id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 3461 Butler, Samuel Essays on Life, Art and Science .txt text/plain 66690 2728 69 main facts of Tabachetti's life in a note (page 154) to the essay on "Art surprised at coming across such works in a place so remote from any artcentre as Saas must have been at the time these chapels were made. The Saas artist has Tabachetti's Varallo work at his finger-ends, but ideas which words, speech or language are intended to convey, and there able to form an intelligent opinion on the reason and language of animals suppose that the cat thought in words of its own, or in anything like evolution--I mean to Mr. Wallace, whose work, entitled "Darwinism," seems indisputable either that he is still confusing evolution with Mr. Darwin's theory, or that he does not know when his sentences have point as I said in my book, "Evolution, Old and New," {25} is like saying that "Darwinism," and a work denying that use and disuse produced any effect ./cache/3461.txt ./txt/3461.txt