegar. Stir over the fire in a double boiler until it thickens with- out curdling. Add enough top milk to make the dressing of a creamy consistency. WALDORF SALAD. Scoop out 5 red apples, cut in cubes, add celery cut in small pieces, walnuts, 1 tbs. sugar and salad dressing, served in apple shells. ORANGE AND GREEN PEPPER SALAD. Cut the pulp of 4 oranges into sections entirely free from inner skin. Remove center from a shapely sweet green pepper and cut into quarter-inch rings. Make nests of head lettuce for individual service and in each one place 3 doz. orange sections (well drained) encircled with a pepper ring. Sprinkle with crushed Brazil nuts and serve with mayonnaise or cream dressing. RAISIN SALAD. 1 cup celery, cut in pieces, 1 cup walnuts, cut in pieces, 1 cup chopped raisins. Mix, serve on lettuce leaves with any preferred dressing. RAISIN SALAD. 2 cups seeded raisins, 2 cups sliced apples, 1 cup finely sliced celery, 1 cup walnuts, 1 tbs. sugar, & tsp. salt, 1 cup whipped cream, added last. Serve at once. 75 RUSSIAN SALAD. 1 cup of carrot cubes, 1 cup of potato cubes, 1 cup of cold cooked peas, 1 cup of cold cooked beans. Mix and serve on Romaine leaves, garnish with hard boiled eggs or salmon, boned. Serve with French or boiled dressing. STUFFED TOMATO SALAD. Stuff tomatoes with cottage cheese and nut meats. Pour over them French dressing. RHODA'S MACARONI SALAD. 1 pkg. macaroni (cook first), then add 1 onion, 1 lb. ham, ground, 1 pt. sweet pickles, 1 can pimentoes, 1 cu- cumber. Cover with cooked dressing. RHODA'S LOBSTER SALAD. 1lbs. lobsters, 1 can mushrooms, 2 cups celery, 1 cup sweet pickles, 4 eggs, boiled hard. Cover with dress- ing. RHODA'S FRUIT SALAD. 3 large apples, pulp of 3 oranges, 2 bananas, 1 lb. green grapes, 1 lb. walnut meats. The dressing, 2 eggs, 4 tbs. vinegar, 1 tbs. butter, 2 tbs. sugar. Boil until thick, cool, add 1 cup cream. Very good. Mrs. C. W. Kyte. CABBAGE SALAD. Shave the cabbage fine, shave also an onion. Put both in a deep bowl, pour boiling water over the cabbage to cover and immediately drain in a colander. Then drop into a bowl of cold water in which there is a piece of ice and let crisp for 1 hour. If to taste, a little sugаr may be sprinkled over it before adding the dressing. Serve with a cream dressing or a thinned mayonnaise. 76 SOUR CREAM DRESSING. Absolutely the most wholesome dressing for cabbage salad is one in which vinegar plays the smallest part. If made of sour cream, whip the cream with an egg beater until perfectly smooth, add 2 or 3 tbs. of sugar, ac- cording to taste, a tsp. of salt, a tbs. of lemon juice, and 1 tsp. of celery salt or celery seed may be used. If then the dressing is not to your taste, from a tsp. to a tbs. of vinegar will bring it up to a pleasing positiveness. WINDSOR SALAD. Celery, chicken, ham and tongue. MOULDED FISH SALAD. 2 cups of cold boiled fish (diced), 1 cup celery (diced), 1 cup pickles or cucumbers (sliced), 1 cup apple or pear (diced), 1 pkg. gelatine, 3 cup cold water, 1 cup vinegar, juice of one lemon, 1 pt. boiling water, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. salt. Dissolve gelatine in cold water 2 minutes, add vine- gar, lemon, hot water, sugar and salt. Strain. When it begins to set add other ingredients. Mold. Pour over mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce leaves. CHATEAU DRESSING FOR FRUIT SALAD. 1 glass currant jelly. Whip until there are no lumps. Add the same amount of whipped cream. RUSSIAN DRESSING. 1 pt. mayonnaise, 4 anchovies, chopped fine, 1 tsp. Rus- sian caviar, a little chopped chives. Mix just before using. Sandwiches "They that have no meat Bread and butter are glad to eat.” SANDWICH FILLING. Ten cent can of MacLaren's cheese; 2 tbs. mayon- naise dressing; a dash of tabasco sauce; 1 small stalk of celery; 1 large green sweet pepper; 2 dozen pecan nuts, chopped. Chop the peppers and celery fine and press out the juice well. Add to the other ingredients. Mix. Spread between crackers or sandwich bread. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. OLIVE SANDWICHES. Chop stuffed olives fine and mix with salad dressing. Spread over thin slices of bread and butter. Queen olives cut from the stones may be served in the same way. Mrs. William Gawne. CHEESE AND GINGER SANDWICH. Chop preserved stem ginger very fine, add syrup from jar or unsweetened cream, mix ginger and liquid into equal bulk of cream cheese. Spread this on buttered bread. Very good with tea. Mrs. W. M. Strange. HOT CHEESE SANDWICHES. Use bread 1 day old. Make sandwiches by buttering 1 side of the bread and putting in a very thin slice of cream cheese. A thin layer of orange marmalade may be used instead of the cheese. Put the sandwiches on a cooky tin. Slide into a very hot oven and bake until a delicate brown. Serve at once. Mrs. Chas. H. Burwell. 81 LILLIAN RUSSELL'S SANDWICH. Take of cold boiled chicken and cold boiled tongue, 1 cup each, the meat of a dozen olives and six hard boiled eggs. Mix all these ingredients together and chop them as fine as possible. When they have attained almost the consistency of a powder they must be worked into a paste by the addition of a mayonnaise dressing, after which the mixture is ready to be spread upon thinly sliced buttered bread. MARMALADE SANDWICH. Orange marmalade, pecan nuts and cream cheese mixed thoroughly and spread between thin slices of white bread slightly buttered. OLIVE SANDWICH. Make baking powder biscuit the size of half a dollar, and when cold split them and spread them with a mayon- naise mixed with minced celery and stuffed olives. DUTCH LUNCH SANDWICH. Cut very thin slices from the center of medium sized white onions and throw them into ice water for an hour. Dry, dip in French dressing and lay them on thin circles of black bread, covering them each with a thin layer of shredded smoked sturgeon or whitefish, dusted lightly with paprika. CLUB SANDWICH. If you want a really delicious club sandwich use tongue instead of ham. You may use ham, or rather crisp little strips of breakfast bacon, also introduce a little hard boiled egg crumbled fine, and some minced olives. Always use Gold Medal Flour 88 MARIE ROLLS. 1 qt. warm milk; 1 cup sugar; cup butter; 1 tbs. salt; 1 cake compressed yeast. Flour to make stiff batter. Do not knead-stir stiff with spoon Add 2 eggs beaten lightly, last thing. Set to rise. When light roll out—form as Parker House rolls or any desired shape. Mrs. D. P. Ensign. BISCUIT. Warm a pan with hot water, for biscuit take about pt. of sponge. Break in an egg, add 1 tbs. of sugar, and 1 tbs. of melted butter. Beat with fork until well mixed. Add enough flour to put down in a medium hard sponge. Allow this to rise and when light roll out to 1 inch thickness. Cut with biscuit cutter. Brush each biscuit with melted butter and sprinkle a little sugar on top. Fold each in half and let rise in pans until light. Bake in medium oven. Mrs. Chas. Sandborn. ROLLS. cake compressed yeast; 21 cups milk; little salt; flour to make like bread sponge; 2 heaping tbs. sugar; raise 4 hours. Then add 1 cup butter; 2 eggs. Mix a little stiffer than cookies. Roll out and cut with cooky cutter Butter and fold over. Let rise 2 or 3 hours and bake. Mrs. Powell. NUT BREAD 4 cups flour; 4 heaping tsp. of baking powder; 1 tsp. salt; 1 cup sugar. Sift all together then add 2 cups sweet milk; 1 egg beaten into the milk; 2 cups walnuts (broken). Raise 20 minutes, bake i hour. This makes 2 loaves. Mrs H. D Bliss. Always use Gold Medal Flour 89 NUT BREAD. 1 pt. flour; 2 heaping tsp. baking powder; cup sugar; 1 cup chopped walnuts; 1 tsp. salt. Mix and add enough sweet milk to make a very stiff batter. Put in a bread tin, let stand in a warm place 20 minutes and bake 30 to 45 minutes in a moderate oven. Mrs. Eddy Capps. NUT BROWN BREAD. cup graham flour; cup white flour; 1 cup molasses; 1 cup or more nuts; cups sweet milk; 1 tsp. baking pow- der. Mix and put at once into pans. Let stand for 20 minutes or so, then bake. Very nice for thin sandwiches, Mrs. Milton 0. Nelson. MUFFINS 3 tbs. butter; 3 tbs. sugar; 1 egg; 1 cup milk; 2 cups flour; 2 tbs. baking powder. Mary L. Norton. GERMAN TEA BISCUIT. 1 qt. flour, sifted with two 1 tsp, baking powder and a little salt. Rub in cup butter, 2 eggs beaten separately, enough milk to make a dough to roll. Roll thin, cut in small rounds, put jam, jelly or marmalade on, wet edges and fold over, or take two rounds place jam on one, wet edges and pinch together. Bake in hot oven. Mrs. W. D. Shelden. SOUTHERN BISCUITS. 1 tbs. butter; 2 tbs. sugar; 2 teacups warm milk; 1 yeast, compressed; 1 tsp. salt; 2 eggs; 4 large cups flour. Mix at 10 in the morning, let rise until 3, then pour on board and pat until 1 inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter, spread on melted butter, putting 2 together, spread on top with butter, let rise until 6 and bake 15 minutes. Mrs. M. A. Green. Always use Gold Medal Flour 92 CRANBERRY MUFFINS. Cream } cup butter, gradually beat cup sugar into this. Add 1 egg beaten separately very light, add cup milk; 2 cups sifted flour and sifted again with 2 rounded tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. salt. When well mixed, beat in 1 cup cranberries, cut in halves. Bake 25 minutes in well buttered Ellen Brooks. muffin pans. BLUEBERRY CAKE. 1 pt. blueberries; 1 cup sugar, cup butter; 3 cups flour; 2 eggs; 1 tsp soda; 1 tsp. cream tartar, or 2 tsp. baking powder. Harriet C. Dodge. CORN BREAD (Fine). 2 eggs; 1 cup sugar; 2 tbs. butter; 1 cup sweet milk; 3 tsp. baking powder; 1) cups flour; cup cornmeal; a little salt. Should not be much thicker than sponge cake. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. GRAHAM MUFFINS. 1 cup graham flour; 1 cup wheat flour; 1 cup sweet milk; } cup sugar (scant); 1 egg; 3 tsp. baking powder. Bake in well buttered tins and moderately hot oven. Use same recipe with 2 cups wheat flour or 1 cup corn meal and 1 of wheat flour. Mrs. N. S. Davis. QAT MEAL WAFERS. 13 cups oat meal; 1 cup prepared cocoanut; 1 level tsp. salt; 1 level tsp. baking powder; 1 cup sugar; 2 eggs well beaten, then add 1 tbs. melted butter. Drop i tsp. on buttered tins about 4 inches apart. Leave 1 minute on tin after taking from oven. Do not allow to cool or they will break. Mrs. Longsdorf. Always use Gold Medal Flour 94 PIN WHEEL BISCUIT. 2 cups flour; 2 tbs. sugar; 4 tsp. baking powder; } tsp. salt; 2 tbs. butter; 2-3 cup milk. Roll out thin, spread lightly with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon; 1 cup raisins; 2 tbs. finely chopped citron. Roll out and cut 1 inch thick. Lay flat on pan, bake in hot oven. Mrs. Ella Clark. ENTIRE WHEAT GEMS. 8 tbs. of entire wheat flour; 2 tsp. baking powder; 1 tbs. sugar; pinch of salt; 2 tbs. melted butter. Add enough milk to make batter stiff enough to drop from spoon. This makes 8 gems. Florence McDonough. CHEESE STICKS. 1 cup grated cheese; 1 tsp. salt; 2-3 cup flour; 2 tbs. of milk, 1 cup of fine breadcrumbs; 1 tbs. of butter. Cream butter and flour, crumbs and cheese. Mix thoroughly ano add milk. Roll 1 inch thick, cut 1 inch wide; 5 inches long, and bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. Frank T. Corriston. STEAMED GRAHAM BREAD. 2 cups sweet milk; 2 cups graham flour; 1 cup white flour; 1 cup sugar and molasses, (mix 1 tsp. small) soda, 2 tsp. baking powder. Steam 14 hours. Bake 15 minutes. . NUT BREAD. Scald 1 cup rolled oats with 2 cups boiling water; 1 tbs. lard. When cool add i cup sugar, 1 qt. flour, 1 tsp. salt, į cake compressed yeast dissolved in 1-3 cup warm water. Let rise over night. In morning add 1 cup flour and 1 cup chopped nuts. · Beat well, put into two loaf pans, let rise for at least an hour. Then bake. Mrs. G. C. Barry.. Always use Gold Medal Flour 98 THE BAKING OF COARSE BREAD. Bread made with any of the coarser flours needs more baking powder than white flour bread. Coarse flour yeast breads must not rise as long as ordinary white bread and they must be baked longer. In making white bread you usually let the dough rise until it is double, put it into pans and let it rise until double the second time before baking. In the oven it should not rise much more than an inch. But coarse breads should rise less in the pans, more in the oven and should bake nearly half an hour longer than the ordinary white flour—that is for larger loaves. CORNMEAL YEAST BREAD. Proportioned for One Loaf. 14 cups milk and water, 2 tbs. sugar, 1 level tbs. fat, 2 tsp. salt, f cup cornmeal, 2 cups flour, 1 cake compressed yeast, & cup warm water. Add sugar, fat and salt to liquid and bring to boiling point. Add cornmeal slowly, stirring constantly until all is added. Remove from fire, cool mixture and add compressed yeast softened in 4 cup warm water. Add 2 cups flour and knead. Let rise until about double its bulk, knead again and put in pans. When light, bake in a moderate oven for at least an hour. BARLEY YEAST BREAD. 1 cup liquid (milk and water), 1 tbs. sugar, 1 tbs. fat, 1 tsp. salt, } cake compressed yeast softened in some of the liquid, 146 cups barley flour, 2} cups wheat flour. Soften the yeast in part of the liquid. Combine ingredi- ents. Mix into a dough. Knead and let rise to double original bulk. Knead again and put in pan. When again double in bulk, bake about 45 minutes. Always use Gold Medal Flour 100 STEAMED SOUR MILK CORN BREAD. 1 pt. corn meal, 1 pt. graham flour, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1 pt. sour milk, 1 cup molasses, fill mold full. Steam 3 hours, remove cover and brown in oven 15 min. utes if you wish crust. Mrs. Fred Robertson. DATE BREAD. 2 cupfuls thick, sour milk, 1 tsp. soda, 1 egg, 1 cupful flour, 2 cupfuls rolled oatmeal, 10 tbs. molasses, cupful chopped dates. Put the oatmeal, soda, flour, dates and a little salt into pan and mix. Add the milk, molasses and egg. Beat rapidly until all are thoroughly mixed, pour into a greased mold, and bake in a quick oven. (This makes a large loaf.) BRAN BREAD (2 Loaves). 1 qt. bran, 1 pt. flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 cup molasses, 1 pt. sour milk, 1 tsp. soda. Mix 1 soda in milk, mix soda in molasses. Add raisins or nuts if desired. Mix all to- gether. Bake 1 hour. Mrs. R. E. Johnson, OATMEAL BREAD. 