id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 61278 Neville, Kris Too Many Eggs .txt text/plain 1022 142 94 Coxe, an unusually phlegmatic citizen, came to buy the new refrigerator "How come so cheap?" Coxe wanted to know. "At that price," Coxe said, "I'll take it." was a package in the freezing compartment. Coxe had not seen fresh fish eggs, considered by some a delicacy, for and when she looked in the freezing compartment, she said, "What's "Fish eggs," Coxe said. Saturday morning, there were three packages of eggs in the refrigerator. "Where do they come from?" his girl friend wanted to know. Coxe cooked a package for At the end of another week, he had eight packages. Coxe calculated that, at the present rate, had he left the packages in The refrigerator worked perfectly, and he began to stock it with things to come to the point, Mr. Coxe. "Good refrigerator," Coxe said. For a while there were a bunch of packages of fish eggs "Oh, no," said Coxe. ./cache/61278.txt ./txt/61278.txt