id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 23762 Edmondson, G. C. Blessed Are the Meek .txt text/plain 1807 218 90 "Well," Griffin began, "it looks like the same thing here again. "There's got to be a first time for everything." Griffin opened the "You mean this humanoid speaks Chinese?" Griffin was never sure whether Joe wants to know why you're digging up his bottom land. "I'm way ahead of you, Griffin. Griffin had a working knowledge of the Rational People's language "Joe, you know by now why we're digging up your bottom land. "How long is a year on your planet?" Joe inquired. "Five million years ago we were limited to one planet," Joe began. Three thousand years later a new race of barbarians "You mean you've been slaves for five million years?" Griffin was "All barbarians ask that sooner or later," Joe smiled. "How far back does your history go?" Joe inquired. More hot water?" Joe stirred and Griffin guessed "Kung," Griffin asked over coffee next afternoon, "how well up are you ./cache/23762.txt ./txt/23762.txt