4 cups oatmeal, 2 tsp. salt, 3 tbs. shortening, 1 cup corn syrup, 4 cups boiling water. Pour water over ingredients given and let stand till lukewarm. Then add one yeast cake dissolved in 4 cup warm water. Make stiff dough with white flour (about 7 cups). Knead well. Let rise until double in bulk, then knead again and shape into loaves. Let rise again until almost doubled, and bake in a moderate oven from 45 to 50 minutes. Chopped nuts or raisins may be added. Mrs. W. B. Roberts. Always use Gold Medal Flour Cake. “Beware of the warning Lest your cake be dough." GENERAL RULES FOR CAKE MAKING. In selecting the material be sure to get the winter wheat flour, known to the trade as pastry flour, for while spring wheat flour is the best for bread, it is impossible to have per- fect success, especially with the more delicate cakes, when this is used. For Angel, Sunshine and all Sponge Cakes sift flour three or four times before measuring in order to lighten it. When baking powder is used sift flour once, then measure, add baking powder and sift until thoroughly mixed. When cream of tartar and soda is used instead of baking powder, add the cream of tartar toʻthe egg when half beaten and the soda to the flour, in the same way as baking powder is used. Always add the cream of tartar to the whites of eggs when making cake containing both wbites and yolks, but beaten separate. When substituting cream of tartar and soda for baking powder, use in the proportion of 1 tsp. of cream of tartar and a scant half tsp. of soda to 2 tsp. of baking powder which is the required amount for any cake of ordinary size. Granulated sugar is the best although some have failed by using it since it is heavier than the soft sugars, it re- quires 1-5 less to give the same result. Sugar should be sifted once to take out any lumps of foreign matter. Eggs should be fresh and cold. It is immaterial as to the kind of beater used in beating the yolks, only that they are beaten thoroughly to a quick froth. Very few take the time to beat them as they should be and conse- quently the cake is heavy and has the strong taste of the Always use Gold Medal Flour 104 eggs which would not be the case were the yolks thoroughly beaten. Rotary beaters do not fill the air cells but toughen the egg; therefore the cake will not raise to the required lightness and will be tough. Especially is this true in Angel, Sunshine or Sponge Cake. To cream butter and sugar, especially when the butter is hard, warm the sugar slightly, this will soften the butter without melting it and will save time and labor. In mixing cakes there are two rules which are very im- portant and should be remembered. The first applies to cakes containing butter and milk; they should be stirred or beaten thoroughly, especially after the flour is added. The second applies to Sponge Cakes and includes all cakes that do not contain butter or milk; these should never be stirred, but sugar and other ingredients beaten in being careful to beat up to keep the batter light, and the flour should be added last and folded lightly through, being careful not to overdo this for every stroke of the spoon after the flour is added tends to toughen the batter. This is one cause of so many tough sponge cakes. All cakes should be baked in ungreased molds, and all the loaf cakes excepting those containing fruit or nuts, should be inverted and allowed to hang in the mold to cool, which is the only way known to keep them from settling. In this way cakes do not require as much flour or to be made as stiff as in the old way and are far more delicate. The last important part is the baking which with a little care can be easily mastered. The rule is to allow the cake to raise to the desired lightness before browning over, then increase the heat and bake as fast as possible without burning; therefore the lighter the batter, when put into the oven the hotter the oven can be. Always use use Gold Medal Medal Flour 106 FRUIT CAKE. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 cups flour, 3 cups raisins, 3 cups currants, 6. eggs, 1 grated nutmeg, 1 tbs. mace and cinnamon, 1 tsp. soda, 1 wine glass wine or brandy, lb. citron. Bake 3 hours in a very slow oven. Mrs. Charles Burwell. ROSE CREAM CAKE. 2 cups sugar, 1 scant cup butter, 1 cup milk, 3 cups flour, whites of 8 eggs, sift the pastry flour 5 times, 2 large tsp. of baking powder well mixed through the flour. Bake in 3 layers, coloring the middle layer pink with fruit extract. Boiled icing, flavored slightly with extract of rose. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. WHITE FRUIT CAKE. 6 eggs, 2 cups white sugar, 1 cup butter, 1 cup sweet milk, 3 cups flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 lb. raisins, 1 cup of figs, 1 cup candied cherries, bits of orange peel, juice and grated rind of lemon. Mrs. R. A. Ensign. FRENCH LOAF CAKE. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 1 cup lard, 2 cups milk, cup raisins, 1 cup citron, 2 tsp. lemon, pinch salt and a little nutmeg, 4 cups flour, 3 tsp. baking powder. Mrs. A. P. Mather. SHORT CAKE. 1 pt. flour, little salt, 2 tsp. baking powder, 2 tbs. butter, 1 cup milk. Mix like biscuits. Bake in 2 layers with butter spread between. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. Always use Gold Medal Flour 109 JELLY ROLL. Put 3 eggs in a dish and add: 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 heaping tsp. baking powder, 1 cup cold water. Beat until thin and bubbling, then add flavoring. Bake in 2 pans. Spread with jelly and roll. Mrs. Charles Burwell. EGGLESS APPLE-SAUCE CAKE. Cream together cup butter and 1 cup sugar. Add 11 cups apple sauce and 3 cups flour, 2 level tsp. soda dissolved in 1 tbs. water. Mix thoroughly and add 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. nutmeg. 1 cup chopped raisins and juice of 1 lemon. Bake in loaf in moderate oven. ALMOND CAKE. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup butter, 3 eggs, 2 cups flour, 1 cup milk, 11 tsp. baking powder. Flavor with almond and bake in two layers. FILLING: - pt. cream, 2 egg yolks, 2 tbs. sugar, 1 large tsp. cornstarch. Cook well and when cool flavor with almond and add chopped almonds that have been blanched. FROSTING:-1 cup sugar, i cup water. Cook till it balls in cold water. Beat into the white of 1 egg. Flavor. C. M. H. WHITE CAKE. 2 cups sugar, 1 large spoon of butter, 2 cups flour, 1 tbs. cornstarch, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. soda, 2 level tsp. cream of tartar, whites of 5 eggs. Bake in two layers and put to- gether with boiled frosting. If desired 1 cup of chopped peanut meats can be added to iceing between layers. Cream butter and sugar together. Add the quantity of flour and cornstarch with cream of tartar, then add cup of water in which soda has been dissolved. Next add balance of flour and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Stir well but do not beat. Flavor to taste. Bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. Walter H. Cobban. Always use Gold Medal Flour 111 ANGEL CAKE. Whites of 8 large eggs or nine small ones, 15 cups granu- lated sugar, 1 cup of flour (any good pastry flour), 1 tsp. cream of tartar, a pinch of salt, added to eggs before whip- ing. Flavor to taste. Directions:--Sift measure and set aside sugar and flour. Whip eggs to a foam, add cream of tartar and whip until very stiff, add sugar and beat in. Then flavor and beat in, then the flour and fold it lightly through. Put into an angel food tin, put in a cool oven until dough raises to top of pan, increase the heat and brown. Use the yolks of eggs for salad dressing for two chickens or for Gold Loaf Cake. Louise Burnwell. DATE LOAF. 1 lb. dates, 1 lb. English walnuts, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, pinch of salt, 4 eggs beaten separately, 2 tsp. vanilla, 2 tsp. baking powder, 2 tbs. brandy. Bake 90 minutes. Keeps as well as fruit cake. Mrs. Chas. Oliver. A QUICK CAKE. 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tbs. of butter, } cup of milk or cream, 1 cup of flour before sifting, 1 heaping tsp. of baking powder in flour, stir all together briskly a few minutes, bake 2 cakes in hot oven, can be baked and ready for table in 20 minutes. Mrs. O. C. Calhoun. SPONGE CAKE. 4 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, then together thoroughly, 1 cup sugar well beaten in, 1 cup potato flour with 1 tsp. baking powder folded in. Bake in angel food tin about 40 minutes in moderate oven. Add pinch salt and flavoring. Mrs. Arthur Mather. Always use Gold Medal Flour 116 THANKSGIVING CAKE. 3 eggs, 1 cup butter, 14 cups sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 21 cups flour, 11 tsp. baking powder, 1 lb. citron cut fine, 1 tsp. lemon extract. Cream the butter and sugar. Separate the eggs. Add the beaten yolks, then milk. Sift the baking powder with the flour and add flour and extract. Add citron and lastly fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 3 layers. Whites of 2 eggs for icing, 2 cups of sugar and tsp. lemon extract. Boil the sugar with a little water until it spins a thread. Add the beaten whites of the eggs and beat until thick enough to spread. Add flavoring. WHITE LADY CAKE. 1 cup butter (scant), 11 cups granulated sugar sifted, 1 cup cold water, 3 even cups flour sifted 3 times before using, 2 rounded tsp. baking powder, whites 4 eggs, flavoring. Cream the butter and sugar, add į of the water with 1 cup flour, beat thoroughly, add second cup flour, continue beat- ing, into the last cup flour is sifted the baking powder and add as the others, then the rest of the water, flavor and fold in the stifly beaten eggs. Mrs. Paul Schmitt. WHITE CAKE. 1 cup butter, 11 cups sugar, 2 cups flour, nearly 1 cup sweet milk, heaping tsp. baking powder, whites of 4 eggs well beaten, flavor with almond, or add 1 cup English wal- nuts, cut fine. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. WHITE CAKE. 1 cup sugar, 1) cups flour, 1 rounding tsp. baking powder. Put into a cup whites of 2 eggs. Fill cup half full of soft butter. Then fill cup with milk. Add flavoring and beat all ingredients 5 minutes. Mrs. Hugh Wakefield. Always use Gold Medal Flour 117 BUTTER FILLING FOR LAYER CAKE. 1 lb. freshened butter, 2 cups powdered sugar, yolks of 2 eggs. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly, then add the eggs and 2 tbs. of cream. Flavor to taste. Cream all well together, Mrs. D. H. McMullen. WHITE LAYER CAKE. 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup (small) of butter, 1 cup milk, 21 cups of flour (measure before sifting), 4 eggs (the whites), 2 tsp. baking powder. Bake in 3 cakes. ICING:-17 cups sugar, 2 eggs (the whites), 3 tbs. of water. Boil sugar and water together until syrup threads when dropped from spoon. Add the eggs beaten to a stiff froth and beat until stiff enough to spread nicely. Flavor with vanilla or rose. Alma R. Holland. WALNUT FARINA CAKE. Yolks of 6 eggs beaten with 1 cup sugar, i cup walnut meats, i cup Farina, 1 tsp. baking powder, sifted with Farina, add whites beaten very stiff. Beat batter well. Bake in 2 layers, put whipped cream between. C. M. Cumbow. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE. 1 cup butter (scant), 1} cups granulated sugar (sifted), 1 cup cold water, 3 even cups of flour (sifted 3 times before measuring), 2 rounded tsp. of baking powder, whites of 4 eggs. Flavor withị tsp. of almond extract and į tsp. vanilla (mixed). Cream the butter and sugar, add } of the water with 1 cup of the flour, beat thoroughly and add second cup flour, continue beating; into the last cup of flour sift the baking powder, and add as the others, then the rest of the water, flavor and then cut and fold in the stifly beaten whites very carefully. This will make 3 layers 12 inches square, or 2 layers 14 inches square. Layer cakes require a hotter oven than loaf cakes. Use pastry flour. Always use Gold Medal Flour 120 SILVER CAKE. The whites of 8 eggs, 2 cups sugar, cup butter, f cup milk, 3 cups flour, 1 tsp. cream of tartar, 1 tsp. soda. Flavor with rose or vanilla. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. "First Lady of the Land." MARBLE CAKE. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 cups flour, 1 cup milk, 1 level tsp. soda, tsp. cream of tartar, whites of 3 eggs. Always put whites well beaten the last thing. Divide mixture and to one part add: 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nut- meg, 1 tsp. cloves. Add some raisins if desired. Fannie Mather. SOFT GINGER BREAD. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup New Orleans Molasses, 11 cup pastry flour or (bread flour), 1 level tsp. soda, 1 heap- ing tsp. ginger, 1 rounding tsp. cinnamon, 1 egg, 1 cup very soft butter. Put all ingredients into a bowl and beat 5 minutes. WALNUT TORTE. Beat yolks of 6 eggs until thick and creamy, add 1 cup granulated sugar. cup cream of wheat, i cup crushed toast, 1 cup finely chopped walnuts, add 6 stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 3 small layers 20 minutes. Spread raspberry jam between 2 layers. Cover top and sides with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored. Mrs. Pierce. CHOCOLATE ICING. 1 cake German sweet chocolate, 1 cup confectioner's sugar, 1 egg, 2 tbs. sweet cream. Vanilla flavoring added after cooking. Mix in order given. Beat egg without separating. Set bowl in boiling water on range until all is dissolved. Apply an inch thick on cake. Miss G. I. Chase. Always use Gold use Gold Medal Flour 123 HONEY CAKES. 3 eggs, heaten together, } cup honey, 4 cup sugar, cup chopped almonds, 14 cups flour, 3 tbs. melted choco- late, 1 tsp. each cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, salt, 1 tsp. baking powder. Spread in a pan. Cut in bars when partly cold. Bake in moderate oven. QUICK ICEING. 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 heaping tbs. of cocoa, hot coffee enough to spread, flavor with vanilla ; beat. Mrs. H. L. Wakefield. FRUIT CAKE. Butterless, Egglese, Milkless—(2 loaves.) 2 cups sugar, 2 cups water, 2 heaping tbs. drippings, 1 lb. seeded raisins. Boil together for 10 minutes, cool. Add 3 cups of flour, measured before sifting, 1 tsp. of cinna- mon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. soda (rounded), dissolve in hot water. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. C. C. O'Brian. PEPPER NUTS. 1 pt. corn syrup, 1 pt. N. 0. molasses, 1 lb. shortening, 1 lb. brown sugar, 2} lbs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, 2 tsp. cinna- mon, 4 tsp. cloves, 4 lb. citron (cut fine), 1 lb. almonds (chopped fine), 1 lemon grated, rind and juice. Warm syrup, add shortening and lemon, and rest of ingredients in order given. Mix soda in flour. Cut into very small, thick cookies. CHOCOLATE CAKE–With Barley Flour. 1 cup sugar, butter size of egg, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup boiling coffee, 1 egg, put in before coffee, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp ginger, 1 tsp. cloves, 2 tsp. soda put in the hot coffee, pinch salt, 24 cups barley flour, 1 sq. chocolate (melted). Mrs. J. R. Hughes. Always use Gold Medal Flour Cookies and Doughnuts “He's lost every hoof and hide, I'll bet a cookie.” -Bret Harte. "An enormous dish of balls of sweetened dough, fried in hog's fat, and called doughnuts or olykaoeks.”—Irving. GERMAN ALMOND COOKIES. Whip whites of 6 eggs to a stiff froth, add 1 lb. granulated sugar, 1 lb. of finely chopped almonds, 1 tsp.cinnamon, grated rind of 1 lemon, drop from tsp. on a buttered tin and bake slowly hour. Mrs. Pierce. oven. MARGUERITE RECIPE. 11 tbs. granulated sugar, 11 tbs. powdered sugar, 1 tsp. lemon juice, white of 1 egg unbeaten, 1 cup chopped walnuts. Mix well together and spread on crackers; brown in a hot Mrs. Lugsden. HERMITS. 14 cups brown sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup chopped raisins, 2 tbs. milk, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, 1 tsp. salera- tus. Mrs. John F. Willis. CHOCOLATE BARS. {cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 level cup pastry flour or scant cup ordinary flour, 2 sq. Baker's chocolate, 1 cup walnut meats chopped. Cream, butter and sugar, add eggs beaten together, add flour. Melt chocolate and add, mixing thoroughly. Add walnut meats. Spread about i inch thick in buttered tin and bake hour in very slow oven. This should be a little sticky when first baked. Cut into bars. Mrs. C. E. Yeoman. Always use Gold Medal Flour 126 PITTSBURG COOKIES. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 1 cup rich sour cream, 2 eggs, 5 cups flour, 1 tsp. soda, pinch of salt and a little nutmeg. Roll cookies very thin, sprinklè a little sugar on top and bake. Mrs. Walter Cobban. FLORIDA COOKIES. 2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup butter, 3 eggs, 1 grated nut- meg, 3 cups flour, 2 cups seeded raisins, 1 tsp. soda (dis- solved in į cup hot water). Drop from a spoon and bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. J. C. Buchanan. GINGER COOKIES. 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup melted butter, 2 eggs, scant į cup boiling water, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. ginger. Let this bætter cool then add flour to mix very soft. Roll out or drop from spoon on greased pans. Mrs. C. H. Burwell. GINGER COOKIES. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup shortening, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sour cream with 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves. Flour to make medium thickness. I always roll out dough and make a tester first. If very rich cream is used cup shortening is plenty. Pinch salt. Mrs. Arthur Mather. cream. VER, RICH DELICIOUS COOKIES. 1 lb. butter, i lb. sugar, 3 yolks of eggs, 1 lb. flour, 3 tbs. Mix all together on a board and roll out very thin, cut in shapes and sprinkle nuts or cocoanut on top. Any flavoring. These bake very quickly. Mrs. G. Norstrom, Always use Gold Medal Flour 127 BROWNIES. 1 cup sugar, 4 cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup nuts, 2 sqs.choco- late melted, 1 cup flour, pinch of salt. Cream, butter and sugar, add eggs well beaten, then nuts and melted chocolate. Flour and salt last. Do not mix too stiff. Drop by tsp. on greased tin a little distance apart. No soda or baking powder required. This will make 4 dozen. Mrs. J. C. Moodey. MACAROONS. Whites of 2 eggs, 11 cups almond powder. Mix the almond powder gradually with the unbeaten whites of eggs. The mixture should be thick enough to look somewhat rough. Add more powder to thicken, if it is not sufficiently thick. Bake on unbuttered paper. Drop the macaroon mixture on the paper, allowing 1 tsp. for each macaroon. Bake in a very slow oven for 15 minutes, or until a delicate brown. The time should not exceed 20 minutes. When done, place paper on a wet board and allow it to stand for a few minutes, then remove macaroons from paper. When cool, place in a tin box or a mason jar. They should be kept several days before using. JUMBLES. 1 lb. butter, 1 lb. sugar, 2 eggs, ß nutmeg, { lb. flour. Sift tho spice with the flour. Cream the butter, add the sugar gradually and cream again. Add the eggs unbeaten and stir until light. Add the flour slowly and mix well. Place 1 tsp. of dough on a smooth baking sheet and bake in a hot oven until the edges are a delicate brown. Do not put the cakes too close together. Remove from the sheets as soon as they are taken from the oven. Always use Gold Medal Flour 128 GRAHAM COOKIES. 1 cup sugar, i cup butter, 1 cup sour milk, 1 tsp. soda, spices to taste. Stir stiff with graham flour, use white to roll out, mix quite soft. Mrs. J. C. Sterling. DATE AND WALNUT BARS. 2 eggs beaten separately, cup sugar, 3 heaping tbs. flour, 1 level tsp. baking powder, k tsp. salt, 1 cup dates cut in small pieces, 1 cup broken walnuts. Put dates and walnuts through the meat grinder. Mix them with the sugar. Add the beaten yolks and beat. Then add the whites. Sift the baking powder and flour thoroughly, add to mixture and beat thoroughly. Bake in a thin sheet and cut in bars when cold. Mrs. George F. Burwell. CREAM PUFFS. 1 cup hot water, 1 cup butter. Boil these together, then stir in while boiling 1 cup flour. Let mixture cool and then add 3 eggs not beaten. Mix well and drop on buttered tins. CREAM FOR PUFFS:2 cups milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 2 tbs. flour. Stir all together and stir into milk while boiling. Flavor with vanilla. Add pinch salt. When cakes are cool open on side and fill. Mrs. Arthur Mather. MOLASSES SNAPS. 1 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbs. vinegar, (vinegar on soda.) Mix stiff with flour, roll thin and bake in hot oven. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. POUND COOKIES. 1 lb. flour, lb. butter, 1 lb. sugar, yolks of 3 eggs, 3 tbs. cream, flavoring. Mix all together at once. Roll out very thin. Bake a small sheet of dough and crumple up with sugar to sprinkle on top of cookies before baking them. Mrs. Oscar Lund. Always use Gold Medal Flour 130 WHITE COOKIES. 2 cups granulated sugar, 2-3 cup butter or lard (I use half lard), 1 cup sour cream, 1 tsp. soda (small) into cream, pinch salt, 11 tsp. baking powder in flour, flour enough to mix soft, flavor with nutmeg, sprinkle sugar over top before baking. Mrs. J. R. Hughs. LOVE IN A TANGLE. 2 eggs beaten separately very light, 2 tbs. powdered sugar, little salt, 2 tbs. thick sweet cream, flour to roll very thin. Cut in long narrow strips and fry like doughnuts. Dust with powdered sugar. Mrs. J. W. Campbell. SANDTARTS. (Sandplattchen.) lb. sugar, 1 lb. flour, 1 lb. butter, 3 eggs, 11 tsp. baking powder, grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 tsp. vanilla extract. Roll out and cut into small cakes. Mrs. William De la Barre. ROLLED OATS MACAROONS. 11 cups rolled oats, 1 egg, 2 tbs. cream, 2 milk, 2 water, let stand until the oats have soaked up the moisture, then add 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tbs. melted butter, add enough whole wheat flour to make stiff and 2 tsp. baking powder. Make into balls as large as walnuts and flatten slightly. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Kessing OATMEAL COOKIES. 2 cups flour, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup lard rubbed together, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1 cup water or enough to wet the dough. Roll very thin and bake in a quick oven. Mrs. Quinby. Always use Gold Medal Flour 131 OATMEAL DROPS. 1 egg beaten light, add į tbs. melted butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, 14 cup uncooked oatmeal, flavoring and salt. Drop very far apart on baking tins, not over a tsp. in each, bake in slow oven. Mrs. Strange. ROCKS. 2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup butter, 3 eggs, į cup sweet milk, boil it and stir in 1 tsp. level full soda, 1 cup English walnuts, 1 lb. seeded raisins, 3 cups of flour, 1 tsp. each of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. Flour the nuts and raisins. Stir together well and drop by tsp. in buttered pan to bake. Mrs. C. H. Burwell. ROCKS. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. each cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1 cup walnut meats, 3 cups flour. Cream butter and sugar, then add well beaten eggs, spices and soda dissolved in milk. Then walnut meats and flour, 1 cup seeded raisins, chopped. Will be quite stiff. Drop by tsp. on greased tins and bake in moderate oven. Mrs. F. A. Hanscom. SPRINGELE. 7 large eggs, whites beaten to a froth, and the yolks beaten light, mix all together with 2 lbs. pulverized sugar, stir for 1 hour, then add enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll and cut into small cakes. Let stand over night. In the morning sprinkle a few anise seed in the pans that you bake the cakes in. Bake slowly. Mrs. William De la Barre. Always use Gold Medal Flour 133 HICKORY WAFERS. Beat 2 eggs until light, then add } lb. brown sugar that has been rolled fine, 1 lb. chopped walnut meats, 5 tbs. flour, pinch of salt, 1 tbs. baking powder. Drop small spoonsful far apart on buttered pans. Bake until light brown. Mrs. John Jinks. DOUGHNUTS (Without Shortening). 11 cups light brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup sour milk, a little salt, 1 grated nutmeg, tsp. soda dissolved in a little hot water, flour to make soft dough. Cut into cakes and fry in hot lard. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. RAISED DOUGHNUTS. 1 heaping qt. stiff bread dough, 1 coffee cup sugar, i cup shortening, 3 eggs, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mrs. Charles Burwell. DOUGHNUTS. 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, 1 small tbs. lard (melted), 1 cup sour milk in which dissolve 1 tsp. (small) soda, salt, 1 tsp. baking powder in flour, nutmeg, flavor, mix soft. Mrs. J. R. Hughs. DOUGHNUTS. 2 eggs, 11 cups sugar, 4 tbs. melted lard, 1 cup sweet milk 2 heaping tsp. baking powder, a little nutmeg, a pinch of salt. Flour to make a very soft dough. Mrs. Gould. DOUGHNUTS WITHOUT EGGS. 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. soda, 2 tsp. melted butter, little salt and spice. Mrs. John F. Willis. Always use Gold Medal Flour 134 DOUGHNUTS (with potatoes). 2 small potatoes boiled and mashed with a piece of butter the size of a walnut, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup sweet milk, add flour to make a soft dough, 3 tsp. of baking powder. Mrs. Fred Darling. KRAPFEN or BERLINER PFANN-KUCHEN. Melt 1 lb. butter and let it cool, stir in the yolks of 10 eggs and 5 tbs. of pulverized sugar. Stir this for of an hour in one direction. Add one yeast cake (compressed), which has been dissolved in ipt. of warm milk and enough warmed flour to make a soft dough. Work the dough until it blisters and then cut into small cakes with a cake cutter. Cover with a cloth and let get light. Fry in deep, hot lard. If you want to fill them do not cut the cakes as thick as it takes 2 layers for this. Put some jam on and cover the second piece. Mrs. William De la Barre. KRAPFEN. 1 cup milk, 1 yeast cake dissolved in milk, enough flour to make a sponge. Set to rise and when light add 1 lb. pulverized sugar, yolks of 6 eggs, i pt. of warm thin cream, 2 tbs. rum, 1 lb. melted butter, 1 lemon rind grated, a little salt and enough warm flour to make soft dough. Knead until it blisters, let rise. When light cut into cakes and let rise again. Fry in deep fat. These also may be filled. Mrs. William De la Barre. JIMMIE'S DOUGHNUTS. 2 tbs, melted butter, 2 eggs beaten, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup sour milk, 1 tsp. soda (in milk), 2 tsp. baking powder, 2 good cups flour, salt and nutmeg; mix. Put in ice box over night before frying. Mrs. Jas. Burnes. Always use Gold Medal Flour 138 CHERRY CHARLOTTE. Soak 1 oz. gelatine in 1 teacup of milk. Beat yolks of 5 eggs into { lb. powdered sugar, add 1 cup of milk, cook until it begins to thicken. Take from the fire and add the gelatine, then strain into a large pan. Place where it will set quickly. When it begins to set add the whites of the 5 eggs well beaten, i pt. of whipped cream, i cup of cherry, or vanilla. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Fred Robertson, Wichita. BURNT ALMOND CHARLOTTE. 1 cup of sweet almonds, blanched and chopped fine, i box gelatine, soaked 2 hours in i cup of cold water; when gelatine is sufficiently soaked put 3 tbs. of sugar into a sauce pan over the fire and stir until it becomes liquid and looks dark. Then add the almonds to it and stir 2 minutes more. Turn it out on a platter, set aside to cool. After they become cool enough break them in a mortar; put them in 11 cup of milk and cook again for 10 minutes. Beat to- gether the yolks of 2 eggs with a cupful of sugar and add to cooking mixture, also add gelatine. Stir until it is smooth and well dissolved. Take from the fire, set into a basin of ice water, and beat it until it begins to thicken. Then add to that 2 qts. of whipped cream; turn the whole carefully into molds, set on ice to become firm. Sponge cake may be placed around mold if desired. Serve with whipped cream Half of this recipe serves 20; be liberal with almonds. Mrs. Fred Robertson, Wichita. PUDDING SAUCE. 1 cup sugar, i cup butter, 1 egg, juice of 1 lemon, or ; cup water with tsp. cinnamon, 1 cup water. Beat well and cook until clear. Mrs. Fred H. Boardman. 140 BREAD PUDDING. 2 cups of bread crumbs, 1 cup of raisins, 1 cup of molasses, 1 tbs. of melted butter, 1 tsp. soda in 1 cup boiling water, and 1 tsp. baking powder, nutmeg and cinnamon in 1 cup of flour, 1 egg. Steam 2 hours. The virtue of this pudding lies in the fact that the last is as good as the first, as, by re-steaming, it tastes as fresh as when first made Mrs. George H. Rentz. CHRISTMAS PUDDING. Slice a loaf of baker's bread. Cut off the crust. Have slices medium thick. Butter each well. Take a cake tin, fit the bread into it in layers and sprinkle with seeded raisins between the layers. When the tin is filled make a sweet custard of 5 or 6 eggs to 1 qt. of milk and season with grated nutmeg. Pour over the bread, filling the tin. Press down and put a weight on to keep under custard. Let stand over night. In the morning if the custard has been absorbed add enough more to cover. Bake in rather slow oven about an hour or until it puffs up and is nice light brown. Serve with or without sauce. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. BLUEBERRY PUDDING. 1 egg, butter size of an egg, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 heaping tsp. baking powder, a little salt sifted in flour, flour to make a very stiff batter. Add 2 cups of fresh blueberries. Fold in carefully so as not to crush. Steam until a straw comes out clean. This may be baked in a tin or in gem pans. Served hot with butter. Any pudding sauce may be used. Mrs. Quinby. 146 TIPSY PARSON. Have some sponge cake cut in cubes. Make a soft custard of 2 eggs and pt. of milk, sweeten to taste. Have ready a cup of orange juice and a cup with brandy. Into sherbet cups or glasses, in whichever you prefer to serve, place a cube of cake which has been dipped in orange juice, then 1 dipped in brandy alternately. When you have 1 layer in the glass, pour in a little custard, now cake again and the custard until full, with custard on top, then finish with whipped cream and lastly a few chopped almonds. Mrs. J. J. Gerber. VEGETABLE PLUM PUDDING. 1 cup each of grated carrots, raw potatoes and apples, 1 cup chopped suet, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups flour, pinch of salt, 1 tsp. soda, spices to taste (cinnamon and cloves), steam 3 hours or more. Sift the flour, soda and salt together, add the raisins, mix the carrots, raw potatoes apples and suet, add to the flour and spices. SUET PUDDING. 1 cup chopped suet, 2 eggs, 1 cup molasses, then fill butter cup full of C. sugar, 1 cup currants, 1 cup raisins. Chop peeling of half a large orange very fine. 1 cup sweet milk, 1 tsp. soda in a little water, 1 tsp. baking powder in 3 cups of flour, or more if needed, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 cup English walnuts and preserved cherries. Mrs. H. G. Swirles. BROWN PUDDING. 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 cup suet chopped fine or cup melted butter, 1 cup raisins, 2) cups flour, 1 tsp. soda. Mix well, salt and spice to taste and steam 2 hours, 147 BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS. Make a piecrust of 2 heaping cups of flour and 1 scant cup of lard, a little salt, cut the lard into the flour with a knife. Add enough cold water to make a soft dough (about a cup). Use a knife to mix. Roll out medium thick and cut in squares. Peel, quarter and core the apples. Put 4 quarters together and fill with sugar and a little cinnamon. Wet the edges of the crust and fold over. Set in tin to bake. Do not let them touch. Serve with a sauce. HARD SAUCE. Cream 1 cup sugar, 1 cup butter, add lemon juice, a little nutmeg and brandy if desired. Put the mixture through pastry bag to form roses. Garnish pudding with them. Mrs. C. M. Carlaw. CARAMEL PUDDING. 2 cups brown sugar melted, 2 heaping tbs. of corn starch dissolved in 4 cup cold water, 14 cups boiling water. Cook about ten minutes. Add nuts and pour in mold. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. E. P. Mather. COTTAGE PUDDING. 1 cup sugar, butter size of large egg, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 egg, little nutmeg, 1 pt. flour, 3 tsp. baking powder. Bake as cake and serve hot with sauce. SAUCE FOR COTTAGE PUDDING. Rub 1 tbs. flour in a little cold water till smooth. Pour into 1 pt. of boiling water, cook until clear, stirring con- stantly. Add a cup of sugar, a little salt and grated nutmeg. Strain, Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 150 WATERMELON DESSERT. Cut pineapple into dice and let stand over night in sugar. In morning cut the red part of watermelon in dice and add to pineapple, equal parts. Let stand 1 hour. Fill champagne glasses with the fruit, pour over it the juice, with the juice of maraschino cherries. Set in ice till chilled. Place a cherry on top and serve. Elizabeth Hood. SPONGE BATTER. 1 pt. milk in double boiler, 1 pt. milk mixed smooth with 1 cup flour and then added to hot milk, cook 4 minutes. Take off fire and add 2 or 3 tbs, butter and 2 tbs. sugar. Let cool a little and stir in 3 beaten yolks. Beat whites, and fold in last. Put in pan of water and bake 20 or 30 minutes in oven. Delicious served with strawberry or rasp- berry sauce. Mrs. Charles D. Smith, ITALIAN SWEET. 1 small can shredded pineapple, 1 lb. marshmallows (quartered), 1 lb. almonds (cut lengthwise). Lay in pine- apple all night. 1 pt. cream (whipped stiff), fold in, top off with cherry. Mrs. Chas. Sandborn. TRANSPARENT APPLES. 6 apples, 11 cups sugar, 1 cup water. Core and pare apples which hold together, simmer sugar and water until a thin syrup, add apples, cook slowly until transparent, turn the apples over and cook the other side the same. Put the apples in a dish, pour over the syrup and serve cold. A few slices of lemon or nutmeg may be added. 151 TURKISH DELIGHT. 3 small square cakes of Philadelphia cheese and 2 butter patts, thoroughly creamed together; i pt. bottle stuffed olives chopped fine. Season with paprika and a dash of red pepper. This is delicious used for sandwiches, spread this as butter. Mrs. D. H. McMullen. SIMPLE DESSERT. Take as many wine glasses as you have people, half fill with powdered macaroons, cover with grape jelly and on that put a heaping tbs. of whipped cream. Clara Willis. DESSERT. Baked bananas. Pull down a section of the skin of each banana, loosen the pulp from the skin, remove all coarse threads and return the pulp to the skin in the original position; lay the bananas as they are in baking dish and bake in a hot oven until the skins are black. Remove the pulp from the skin without injury to shape, bend in half circle and put in serving dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar and finely chopped pistachio nuts.. Mrs. G. Norstrom. PEPPER PUDDING. 1 egg, 1 cup suet, chopped fine, i cup sweet milk, 2 stsp. salt, 2 tsp. pepper, 2 small tsp. baking powder, flour to make a stiff batter. Steam one and one half hours. Serve with roast beef. Mrs. W. J. Byrnes. DATE PUDDING. 1 cup chopped dates, 1 cup chopped nuts, 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, cup flour, 2 tsp. baking powder. Bake in slow oven thirty-five minutes. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. W. J. Byrnes. 153 DRESDEN CHOCOLATE CRUMBS. Mix 1 cup of stale bread-crumbs, cup grated un- sweetened chocolate, 2 tbs. sugar, and tsp. salt. Put in a pan and bake in a moderate oven until the chocolate is melted and crumbs are thoroughly heated. Fill individual paper cases 2-3 with the mixture and top with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla. SAUCE FOR PUDDING. cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 11 tsp. flour, 2 cups water. Mix sugar and flour and then melt with butter. A pinch of salt added, then the water and boil. Season to taste. Boil to thick syrup. CHARLOTT'S VANILLA CREAM PUDDING. Will Serve 12. Yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar (scant), 1 pt. whipped cream, 4 pkg. gelatine, dissolved in f cup cold water, f pt. plain cream. Stir sugar and yolks to a light cream. Add gelatine, cream and 1 tsp. vanilla extract. Beat well. Now fold in whipped cream. Put in wet mold, serve cold with fruit juice. CHARLOTT'S RICE PUDDING. Use formula for Almond pudding, substituting rice for almonds. Take 1 cup of rice, boil a few minutes, throw water away, put on fresh water and boil till tender-it should be dry and whole, not mushy. A good way is to pour off water and set rice in oven a few minutes to puff up. Line pudding mold with lady fingers. Pour mixture in and cool. Serve with fruit juice or crushed fruit. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 154 CHARLOTT'S ALMOND PUDDING. 4 cup sugar (scant), pt. whipped cream, 4 pt. plain cream, little more than 1 pkg. gelatine, dissolved in 1 cup cold water, 1 cup chopped almonds (blanched). Proceed as in Vanilla Cream Pudding. Serve with fruit juice. FRIED CUSTARD. Scald one pint of milk in a double boiler, with one inch of stick cinnamon. Beat together two eggs, add 1 cup of cold milk, 1 tbs. of flour, 2 tbs. of cornstarch, 4 tsp. of salt and 1 cup of sugar. Add to this the scalded milk, first removing cinnamon. Mix together, return to double boil- er and cook for fifteen minutes, stirring frequently. Last- ly, add 1 tsp. of butter, 2 tbs. of blanched almonds (chop- ped fine) and 1 tsp. of vanilla, pour into a shallow square pan, which has been well greased. When cold and stiff turn out on board, cut into strips, dip in slightly beaten egg, roll in fine bread crumbs; do this twice, then immerse in smoking hot fat. Dust with powdered sugar, if you care to. Drain on paper and send to table. Mrs. J. F. Williamson. VENETIAN FRITTERS. 1 pound potato flour, 1 pound wheat flour, pinch of salt, 2 spoonfuls sugar, 6 eggs, 1 lemon, 1 spoonful melted but- ter, 1.pint milk. Mix the flour thoroughly and put the dry mixture in a stewpan letting it get hot through (but not brown), then pour the scalded milk over it, mixing lightly so that no lumps will be formed; add the salt and sugar, then allow the mixture to cool. When cold add the yolks of the eggs, juice and rind of a lemon, then butter, and mix thoroughly. Form into fritters with a spoon, fry in hot lard and butter (equal parts of each) and roll in grated chocolate and sugar before serving. 155 STRAWBERRY DUMPLING. 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbs. butter, 2 heaping tsp. baking powder, milk to make soft dough. Cut as biscuit. Put 3 berries in each, roll into dumpling; steam 1 hour. Put in oven and bake 5 or 10 minutes. Sauce-Cream 1 cup sugar and 1 cup butter. Add slightly beaten white of 1 egg; add mashed berries to taste. Mrs. H. F. Trimble. CRANBERRY PUDDING. 1 cup of sugar, yolk of 1 egg, beaten light, two tbs. of melted butter, 1 cup of sweet milk, 2 cups of flour, sifted with a tsp. of soda and two tsps. of cream of tartar, a pinch of salt, 1 cup of cranberries and a tsp. of vanilla. Bake in a square tin, or as a loaf, and serve in slices with any sauce that is liked. Cream Sauce--1 cup of cream, } cup of sugar and white of 1 egg, whipped stiff; flavor with a tsp. of vanilla. SUNBURST JELLY. Prepare a qt. of orange gelatine and set in a ring mold to harden. To serve place a large round of sponge cake about an inch thick in the bottom of the serving dish, and on top place the gelatine which you have unmolded. Fill the center with sliced peaches, preserved or fresh, and cover with marshmallow creme, piping same in strips around the jelly mold. Around the bottom arrange slices of peaches and pipe the creme between each slice. The decoration on top is a cone of the jelly that is made in a separate mold. FIG PUDDING. 1 cup chopped figs, 1 cup flour, 1 cup bread crumbs, 2 eggs, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. vanilla, } cup butter, i cup milk, salt. Mrs. C. J. Hedwall. 156 PUDDING SAUCE. 17 cups sugar, 1 cup butter creamed, 1 even tbs. corn- starch mixed with a little cold water, scalded with 4 cup boiling water; while hot pour over butter and sugar; beat very light, then add white of three eggs, beat very stiff. Flavor with vanilla. Just before serving whip in 1 cup of whipped cream. Very delicious for any kind of steamed fruit puddings. Mrs. F. O. Williams. HOOVER PUDDING. 2 eggs, 1 qt. skimmed milk, 2 large tbs. full of cornmeal, 1 good pinch of salt, 1 cup of sugar, raisins if desired. Stir yolks of eggs with little of milk, sugar and cornmeal; put rest of milk in double boiler; when hot stir in the en- tire cornmeal mixture, let thicken and set out to cool; beat whites of eggs, stir them in and put in bake dish. Bake in oven 15 to 20 minutes. Serve the pudding slight- ly warm with cream. Ices “Then farewell heat and welcome frost." CRANBERRY FRAPPE. 1 qt. cranberries, 1 pt. water, 1 pt. sugar, 2 lemons. Boil cranberries 5 or 6 minutes, strain through coarse cheese cloth, add sugar and boil until dissolved. When cold add the lemon juice and freeze to a mush. Mrs. William Burnham. } STRAWBERRY ICE. 1 cup strawberry juice, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, juice of 1 lemon, white of 1 egg; add the unbeaten white of the egg last and freeze. Mrs. Eddy Capps. NEW YORK ICE CREAM. 1 qt. cream, whip half and scald half; 1 cup sugar to hot cream, then when cool freeze, adding vanilla when partly frozen, then add a wine glassful of sherry. Mrs. Rodearmel. FIG SUNDAE. Cut figs into small pieces, mix with vanilla ice cream, pour melted honey over top. WALNUT SUNDAE. 1 lb. English walnuts, į lb. pecans, chop together with 1 cup of powdered sugar, add enough maple syrup to suit taste. Pour over plain ice cream and serve in glasses, 158 MAPLE ICE CREAM. 14 cups maple syrup, 4 eggs beaten separately. Put yolks when beaten light into maple syrup. Set on slow fire, stir constantly until thick, when cold add cup of milk and cup of cream, put into freezer. When half frozen put in the whites of eggs. Mrs. Moreau. 1 qt. MOUSSE. 1 pt. whipping cream will make 1 qt. of mousse. of mousse will serve 8 persons. 1 pt. of cream, 1 cup powdered sugar, flavor to taste. Whip the cream, add sugar little at a time, then flavor. Place into a mold and pack in ice and salt for 5 hours before using. Mrs. W. A. Mather. FROZEN PUDDING. 4 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 qt. milk, 1 tbs. corn starch, 1 cup strawberry preserves, 1 lb. raisins, 1 lb. English walnuts chopped fine. Beat yolks and sugar, dissolve corn starch in a little cold milk. Heat the other ingredients, then add eggs, sugar and corn starch. Cook until it thickens, add preserves and let cool, when half frozen add the whites of eggs. Mrs. William Burnham. PINEAPPLE SHERBET. 1 qt. water, 1 pt. sugar. Boil 10 minutes. When cool add the juice of 4 lemons and 1 pt. of grated pineapple. Put into freezer and when partly frozen stir in the well beaten white of 1 egg and 1 pt. of cream. Alma R. Holland. BOMB GLACE. Line a mold with raspberry ice, fill with vanilla ice cream, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand 2 hours. 159 RASPBERRY ICE. 1 qt. raspberries, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, lemon juice. Sprinkle the raspberries with sugar, cover, and let stand 2 hours. Mash, squeeze through cheese-cloth, add water and lemon juice to taste, then freeze. MAPLE FRANGO. 1 cup maple syrup, 4 egg yolks, cook in double boiler until thick, when cool, add 1 pt. whipped cream, 4 egg whites well beaten. Pack in ice, stir once an hour, until frozen. Mrs. R. A. Ensign. MARSHMALLOW CREAM. Whip į pt. cream, add 1 lb. of marshmallows cut in small diće, 1 cup walnuts cut fine, 1 lb. candied cherries chopped. Sweeten to taste. When mixed put in dish in which it is to be served, and keep on ice until used. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. LEMON ICE. 1 qt. milk, scald and cool, 1 cup sugar, juice of 2 lemons, 3 oranges, freeze. This is a complete success. Dedicated to “My Chum.” Mrs. M. B. Lewis. LEMON SHERBET. 1 qt. good milk, 3 lemons, 2 cups sugar. When nearly frozen add the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Mrs. C. H. Burwell. LEMON SHERBET. 2 qts. hot water, 1 qt, sugar. Boil 10 minutes, let cool and add the juice of 8 lemons. Strain and add the well beaten white of egg before putting into freezer. Alma R. Holland. 161 . A SIMPLE AND DELICIOUS DESSERT. Crush slightly a qt. of fresh ripe strawberries. Pour on cup of sweetened orange juice and 1 cup sweetened water. Freeze to the consistency of a frappe and serve in punch glasses with a spoon of whipped cream and strawberries on top. Mrs. William Moorhead. GINGER ICE CREAM. 1 pt. cream, yolks of 3 eggs, jar (small) preserved ginger. Scald the cream and pour it gradually over the beaten yolks. Return to double boiler and cook until of a custard consistency. Remove from fire and add the ginger, chopped fine, and of the syrup. Freeze the mixture, using 1 part salt and 3 parts ice. MAPLE FRANGO. cup maple syrup, 2 eggs, i pt. whipping cream. Boil the syrup down to cup. Beat yolks of eggs. Cool the syrup slightly and add to the yolks. Beat thoroughly until consistency of custard. Whip cream until stiff. Beat the whites of eggs and add to cream. Add the custard, whipping together quickly. Turn into molds and pack in ice and salt about 7 hours. In very cold weather this can be turned into granite basin and set out of doors to freeze. Miss Gertrude I. Chase. STRAWBERRY ICE. With whipped cream. Take 1 qt. water and put enough sugar to make quite sweet, put water and sugar on the fire and let come to a boil, take from fire and cool. When cold add juice of 3 lemons and 2 cups of strawberry juice, put into freezer and freeze. When you serve it, put some crushed berries on top, then some whipped cream. Mrs. W. A. Mather. 163 CHOCOLATE SYRUP-For Ice Cream or Pudding. 14 cups Baker's cocoa, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup boiling wa- ter. Mix cocoa and sugar thoroughly; add water while stirring constantly. Let boil 5 minutes. Cool and add 1 tbs. vanilla. Store in a glass jar and keep in a cold place. Mrs. R. E. Johnson. THREE FRUIT ICE. can of apricots (put through seive), 3 lemons, 3 or- anges, 3 bananas (put through seive), 3 cups sugar, 3 cups water, 1 qt. cream. Boil water and sugar 15 minutes; cool; pour over fruit; add cream–freeze. Mrs. H. F. Trimble. CHANTILLY ICE CREAM. 1 qt. thin cream, cup sugar, few grains salt, 14 tbs. vanilla, 1 cup meringues, grated sweet chocolate. Beat cream, using a Dover egg beater, until frothy and add sugar, salt and vanilla. Beat again, and freeze, using three parts finely crushed ice to one part rock salt; then stir in meringues broken into coarse crumbs. In bottom of coupe glass place 4-inch layer grated sweet chocolate; on this place ice cream, and pour over loganberry sauce. FROZEN RAISIN PUDDING. To any kind of plain ice cream or rich frozen custard add plenty of chopped dates, raisins, figs, nuts, preserved and candied fruits, macroons and almond paste—a mixture of all or only a few, and flavor well, and it may be called a frozen pudding. These puddings sometimes are made as ice cream or made early and packed in ice and salt until frozen. They can be served plain or with the addition of a rich sauce or whipped cream sweetened and flavored. They are sometimes packed in cake lined moulds or filled into a hollowed loaf cake, the whole handsomely dec- orated with whipped cream and candied fruits. Pies “The pie is an English institution, which, when planted on American soil, forthwith ran rampant and burst forth into an unknown variety of genera and species."-Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1 cup sifted flour, cup lard, 1 tsp. salt. Rub together the flour, lard and salt, add just enough water to take up flour, using a knife for mixing, roll out, using little flour. Mrs. J. G. Palmer. PIE CRUST. 3 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 cup shortening, to cup of water. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder into an earthen mixing bowl. With a knife cut the shortening into the flour, until the mixture looks like meal, each little particle of fat being coated with flour, add gradually cold water, cutting it into the mixture with a knife. When the mixture sticks together without adhering to the knife or bowl turn it on to the board lightly dredged with flour. Use no more flour than necessary and roll as little as possible. Mrs. P. R. Robb. CREAM PIE. 1 pt. milk, 2 large sp. sugar, 1 tbs. flour, yolks of 2 eggs, and white of 1. Beat eggs, sugar and flour together, let milk get boiling hot, pour in the beaten parts, and stir until thick, put in a baked crust and bake. Beat the left-over white of egg, flavor with any extract for top. Sweeten. Mrs. J. F. Willis. Always use Gold Medal Flour 168 CREAM PIE. For crust, 1 tbs, butter, cup sugar, pinch baking powder, 1 egg, flour to stiffen. For filling: boil custard and flavor with vanilla, use whites on top. Mrs. Charles Hedwell. CHEESE PIE (KASEKUCHEN). Three balls of cottage cheese, choose the fine grain; 1 level tbs. flour, 3 beaten eggs, a little grated lemon rind, and enough milk to fill a long, shallow tin. Add sugar to taste. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on top and a few bits of butter. Line the tin with pie crust. Mrs. William De la Barre. BANANA PIE. Bake crust and let cool. Heat 1 cup milk, mix 1 cup sugar, 2 heaping tsp. flour and a pinch of salt, and stir into the milk, then add the beaten yolks of 2 eggs, cook until thick; let this get cold. Slice into the crust 2 large bananas, add the custard and frost with the whites of the eggs and 3 tbs. sugar. Brown in the oven. Mrs. Geo. S. Davis. GREEN TOMATO MINCEMEAT. 1 pk. green tomatoes, 6 lbs. brown sugar, 2 lbs. raisins, 1 tbs. salt, 1 tbs. cloves, 2 tbs. cinnamon, 2 tbs. nutmeg, 1 tbs. allspice, a generous lump butter, 1 cup vinegar. Chop tomatoes fine and drain. Add as much water as drains away. Boil until tender. Add other ingredients, boil until thick, then add vinegar and boil a little longer. Will keep same as any mincemeat. Mrs. F. A. Hanscom. MOCK CHERRY PIE. 1 cup cranberries cut in two, 1 cup raisins cut in two, 1 cup sugar mixed with 1 tbs. flour, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 cup boiling water just before putting into crusts. Mrs. William Burnham. Always use Gold use Gold Medal Flour 169 LEMON PIE. 3 eggs, leaving out the white of 1 for frosting, 1 large lemon or 2 small ones, 1 cup sugar. Beat the sugar, eggs and lemon together. Put 14 cups of water on the stove to boil, stir in 2 tbs. corn starch mixed in 1 cup water. The crust is baked before the filling is added. Mrs. H. W. Gibson. LEMON CREAM PIE. 1 teacup powdered sugar, 1 tbs. butter, 1 egg, juice and rind of 1 lemon, 1 teacup boiling water, 1 tbs. corn starch dissolved in cold water, stir the cornstarch into the hot water, add the butter and sugar, well beaten together. When cold add the lemon and beaten egg. Bake in open tart without top crust-nice with meringue on top. Mrs. C. F. Dimick. LEMON PIE. Dissolve 1 tbs. corn starch in a little cold water. Let it come to boil in 1 cup hot water. Beat 3 yolks and 1 white of egg, add 1 cup sugar and small piece of butter, 1 lemon grated. Add to hot water. Line pie tin with good crust. Put all together and bake in moderate oven. Beat the two whites of eggs stiff, add 4 tbs. sugar. Add to pie when baked and put in the oven to brown. Mrs. E. T. White. RHUBARD PIE. Chop the rhubarb fine and let stand for half an hour; then squeeze out the juice, take 1 cup of the pulp, 1 egg and 1 cup sugar, mix well and bake as usual; add a little butter if liked. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. NUT PIE. 1 pt. rich sweet milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup nuts rolled fine, bake in one crust. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. Always use Gold Medal Flour 171 PUMPKIN PIE. 12 cups stewed or baked pumpkin, 1 cup boiling miik, cup sugar, 1 tsp. sait, 1 stsp. cinnamon, 1 egg beaten lightly, bake about 1 hour. Mrs. William H. Norton. MOCK CHERRY PIE. 1 cup cranberries cut open and dropped into cold water, this removes seeds; skim out cranberries and add 1 cup raisins stoned and chopped, 1 cup sugar, 1 tbs. flour, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 cup boiling water, bake between 2 crusts. Mary L. Norton. MINCE MEAT. 5 lbs. beef, 5 lbs. raisins, 3 lbs. currants, 1 lb. suet, 1 lb citron, 4 qts. tart apples, 2 tbs. cinnamon, 1 tbs. cloves, 1 tbs. nutmeg, juice and grated rind of 2 oranges, 2 lemons, salt, 2 lbs. light brown sugar. Mrs. E. P. Mather. REAL ENGLISH MINCE MEAT. 11 lbs. beef suet, weighed after chopping, 1 lb, raisins, (stoned), 1 lb. apples (weighed after peeled and cored), 11 lbs. sugar, 1 lb. candied mixed peel (chopped very fine), 1 lb. currants, 1 tsp. ground mace, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp. essence of almond, rind and juice of 1 lemon, 4 wine glasses Have all ingredients well chopped and thoroughly mixed. Place in jars. This will keep many months. Mrs. W. A. Mather. rum. RHUBARB PIE. 1 cup chopped rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp. cracker crumbs. Mix. Bake as usual. Elizabeth Hood. Always use Gold Medal Flour 173 PHILADELPHIA BUTTER PIE. 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup milk--1/2 cream, 1 egg, 2 tbs. flour (rounded), 1 heaping tbs. butter, beaten all together with beater. Cream butter and sugar; add flour, add egg, beaten lightly, add milk. Bake slowly until set, not too stiff. Mrs. H. F. Trimble. PUMPKIN PIE. (Used Canned Pumpkin Receipt in Cook Book.) To 1 cup of Pumpkin-1 egg, 1 tbs. flour, stir all to- gether, pinch of salt, tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. cloves, a pinch of allspice, 1 pt. good rich milk. Bake slowly in one crust. Mrs. J. F. Wisner. APPLE CREAM PIE. 1 crust filled with sliced apples, sugar to taste; add cream to cover slightly. Always use Gold Medal Flour 175 CURRANT CONSERVE. 2 qts. currants, 3 pts. sugar, 2 large oranges, 2 cups of raisins. Stew fruit 15 minutes. Then add orange pulp. Boil hour. Mrs. W. H. Norton. TUTTI FRUTTI (NOT COOKED). Put into a jar 1 pt. of alcohol and to every cup of fruit add 1 cup sugar, stir every other day. Start with pine- apple and as fruits come in season, add to the jar every kind of fruit except pears, gooseberries and blueberries; if you put in currants use juice only. 1 pt. of alcohol will make a 2 gallon jar of fruit. At Christmas time it will be ready for use. This improves with age, but must be stirred occasionally. Mrs. W. A. Mather. PLUM CONSERVE. 1 square basket of blue plums. Stone and cut in 4 pieces, do not skin. 1 lb. seeded raisins (whole), (4 oranges and 1 lemon. Peel and slice fine. 7 level cups white sugar. 2 cups shelled almonds chopped. Add just enough water to the plums so they won't stick. Cook till juice is ex- tracted, then add other ingredients. Cook slowly until it jams. Add nuts the last thing, about 10 minutes before taking off. Mrs. Eugene DeHaven. ORANGE-RHUBARB CONSERVE. Slice very thin, 6 oranges into a preserving kettle, add 7 lbs. sugar and place over a very slow fire until sugar is all dissolved, then add 7 lbs. pie plant peeled and cut up as for stewing. Boil 35 minutes, then put into glasses. Mrs. J. C. Sterling. 176 SPICED RIPE TOMATOES. 1 lb, tomatoes, cup sugar, 1 cup vinegar, 1 tsp. cinna- mon, 1 tsp. cloves. Pare tomatoes, scoop out the seeds and throw away. Boil sugar, vinegar and spices 10 minutes, then add tomatoes and boil 5 minutes. Scoop out tomatoes and boil hour, then add tomatoes again and heat, then seal in jars. Mrs. Joseph Tuttle, Hartford. PIEPLANT CONSERVE. 31 lbs. pieplant, 3 lbs. sugar, 1 lemon rind and juice, 1 orange rind and juice. Boil 30 minutes, then add 1 lb. blanched almonds. Put in jelly glasses. Mrs. J. G. Palmer. GRAPE CONSERVE. 1 basket Concord grapes, wash and put in kettle and boil until soft, rub through colander; to the thick juice add 2 cups English walnut meats, 1 lb. raisins, 3 oranges cut in small pieces (peel and boil the rind in a separate pan of water, drain, then add fresh water and boil again). When soft add to the other ingredients with 5 lbs. granulated sugar, boil until thickens, put in jelly glasses and seal. Mrs. William Gawne. GINGERED PEARS. Cup up fine after peeling 1 pk. Kiefer pears. Put in jar in layers with 5 lbs. sugar. Let stand overnight. In the morning put over slow fire, add 14 lbs. crystallized ginger, 3 lemons sliced thin, 1 lb. seeded raisins, 1 small cup vinegar, 1 tsp. grated nutmeg, 1 tbs. cinnamon, doz, small cloves. Cook until reduced 1. Add 1 lb. chopped walnuts last. Mrs. C. M. Hanscom. 177 SPICED GRAPES. Take pulp from grapes and save skins. Boil pulp and put through colander to remove seeds. Then add skins to pulp, to every 7 lbs. fruit take 41 lbs. sugar, i pt. vinegar, 2 tsp. each of cloves and allspice, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Boil as for jam. Mrs. H. Briggs. GINGER PEAR. 7 lbs. sugar, 7 lbs. pears, using the green pears cut in dice, add 1 lb. crystallized ginger or an amount that would give equal strength of green ginger root, juice of 2 lemons. Boil until quite thick. Mrs. E. W. Ensign. PEACH MARMALADE. 1 qt. peaches, 1 qt. sugar, 1 orange, 1 lemon. Boil peaches, oranges and lemons until all are mixed together, then add sugar and boil for two hours. Mrs. Moreau. SPICED CURRANTS. Very good. 7 lbs. currants, 5 lbs. brown sugar, 1 pt. vinegar, 3 tbs. cinnamon, 3 tbs. cloves. Pick over currants, add other ingredients and cook slowly 11 hours. Mrs. B. G. Hardwick. ORANGE MARMALADE. 5 oranges and 1 lemon. Slice 3 of the oranges and the lemon as thin as possible. Peel the other 2 oranges and cut off all of the tough white skin. Slice thin as possible and add to the first. Take 1 lb. sugar to 1 lb. fruit and add 2 qts. water. Let stand 24 hours, then boil 2 hours. Let stand again 24 hours. Boil 1 hour and can." Seal. Miss Augusta Hedwall. 178 WATERMELON PRESERVES. Use a good ripe melon and cup up in small inch pieces both red and white parts. To 11 cups of melon add 1 cup sugar, let it stand over night. Drain off the liquid in the morning and boil it to a syrup, add the melon and boil until melon looks clear, the last 15 minutes add sliced lemons (3). Seal very carefully in jars. Will be a nice rosy color in 3 weeks and then is ready for use. A delicious sauce. Mrs. G. Norstrom. HOW TO OPEN FRUIT JARS. Place the jar bottom side up in hot water deep enough to cover the cap only, or hold for a moment under the hot water faucet, turning the jar as the water strikes it. The cover can easily be removed. SWEET CHERRY PICKLE. 4 lbs. sugar, 7 lbs. fruit, 1 qt. vinegar, 1 scant tbs, whole cloves, stick of cinnamon. Stem and stone fruit. Weigh fruit after pitted. Let sugar and vinegar come to a boil, pouring over fruit at once. Next morning pour off syrup and let simmer gently for 1 hour. Then add fruit and spices. After coming to a boil put in jars and seal. Mrs. H. L. Wakefield. JELLY. In making always boil the juice 20 minutes before adding . sugar, after the sugar has been added boil 5 minutes after it begins to boil, then put in glasses. A small amount of tart apple juice added to fruits which do not jelly easily simplifies matters and in many cases helps the flavor. Some fruits are too strong or tart. 179 QUINCE JELLY. Quarter a peck of quinces, do not pare nor core, cut out all the bad places from the fruit, cook _ peck at a time. Cover the fruit with water, cook until soft. Put into jelly bag over night. Squeeze out all the juice left in the bag and measure it, cook the juice about 15 minutes. Then add an equal amount of sugar, let it cook until a sample of it placed on ice thickens. Pour in tumblers, when cold cover with melted paraffine. Mrs. E. T. White. CRAB APPLE JELLY. Is made the same way. Flavor with several fresh rose geranium leaves which are cooked with the jelly, then take out the leaves before pouring the jelly into the tumblers. This flavoring is a great addition to the jelly. Mrs. E. T. White. LATE AUTUMN JELLY. 1 quince, 1 qt. cranberries, 3 apples. Stew as for sauce, strain, add equal parts of sugar to the juice and boil until it jellies. Mrs. J. C. Buchanan. GOOSEBERRY CONSERVE. 2 qts. berries, 1} oranges, 1 lb. seeded raisins, 5 cups sugar, squeeze juice from oranges, put rind through meat grinder, mix ingredients, boil 20 minutes. Mrs. F. Guderian. CONSERVE SUPERBE. 1 box currants, 1 box gooseberries, 2 oranges. Pulp of both and rind of one boiled tender and put through meat grinder. Mix, add sugar lb. for lb. Boil until thick. Mrs. David. 180 BAR LE DUC. Boil 11 cups water and 6 cups sugar until it threads. Then add 1 pt. strained honey and boil 3 minutes longer. Then add 3 qts. Iarge currants and boil 3 minutes and simmer 10 minutes. Mrs. Frank T. Corriston. CHERRY CONSERVE. To 1 box cherries take the juice of 1 lemon and į orange chopped fine. lbs. sugar to 1 lb. of mixture. Let cook about 20 minutes or until thick. Mrs. Capps. QUINCE HONEY. Pare, core, and run through meat grinder. Take equal parts sugar and quince, let stand over night, in morning cook fifteen minutes. Not too thick. Mrs. H. W. Gibson. TO CAN GREEN BEANS, PEAS, ASPARAGUS AND CARROTS. Beans, peas, asparagus, carrots. Place in a wire basket and plunge into boiling water while you count 20, add to water a piece of. bicarbonate of soda the size of a large bean to 1 gal. water. Throw them quickly into cold water a few moments and drain, fill jar to about an inch from the top, add a tsp. salt, stand jars on top of a rack in a boiler, sur- round with cold water half way, cover the boiler and boil for an hour, screw the lids down tightly. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. CANNED CORN. 9 cups corn, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, not quite cup salt. Cut corn from cob; do not scrape the cob. Boil twenty minutes and can as you would fruit. When you open a can set on back of stove with water enough to cover. Do not let boil, but heat through. Then pour off water and add milk and butter. The finest ever. Mrs. W. J. Byrnes. 181 SPICED GRAPES. 5 lbs. grapes, 3 lbs. sugar, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. all- spice, 1 tsp. cloves, $ cup vinegar. Pulp grapes and cook. Boil skins until tender. · Then put all together and boil 30 minutes. Mrs. R. E. Johnson. SPICED RHUBARB. Peel and cut rhubarb into inch pieces. To 5 lbs. add 1 pt. vinegar, 4 lbs. sugar, 2 tbs. each whole cloves and stick cinnamon, broken and tied in bag. Boil 40 minutes. Mrs. H. L. Trimble. CANNED PUMPKIN. Do not peel, cut in inch pieces, boil until tender; rub through colander and sieve. To 4 cup of pumpkin, add ; of sugar, 1 tsp. (level) ginger. Boil all together, can hot. Mrs. J. F. Wesner. In making pie use rule in this cook book. GRAPE CONSERVE. 4 lbs. grapes (take out seeds), 2 lbs. sugar, 1 lb. seeded raisins, 1 lb. English walnut meats, juice and rind of 2 oranges. Boil till thick. Mrs. H. L. Trimble. GOOSEBERRY OR CURRANT CONSERVE. 5 lbs. fruit, 3 lbs. sugar, 1 lb. raisins, 3 oranges cut in small pieces (mix). Cook all together about 1 hour. Mrs. H. L. Trimble. GOOSEBERRY MARMALADE. 5 lbs. gooseberries, 1 qt. water, 3 oranges, chop rind and pulp. Boil 1 hour, then add 6 lbs. sugar and boil 20 minutes. Mrs. H. L. Trimble. 183 SUNSHINE PRESERVES. Equal parts strawberries and sugar, let stand over night or several hours. Drain berries from juice and boil juice until it thickens a little. Add berries and heat through-about 10 minutes. Pour in shallow platters and place out of doors in sunshine, under a screen. Stir oc- casionally. I leave them out all day. Put in jelly glasses and seal with paraffine. Mrs. C. L. Grandin. PINEAPPLE AND APRICOT MARMALADE. 1 large pineapple, 6 doz. fresh apricots, 3 cups sugar to 4 cups fruit. Pare, core and cut pineapple in cubes; cut apricots in halves; remove stones and place with pineap- ple in the preserving kettle. Let cook slowly until thick and clear. Put in glass, cover with paraffine. GRAPE FUDGE. 8 lbs. grapes, 6 lbs. sugar, 1 lb. seeded raisins, 1 lb. wal- nut meats. Separate pulp and seeds; take out seeds, chop skins and raisins. Boil all together till thick; add nuts before taking off. Ruth Cecil. CHERRY SUNDAE. Equal amounts of sour cherries (stoned) and granu- lated sugar; boil 10 minutes. Serve on top of ice cream in glasses. Mrs. A. Y. Jamison. CITRON DELIGHT. Six quinces, pared, diced and boiled until tender, meas- ure. Add twice as much citron as quinces, prepared in the same way. 1 orange-pulp, 2 lemons—pulp, 1 oz. preserved ginger-chopped, 1 cup of coarsely chopped blanched almonds. Measure of as much sugar as fruit. Boil together until thick. Miss R. M. Cecil. 185 TO CAN TOMATOES WHOLE. Select small and solid tomatoes, put into wire basket and plunge in boiling water quickly to peel. Pack into jars loosely, add 1 tsp. salt to each jar and fill to overflowing with water that has been boiled and cooled. Adjust the rubbers, lay on the tops loosely, put the jars into a boiler and surround with cold water, boil rapidly 5 or 10 minutes, then fasten each jar without lifting the lid. Mrs. W. J. Moorhead. Pickles “Variety is the very spice of life.” ENGLISH CHUTNEY. 1 lb. tart apples, 11 lb. ripe tomatoes, 1 doz. small red peppers, 2 small white onions, 1 lb. seeded raisins, good handful of mint. Chop all very fine, then add 6 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. mustard, 1 lb. white sugar. Mix together in earthen jar, pour over it 1 qt. of vinegar which has been boiled and cooled. Mix well and let stand in a cool place. C.F. SWEET DILL PICKLE. 1 qt. dill pickles (quartered lengthwise and halved), 4 lbs. sugar, 1 qt. cider vinegar, 1 box or 1 oz. mixed spices. Boil vinegar, sugar and spices to thick syrup. Put pickles in jars and pour syrup over them. Next day drain off the syrup and reheat and pour over pickles, repeat this process for 3 days. Seal. Mrs. H. W. Gibson. CORN PICKLE. 10 cups corn cut from cob, 10 cups cabbage chopped fine, 6 red peppers (large). Heat together, 1 gal. vinegar, 2 tbs. salt, 3 cups sugar, i lb. ground mustard. Pour over cabbage and corn and let stand on back of stove and cook slowly for a short time. Then put in jars. Will keep unsealed for a long time. Mrs. John F. Willis. 187 CHICAGO HOT (A RELISH.) 1 pk. ripe tomatoes chopped fine and drain in sieve for 3 hours, 2 cups celery (chopped fine), 2 cups onions (chopped fine), 2 cups white sugar, 4 cups vinegar, i cup salt, 1 cup white mustard seed, 4 large red peppers (chopped fine), 4 large green peppers - (chopped fine). Mix all, but do not cook. Add a little horse radish roo to each jar as a pre- servative. Do not seal. Cook and seal the tomato juice Mrs. Ernest E. Wanous. for soups. FRENCH PICKLE. 1 peck green tomatoes, 6 onions, 6 green peppers chopped fine, 1 cup salt, let stand over night, in morning drain off brine, add 2 qts. water and 1 cup vinegar, boil 20 minutes and drain well through a colander, then take a little more than 2 qts. of vinegar, 14 lbs. sugar, 1 lb. white mustard seed, 1 tbs. cloves, 1 tbs. cinnamon, boil well 20 minutes. Mrs. John F. Willis. BEATS ALL RELISH. 2 qts. small cucumbers, 1 pt. tiny pickling onions. Slice cucumbers and cover onions and cucumbers with cup salt (small), let stand one hour, then drain. Take 3 cups vinegar, 11 cups granulated sugar, 14 tbs. celery seed, 17 tbs. white mustard seed, 1 tbs. cassia buds. Put vinegar, sugar and spices on to boil for five minutes. Then add sliced cucumbers and onions; boil five minutes. Put in jars and seal while hot. Ella S. Clark. 188 HODGE PODGE. Chop equal portions } peck each of sweet white cabbage, green tomatoes, green cucumbers and celery, 3 large green peppers, very fine. Mix all together, salt heavily, let stand 3 or 4 hours, or over night. To every 3 qts. of this add 1 qt. chopped onions. Prepare onions thus: chop fine, salt heavily, pour boiling water over them, let stand till cool, squeeze out and add to the above. Drain and pack all to- gether in a stone jar. Pour cold vinegar over to cover. Let stand 24 hours, squeeze out with hand until dry and take enough fresh vinegar to cover pickles, 2 oz. celery seed, 2 oz. mustard seed, 1 oz. whole cloves, 1 oz. whole allspice. When vinegar boils add pickle and boil not over 15 minutes, slowly, Pack in jars and tie up. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. CUCUMBER PICKLES. 1 gal. vinegar, 1 teacup sugar, 1 teacup salt, 1 teacup ground mustard. Mix the sugar, salt and mustard together, then put in the vinegar, this will cover 200 cucumbers, put in large jar and cover with plate. Mrs. Moreau. OIL PICKLES. 2 doz. medium sized cucumbers, slice very thin, put into bottles as soon as you slice them, sprinkle generously with mustard, celery, and whole pepper seeds and a little salt. Put into cans with vinegar and olive oil, cup of oil to a qt. of vinegar. Always shake the bottle before dishing them for the table. Mrs. Albert Schaller. 189 SALAD PICKLES. 1 qt. chopped cucumbers (seeded but not peeled), 1 qt. onions, 2 qts. cabbage, 4 green peppers, chopped, 1 lb ground mustard, 1 cup flour, 3 cups white sugar, 1 tsp. tumeric (level), 3 tbs. white mustard seed, 1 tbs. celery seed. Let chopped materials stand over night covered with water and 1 cup of salt. In the morning scald up and then drain thoroughly. Take 1 pt. of vinegar and make a paste of flour, tumeric and ground mustard. Scald 5 cups of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Add sugar, celery and mustard seed. Stir in the paste until it thickens. Remove from the fire and add the chopped materials. of an ordinary cabbage, 12 qts. onions before chopping and 5 medium sized cucum- bers will make the right amount of the materials necessary. Mrs. Emmet T. White. COLD TOMATO CATSUP. 13 pts. vinegar, 1 cup salt, 2 roots horse-radish, 1 cup of dark and light mustard seed, 2 tsp. black pepper, 1 oz. celery seed, 1 onion (cut fine), 1 tsp. cloves (ground), 1 tsp. mace (ground), 2 tsp. cinnamon (ground), 1 cup sugar, 2 green peppers (chopped), 1 peck (ripe) tomatoes (peeled and seeds and juice taken out), chopped. Mix. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. MUSTARD PICKLES. Vinegar 3 qts., little white onions 2 qts., 2 heads cauli- flower or more, ground mustard 1 lb., tumeric powder 1 oz., green peppers 6, sugar 3 cups, flour 1 small cup, 2 qts. little pickles, beans if wanted. Boil cauliflower and onions a little, cut all up, sprinkle 1 cup salt over all, then pour over boiling water, drain off next morning. Mix mustard and tumeric powder in a little vinegar, mix flour with water, then put all together, with the vinegar, and boil, stirring well, then pour boiling hot over pickles. Mrs. Geo. H. Crosby. 191 HORSE RADISH PICKLES. Small size cucumbers, soak in salt brine 48 hours. Drain, wipe dry with cloth. Pack in stone jar, 1 layer of cu- cumbers, 1 of horse radish root, alternating until jar is filled, put in 2 green peppers. If 1 peck of cucumbers is used, heat white wine vinegar to boiling point, pour over pickles. Ready for use in a few days. PREPARED MUSTARD. 1 tbs. flour, 3 tbs. dry mustard, 1 tbs. sugar (small), 1 tsp. salt, pour boiling water over the mixture and stir until perfectly smooth, when cold add enough vinegar to thin. If kept in a covered jar this will keep indefinitely. Mrs. W. A. Mather. DILL PICKLES. Select small cucumbers, 1 pk. Soak over night in cold water. Take 1 gal. of white wine vinegar. Boil and cool. Have this ready the night before. In the morning change the water on the pickles, take a stiff vegetable brush and brush every one thoroughly, then put into fresh water. Now drain. Have ready qt. jars and fill them with the pickles, putting them together according to size. Add to each jar a piece of white gingerroot, 1 of horse radish root, 1 heaping tbs. salt, 1 large head of dill and 3 or 4 young grape leaves. When bottles are well filled pour about 2-3 full of vinegar and fill up with boiled, cooled, water. Seal. Set away a few weeks before using. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. 192 RIPE TOMATO PICKLES. 1 pk. ripe tomatoes, 1 cup chopped celery, 3 red peppers, 6 medium sized onions, 2 lbs. brown sugar, 1 cup salt, 1 cup English mustard seed, 1 qt. vinegar, 2 oz. ground cinnamon. Chop tomatoes and drain in colander, pressing out juice with a plate. Chop onions and peppers very fine. Mix all thoroughly and fill jars. Mrs. William H. Norton. MARY'S CUCUMBER PICKLES. 100 good cucumbers, medium size, 2 onions, 1 lb. black mustard seed, 1 lb. white mustard seed, 2 tbs. celery seed, i pt. olive oil (scant measure), enough vinegar to cover about 6 qts., slice cucumbers and onions quite thin, sprinkle about 1 pt. salt between each layer and let stand over night. Drain and wash. Mix the seeds with the oil, add vinegar, then pour over the cucumbers and onions. Keep in a cool place, this will make about 3 gal. Ready to use in about a week. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. OLIVE OIL PICKLES. 50 small cucumbers, 3 pts. small onions sliced, 1 oz. mustard seed, 1 oz. celery seed, i oz. white pepper ground fine. jpt. olive oil. Cut onions, cover with cold water for three hours. Cut cucumbers very thin, add 1 cup salt; let stand three hours, drain and mix well together, cover with cider vinegar, let stand over night and bottle. Mrs. J. R. Hughs. 193 MUSTARD PICKLES. 2 qts. cucumbers cut up, 1 qt. small onions, 1 qt. chopped green tomatoes, 1. large cauliflower (cut up), 4 green peppers (chopped). Soak this 24 hours in brine strong enough to float an egg. Scald, drain. Add 1 cup flour, 4 tbs. mustard, 1 tbs. tumeric and enough cold vinegar to make a smooth paste, 1 cup sugar, 1 tbs. celery seed, enough vinegar to make 2 qts. Scald all together. Mrs. R. L. Stillman. SWEET CUCUMBER PICKLES. Select cucumbers of a uniform size. Place in stone jar in layers with salt between layers of cucumbers. Cover the top layer entirely with salt, fill jar with cold water, cover with plate and weight to keep cucumbers under water. Leave for a fortnight. Stir brine from bottom every other day. Fresh cucumbers may be added any time. When ready to put through last process throw away brine. Ex- amine cucumbers, excluding soft ones. Fill jar with fresh water and let stand for 24 hours. Line preserving kettle with grape leaves, pack cucumbersin, sprinkle 1 tsp. powdered alum over each layer. Cover with 3 thicknesses of grape leaves. Cover with cold water, simmer (but not boil) for 4 hours. Cucumbers should be fine green (not broken). Drop into ice water immediately, let stay while you prepare vinegar for preserving them. To each qt. vinegar add 1 cup brown sugar, 1 doz. whole peppers, 6 whole cloves, boil together 5 minutes. Drain cucumbers, pack in jar, pour hot vinegar over them. Repeat scalding 3 times, allowing several days between. Cover with a tight place plate on top to keep cucumbers under vinegar. Tie wax paper on top. Let stand 2 months before using. Good for years. Mrs. F. Guderian. 194 CHILI SAUCE. Chop fine, 12 large ripe tomatoes, 2 green peppers and 2 onions. Add 2 tbs. each of salt, vinegar and sugar, 1 tbs. cinnamon and a little ground cloves. Boil 1 hour and bottle. Mrs. Fred H. Boardman. CRANBERRY CATSUP. To 1 qt. of cranberries take 1 cup of water and 2 cups vinegar. Tie in a piece of muslin a few cloves, 3 or 4 all- spice, about a dessertspoon of broken cinnamon, and some mace. Simmer all together in a preserving kettle until the fruit is perfectly soft. Press through a colander, add 1 lb. brown sugar, simmer 10 minutes lon“?r, and seal. Grape catsup is made the same way. CUCUMBER CATSUP. 36 ripe cucumbers, peel, sued, and chop fine. 6 or 8 white onions, 1 cup salt. Let stand six hours, drain all night, add 1 cup mustard seed and 1 cup peppers (chopped). Fill jar 2-3 full of cucumbers and fill with cold vinegar and seal. Mrs. C. H. Burwell. CORN RELISH. Corn cut from 18 large ears of corn, 1 head cabbage, 4 large onions, 3 red peppers. Chop cabbage, onions and peppers all together and mix with corn. Add 11 lbs. light brown sugar, 4 cup salt, 3 tbs. ground mustard, 3 pts. vinegar. Boil all together 25 minutes. Mrs. Wingate, Excelsior. 195 ENGLISH CHUTNEY. 4 lbs. tart apples, 1 qt. vinegar, 1 lb. raisins, 1 lb. sul- tanas, 2 ozs. garlic, 1 lb. sugar, grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 ozs. salt, 1 tsp. red pepper. (or 10 small red peppers cut fine), 2 ozs, mustard seed. Boil apples in the vinegar until quite smooth, chop raisins, sultanas and garlic very fine, add all with pieces of lemon to apples, boil slowly å of an hour, stir constantly. Mrs. McKie, London. CORN RELISH. 12 ears of corn, cut from cob, 1 small head of cabbage, chopped, 4 ripe peppers, medium size, chopped fine; add 1 qt. of vinegar, 2 cups of sugar, 5 level tsp. of salt; cook all 1 hour. Dressing to add 4 or 5 minutes before relish is done- 2 tbs. flour, 2 tbs. ground mustard, 1 tsp. tumeric; mix up with vinegar until smooth. Mrs. C. W. Cowing. CANNED OR PICKLED BEETS. Wash the young beets; cut off leaves, leaving several inches of stem; put them in boiling water and cook until thoroughly tender. Remove skins, slice thin and pack into sterilized jars. Cover with water and sterilize. If you wish pickled beets instead of canned beets, take equal parts water and vinegar, add sugar to taste and cover the beets with this instead of water. Mrs. J. R. Hughes. BEET RELISH. 5 cups (cooked) chopped beets, 1 cup chopped celery, 2 cups chopped cabbage, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup horse- radish. Boil 10 cloves and twice as much stick cinnamon as cloves, in enough vinegar to cover. Pour over all. . Mrs. R. E. Johnson, 197 PEPPER HASH. 4 green peppers, 1 red pepper, 12 onions, 1 head cab- bage. Chop all fine. Pour boiling water over all, let stand 10 minutes, then drain off water and add 1 qt. vin- egar, 2 cups sugar, 4 tsp. salt. Boil twenty minutes, then seal. Mrs. C. W. Kyte. BANANA CHUTNEY. Slice 6 bananas thinly, and mix with 1 lb. of finely cut up Spanish onions, } lb. of well-chopped dates. Pour over 2 cups of vinegar and boil until tender. Take a wooden spoon and beat the mixture to a pulp. Then add 1 lb. of crystallized ginger, well cut up, 1 tsp. of curry powder, 2 tsp. of salt, the finely chopped peel of 1 lemon and a cup of syrup; boil again until the whole is a rich, dark color. Put into jars while hot, and tie down firmly. SWEET PICKLED CARROTS. Scrape, slice lengthwise, cook till tender; boil in spiced syrup as peach pickles. Can hot. APPLE CATSUP. Peel and prepare 12 sour apples as for sauce. Put them in a kettle and cover with boiling water; cook till soft. The water should be evaporated nearly. Rub through a sieve. To each quart of pulp add 1 cup of sugar, brown if liked; one tsp. each of cloves, mustard and salt and two tsp. cinnamon. Add 2 onions chopped fine and 2 cups of cider vinegar. Let thus' simmer an hour or two, boiling slowly. Can and seal while hot. CUCUMBER COCKTAIL. 1 large cucumber diced, juice of 1 lemon to which the cucumber should be added for ten minutes. Put in glasses. Add to each glass 4 tsp. horseradish, 1 tsp. catsup. Do not mix-drop on cucumbers. 198 CABBAGE RELISH. 1 large head cabbage (chopped), 4 onions (chopped), 3 green sweet peppers (chopped), 3 red peppers (chop- ped), 1 tbs. celery seed, 1 tbs. mustard seed. Add 2 cups vinegar, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup water; boil and pour over other ingredients. Ruth Cecil. DILL PICKLES. 5 gals. water, 3 lbs. salt, grape leaves, dill at bottom of barrel. Put layer of grape leaves and dill, then layer of pickles until barrel is filled. Mrs. Peters, Hillside Ave., N. Minneapolis. CANTALOUPE SWEET PICKLES. Pare and take out seeds of fruit, cut in small pieces, cover with vinegar, let stand over night. In morning drain. Take enough of the vinegar to make sufficient syrup. Add to vinegar 1 oz. cloves, 2 ozs. cinnamon, and 31 lbs. sugar to 10 lbs. fruit. Boil syrup and skim; add fruit and boil 15 minutes. Take out fruit and drain. Boil down syrup to medium thickness and pour over fruit boiling hot; seal. CHERRY PICKLES. (To Serve with Meat.) Take sour cherries (pitted) and equal amount of sugar (mix). Let stand 24 hours. Cover with cold vinegar. Let stand 24 hours longer. Put in glasses, cover with paraffin. Mrs. F. W. Wesner. A hair pin stuck into a cork makes a fine hook with which to stone cherries. 199 OLD TIME PICKLED PEACHES. Peel peaches. Make syrup sufficient to cover, as fol- lows: To 1 qt. brown sugar add 1 pt. pure vinegar, 1 oz. whole cloves, 2 ozs. stick cinnamon. Put spices in bag and pound. Scald peaches for three mornings with boil- ing syrup; drain, add to syrup 1 pt. vinegar and 2 lbs. brown sugar, boil to medium thick syrup; pour over peaches and seal. Mrs. R. E. Johnson. VINEGAR. Vinegar is made by two consecutive processes of fer- mentation. The first step changes the sugar of the apples to alcohol (therefore use ripe apples, since they are richer in sugar than green ones). Another ferment is then added and the alcohol is charged to acetic acid (vinegar). 200 1 1 TIME TABLE FOR COLD PACK METHOD. Blanch in.Boil- Cook Jars in ing Water Pour over Wash Boiler Minutes Minutes Apples 2 Thin Syrup 20 Asparagus 7 Boiling Water 60 Beans 7 Boiling Water .120 Beets 10 Boiling Water 90 Beet Greens 10 Boiling Water 90 Blackberries 1 Medium Syrup 12 Blueberries 1 Medium Syrup 12 Carrots ... 5 Boiling Water 90 Cauliflower 10 Boiling Water 90 Cherries Thin Syrup 15 Corn 15 Boiling Water 240 Crab Apples 2 Thick Syrup 20 Currants 1 Medium Syrup 15 Dandelion Greens. 20 Boiling Water 90 Egg Plant 3 Boiling Water 90 Grapes Thin Syrup 15 Gooseberries 1 Thick Syrup 15 Parsnips 10 Boiling Water 90 Peaches 2 Thin Syrup 15 Pears 2 Thin Syrup 15 Peas 10 Boiling Water 90 Pineapple 5 Thin Syrup 30 Plums 2 Thick Syrup 15 Pumpkin 10 Boiling Water 60 Quince 2 Medium Syrup 30 Raspberries 1 Medium Syrup 10 Rhubarb 3 Boiling Water 20 Spinach 15 Boiling Water 90 Squash 10 Boiling Water 60 Strawberries 1 Thin Syrup 8 Tomatoes 2 Boiling Water 20 Turnips 10 Boiling Water 90 After blanching plunge in cold water pack in glass jars, Thin Syrup-1 cup sugar to 2 cups water. Medium Syrup—11 cups of sugar to 2 cups of water. Thick Syrup—2 cups of sugar to 2 cups of water. Boiling Water-Use 1 teaspoon of salt to each pint jar. . Candies “Sweets to the sweet."-Shakespeare. MARSHMALLOW FUDGE. 1 lb. light brown sugar, 1 cup cream, 1 lb. chocolate, i tsp. vanilla. Boil 20 minutes, stirring briskly. Just as it is taken from the fire fold lightly in the fudge { lb. of marsh- mallows, which has been cut into halves. Pour into shallow tins and cool. When cutting marshmallows wet scissors to prevent sticking. Mrs. W. A. Mather. GRILLED NUTS. 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup boiling water. Boil until it threads from spoon. Remove from fire. Pour into syrup 1 cup walnut meats and stir until cold, HONIED POPCORN. Boil strained honey for a few minutes and pour over popped corn and make into balls. Mrs. Thomas M. Partridge. FRENCH CREAM. White of 1 egg, 1 tsp. cold water, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 lb. 4x sugar. Mix white of egg, water and vanilla, beat until thoroughly mixed, then add gradually the sifted sugar to the liquid until mixture is stiff enough to knead. This cream may be used instead of cream fondant for such things as cream walnuts, dates, figs, etc. John T. Garland. 202 TURKISH NOUGAT. 2 cups white sugar, 1 cup corn syrup, i cup chopped nuts, 2 whites of eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla. Boil 3 first ingredients until hard ball can be formed when material is dropped into cold water. Then pour the syrup gradually into the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Beat whole mass until creamy. Add nut meats and pour out into buttered tins to cool. John T. Garland. BUTTER SCOTCH. 2 cups white sugar, 1 tsp. cream tartar, 1 cup water, pinch salt. Cook till material cracks when dropped in cold water, add butter size of egg, stir till melted, take off fire and pour into buttered pan. For larger batch use pro- portionate amounts of materials. John T. Garland. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. 2 cups sugar, 1 cup molasses, i cup chocolate, 2-3 cup milk, butter size of an egg, as many nuts as you desire. Mrs. F. A. Hanscom. DELIGHT. 2 cups sugar, cup corn syrup, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, cup water. Boil till threads. Add to 2 beaten whites of eggs, beat like boiled icing, add nuts and cool, cut in squares. Mrs. F. A. Hanscom. FUDGE. 2 cups sugar, 2-3 cup rich milk, 1 tbs. butter, I cake chocolate. Stir while cooking. Cook until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Beat until it stiffens, and pour in buttered tins to cool. Mrs. F. A. Hanscom. 203 SALTED ALMONDS. Blanch by pouring boiling water over the almon !s and allowing them to stand for a few minutes, when the skins may be easily removed. Boil for 15 minutes in a strong solution of water and salt, then remove and dry. Put cup of olive oil in a small frying pan. When hot add part of the almonds and fry until a delicate brown, stirring con- stantly to keep the almonds in motion. Remove and drain on brown paper. BITTER SWEETS. 2 cups sugar, 11 cups milk or enough to make creamy. Cook until it forms a soft ball in water. Then beat until creamy. Form into balls and cool. Then dip in melted chocolate. Gladys Pease. WAR CANDY. 1 cupful of corn syrup, 1 cupful of molasses, tsp. butter, pinch of salt, tsp. of vinegar. Boil slowly until the mix- ture, when dropped into water, hardens readily. Then pull and pull and pull. HONEY CANDY. 2 tbs. honey, 1 cupful sugar, 2 tbs. water, and walnut meats. Cook and test like molasses candy. Miss A. I. S., Massachusetts. CANDIED MINT LEAVES. Take fresh mint leaves, wash and dry well. Dip in un- beaten white of egg; roll in granulated sugar; lay out flat on oiled paper to dry. Use as a sweet. Dorothy Derickson. 204 CANDIED CRANBERRIES. 1 cup cranberries, 14 cups Karo syrup. Prick each berry with a fork or needle. Have ready a syrup of Karo cooked until it forms a soft ball in water. Pour in the berries and let the syrup come to a boil, but not bubble. Shake the kettle gently so as to coat each berry completely. Set it aside until the next day. Warm the syrup gently until the berries may be removed with a skimmer. Boil the syrup until it will form a soft ball in water, drop in the berries and simmer. Remove the kettle and let it stand over night. Repeat the process the next day and remove the berries and let them dry. Drinks “Eat, drink and be merry.”-Shakespeare. HOT CHOCOLATE SHAKE. 4 sq. Baker's chocolate, 4 tsp. sugar, 4 cups milk. Put the chocolate in a small kettle and melt. Add the sugar and mix well. Then put in the milk heated. Let the mixture come to a boil, stirring all the time with an Put 1 tsp. whipped cream in a cup. Pour over the hot chocolate and serve. This mixture is not injured by standing. If it becomes cold reheat and stir with the beater. Louise Burwell. egg beater. SARATOGA COOLER. 8 cups cold water, 8 tsp. sugar, juice 4 lemons, 1 pt. ginger ale. Mix the lemon juice and sugar thoroughly, add the water and chill. Just before serving pour in the ginger ale and add cracked ice. For this beverage the lemonade should not be too sweet. Mrs. O. K. Earle. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING ROOT BEER. 5 cakes Yeast, 3 tbs. sugar, 1 pt. lukewarm water, 1 bottle Root Beer Extract, 5 gal. pure fresh water, slightly lukewarm, 4 lbs. sugar. Dissolve 5 cakes of Yeast and 3 tbs. sugar in a pt. of lukewarm water. Keep in a warm place for 12 hours, then stir well and strain through cheese-cloth. Add bottle of Root Beer Extract, 4 lbs. sugar and 5 gals. of lukewarm water. Mix thoroughly and bottle. (Tie or fasten in corks.) Keep in warm place about 48 hours. After cooling it is ready for use. Keep in cellar or place of low temperature. 206 ICED TEA. 4 tsp. black tea, 4 cups cold water. Stir into the water the tea. Let stand 5 or 6 hours. Strain and serve in glasses with sugar, lemon and cracked ice. This is an excellent way to make tea for picnics. The tea, water and sugar may be put in glass jar sealed and carried with a lunch. Mrs. Charles H. Burwell. PINEAPPLE FRAPPE. Boil 3 cups sugar and 1 cup water until it strings from the tip of a spoon. Pour this syrup upon the beaten whites of 3 eggs and beat to a smooth cream. To this add a can of grated pineapple and as much cream and milk as will make the quantity you require. Let it get cold and freeze. Percy (Louisville, Ky.). SOUTHERN FRUIT PUNCH. Juice of 6 lemons and 6 oranges, 4 slices of pineapple, cubed, 2 bananas sliced, 1 cup of maraschine cherries, quartered, 1 cup of sugar, and 3 cups of water boiled to- gether for 5 minutes; cool and add to the fruit. Add 2 bottles of seltzer. Add shaved ice. CHOCOLATE A LA MEXICANE 1 1 cup sugar, 1 cup of water, 4 oz. chocolate scraped fine, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon. Put all together in a pan and cook until the sugar is dissolved. Boil 5 minutes. Add 1 qt. hot milk and 1 pt. of hot water. Beat with egg beater 3 minutes. Serve. 207 GRAPE JUICE. Pick grapes off stems (Concord are best) just cover with cold water, let boil until skins come off, strain through flannel bag. Add 1 cup sugar to 1 qt. juice. Let boil and seal hot. Mrs. R. W. Cranston. FRUIT PUNCH. Squeeze the juice from a can of grated pineapple, 6 lemons and 3 oranges. Strain all together into a bowl. Add a pt. jar of preserved cherries and 1 of strawberries. Sweeten to taste and let stand 3 hours. When ready to serve add 2 qts. of ice water and a qt. of pounded ice. Serve in glasses. You may add a bottle of good claret. Apollinaris may be substituted for water. Mrs. T. F. Quinby. FRUIT PUNCH. Boil a pt. of sugar and 2 qts. of water for 10 minutes and set away to cool, for lemonade is always better when sugar and water is boiled in a syrup. To this add 12 pt. of lemon juice, 1 pt. of strawberry juice, and small pine- apple grated or 1 can of grated pineapple. When ready to serve put in a little cracked-ice, some whole strawber- ries and slices of lemon. Some red cherries may be sub- stituted for strawberries if you desire. Mrs. William Moorhead. ICED TEA. To 1 qt. of strong black tea add 1 cup of heavy sugar syrup, 1 tbsp. of grated orange peel, 1 tbsp. of grated lemon peel, 5 tbsp. of orange juice, 5 tbsp. of lemon juice. Add shaved ice, mint leaves and lemon and orange rind cut in strips. 209 ICE TEA PUNCH. 6 tsp. tea, 1 qt. water. Steep, strain and cool. į cup granulated sugar, 6 tbs. lemon juice, 1 lemon and 1 orange sliced thin, 1 qt. strawberries, 2 cups pulverized ice, 1 bunch fresh mint dusted with powdered sugar for garnish. Add apollinaris water when ready to serve. Mrs. Thomas M. Partridge. FRUIT PUNCH. Slice 6 oranges and 6 lemons, after paring them carefully. Cut a medium-sized pineapple into dice. Cut a pint of strawberries into halves, add to them a pt. of red rasp- berries. Mix with the other fruit, strewing each layer with granulated sugar-2 cups in all. Let all stand together 30 minutes before pouring in three qts. of apollinaris or other effervescent water. If you like, you may use clear spring water. It will do nearly as well. Put a great lump of ice into a chilled bowl and pour this mixture over it. Taste before serving, and if it is not sweet enough, add sugar. This is enough for 30 persons. Fine! GRAPEFRUIT CUP. Halve 4 grapefruits and take out the pulp skillfully with- out tearing the rind. Cut the pulp into small cubes, freeing it from membranes and strings. With a sharp knife, a pair of scissors or a notching board notch the edges of the halves · of the rind, then refill them with this mixture: Small ripe berries -- raspberries or strawberries - Malaga grapes, skinned, seeded and halved, and the cubes of grapefruit. Strew powdered sugar over each layer as you work. When all are in lay maraschino cherries (or preserved cherries or strawberries, if you prefer) upon the top of the filled cup. Set in ice until it is to be served. 211 CAFE NOIR (Black Coffee). 2 cups coffee, 1 egg, 11 cup cold water, 6 cups boiling water, 1 cup cold water. Mix coffee egg (crushed shell) and 1 cup cold water. Pour on boiling water and boil five minutes. Set on back of stove and add 1 cup cold water and settle for 5 minutes. Serve hot. Mrs. C. Burwell. “Better late than never." SAUCES FOR FISH AND MEATS. Appropriate sauces for serving with Roast Beef:-Tomato Catsup, or Grated Horseradish. Roast Mutton Stewed Gooseberries. Roast Lamb: Mint Sauce. Roast Pork :- Apple Sauce. Roast Turkey :-Cranberry or Celery, or Plum or Grape Sauce. Roast Chicken:-Currant Jelly. Boiled Turkey :-Oyster Sauce. Broiled Steak:Mushrooms or Fried Onions. Pigeon Pie: Mushroom Sauce. Roast Goose:- Apple Sauce. Fried Salmon Egg Sauce. Broiled Mackerel : Stewed Gooseberries. Boiled or Baked Fish:-White Cream Sauce, or Drawn Butter Sauce. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES. First year, cotton; 2nd year, paper; 3d year, leather; 5th year, wooden; 7th year, woolen; 10th year, tin; 12th year, silk and linen; 15th year, crystal; 20th year, china; 25th year, silver; 30th year, pearl; 40th year, ruby; 50th year, golden; 75th year, diamond. 212 GINGER ALE PUNCH. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup hot tea infusion, 1 pt. ginger ale, i cup orange juice, f cup lemon juice, few slices oranges, 1 pt. Apollinaris. Pour tea over sugar, and as soon as sugar is dissolved, add fruit juices, strain into punch bowl over a large piece of ice, and just before serving, add ginger ale, Apollinaris, and slices of oranges. GRAPE JUICE PUNCH. Here is a recipe for a simple but splendid unfermented punch. The juice of 3 lemons and 1 orange, 1 pt. grape juice, 1 qt. water and 1 cup of sugar. Serve cold; if a punch bowl is used add sliced orange, pineapple, etc. FRUIT PUNCH. 10 cupfuls water, 4 cupfuls sugar, 1 qt. mineral water, 4 cupfuls grape juice, 1 can shredded pineapple, 1 box strawberries, 2 bananas, cut in slices, 2 lemons-juice only, 3 oranges, using the juice of 2 oranges and the sections of the other cut in thin slices, 1 square piece ice. Boil water and sugar for 5 minutes, skim and add rest of the liquid. When cold, place ice in punch bowl, pour in the liquid and add the fruit. Serve when chilled. RASPBERRY FRAPPE. Juice of 3 lemons, 1 cup of raspberry juice and the same of strawberry juice, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups water. Boil water and sugar together until smooth and thick-about 15 to 20 minutes and then add the fruit juices. Cool. PINEAPPLE PUNCH. Boil 1 pt. of water and 2 cups of sugar until smooth and thick and then pour it over 1 crushed pineapple, which has been run through the meat chopper. Add juice of 2 lemons and 2 oranges. 217 SOFT SOAP. All the strong-flavored fats such as the fat of mutton, goose, and turkey, should be tried out and strained while fresh and sweet. Keep this strained fat by itself, and use it when soft soap is to be made. If it be strained into 5 lb. lard cans, there will be no trouble about weighing or measuring it at the time of making the soap. To make 9 gallons of soap, put into a large kettle a pound can of Babbitt's pure potash and 1 qt. of water. Place on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. At the end of that time add 5 lbs. of grease and boil slowly an hour longer; stir often with a stick. At the end of hour pour into tub, add 2 gals. hot water. In about 15 minutes add 2.gals. more hot water, stir well and add 41 gals, of water-either hot or cold. Stir ocasionally during an hour. WINDSOR SOAP. Slice the best white soap as thin as possible, melt with oil of caraway over a slow fire and then pour it into a mold or box. When it has stood three or four days in a dry place, cut it into square pieces. It is then ready for use. TOILET SOAP. 10 lbs. grease (if bacon grease put a lot of water on it the day before, bring to boil, let cook and skim off grease), 3 lbs. potash or 24 cans of Lewis' lye (be sure Lewis), 1 heaping tsp. borax, 11 heaping tsp. Pearline, 1 heaping tsp. ammonia, 1 oz. oil of sassafras (may be left out), 3 qts. water. First dissolve potash in water and let stand till cold. Weigh the grease, melt and strain. Then add the powders and other ingredients. Stir in the potash water slowly and keep stirring until the soap thickens. Do not stir until too thick to pour. Turn into mold and when nearly cold cut into bars. 218 TOOTH POWDER. 3 lbs. precipitated chalk, 1 lb. powdered orris root, 1 lb. powdered castile soap, 4 lb. confectioners sugar, 2 drams wintergreen. PRESERVING EGGS. The following gives the sizes of jars with approximate capacity for eggs and the amount of eggs and the amount of water-glass solution required to cover the eggs : Pints of Solution 1 gallon 40 eggs— 34 2 gallons 80 eggs— 74 3 gallons 120 eggs-101 4 gallons 160 eggs—141 5 gallons 200 eggs—18 10 gallons 400 eggs-36 ONE POUND OF BUTTER WILL DO THE WORK OF TWO. (This is worth trying) 1 lb. good butter, 1 heaping tsp. gelatine, 1 qt. rich milk, 2 tsp. salt. Skim the cream from the milk, add to this sufficient milk to make 1 pt.; soak the gelatine in 2 tbs. of the milk for 10 minutes, then stir the soaked gela- tine over hot water until thoroughly dissolved. Cut the butter into small pieces and place in a bowl in hot water until butter begins to soften. Gradually whip the milk, cream (1 pt. altogether) and dissolved gelatine into the butter. When thoroughly whipped, add salt to taste. If milk shows, continue beating until all is mixed into the butter. This butter can be used for table and cooking pur- poses, except frying. Is also for immediate use. Keep in a cold place. If a deeper color is desired, use a little but- ter coloring, but is good without it. 223 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE. Proportion-1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 grapefruit; cut up in small pieces, take out the core, put through the meat grinder, measure, add 3 times as much water as pulp; let stand over night, in morning boil 10 minutes ; let stand over night again, then add sugar, cup for cup, and boil until it jellys. Mrs. Malcolm E. Grant. PEACH JAM Take ripe peaches, peel and cut up small, make a syrup of 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water, boil to syrup, add peaches and cook until thick. BLACK CURRANT JAM To 1 lb. fruit add 74 lb. sugar, crush, put on slow fire, cook to jam stage. RIPE TOMATO CONSERVE 5 lbs. ripe tomatoes, 1 lb. raisins, 3 cups sugar, 1 pint vinegar, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, 2 tablespoons cloves (ground). Boil 2 hours. Mrs. James Burns. STRAWBERRY STEAMED PUDDING (with sauce) 1 heaping tablespoon butter, /2 cup sugar, 34 cup milk, 1 egg and yolk of another, 2 scant cups flour, 1 cup mashed strawberries, 17/2 teaspoons baking powder. Put in individual cups which have been greased (I use jelly glasses) and steam twenty minutes. 237 RECEIPTS